Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]


After dealing with guards, which dealt with them bursting into the Inn and getting ready to arrest Arenam, Elvsyr watched as Arenam had picked up the female attacker. She was on the ground, unconscious. The bandages on her head were a bit red where she was hit with a bottle by Arenam. All of that, including the trouble Arenam and Elvsyr had with the guards, was due to the fact she had put a blade to the back of Elvsyr's throat and threatened her if she had moved. Arenam had suddenly pulled Elvsyr away and smashed the bottle into her head. He asked if she was coming along. "Yes. Do you need any help with her?" She asked, gesturing to the body on his shoulders. Ready to get going, Elvsyr put her scythe into it's hilt on her back.
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Lilliana looked down into the lake before her. The sun's rays were forming multitudes of patterns on the water's surface. It had been a calm day, nothing too interesting going on. She was preparing to head to the Cantillia Mountains, which was having a large amount of trouble. Word had quickly spread about the Dwarven caves collapsing, which formed a whole new system of tunnels whilst trapping many of the people that were in the caves. Normally, she wouldn't had heard of things such as this due to living by herself in a forest that wasn't too occupied by people. The reason she did, though, was because she had to go into the nearby city of Bran to get a few supplies. Both the money and the fact she could possibly prove herself even more were reasons she was interested.

Using her magic, Lilliana made three small orbs lift up from the water. She swirled them around for a few seconds before releasing them. Lilliana turned her back to the lake and returned to her house. She didn't really care for living in the water. Taking a leather bag filled with canteens, she made her way back to the lake, where she filled them with it's water. In total, there were six canteens. The only reason she had so many was due to her being a merfolk. That mean she would die without any water in her reserves, which were depleted when traveling on land to keep the merfolk from coming in contact with the hot ground. Lilliana formulated a way to pick it up the used water from the ground so she could re-use it, but she wasn't able to do it constantly, Not yet, anyway. Her
LONG tail made it a bit troublesome. Deciding there wasn't much else to do, she set off to the Cantillia Mountains. She slithered back and forth, like a snake. "Well, this'll be fun."

Sanz's ears twitched a little as the raucous auditory display downstairs quieted somewhat. He had picked up every word with clarity--in a few cases too much. That guard, whomever he was, had been very vocal with his authority. Still . . . it sounded like the young lady who had granted him an increased perspective on current happenings was going to be heading for the mountains. With two others--one of whom apparently was some kind of criminal. Sanz stood up and let out a deep, ragged sigh. He was rather loathe to leave after having already paid for a room, but it was not in his nature to leave debts unpaid. He took a minute to strap his blade back on, and double check his equipment. Satisfied, he pushed open the window with a slight *creak*.

If anyone had been looking on the top floor of the inn at that moment, they would have seen a figure pulling themselves up from a window and onto the roof. Sanz pressed himself flat against the roof of the inn, his eyes peeled for the figure he had met earlier leaving the tavern.


---------------- Ғayette • Ӓthitia


So I'm honest, what's so bad about that?

xxxxx"Oh, of course." The Dwarf replied as he put his sword away. Fayette smiled in return, giving a small bow of her head in thanks. She waited patiently for Njáll as he rummaged through his bag for the supplies she had asked for. Whether or not she should start up a casual conversation, she didn't know, so the girl just kept silent. Soon enough, the Dwarf pulled out a large sack of salted meats. Aha, Jackpot. The salted meats were definitely going to be needed for her trip. The nutrients from the meat would give her plenty of energy. The problem was cooking it. Unless she had a fire elementalist in her group, she would have to risk choking on smoke... A lovely ending to her life indeed. The fruits and vegetables would probably last for a good day or two. She could just eat them during the beginning of the trip. Of course, there was no way she would buy vegetables. If there was anything this girl hated, it was vegetables. Only a few were under her good graces, but the majority of the healthy plants were despised by the young Fairy.

xxxxxHer best bet was the cheese. That would last for a good amount of time, and would only taste better as time went on. Another downside, however, was the water. She was in dire need of it, and water would be one of the most essential parts of her time in the cave. Since Njáll and his friends were low on water, there would be no way they would sell it to her. Even if they did, she didn't want to be responsible for anything if they came across the lovely stages of dehydration. "How's maybe four pieces of fruit, your cheese, and maybe..." Fayette was quiet for just a second. She had ten pieces of gold, she could buy a sufficient amount of food, but the girl was never good with these kinds of deals.

xxxxx"Two of your salted meats?" Fayette held out half the amount of gold she had in her possession. It was probably a little more than enough to pay for what she asked for, but the fairy wasn't too sure. Hopefully he he would take the money, and not expect more. "I'm sure this is enough." She said, feigning confidence. The girl wasn't too skilled when it came to bargaining, or things of that sort, so she normally paid whatever was asked for when it came to buying things.

