Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

Elvsyr looked towards Arenam, wondering if he was going to do anything or not. All of a sudden, she was yanked by her shirt towards him and she quickly grabbed for her scythe. Gaining her balance, she took up a defensive stance behind Arenam, holding onto her scythe with both hands and watching as he swung a glass bottle towards the attacker's head.

((Don't worry, it affected me too. <3))
Bathelia had barely noticed the two Kahao in front of her and the strange feel of a sort of predator coming from the tallest. No, she was to busy looking at the sun that was slowly going down and seeping from there view, this was not a good thing. Though shocking in the dessert it got incredible cold at night, it was like the sun had a job to keep you warm and then once it left it did not care if you froze. Or maybe the sun did no such thing, maybe it was another heartless attempt by the gods to get payback on the beings that dwell this land. Of course Bathelia believed in science rather than gods and goddess but Zilocke on the other hand surprisingly praised the gods and even the goddess. Who would of thought the king would do such a thing, maybe you have to be a goddess to get such kind attention from the boy.

The temperature was drooping very quickly, she had noticed that even Zilocke put his scarf back on but that wasn't her main concern at the moment, for once she was concerned more for the two Kahao than her own king. Seeing as how they came with no blankets or any type of heavy clothing that could keep them warm, how did these girls survive in a place like this without the needed materials or we're they really close to death before Bathelia and the king showed up? These were all questions that could be answered later for she needed to show some kindness to the other Kahao's and get them something to wear.

Bathelia stepped back a few paces, leading herself right by the horse that had been traveling with them, of course there horse would get cold as well and they had already prepared a blanket for the creature. She smiled warmly and placed the blanket over the creatures back, petting it softly afterwards. Then she rummaged through the saddlebag to find some supplies that would keep them warm.

Bathelia found the blankets they desperately needed but the only problem was there were only two, these were originally just for and the king but she wasn't going to let these girls out in the cold to die. She made a decision to sacrifice her own well being for the other two and her king.

She grabbed the blankets from the saddlebag and then headed up to the Feline spirit that was traveling alongside with her but she didn't act fast for she knew the other one had incredible and violent instincts that told her to attack any thing that just rushed up to her side. "...Kaolin.." She made first to call her name so the other one would know she was coming, she then placed a hand on the girls shoulder and gently squeezed it.

"Kaolin, takes this blanket and wrap yourself along with your sister, it is only going to get colder throughout the night as we journey~" She looked at the feline with her sea blue eyes and held out the blanket for her to take.
Njáll's brow furrowed. He wondered if he should tell the human whether he was doing the same as him or not. If he was, then he would know he had competition. They would be wary of him. But, if they just told him they were local Dwarves, he wouldn't find anything suspicious, as there were many around here. While he was thinking, he absentmindedly said, "Please, don't call me Njáll. You are a human. Call me Tybalt." He added to himself in his head, "At least I hope you're human." He had just remembered Naomhán's hatred of Elves, and he hoped this very tall man wasn't on that just looked like a human. He just made up his mind and explained, "No, no. We aren't mapping this place out, like you adventurers. I'm simply a merchant," telling the truth for once, "that sells things to people who are mapping the tunnels. Would you like to buy something off me? This beautifully crafted, Dwarf-made, might I add, steel sword could be yours. Its blade is sharp enough to create a small slit through even bone! It's truly a magnificent piece. Of course, nothing less is to be expected from Dwarves, Mister ...?"
(Anyone in the Samaria Desert?)

Xer'Chi's feet felt achy by now, and it wasn't a good feeling to have. Even though Taurlocs travel a lot, they still have flaws when it comes to long travels. Who wouldn't? The sand continued to twirl in exotic figures, almost like a ritual that it was performing. It sounds quite correct, actually. Due to the fact that Kahao believe in spirits and deities that would do so. Honestly, Xer'Chi didn't know how many deities her species would worship... Maybe 3 or 2? Who knew... But she doesn't pray anymore. She relies on her needs and health from now on. Because right now... She doesn't think praying would be helpful.

