Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]I assume the like upon my character means he is accepted?

NO. lol jk I'll PM you my last question. :3
Well I'm done with my homework early for once (Probably because I wasn't distracted by RPnation) and now I am gonna work on finishing dah app. Quick questions are sort of small animal style Familiars accepted? Or just like really weird ice spirit pets, it's just an idea honestly I may not do it
When will the RP begin? I'm assuming my character hasn't been accepted? And I don't have time at the moment to work on her, classes are hitting like a freight train, again.
Cressy said:
Well I'm done with my homework early for once (Probably because I wasn't distracted by RPnation) and now I am gonna work on finishing dah app. Quick questions are sort of small animal style Familiars accepted? Or just like really weird ice spirit pets, it's just an idea honestly I may not do it
Sure, totally. Go crazy with it. Just don't go OP is my rule for everything. Unless I'm making a crack RP/fanfic. xD

RaveUp said:
When will the RP begin? I'm assuming my character hasn't been accepted? And I don't have time at the moment to work on her, classes are hitting like a freight train, again.
Actually, I'm writing up the accepted character list right now and your character is on it ;D
Haha! I'm trying to! xD Love ya too, my dear Cressandra. You know what? I'm suddenly inspired to right a short story about you. xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.80903067d7d18b034225a3b2afbbd002.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.80903067d7d18b034225a3b2afbbd002.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> |General Information|
  • Jarvaus (Jar-Vus) Arc
|Biography of Jarvaus Arc|
  • Despite his old age, Jarvaus is a very energetic person. He's still kicking like he was in his younger years and he intends to keep it that way. His true age never shows, whether it is on or off the battlefield. He doesn't plan on slowing down at any time. Even in death, his skeleton will roar with life.

    Jarvaus is a very passionate man and displays this for almost everything he does. He respects those who have fire in their eyes and will say so without warning. He appreciates the flame of youth that burns bright with determination. Like he says, "If I'm not dead, I'm still young enough!" He is a flame that will never go out.

    His passion can sometimes be overbearing, especially when he sees someone he likes. He will often suggest doing activities to bask in their glorious youth and will not often take no for an answer. An example of this would be when he drags others into his morning training routine. He'll have you run until you throw up, but he'll be smiling without breaking a single sweat. It's kind of scary how he can do all this at his age. In the end, his overbearingness is endearing to most.

    While his passionate personality can sometimes be an annoyance to some, it is impossible to refute the man's skills than come with it. The passion he displays makes him a wonderful speaker, capable of inspiring even the most apathetic of individuals. He could be reading your grocery list and it would sound like the best speech ever written. He can be put into the category of those who led soldiers into battle with their famous. However he could move people with one simple word, rather than an entire monologue.

    Jarvaus shows great determination and refuses to give up on anything. He will not do anything without effort, willing to give the best at all times. He will ways give one hundred percent and if that's not enough, he'll give a hundred more. This determination of his often rubs off in others in the Knights of Redemption.

    Although he is constantly cheering, Jarvaus does have a serious side to him. If he didn't know when to get serious, he would've never been allowed int the Knights of Redemption. If he isn't smiling, the you know something bad is happeimging or will happen. He can instantly turn from a loveable goofball, into possibly the greatest leader Salisonia has ever seen.

    In battle, Jarvaus is always on the front lines, fighting with all his might. The second he sees someone in trouble, he rushes into help, something he was glad he'd passed into his son. He refuses to let a single man die out there and would gladly exchange his life for another. Even if this situation was to occur, he would claw his way back from Death's skeletal grip with that famous determination of his. He cares for each of his comrades like he does his family.

    Jarvaus loves his family very much and cared greatly for them. They are the most precious thing in the world to him and he would fight millions of enemies before he would let someone lay a hand on them. He talks about them every chance he gets with even more passion than usual, which seems impossible. He often shows portraits of them, going on about his cute son and loving wife.

    While he does love them, Jarvaus admits he's screwed up a lot. He was by no means a perfect father, but he'd like to prove himself worthy of being called one. While he and his wife are still in love like they were in their younger years, if not more so, he is aware of how his son feels. Even if he doesn't show it, it does hurt knowing that he doesn't have the relationship with his son that he used to, but he knows he deserved it. He would do anything to earn that trust back, even though he knows he isn't deserving of it. Regardless of how his son feels about him, he will always love him with all his heart.



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[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]

View attachment 24610 |General Information|
  • Jarvaus (Jar-Vus) Arc
|Biography of Jarvaus Arc|
  • Please describe what your character acts like and why. Remember, no Mary Sues.

  • [/QUOTE]
WHY ARE YOU ALL SO TALL?! >:( Well, I should get started on my own characters now. Should I? xD I deleted the post because I'm not even working on them, so I'll just restart. :3 Anyway, how did we even get to 42 pages? xD

|General Information|

  • "The name of my mother suits me well"

    Gaia Render Savnendor.

|Biography of Gaia Render Savnendor|

  • Because she is and elf she is held high in regards to many races. She has a bad habit of thinking higher than others. In most cases the elves are the same as any other race just more peaceful and more knowledgeable. She believes that she has the ability to command anyone lower than her race. Be it fairy , or any that comes across her path. She has been told many times that this sort of behavior is not condoned , she needs more which she has. Being out spoken is what gets her into trouble but is what gets her praise and friends. She is not afraid to speak her mind, tell you when your wrong, tell you when to stop. She is courageous and will have a friends back in no time. She loves peace and wishes everyone to share this desire, however that is what leads her to be naïve in situations that are troubling. She has a bad temper that can not be easily stopped. Unlike little kids who puff out their cheek and stomp there feet she grits her teeth and lands some type of hit on the other. You could say in order to calm herself she needs to hit something. She can come a cross a tough and unapproachable person when in the mist of battle. She sets the mind of peace aside and brings forth the desire of war all creatures hold. She becomes serious, quite , and unbreakable. She is more calm in this state than in any other. This is said to be her most favorable side despite her desire to kill off anything that dares to bare it's fangs at her. .

    ^^ if there are any mistakes please do not hesitate to tell me :3
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I have finished Jonasu's epicly long backstory! :D I'm also making one for Pari but it wont be as long. 
We need to start dis thing ._. oh and Pai you got me in the mood to change my avatar :3

Also @Goddess only a small mistake in your app well, just a extra 0, you said she was a small thing when she was born and weighed only 50 pounds...That's a huge baby. I'm pretty sure you meant 5 xD

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