xxxxxA small amount of yelling caught Fay's attention, as her gaze shifted from the Dwarf to the young man standing not too far away from where Fayette currently stood. He seemed to be in his teens from the looks of it. In his bag, was a small animal of the sort, with bluish fur and a rather scary looking head. From the looks of it, it seemed to be a Kuhara "CANDY, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH CANDY THAT MONEY CAN BUY!?" It screamed at the boy. Fay took a step back. Okay, so maybe it wasn't so scary after all. Fayette smiled and turned back to the Dwarf, unaware of the two of them approaching her. She still had yet to give the money to Njáll.

xxxxx"Um...Hello, My name is Jonasu." Fayette nearly jumped in surprise. She hadn't been anticipating the two of them walking up to her, and was caught by surprise. "Oh! Uhm, well... Hi." She replied, giving an awkward smile. "I'm Fayette." She informed him, holding her hand out for a shake. Fay debated for a second on whether she should tell him that she was a member of the Three Elements, but she decided against it. Maybe this time, she wouldn't be so awkward with her greetings. "And you are?" She asked, this time, facing the small Kuhara inside Jonasu's bag. She was genuinely curious to know who this was. Afterall, who wouldn't want to meet a candy-loving, blue-furred Kuhara?

Where I Am xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just outside of Cantillia Mountains

Who I'm With xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Njáll (@Mooalally), Jonasu, Pari (@Cressy)

What I'm Thinking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I really need to pay for the food...

(( OoC:// Salted meats are raw, right? Right? o-o;; I hope so. Also, I wasn't sure how large the strips of the salted meats were, so I guesstimated about the size a little bigger than my hand. Also, for Pari, I really hope he's inside Jonasu's bag, or else I read wrong. ;-;

Sorry for the delay as well... Same thing happened as last time. -.-" I thought I had posted it up, but turns out I just left my post well, unposted. ))

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Arenam smiled "thanks" he said as he wrapped one of the criminals arms around Elvsyr's shoulder and another around Arenam's "wow this is a lot easier" Arenam said straightening his back now there was less weight on him. Arenam heard a small creaking noise behind him as he left the inn he looked behind him but the inn door was closed and no one was behind them, the street they were on was quite quiet and not very busy. Arenam looked around the outside of the inn when his eye caught some movement next to a open window, Arenam tapped Elvsyr's shoulder and pointed to the figure on the roof. "Are you going to do a backflip off that" he said with a chuckle towards the figure.
Easing the arm of Elvsyr's attacker onto her shoulder with Arenam helping, Elvsyr set off. She noticed Arenam looking around but didn't think much of it until he tapped her shoulder and pointed to the man she had spoken to a few hours before. He was on the roof of the Inn. Arenam had asked the man if he was going to do a backflip off of it as to which Elvsyr gave a small laugh. "He doesn't talk, not sure why. I 'spoke' with him earlier." She sarcastically wondered how he wasn't causing the whole Inn to collapse due to his massive figure and continued to eye him, wondering what he was doing.
Zilocke the king of bran who had little tolerance for the outspoken and hared headed and Bathelia who was a Gazelle like Kahao and possessed great love for the world around her had encountered two other other stranger along there travel. Two girls named Kaolin and Keyin, sister's who lived off the land and scavenged through forests to get what they needed. They relied on animal instinct, Zilocke and Bathelia relied on knowledge to understand there surroundings, each other to get what they needed, and of course there skills and weapons to help them attack any near by enemies. But they rarely had any trouble as they traveled through the vast, seemingly never ending desert for they had all the water they needed, food sources were well kept, and no dangerous predator came by for the Stailers had enough of there blood lust gone once they attacked that village.

Now going back to the cold temperature they had to endure and Zilocke's stubbornness which may cost him his life, surprisingly the boy did not freeze to death that night. He soon got tired of walking that night and decided to let the horse carry him the rest of the way or until he got well rested and the second the boy fell asleep, Bathelia set the blankets she had kept for him on his body. This could well be the reason Zilocke did not die from the cold and the boy slept long so he never awoke in the night, complaining about the kind gesture.

The next morning the temperature was high, the desert was truly a weird place to be. A place where you could dehydrate easily in the morning and then freeze to death at night, how could the Kahao live in such conditions. But sooner than expected, the group of travelers would soon reach there destination and there long travel through the dessert would seem like a walk in the park compared to what was going to happen next in the Cantillia Mountains.

Zilocke soon awoke to a jolt as the horse he had been resting on halted to a complete and rough stop near the Cantillia Mountains. He fell off the creature, his back landing on the tiny rocks that spread across the area. He looked up at the horse, it seemed like it had heard or sensed something they couldn't, something humans like them couldn't understand right away. The horse's eyes carried fear in them and desperately wanted to get out of this place, so as Zilocke laid on the ground the horse out of fear and confusion, almost stomped the other male to death. Good thing Zilocke rolled over to the other side just in time or he would have got a bloody bruise on the face. With no other choice they had to let the horse go, it had no intention on carrying them any further or cooperating. What good was the creature if it wouldn't do as you say~? It was of no use to them but before they could even approach the frightened creature to unravel there supplies, the beast made more tramples and then ran off into the desert behind them. They were now without supplies and only carried the leftover's in there pockets along with there weapons. But it wasn't a total lose, many people from all around had come to the Cantillia Mountains to earn the reward money, so there had to be someone who was willing to help them and there situation. Besides who could deny a King~? They now walked the rest of the way on foot, in search for some Dwarves who could guide them or at least some other travelers who were willing to let them tag along.


