Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

Arzur awaited the boys answer, which he got quickly. He wondered at the last statement the boy had made but thought it better not to ask. With a sigh, he walked foward from the wall, his staff tapping on the ground. Stretching a little, a few joints of his popped. Checking one last time to make sure he had all the needed supplies, he looked into the mouth of the cave.

"Well ... Let's enter." With that, Arzur walked inside.

((I'll try to start to write longer posts after this. ;u;))
(I'm just about to walk into Bran...)

The border between Samaria and Bran smelt so pleasant, it felt like she was in a a nice-smelling cottage of some sort. We all know that every civilization has their interests.. And Xer'Chi has her heart set on nice smelling things indeed. But before she could protest to her thoughts she was, indeed distracted by the smell of fresh water and pine trees. Looking back, was the treacherous sands of the Samarian Desert, turning back around and into the mountain-like climate.

Xer'Chi realized that her path was going to have to require some "Parkour" as people would call it. But this, however she was perfectly fine at doing; since her life was nothing more than just climbing around terrain: Which is unfortunately mostly sand dunes. Xer'Chi sighed, and chuckled at those childhood moments, but she picked up her head, and looked ahead to see an immediate challange. A slippery, steep-sloping mountain side, and what lies on the other side is her destination.
"Nonivite." (Bran.) She sighed, before jumping up a rock and making a climb for it.

There were, fortunately, many nooks and crannies just for her to grapple. Xer'Chi's mother said that she'd always been a great climber, heck! Most Taurloc were great climbers anyways, because
almost all of us had four arms that we were born with.

Jumping up the mountainside, what was in view was the amazing, human-filled city of Bran. A slight smile appeared on the Kahao's face, sliding down carefully upon the mountainside, and climbing carefully down.

Jumping to a more level spot that was indeed level with the road leading into Bran, she stepped onto the smooth, emerald like pavement that stretched what seemed for miles. Centering herself on it, she jogged even though she was extremely tired. Xer'Chi didn't care, she was happy! Even if she doesn't know if anyone's there for her interest!
Odde noticed that the man leaned on his staff for support. He wondered how old the man really was, but decided not to ask due to the fact that it would be rude. He followed the man into the cavern. It was dark and he had wished he had brought a torch or even some provisions. He had left Bran in a hurry, no doubt his grandma would be worried about him. Especially after she would catch wind of what happened earlier.

He shook off the thoughts in his head and focused on the task ahead of him.
"Let's go then."
Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, Cantilla Mountains

Jonasu's horse was exhausted and at the brink of falling when he reached the mountain. Jonasu kept riding forward though, but going a bit slow this time up the mountain path, as the air grew thinner and colder Jonasu showed no discomfort, he was used to the cold and felt more at home in it. As the horse continued to whine Jonasu stopped and continued on foot, giving the horse food and water before it went off slowly back down the path. As if it knew where he wanted to die.

Jonasu looked at the tunnel in front and headed, in being stopped by a dwarf guard briefly, after he stated his business he was allowed inside. He looked around at the Chaos slowly happening.

"It's not smart to go in alone...better find a partner.."

((Sorry for short post @paipai900 THAT'S YOUR CUE)
Arenam fell backwards and tried to catch a table to support himself, however the punch had some serious power behind it that Arenam didn't expect so he instead crashed into the table with a bruised jaw and a burst lip that blood poured out of. Arenam sat up and looked around dizzily, now his back hurt as well which only added to more pain around his body, he pulled himself up by another nearby table that hadn't been knocked down.

Arenam looked down at the women blood was pouring from her head and slowly rolling down the sides if her face, Arenam was surprised he got Elvsyr away from the knife and knocked at the women threatening her. Arenam pulled a bandage out from his bag and wrapped it around the women's face, although this women tried to hold Elvsyr hostage he wasn't going to watch her bleed on the floor then walk away. As Arenam finished wrapping her head with the bandage Arenam turned around to look at Elvsyr "Did she know you?" Arenam asked confused as to what happened "my name is Arenam, you can thank me later and yours is?"
"Uh, uh..." Elvsyr muttered proccessing everything that had just happened. "Oh, uh, my name's Elvsyr. And no, she didn't know me... or so I think. I never traveled from Ellegarde except for today and was pretty secluded, so there weren't too many chances to interact with others... Are you O.K.?" She said, looking at the man now known to her as Arenam. Blood was flowing from his lip. "We need to clean that..." Elvsyr looked around, for some sort of rag or the likes. Not finding any at the ready, or at least none that were clean, she pulled out a small piece of fabric from her pocket. She handed it over to Arenam. "Use it if you want. What are we going to do about her?" Elvsyr asked, nodding towards the woman now lying on the ground.
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*Mordy swims through rainbow bunnies in a delusional comatose state.* I feel pretty, oh so pretty...

