Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]


Magic used in the form of elements, elementalisim is a large category of magic and is known to be able to split into many different and specific groups. The primary elements would be fire, water, earth, and wind. Although the famous group the Three Elements only have, well, three of the elements. Elementalisim can be achieved by using one's own magic to alter the magic around them, thus creating one of the four basic elements. Elementalisim users are called Elementalists. These types of Mages use their own energy/magic/whatever-you-want-to-call-it but rely mainly on their element of choosing for power. There is no specific way to channel the magic, but most Elementalists use some sort of staff of sorts to control their elements better. It is more easier and controlled to use something rather than wandless. 
Me: *walking home like a boss*

Cat: Meow~

Me: Aw! Cute! *pets cat*

Cat: Meow! *climbs on lap and lays down*

Me: Oh, that's adorable. *continues to pet*

Thirty minutes later...

Cat: Meow! *is snuggled up to me*

Me: I....I can't move. *is stuck*

Cat: Meow! *digs claws into jeans AGAIN*

Me: Okay, kitty. Please get off of me. *tries to gently push cat off*

Cat: Meow~ *snuggles up even closer*

I am on a computer now. And that cat walked away after these two wonderful old ladies walked by and saved me from the kitty's paws.


I can't tell if I hate having to wait a day or longer for a review, because it is a while for it to get reviewed, or if I love it, because it makes me happy to know I get accepted. xD
Really? Are you sure...

Because I thought that before I wanted a wind elementalist there were only Fire Water and Earth elements... That was the reason people were saying I should write up a bunch of stuff for a new element being added.

Just sayin :3
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Yesplz
They made me think that Wind was a new element. Probably a bunch of confusion due to the fact that it isn't part of the main 3.

Well, either way, I like that you put in the description anyway. ^^
Haha okay :3

So... Was Wynn accepted? 

paipai900 said:
Well, either way, I like that you put in the description anyway. ^^
Just thought that it'd be nice to clearly define the capabilities of Wind Elementalism, so as to avoid OPness

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