..::Wynn Kamui::..

(Pond near the foothills south-west of the Cantilla Mountains)

The sunrise over the Cantilla mountains resulted in a vibrant display of various shades of red, yellow, and orange. The reflection of the sunrise off of a small pond near the foothills of the Cantilla mountain range. This combined with the relatively thick layer of fog above the pond created a soothing and tranquil scene.

Wynn calmly walked onto a small peninsula that protrudes into the pond, almost shrouded by the surrounding fog. This fog was almost a daily occurrence during this time of the year, which is why she had selected the pond as an ideal training location. It allows her to easily see the movement she was causing with her magic in the air. Without this obvious visual representation it was difficult to know if she was making progress.

Closing her eyes and focusing her energy, she raises her staff towards the center of the pond. A faint glow becomes immanent, originating in the crystal at the tip of her staff.

Wynn focuses on a point 5 or 6 meters above the pond and slowly cools the point, simultaneously heating the areas around it. The fog rises and moves inward towards the cold point. The magic is working.

"Okay" Wynn says to herself, "This is how far I got last time. Now to compress it.."

Wynn sharpens the difference in temperatures hastening the speed of the fog's ascent. The cloud is forming a shape resembling a rough sphere around the point she had determined before, but the edges of the sphere aren't quite as exact as she'd like it to be. To remedy this, she tightens the sphere, and the edges start to become considerably more apparent.

The air pressure in there is growing, so she channels more energy into further compressing the cloud. At this point the cloud has been compressed to the size of the wheel for a trade wagon. This is the smallest Wynn has ever been able to get one of these orbs, so she pumps even more of her now dwindling energy into it's compression. A volley ball, now a baseball- the pressure inside of the sphere is getting too great, she can't contain it for much longer.

She forces it into a shape the size of a ping-pong ball, but the strain from doing this has become too great. She releases all of the pressure at once with uniform distribution around the surface of the cloud.

Wynn didn't expect anything would happen from releasing this pressure, but that sudden expansion of such a large quantity of air had a similar effect to what would be expected from a Fire Elementalist's bomb spell, excluding of course the fire that would be present.

The gust of the air catches Wynn off guard, knocking her back onto the ground. The hit winded her (Haha, Wynnded her
xD ), so she remained on the ground while catching her breath. She opens her eyes and sees that the sun is considerably higher in the sky than it was when she had began this training session. It had taken almost an hour for her to compress the air into that sphere.


Her stomach growls. Taking the hint, Wynn stands up and heads towards the town near the Cantilla Mountains in the distance. She is going to try and find something to eat.

(Now Wynn is on her way to a town near the southern foothills of the Cantilla Mountains)

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Spotted. It the young man was rather observant it seemed, not that there was much cover to hide behind while on top of a roof. Sanz pulled one knee upwards, giving himself some leverage, then softly leapt off the roof. His body seemed to flow with the impact when he hit the pavement, not causing any damage to him nor causing an excess of sound upon landing. He nodded slowly towards the young lady from earlier, his simplest form of greeting, then his gaze turned pointedly towards the unconscious woman.
Arenam was surprised at how graceful the mans landing was. Arenam looked at Elvsyr when she was nodded too does she know him? Arenam though to himself, he then noticed that he was looking at the unconcious woman they were holding up "ahh I see you nocticed... well I don't know what her name is she introduced herself by attacking Elvsyr with a knife however I quickly intervened, then guards came and attempted to arerst both the women and I, I then proposed that if I help at the Cantilla mountains I would not be arrested ass well as her. Why they tried to arrest me I don't know why because I saved a person?". Arenam shrugged and took a deep breath after his long speech "so what's your name".
(Changing my writing format :P )



-Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin-

-Speaking with a Fairy, Inside the Cantilla Mountains-

xxxxAs Jonasu approached he was already slightly nervous, speaking with a fairy was a bit of a new thing for him. After he reached a good distance he introduced himself and asked her name. He felt slightly guilty of interrupting the girl but she seemed already alarmed at Pari's shout

"Guess he was louder than what I thought.." he thought to himself as he laughed nervously.

xxxxHe could already feel the blood rising to his face and reddening his cheeks. He kept saying to himself in his head "After this I'm going to strangle Pari.." until he stopped thinking his nonsense and noticed she had responded, "I'm Fayette." she said simply, then turning her attention to Pari. She asked his name and for a second Pari didn't respond.

"Oh, sorry he's a bit shy...This is P-" He was quickly cut off.

"Pari! At your service pretty lady!" said Pari as he jumped out of his bag, wearing large candy wrappers as a cape.

"Oh gods, Pari what did I say about candy!" He said as he picked Pari up by the cape

"That it was great! And I should eat it!" He said while chuckling

"No, that you were and addict and got the effects of being drunk if you ate it too much." He says as he grabs Pari and tosses him into the bag.