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Arzur went deeper into the cavern, the settings instantly getting darker. He waited a minute for his eyes to adjust to the dark before continuing. It felt good to him that he was doing something other than traveling and studying. Thinking back to his old home in Ellegarde, he remembered the various plants and animals, the many people. Elvsyr. I wonder if she is going to come and help or already has... If she even hears about it. She probably won't, seeing as how she liked to stay in Ellegarde and not travel. Maybe things have changed, though...

Glancing back at the boy, Arzur gained a small smile. He remembered his youth. It was a time filled with of love-interests, and trouble, among many other things. "So, what's your name? I'm Arzur." The old man asked the boy, deciding it was time to introduce himself.

((LOL, Wow. I just facepalmed so hard. ;-; I had copy-and-pasted what you wrote above this so I didn't need to open up a new tab or keep scrolling up to see it. I forgot about that and posted thinking "Yay! I wrote more than usual! :D " just to see the word Odde at the top.))
Now only carrying one blanket her objective was clear, she only lived to serve her king and to study the world. If it hadn't been for Zilocke she would have never gotten to study the world or know nothing outside of Bran, so it was fairly easy to chose his well being over her own. Besides the point Zilocke was a king and much more needed in the world, for she was just a common girl who could be replaced. Wait she wasn't that useless and she had never thought of herself like that before, that was more of Zilocke talking than her but she has followed him for so long that some of his words could seep into her.

'It doesn't matter if I freeze to death in this forsaken place, Zilocke must live~' She thought this to herself as she began to move forward, trying to get to Zilocke's side. She doubted she would freeze to death in such a place, not knowing why she thought of such an event in the first place and then shrugged off the idea of her death coming so soon.

Bathelia soon caught up to Zilocke only to be surprised by his sudden state, Zilocke was now breathing out and you could see each breathe that came out of his mouth. The boy also kept his arms crossed and his face buried deep in his scarf, now why didn't he say anything earlier? And why was he so cold all of a sudden but Bathelia soon realized that humans and Kahao are different in many ways and one of them is there body temperature. What seemed like a slight chill for her and the other two Kahao following close behind was a state where your out coming breathe could be touched by jack frost for humans, such as Zilocke but it still pondered her mind on why the other had not spoken up sooner.

But that thought could wait a bit longer for she had to assist Zilocke soon or he would soon become ill, the temperature was only going to drop more as the night continued. Without saying a word, Bathelia silently came up behind the king, meaning for good intentions to help him with this situation. Her deep blue eyes scanned Zilocke and she could still see that wise boy she met when she needed help the most. She saw the boy that had carried her through difficult times and a boy who had been through so much even before they first crossed paths. Zilocke was truly someone she could understand and if not completely she could still understand the boy more than others did. For they shared some sort of bond, a bond that could not be explained by words but only action and even though the bond may be half-hearted, she still would not let Zilocke die or so much as catch a cold on her watch.

Bathelia wrapped the blanket around Zilocke, then stepped back a bit but as soon as she looked back at the king, he had already thrown the blanket to the sand and continued to walk forward. Bathelia picked up the blanket but didn't dare to hand it to him again, she knew he didn't want the kind gesture but she didn't understand why. Then it had hit her, Zilocke was to stubborn to take things that he needed the most. Now Zilocke was never seen having any trouble taking things from people but there was a totally different side to that. He took what he wanted and from anyone he wanted but these things he did not intentionally need. But Zilocke would never accept something like a blanket when he needed it the most, this was a gesture. In other words a symbol of his pride, if he accepted things that were intentionally given to him, he would seem as a coward or below gods in his own view. Gods would never accept things but only take and he would one day like to be compared to a god, the boy truly was stubborn but to an extended degree.
(Lol, okay. But first... I must finish my homework objective.

