Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Subsection not long enough, instant death will be given. 

Nico said:
Llama I posted with Odde in response to Arzur
I don't see anything. e-e Just my character Elvsyr and knocked-out Mord, or is it on another page? 

Ixidor92 said:
Okay . . . I am going to go collapse in a heap before I literally go insane from a lack of sleep, but after double-checking the thread I need to confirm something.


Two armed men burst into the tavern, prompting Mordael's reaction right? Did they just magically poof when she went unconscious?
Yeah, I have no idea what happened with them. Lmao
How exactly does Elementalism without a staff or other medium work? Because I'm helping my friend Kai'zen make a fire elementalist, and I want him to be powerful without a staff, but uncontrolled, causing damage to himself more than the intended target. With a staff, his power is severely lowered, but it was focused and all around more effective.

Is that accurate?
Without some form of item I just think of magic, ESPECIALLY fire magic, as being summoned through the user's emotion, which means it could hurt himself. So pretty much yes, that is accurate. Well, it is depending on how Pai and them want magic to work.

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So in other words, depending on if you reference the cartoon or the movie, you either make fire and stuff happen out of no where and come pretty quickly or even instantly


Do it like the movie did and make your character wave their arms around for five hours and have to be next to an open flame for the tiniest bit of fire bending.
MrLlama said:
So in other words, depending on if you reference the cartoon or the movie, you either make fire and stuff happen out of no where and come pretty quickly or even instantly

Do it like the movie did and make your character wave their arms around for five hours and have to be next to an open flame for the tiniest bit of fire bending.
Accurate description of the movie. I concur.
paipai900 said:
@Wynn Kamui Elementisim works like bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender ^^ I'm at school currently so I'll give you a more detailed explanation later. :)
So vague lol... What do you mean by that? Because Aang's firebending was reckless until he went to the sun warriors and learned... So... I dunno.
I gave up watching the movie within literally the first ten seconds.

Stupid producers.

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I was trying so hard not to laugh while in the movie theater, I couldn't watch them trying to bend whatever type of element that they could use. X'D
Especially the fire-benders... They are so useless without their source of flame... ;-; Any of the fricken' benders can easily own them just by simply blocking off or extinguishing all flames. D: THAT ACTING WAS SO BAD, TOO.
oh, yeah.

@TheInfamousHavoc , if it really was you, well... I found out that Tabasco sauce isn't the dad. Cholula isn't either, though it is hotter. It is even hotter by over 1,100 scoleville units. lol

Which is 72% the heat of a jalapeno, Tobasco sauce is only 50% jajajajajajajaja BOW BEFORE ME NOW.

But the real dad of that is Blair’s 16 Million Reserve, Blair’s 6 A.M., or Blair’s 2009 Halloween Reserve. All which have 16,000,000 scoville units and are 3200 times hotter than a jalapeno.

Now I want some just to burn my mouth. GODAPONFOSNFA 

Kasai said:

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