"VIVA LA CANDY REVOLUTIOO-" Pari's voice was muffled by the back pack and Jonasu sighs

Jonasu facepalms and sighs, muttering that he was never buying candy again. He looks towards the girl and smiles slightly.

"Sorry for attracting attention towards us...I was wondering...Are you here because of the prize? I wouldn't mind being in a group if you wished." he says while scratching his head

((Sorry for short I gotta go to bed))

Vyra remove his hand from the warming bag as he felt a tapping on his person. He turned his head and was met with a perculiar sight. A beast he had never seen was currently tapping him with its hooves. When had it arrived? As he thought, he remembered he had seen the creature prior to the battle's end. He hadn't seen it in the midst of everything, as he couldn't afford to lose his concentration. The sate of Nevenarius and his fatigue must've made the beast absent from his memory.

As he looked at the creature, a woman soon approached. She wore very extravagant clothing, a noble perhaps. Her hair was reminiscent to the winter snow, very noticeable, but not in a bad way. It radiated beauty, each strand seeming to glow with the white purity. It wasn't a common color around these parts, so it was quite captivating.

As he observed her, he noticed the pointed ears on the sides of her head. She was an Elven woman. As he continued to observe, he noticed more subtle features found in Elves. Her appearance was similar to that of his mother's. Although his mother was not a pure Elf, that his where most of her blood came from, evident by her appearance. Vyra had obtained some of those features as well, but more deluded due to his mixed heritage. His ears were more pointed than a human's, but it wasn't something others would call him out on. He possessed features from that of every eve in Salisonia, whether it they be in the cities, forests, or deep seas. However, his appearance looked almost entirely human, similar to his father.

A remorseful expression came onto his face as she spoke her words. He looked out at the carnage, his body remembering the trials he had went through to just barely survive, unlike the others who weren't as fortunate. "Not well enough..." Her words weren't meant to give off this feeling, but it had for Vyra. The statement felt like a lie to him. If he had truly fought well, then Nevenarius would not be in its current state.

Rising from his position on the ground, albeit wobly, he stood with straight on his tired legs. Looking out at the destruction, he put his hands together and dipped his head. He said a prayer for those who had fallen here and apologized for not being able to protect them. This was the least someone could do, pray to whatever deity was listening for their safe passage into the next life.

After a rather long prayer, Vyra turned to the pair behind him. "Thank you." The two had helped and he appreciated their service. He hadn't noticed their presence during the battle, but he was sure they had helped. After all, he was still standing here.

Vyra made sure the bad was properly adjusted, as the warmth continued to radiate. Authorities would be arriving soon to collect the bodies and perform burials. There was a possibility that the Knights of Redemption would make an appearance and he did not want to be around if that was the case. He had no intention being in close proximity to that man. 
(This isn't my best work, but I needed to get a quick post up before I wasn't able to post anything at all.)
Arzur continued to chip away at the smaller piece of wood with a rock. Deeming it was complete, he set it onto the ground. "Let's stop here." He told Odde. Kneeling on the ground, he planted one foot onto the wood and took out the rest of the stick. Putting one end into the dip he carved into the flattened piece of wood, he put his hands near the top of the stick. Quickly rubbing his hands back and forth against the stick, he put a downward pressure on it. After doing this four times he could smell the faint hint of smoke. Doing it one last time, he set the stick aside and brought out the multiple flammable items, like leaves, hay, etc. and bundled it onto a sheet of cloth. He decided to use the previous sticks to hold it all and to put one where it would burn along with the other items. Before putting the wood in the pile, he made sure to get the black charcoal powder that was left from the friction between the two pieces of wood.

Taking some leather from his pockets, Arzur formed it around what would be torched and held it together. He then brought the straps down to the make-shift handle so that it would stay attached. Finally, he put the powder from before into the middle of the torch-head and slowly blew into it. It started to smoke a little bit, the smell returning. Continuing to blow into it, it had sparked and set the torch ablaze. a bright light filled the stoney walls surrlunding them. It also revealed the presence, more like four of them, to Arzur and Odde.

Eight sets of glowing, orange eyes watched the two. The eyes were the ones of three black cougars and another black creature that looked like a large dog. All four creatures looked as if they could take down any creature.

As Arzur opened his mouth to tell Odde to back away, he heard him shout and run at one cougar with his sword drawn. His beast was right behind him. In an instant, all the creatures seemed to have what looked like fire glowing from their stomachs. The dog had actual flames erupt along his back, and snarled along with the panthers who all had the same glow radiating from their mouths. Arzur cursed silently in his head and pulled out his sword. As he did so, the creatures all attacked at once.

They were unnaturally quick and agile. Arzur could see Odde and his beast fighting off two of them and Arzur one.

Wait... where is the fourth one?

"ARZUR, BEHIND YOU!" Being his at his old age, Arzur wasn't quick enough to be able to move, and he knew this, so he held off the one panther with his staff and turned to see the other one. He was a bit late and the panther was already in front of him. It had charged into him and toppled him backwards. His head smashed into the bulky walls of the cave and he blacked out.