NEW OBJECTIVE: Make a post about. Xer'Chi. Being. A. Creepy. Stalker. In. A. Bar.
Gruond paced the ground of his war room, a few guards located throughout it. There was no war going on, but simply a large catastrophic event. The many mines in the area had collapsed due to an unending tremor. In those mines were dwarves, civilians, Gruond's people. It pained him that there were innocent people, trapped and dying, or already dead. His eyebrows were furled tightly, with him deep in thought. This matter stressed him greatly. He continued to pace the room.

We could spend even more money to try and get advanced search-teams, but... too much money. Raise the taxes? No. I'll go in.

He unsheathed the hammer on his back, giving it a few swings. Going back to the large, table located in the middle of the room, he looked his adviser in the eye. "I'm going in and helping."

"My king, I have to say no to that. You'll be endangered, we don't know what is located in these tunnels!"

"Damnit! I am not going to sit idly by while my people are dying!" Gruond shouted, slamming his hammer onto the table. His clenched the sides of the table with his wrists, the skin turning white. "I can't sit and watch and you know that... I have to do something! I'll take guards if it makes you feel better, but I won't do nothing. End of this petty little discussion, we are wasting valuable time."

"Very well." The other dwarf replied, leaving and calling in a squad of soldiers. They would accompany Gruond as he searched the Labyrinth. As he already had put on his suit of armour, the dwarven king set out from his kingdom to the labyrinth. He felt no need to ride any animal on the way there, as it would be useless once in the labyrinth. The guards formed a tight formation around Gruond, covering him from all angles. He always felt that as unnecessary but did not want to bother with that right then and there. He decided instead of going to there right away, that him and his guards would map out a plan of what they were going to do and went to a nearby Inn (Of course.) to do so.

((There, now it works out with what I wrote without him going to the place.))
Odde wondered what awaited him in this place. He never really did think of the possibility that he could die. If he died, who would take care of his grandmother? He had to admit it was selfish of him going off alone into the Mountains. That was just how Odde was, a untamed child. Now he could really see how he connected with the free beasts he summoned.

He caught Arzur's words telling him his name.
"I'm Odde, a beast summoner." he said and pet Alla. "And this is Alla, my beast." he said and tried to see into the vast darkness in front of him. "Do you have any idea what we are suppose to do? The man really didn't give me much information."
Arzur listened to the boy named Odde, and looked back at his beast, Alla.

"Do you have any idea what we are supposed to do? The man really didn't give me much information." Odde asked Arzur.

"From my understanding, we are supposed to be looking for any civilians or search-teams and the likes that are trapped in here, plus solve this maze of caves as it is newly formed. Tremors come from the center of this Labyrinth and people are reluctant to find the source."

"I wish we had some light... wood, anything to make it with. Do you happen to have some sort of stick?"
"Oh, of course," said Njáll, giving a short bow before putting the sword away. He took off his own backpack, and started rummaging through it, looking for food that would suit a human or possibly a fairy. He wasn't sure, since it could've just been a trick of the light, or his eyes playing a ruse; either way he wouldn't mention anything for fear of being rude.

He pulled out a large sack, and when he opened it, he showed it to her. Strips of salted meat were in the bag, all higgledy piggledy in a big pile. The reason they had so much was because they had planned the provisions to Bran and back, so they had plenty to spare.

"I also have some fresh fruits and vegetables, and a bit of perfectly aged cheese. Would you like to buy any? You choose how much you want, and offer a price. Unfortunately, we're also low on water. We had forgot to fill up before we started our journey to Bran - I meant started our journey to help adventurers in the tunnels."

|Big Event: The Labyrinth of Cantillia Mountains|

Groups and Pairs

These are the characters you will be entering the labyrinth with, feel free to split up, join other groups, go solo (not recommended), etc. after you enter the tunnels. If you have any questions, requests, or complaints, please PM me about it and I can change it up if you'd like.