Odde's voice filled his head, though it was very soft. It soon began to grow until Arzur had lurched foward, awoken, and puked. Some blood pooled around him from his wound and he could see Odde's beast guarding him and fighting the large dog as Odde fought off two of the panthers. One was on the ground, dead. His vision going blurry, Arzur blacked out again.

Continuing to fade in and out of consciousness, Arzur could see Odde was wounded. The last time he was aware, he saw Odde's beast. It's throat had been ripped out, probably through the creatires grouping up on it. All four creatures littered the floor, and Arzur realized the light was traveling away. He turned to see Odde running towards the interest with the torch, heavily bleeding. His free hand was around the region of his abdomen. It looked almost as if he was holding in his own organs due to the fact that seemed to be where the bleeding mainly came from.

As the room turned dark, Arzur slowly faded back into unconsciousness again.

"I'm sorry, Elvsyr..." He whispered, expecting to die there.
The trek had been a trying one, Kaolins’ form would attest to that; her neat braid was mussed, her facial features pinched slightly and her usually neutral gaze had turned a different degree of feral. The signs were not something one could notice easily but to someone familiar with her particular body language it was relatively simple to tell how strung she was becoming. One said factor that had contributed to that description greatly, squirmed and fidgeted from its perch on her back.

“Look, look, Lyn there’s a huge mountain!” A hydrogenous young voice bellowed into her sensitive ears.

The female slit her eyes in a dangerous expression. ‘I do not remember being anywhere near as loud as this Child at her age.’ She thought. It was really quite detrimental to survival chances if one did not have control of ones’ own voice. And Keyin, no matter the blood they shared, seemed to have no filters on her mouth; everything she thought seemed to just spew out in a rapid fire of words that sometimes ran together. It was beginning to get on her nerves. And what got on Kaolin’s nerves was usually swiftly eradicated since it occurred so rarely. Besides it would teach the cub a lesson or two.

With that in mind, the teen released her hold on her siblings legs in a fast movement and continued her casual pace as the wolf Kahao fell to the ground.

Keyin tumbled to the ground in a heap of tangled limbs. “Kaolin!” she yelped from where she had landed. She tossed the bulk of the cloak out of her way from where it had flopped over her head to see her admired sister walking away from her without even turning around. Her lower lip jutted out a second before she hurriedly scrambled to get her legs underneath her. Just like Kaolin, suddenly leaving her like that. The eight year old patted the sand from her person as best she could and readjusted the cumbersome cloak so it wasn’t twisted like a snake around her form. She couldn’t say she was surprised or particularly miffed about the older females’ actions. It had been this way in the forest, after all. One second Kaolin would be comforting and guarding her with a warm protective air and the next she’d be nudging her away from her person and encouraging her rather indifferently to make her own way. It was a bit annoying though; having any ‘bonding’ moments with her sister was like attempting to stalk a porcupine- you could never tell quite when it would decide that you were a threat and stick you with barbs.

The small girls’ brow scrunched up and she stomped her way after Kaolin where she could see she had stopped next to the woman and the jittery horse that was carrying the candy man. She had half a mind to stick her tongue out at the visage. She’d been told to keep quiet for at least a quarter of the trip because the ‘King’ was sleeping. If it hadn’t been for the candy the man had given her beforehand

Keyin would’ve probably exacted revenge.

It all took less than a few seconds really. One moment Keyin was trudging forward intent on making her way to her sister so she could kick her heals a few good times before the Kahao feline decided to trip her in retribution and the next moment the horse was rearing and screaming, the candy-man falling off it and then bolting. Her eyes went wide ad she honestly couldn’t tell what made her react the way she did. She could blame it on her wolf instincts coming to the forefront and urging her to sprint after the fleeing hindquarters of an herbivore or she might be able to say that her curiosity for the beast had grown into a peculiar attachment. Whichever the case, she had immediately lunged after the four-legged creature with a speed she had seldom used, not bothering to think ahead or observe her surroundings as she pursued with a single minded determination for the hunt.

“KEYIN!” it had been the first time in a long time she’d raised her voice but Kaolin did not dare stop to ponder that as she watched the silver grey hair of her sister disappear close behind the frightened horse. Her pupils slit, senses going on full alert. A cub was out of the range of the group. A cub she was responsible for. By her calculations she would be unable to reach the girl if someone attacked at this moment. She hesitated for but a moment, the bond of her word weighing heavily upon her until the promise she had made those years ago echoed back.


The Feline spirit within her uncurled, claws slipping from their sheaths.

If one had blinked they would’ve missed her as she blurred at an inhuman speed after her sibling. She took a few leaping strides before she fell into a crouch and with a powerful bound, vanished from sight.

Stupid cub,’ she hissed in her mind. The girl would no doubt find her way deep into the caverns before she ever came within pouncing range of the beast of burden. As tracking was Keyins’ worst trait of the hunt there was no doubt in her mind about that. It made what she pulled all the more reckless.
Sanz let his gaze fall upon the young man and listened politely. It would be both troublesome and pointless to inform him that he had already gathered most of this from the guard back at the inn. Besides, it didn't bother him to get someone else's viewpoint, a little extra perspective. What bothered him was the request for a name . . . names were difficult to communicate without words. Without anything handy to write on, it would likely be an over-long and elaborate exercise. Sanz merely put his hand gently over the scarf around his throat and merely shook his head. The message 'I can't speak' should have been clear.
The Rust Dragon inn, Bran

Arenam waited for a response which was the man trying to communicate something by putting his hand on his scarf and shaking his head Arenam quickly understood that the man obviously couldn't speak, Arenam was curious as to why but decided he best not ask that question, the man wouldn't be able to reply without paper anyway. "Okay so now that the introductions are out the way We should leave to the Cantilla mountains as soon as possible, just in case that guard changes his mind". Arenam turned around and began pulling the women along assuming Elvsyr would eventually follow, after a few steps he stopped and turned around again looking at the man. "Feel free to accompany us, I hate to admit it but I need all the help I can get and you do seem quite capable of putting up a fight. You don't need to join us but the reward sound very good if your a man who likes gold". Arenam continued to walk towards the entrance gate of Bran not bothering to check if the man had decided to follow.
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"Why of course," said Njáll, faking a pleased sort of tone. It wasn't too good a deal, all together. It was a fair price, sure, but it didn't highly benefit him. He could've probably gotten a better deal at the human markets. There was always a foolish chap who would sell a family heirloom for all of the food on him, but maintaining good relations, especially with such a seemingly high-standing fairy, was fresh in his mind. He would not upset her. Yet. He handed her the food, and only took three of the five gold coins she had offered. It's not like he couldn't spare any. She was busy talking to another person now. That was fine. They could slip away now, and start trying to help the stuck Dwarves. The mission hadn't escaped their minds. The two Dwarves and the lumbering bull Kahao walked away from the distracted fairy, and back towards the tunnels. The darkness and despair filled them once again, replacing the warm and friendly glow of the sun.

The cave was an ominous shade of gray, the ceiling covered with shadow, removing it from their vision but not their minds. A steady drip, drip echoed off the walls, at least reassuring them they weren't just stepping into nothingness.

"Is it possible we could have some light?" asked the bull, not being used to confined and dark spaces.

"If you can make it, you can have it," replied Naomhán sharply, still slightly irritated at before.

Suddenly, a tremor could be heard in the distance through the walls. A bit of rock chipped off the ceiling, making the jittery Kahao jump up and hit the wall.

"What was that?" sounded off a fearful voice.

"Nothing," replied another. They were now completely cloaked. Shuffling and scuffling was becoming common, as they all had different speeds and they kept bumping into one another. Eventually, they would reach either some kind of Dwarven settlement, or the exit. A yelp came from Njáll's mouth as he suddenly felt open air. He had had his hand on the wall, both for physical and mental support, when it had dropped off and there was simply nothing.

"Have caution, and stick to the other wall. There's a cliff there."

The sound of bodies moving dominated their hearing and it was almost enough to block out the noise of another tremor.

"I think I just heard the very sound trouble makes," said the Kahao's voice. More bits of rubble had fallen to the ground, and the drip, drip had turned into a dripdripdripdripdrip. It was coming from right in front of them. If only they could see ...

And the that was it. The stress the water had been putting on the ceiling was now too much. A scary cracking noise a tree branch might make while it's being struck by lightning was heard, just before water, gushing and frothing, came pouring by the bucket-full into the narrow tunnel. The force was so immense that the trio was swept off their feet, and instantly plunged underwater. They hadn't had a time to get a gulp of air, so by instinct, they breathed in water instead. Screams from the bull were heard over the water, no doubt attributing to Kahaos' natural fear of water. As Njáll tried to keep swimming upwards, to oxygen, icy cold hands kept tugging on his clothes, his hair, and pulling him down. He tried opening his eyes before shutting them tight again, not wanting to see what kind of doom awaited him. He suddenly felt a gift: he had been plunged into open space, filled with beautiful air. Wind raced around his body, chilling him and warning him that he was falling, but he didn't care. He could breathe again. And then his mind came back to him. He was going to crack his head open on the unforgiving ground below. There was no doubt about it. Just before he went unconscious from the blood going to his head from falling, he was able to catch sight of the cliff that they had narrowly avoided before, and a large stream pushing out of it. But how could he see it? A few seconds ago, wasn't there a lack of light? And then it hit him: it has returned.


Naomhán was able to spit out the water in his mouth and breathe in air before being pulled back into the stream again. They were falling, albeit in water down into what seemed like a river from the short glimpse he had gotten. He had long ago lost track of his two companions, and instead was focused on digging his way out of the watery grave which awaited him. He felt himself be plunged deeper into a raging current, and he knew he had reached the bottom safely. He chanced opening his eyes for a second, and spotting amid the foam, Njáll. He shut his eyes tight again, just as he was thrown out from a slit in the cliff face, and onto the hard ground. It was only maybe 5 feet or so, but it still knocked the wind out of him. He lay there, gasping for air and instead coughing water, as the remaining liquid drained out onto the rocks and evaporated under the hot sun. After he decided to lay up, he found Njáll conveniently beside him. Some medical attention was clearly needed, and the Kahao was nowhere in sight. Possibly it had drowned in the panic, or maybe it had managed to hold on in the tunnel, and was now celebrating their deaths. Some gut instinct told him it was the former, however. He coughed again, spitting out even more water, and taking one final large inhale before exhaling, and falling onto his back, unconscious as well.