Group/Pair 1

Naomhán Máel Coluim Lister (@Mooalally)

Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson (@Mooalally)

Kaolin (@Yin)

Keyin (@Yin)

Group/Pair 2

Bathelia (@Їṽαη ℕαḱαʝїмα)

Zathriel Xavier Myendriali (@EuRo)

Arzur Rynildi (@MrLlama)

Sanz Vurrein (@Ixidor92)

Gaia Render Savnendor(@Goddess)

Group/Pair 3

Fayette Athitia (@TheInfamousHavoc)

Jonasu Ahn (@Cressy)

Thomas Scott (@Rifleman)

Zilocke (@Izaki Nakajima)

Group/Pair 4

Elvsyr (@MrLlama)

Arenam Lacertae (@Flabbysaurus)

Mordael (@Kasai)

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(( This is going to be short since I'm supposed to be studying for a major exam right now. Shhhhhh))

Keyin grasped the blanket her sister had dropped on her head tighter around her shoulders, small claws catching on the rough material with her movement. She wasn't very cold at the moment but strangely she found the extra warmth comforting. Her lips pursed together in a childish pout she tended to don when she was thinking. It was peculiar. She should be unnerved by the blanket, not taking comfort in it seeing as there was a plethora of strange, alien scents covering it. As if to remind herself of that fact, Keyin inhaled deeply. A swirl of unfamiliar musk and tang curled through the passages of her nostrils, the back end of it tickling her throat.

'Hn,' her eyes darted perceptively around focusing first on the horned woman and then at the horse. One of the smells definitely came from that. And she would guess it was the musk as that was the most prominently imprinted into the fibers of the material.

She wondered what the rest of the blend was. Her brow furrowed. She was never the best at catching and identifying smells; something that Kaolin never stopped nagging about.

"Kaol--" She stopped mid name as her eyes caught on the form of the candy-giving man. Had he always rattled that way? Her head tilted to the side and a keen sharpness entered her gaze. No, even if he was different from them she didn't think the shaking was normal. 'Why would one shake like that normally anyways?' Keyin thought with all the reasoning of a child. 'That looks like it would be tiring and Kaolin always says it's best to conserve as much energy as possible.'

No, she suspected that the trembling was in fact him shivering. She had experienced that before, mostly in the winter time when the snow fell. She attempted to scent the air, finding no trace of any moisture like she could find when winter came in the woods. Well, it wasn't going to snow...

But shivering equaled cold, so he felt cold maybe?

She attempted to figure out the why but couldn't, her mind always traveling back to the fact that if one was cold then the logical thing was to put more clothes on or share body heat like she and her sister did. Her eyes went to the blanket on the ground where the lady was hovering near it.

The dots connected.

'Stupid Candy-man'

Why were adults always so difficult?
Thomas came upon the outline of the mountains as he knew he was nearing his destination, he felt his shield that was strapped across his back rattle against his armor as he glared off into the distance with the sun beaming down on him, but as he drew inwards into the mountains, certainly higher the elevations the colder the air got. However, he kept going, pursuing onward as he knew he had to complete this mission given to him by the Father.

Two hours turned into what felt like thirty minutes as he walked, he felt the ever ensuing walk continue while the weight of his armor begin to encumber him slowly. In the distance a cave entrance, rather what seemed like a cave, or an entry way of some sort into a system in the mountains, the question was, what was inside. He accepted it in his head that this was most likely the destination. He would receive his answer soon enough.

He halted close enough to the cave to see its darkness, not only that but the temperature dropped due to the somewhat high elevations of the mountain, if any higher, he would probably see snow. He looked around the area as he found a rock, and began to sit, patiently letting his endurance return to his body as he opened up the small pack on his back and took out drinking pouch of water, as he began to gulp it all away. He was hungry too, but he was out of luck, as he ate the last of his food in middle of the route. He sat..... Patiently, contemplating, asking god if this was his mission, to trek into this cave, or what ever it was.
Odde listened to the man as he spoke. He wasn't really thrilled when he said 'Labyrinth' or 'Tremors'. He sighed and looked to the elf as he continued to speak. "So, get into the labyrinth, check. Try not to die, uncheck." he grumbled. He wasn't much of a pessimist but in this situation, how could he not be? He sighed and it echoed off the cavern walls. Dripping of of water off the ceiling was heard and some even touched his skin. He leaned against Alla and found his fur was damp.

"I wish we had some light... wood, anything to make it with. Do you happen to have some sort of stick?"

Damn him for not bring in a jacket or any provisions.
"I think I might have something." he said to Arzur. He turned to the beast and opened up the pouch on his shoulder. A few currency, a flier and some sort of stick that he played fetch with Alla with. "Ah ha!" he said and held out the stick. "It's not the best stick but, If you can make fire we could use it." he said with a frown.

He didn't know if the man could use magic. But, where elves suppose to be magical creatures? He felt the floor tremor under him and he leaned on Alla for support. Oh this was going to be so much fun, note the sarcasm. He sighed with a deadpan expression and held out the stick.
Arzur waited as Odde searched his pouch. With exclamation, he pulled out a stick. It was a little short for what he intended, which would mean splitting some of it off, but it would work. Not wanting to dullen his sword, he searched the ground for an edged rock. It was to carve into the wood and take off a quater of the stick and shave it down. Holding the stick onto the floor, he put his foot on the edge of it and pulled the stick. This bent it until it couldn't handle the tension and, with a loud snap, broke off roughly a quater of the stick. Putting the majority of the stick in his belt, he held the snaller bit and rock in his hand.

"Gather anything around that's flammable, we'll need it." Arzur looked around, a few leaves and other brush still littered the floor. He picked them up and put it into his satchel. Taking the sharp stone, he began to carve away the sides of the stick. He planned to make it flat, or as close to flat as he could make it and then would carve into the wood, making a rounded indent. "This might take a few minutes, we can either stop and wait or keep going while I do this."

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Stopping at a gate, she caught her breath as the guards nodded for her acceptance to go in the large, wonderous, human-filled kingdom. It was very wealthy-looking as well. Quickly slipping on her robe, she entered civilized areas. It was odd being here, and unfortunately, she had to tuck her lower pairs of arms inside her robe, only because this robe supports two-armed people only. And Xer'Chi was kinda pissed at the thought.

On the way to a palace, or a bar perhaps she made out many types of Kahao. Most were reptilian and just... Different. There was no sign of her people working as slaves, or being hung in a particular meaning. No sign of too many humans, for she knows that this man may be in a large group, perhaps a noble from what she has learned over the years.

A local tavern, she spotted out. A great source of talk and a popular location to just relax and have a good time. Reaching for her hood, she walked over. Her tall appearance parted others from herself, and as she pushed the door slightly to forcefully, Xer'Chi already looked heavily suspicious. This place was full of people! YEEESSH!! Giving a slight smile to herself, she went and grabbed a seat in the front, her top pairs of arms twiddling together as her lower pairs tucked weapons neatly away.

The man behind the counter, simply asked, "What can I get'ya?" Looking up, the Kahao hid her eyes and spoke,
"I am not here for drink... But I just yearn for water..."

"You're joking, right?"

"Not at all."

"Fine, then..."

A few seconds later the man came back with a glass of water, and walked away with grunt. Luckily, nobody herd their conversation. Xer'Chi stayed lent forward and pissed.

Even though being pissed can take you down, it can also keep you fighting.

-Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, Inside the Dwarven Mountain, looking for a team to enter the tunnels-

@Rifleman @Izaki Nakajima @TheInfamousHavoc

As Jonasu looked around, he searched for people taller than dwarves mostly, and it was easy to spot them considering the sea of short people below him, at first he saw a woman with brown hair and messy braids...She seemed to be floating? But then he finally realized that she had wings.

"A Fairy...Here? That's Odd.." he said to himself as he scratched the back of his head

"She's probably here for the same reasons you are GENIUS!" said Pari sarcastically

He nodded to himself, he ended up staring at the fairies wings most of the time, wondering what it would be like to have wings, he ends up moving his hand to his shoulder blades, wondering what it would be like to have wings, being such a sentimentalist. He would react the way he did, feeling his shoulder blade awkwardly until he finally stopped and his cheeks reddened, wondering if anyone saw him. The swarm of dwarfs didn't seem to care at all. They were all too busy tending to returning teams, trying to set up escape routes, and several other duties he didn't quite understand.