Some place outside the labyrinth, Cantillia Mountains
Sanz shook his head before walking up behind the man. He wasn't interested in the gold at all, but rather what was in the air that disturbed him so. What was so unnatural that it struck his very core as wrong? The young man seemed slightly materialistic, but that was not a sin, merely a habit that he himself did not share. Without any indication, Sanz pulled the unconscious woman off of the two beside him and slung her over his shoulder with one arm. He found it very doubtful that either of them would have an easier time carrying her than he would, and this way when she woke up he could find out whether she truly had malicious intent or not. The road to the gate would be a simple one, but afterwards he might consider taking the forest instead of the roads. If he could convince these two that it was both quicker and safer than maybe . . .

As she walks towards the town, Wynn tries to keep her mind off of her stomach. She takes out the stale piece of bread and begins nibbling on it to try and tide herself over until she could get some real food, but the bread is too difficult to break in her mouth, so it's edibility is really questionable. Wynn throws the bread off to her right, not even looking at where it would land. She continues walking, expecting to hear the sound of the bread falling into a bush or some grass, but instead she heard a series of distant thuds that seemed to become progressively more distant.

Wynn, puzzled, turned her head and looked where she had thrown the loaf. She hadn't expected anything anomalous in the area, but there was a crack in the ground that seemed to go deep into the land. She got down to lean over the semi-chasm, and looked for where her bread landed. When she got up to return to her trek, she heard another sound, similar to the one that resulted from the bread's contact with stone. She quickly checked her bag to make sure that nothing important had fallen out, but the bag was secure.

'Probably just kicked a rock in... No big deal' She thought to herself. Just to be sure, she looked into the chasm again, this time leaving her bag several meters away. In the shred of light at the bottom of the chasm she could see the loaf of bread, and next to it... A small stuffed bunny. Wynn quickly checks her pocket- 'Oh no... Please be there' she thinks to herself. Her pockets were empty.

Without a second thought, Wynn grabbed her bag and began her descent into the chasm. This bunny was one- no, two- of a kind. It meant enough to her that leaving it in the chasm just wasn't an option. The bunny was at a ledge just below the lowest part of the cave, approximately 12 meters below the surface. Her agility and overall ease of movement made the climb seem like child's play, she got to the bunny in no time.

After picking it up, Wynn looks at the bunny for any damage. It was very dirty from being on the ground, but nothing she couldn't wash away. Returning it to her pocket, she starts to climb out of the hole. When she was only a meter or two off from the bottom, it began to rain. The rocks became very slick, and it was too dangerous for her to continue climbing. She instead returns to where the bread had landed, and waited.


Wynn had forgotten how hungry she was- she'd put off eating for almost 36 hours now. She curled up in her jacket and lied down, trying to resist the chill of the cave. While waiting for the rain to stop, Wynn slowly drifts to sleep.

[Cave entrance in the southern Cantilla Mountains]

The Rusty Dragon inn, Bran

Arenam quickly turned around as he felt the girl easily pulled away from his and Elvsyr's grip on her arms. Arenam turned around to look at the man with the women slung over his shoulder, it looked a lot easier for him than it did for both Elvsyr and himself. "I will admit I'm impressed at your strength" Arenam said as he walked over to look at the women's bandaging, the bleeding had definitely stopped now all that was needed was some fresh water to clean the wound. "Excuse me for a moment" Arenam said to everyone in the group as he walked back into the inn to get water, as he walked in he was greeted with loud, drunken songs and the smell of alcohol Arenam couldn't help but flinch at the stench, he walked up to the bartender "do you have any water?" he asked as he pulled out a bottle made of leather and placed it onto the bar. The barman laughed "do Kahao's not favour alcohol?" he said as he rolled a wooden keg along and poured some fresh water into the bottle that was handed over "I can't say I favour wine too much, although I will have to try the beer I've heard oh so much about" Arenam replied as he looked at the broken tables "here you go that'll be 1 silver which is for the broken tables as well" Arenam grunted as he pulled a silver coin out his jar and handed it to the man.

Just as Arenam was leaving he noticed a staff and small knife that had been left after the fight "she'll be useless without her weapons" Arenam mumbled to himself as he walked towards them. After picking them up he walked out into the fresh air once again, Arenam walked towards the women and gently pulled of her bandages when he reached her and poured some of the cold water over the wound washing away the dry blood. "Much better now shall we continue?"
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(Sorry guys! I've been so busy lately. :C Anyways.... I was at the Bar/Inn. Any RP's/Conversations I can get into?)
A pair of golden slits cracked open below the hood, gleaming in the sudden light. With precaution, the eyes blinked out again, leaving an empty shadow under the veil.


¶ Mordaedel hadn't been in a comatose state too long, according to what she could gather. Dawn was dancing over the horizon, bleaching out the darkness as if it were ink. The Kahao noted the presence of her lizard friend, the one that she figured had driven the glass into her skull, as well as his companion, the Elven woman, both walking on an flip-sided road. The man who was currently toting her around though, she couldn't tell. All she could see were his feet, but she could compute the fact that he was respectively big, especially by his firm grip. This would make means of escape less manageable.

¶ The half-Elf had a difficult time collecting her thoughts. It was like everything was slipping, just out of her grasp, extended in a hazy blur. For one, all the blood had rushed to her face from being turned upside-down, and her ears were ringing as well as her head throbbing. There was some swelling there from the result of assault after all, but the numb, buzzing pain wasn't unbearable. Would it be wise to wait out a more open opportunity? No, better to make an attempt then and there. She didn't know where they were taking her, and the situation might only get worse. It would have to be admissible, though. Under circumstance, you only get one chance.

¶ If it wasn't for the idiotic lizard Kahao, she would have been in such a helpless predicament. He had interfered with her plans, without even the slightest comprehension of the situation. Some day, he would regret that. But revenge comes later. Her weapons, at least, had been retrieved from the inn.

¶ Without fully getting her mind around a concrete plan, Mordaedel straightened her spine so that she was no longer slung over her captor's back, clasping the man's shoulders tightly. Immediately, she erected her arms and raised herself up on them, slipping out of the human's hold, and propelled herself over his head, completing an adequate flip. Landing somewhat shakily on her bare feet, she stumbled, suddenly hit by a wave of pain. She turned around, glaring impassively through a thin mixture of blood and water that dripped off her hair and down her face as her startling golden gaze fixed on the staff and katana in Arenam's hand. The Kahao clenched her fists, black electricity flickering from them. At the same time an eerie gale of wind arose, rippling through the hem of her cloak and blowing her hood farther over her face.

((It's not as clearly written as I would have liked it to be, but I guess that's just how I do it. I think I'm officially the queen of run-on sentences.))
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Outside the Rusty Dragon Inn

Arenam turned around to see that their psychopathic companion had awoken and was clearly not happy but neither would Arenam of he had a glass bottle bashed against his skull. Arenam looked at her and noticed the electricity coming from her hand. A Mage! Just my luck to have a Mage having a death wish for me. "So you've finally woke up" Arenam noticed her gaze look towards her weapons "I hope you are thankful for me bringing your weapons but I don't feel comfortable giving them to someone who will drive them through my back". "Anyway my name is Arenam, the elven women is called Elvsyr and sadly the man carrying you can't talk so I don't know his" Arenam rummaged through his bag to find his bandages and water. Arenam handed the two weapons to Elvsyr and then slowly approached Mordeadel "if you wouldn't mind I would like to clean your wound and bandage it" Arenam cautiously stood near her waiting for a response.
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Outside the Rust Dragon Inn

Sanz felt the woman stir underneath his grip, but he was not prepared for her to move so soon. As she staggered immediately after her landing, he assumed that she had simply forced herself to move, even before her body was ready. The young man, Arenam, seemed to hope that a mere friendly attitude would dissuade her from engaging in bodily harm. Maybe it was because they had been stolen from him, but Sanz held little faith in words to resolve a situation like this. There was a *crunch* behind Arenam. The front tip of Sanz's massive blade was digging into the cobblestones beneath them. It was almost too large to be considered a sword, more like a massive slab of metal. The woman may be a mage, but she was also disoriented, and easily within range for him to disable her. He would not make the first move however.
Isil breathed for a moment as her eyes bore upon the exhausted male, concern growing as small sparks of light flickering through her eyes before she frowned. "I thought you battled well..." She mumbled in a soft tone as she studied him with curiousity. Ignoring her soliders, she quite enjoyed this little meeting and it drew her to tempt words from her lips without any rational sense.

What if he was an enemy?

Isil stood, her hands planted upon her legs as she stood to her feet, her lips curled into the soft smile that normally graced her painted features, her fingers interlocking one by one in front of her as she felt the feathery white strands fall into the view of her eyes, casting away the tiniest part of detail from her sight before she spoke. "Would you like to return with us?"

A guard, one known to have been with the current Queen for a long period, since her coronation stormed up to her, shock evident on his features. "Your highness! You can't bring random people back!" He advised, causing the woman to glance over at him with a small tilt to her head as she almost looked like a scolded child. "But I'm the Queen right? I should be able to do what I want..." She replied with a tired huff, her lips forming a pout.

In the end, the guard lost and walked back to the horses as she smiled.

Looking over to him she grinned happily, her eyes, once darkened from watching the bloodshed that occurred were lit up with undeniable happiness that it neared child like joy. However, her eyes did not loose the experience that she held. Clasping her hands together she looked at the boy she claimed 'battled well' with a smile. "I mean you are tired..." Her words began to die a she began to think of what to say.

"Well... I could supply you with necessities...or let you rest..." She whispered faintly before frowning. "I want to help you." She stated, her tone gaining the edge to it that her position forced upon her. Regardless of her personality and attitude, she was the Queen right? Letting herself settle she smiled softly. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Isil." She said proudly, holding her hand out to him.

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