"Why are you staring at the Fairy girl!? Hurry up and talk to her so we can make a group!" says Pari

"Erm...h-heh....Why are you so eager Pari...?" he asked


Some dwarves look over wondering what the source of the high pitched shout was, Jonasu coughed and passed it off as "I'm sick." after they looked away he slightly shook the bag, making Pari slam against a book

"That hurt!" he says a bit more silent now

As Jonasu walked through the large mass of dwarves towards the Fairy he gradually got more and more nervous with each step, It's not that he was going to meet a girl and he was excited, it was because he had never met a Fairy before, he would usually be very excited when these things happen but also Shy, He has only met an Elf and Dwarf if you don't include humans. His family lived in a very safe area of Bran so it was all humans. As he approached he noticed several others entering, he better get a group quick and enter.

"Um...Hello, My name is Jonasu." he says to the Fairy


Gaia rode upon Nodo's back upon the mountain near one of the entrances. She had to look down to make sure Harp was following. "He's a little big...will he be able to, he may have to...ah" She looked around then pointed toward the ground. Nodo flew downwards landing on the floor of the ground covered by the tall trees. "I cant take you with me, you are to big... I will call for you if anything happens. " Nodo glared at her before stepping in front of her. His wings spread out wide, wider than usual. His tail swished around as he opened his mouth to show his canine teeth. He stomped his foot making that one are quake. The snake had slid up without slowing down, its body coiling up in to the air as it opened his mouth showing his fangs.

It's eyes wide as he snapped at her then drew back. Gaia stood in the middle and held her arm, the thoughts of her friends flooding her mind as she looked away. "You will do no such thing, entering a cave you know nothing of without either one of us, is like killing an old man who has power hidden underneath." "~ssssssss itssssss not going to happen like that. You take one of ussssss or you ssssstay. " Gaia could hear there whimpers which made her feel a little bad. She did not want to scare those up ahead nor did she want them to assume that hey where her enemy. "Please the both of you lower your guard, I have to, if you understand why I am doing this then you will let me pass. I need not them to assume you are beast and up for kill. "

Harp snapped once more before he lowered his body and looked at her. the tip of his nose nudging against he side as his tongue licked her arm. Nodo walking over and wrapping his tail around her arm. Do you understand our thoughts." Gaia nodded her head before leaving their side and walking up the mountain toward the entrance. Looking back was easy enough the hard part was looking into their eyes. She has never gone to an unknown place alone, not with those two beside or close behind. She would call them if she needed help, or they could just hear her thoughts.
((Um... Are you tagging me because you want to group up? *Just woke up so I'm a little slow*))

((and yes, I'll delete this.)) 
((Oh, I see what you're referring to. We're both at a tavern back in Bran, still. So... :I))
Arenam looked up at the two guards that burst in, he couldn't make out their faces but he could see the large amount of armour on them as we'll as huge weapons. "Why am I not surprised" the guard said as he grabbed Arenam's throat and pushed him against the wall "what did you do now lizard man" "lovely to see you too" Arenam replied squinting his eyes at the blurry figure in front of him, the punch had really messed his vision up. The guard tightened his grip on Arenam's throat "know your place maggot" the guard shouted "sorry...sir" although Arenam didn't want the guard getting the pleasure of beating him Arenam knew his boundaries. The guard let go of Arenam while Arenam took a deep breath "what did you do maggot?" Arenam looked at the guard and recognised his face as his vision cleared, he recognised that he was the guard who escorted him here. "Well I was talking this woman, Elvsyr" he pointed to her as he said it "that was until this psychopath threatened to slot her throat I however intervened". The guard grunted and looked at the woman who was still knocked out although she seemed she would wake up soon. The guard to his fellow worker and talked in hushed voice before turning to Arenam with two rusty handcuffs. "I'm arresting both of you" "wait wait wait!" Arenam shouted flailing his arms around trying to avoid being cuffed.

"What am I being arrested for Arenam asked as he was pinned to the wall while the put the handcuffs round his hands "assault" "but she was a criminal" "well I just don't like your attitude towards me either". Arenam sighed "you've got to be kidding me. Is there anything I can do?". "Well.. How about you take this psycho to help with the earthquake at the Cantilla mountains, as well as you, hopefully you'll both die" Arenam nodded and the guard took the handcuffs off both of them. Arenam lifted up the woman and dragged her along with him, he turned to Elvsyr "you coming or what?"

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