Her feet ached even more as she passed several mounds of sand. She was alone, and wanted more food of some sort that wouldn't give her a stomach ache, and possibly make her sick the whole trip to Bran. Speaking of Bran, she was almost there. Just about a kilometer and a half, she'll arrive at their gates with satisfaction. Supposivly, maybe some direction as well? Soon enough, Xer'Chi had second thoughts about Bran... What if they despised Taurlocs? What if she sees her people in shackles or hanging from a rope?


She hissed aloud, letting the sand swirl around her. It was calm now, and all Xer'Chi had to do was keep moving before the scorching sand devours her, with the help of the burning sun.

Maybe praying is a good idea...?
“Fine, sir Tybalt.” He nodded his apology, even though they just met, he didn't want to get on the dwarve's bad side. Not that he was scared of the man, no. He just wasn't a fool. Three against one without him having the first strike would most likely end in his demise.

“Merchants?” He echoed, finding his explanation odd. 'What merchant in the right mind would travel these tunnels at this time? Doubtful.' He considered, wondering if he was after the money as well.

Though, he loved the challenge. If his mind was able to smile, it would be grinning something fierce. He shrugged, sending a small bluff that he wouldn't pry, at least, not directly.

The halfling played along, ignoring the quip about the human side-thought.

“Zath, you may call me Zath.” He nodded once more, leaning against his quarterstaff as he scanned Njall's companions with a stoic, stern gaze. Again, he was sizing them up, absorbing as much information as he could about the dwarves and their Kahao companion.
Shocked, Mordaedel staggered back onto the table, her vision blurred. Blood trickled down her forehead and into her eyes as the color drained from the monochrome world around her, bloching out her line of sight. She could barely see the two figures at the front of the inn. With a sudden, spontaneous lurch, she took an unexpected swing at Arenam, the solid metal of her cuff slamming forcefully into his jawbone.

"Bastard," the Kahao sputtered just above a mumble before everything went black.

(I would have made my post longer, but I couldn't think of what else to say. x-x Sorry, but SOMEBODY went and done knocked me out. > :| )
((@TechnoDragon My Characters Kaolin and Keyin are in Samaria along with the new travel companions they've acquired: Bathelia and her king Zilocke played by Ivan Nakajima and Izaki Nakajima respectively (Sorry if I messed up the spelling of your names guys >.<) and they're on their way out of the desert at the moment I believe. ))

Kaolin was alerted to the approach of the herbivore long before she reached them but kept her knowledge of it concealed. It would be best if the two saw her as good enough to keep around but if she exposed just how animalistic she was completely.... her pupils contracted slightly. It could end badly for all of them. Carefully soothing the predator within her she kept her eyes to the front, observing Zilocke and his confident stride. She couldn't smell anything but his humanity on him- that and the lingering scent of animal but that was due to Bathelia no doubt- so was it possible that he was truly only human? Her tail bristled at the thought but she contained her distaste. Humans were such prideful creatures, holding themselves high above her race yet they lack any instincts that could help them survive the wilds of this world; instincts her race had plenty of. It made her gut twist at how they valued knowledge above all else and ignored the rest. What good would knowledge of your imminent death do? Sure you would be clever enough to deduce how your adversary could kill you but without training both the mind and body one could only wish for a swift death.

She blew a breath out through her nose. Now was not the time for these sort of ponderings. She had agreed to follow him, this human and only time would tell if he would be a liability.

It took until Bathelia was a mere few steps away from them for her sister to notice, her head turning to inspect the woman with curious eyes and a twitching nose. Kaolin made a note to train with the girl more. Keyin was helpless with tracking but everyone had a weakness and she was not about to let her sister slack off on other parts of survival with that pathetic excuse.

"...Kaolin..." the kahao girl had called and Kaolin scoffed inwardly. What sort of predator would she be if she had not heard such a an approach? She had hardly made herself unnoticeable, not even bothering to muffle her footsteps which, light as they were, had still been easy to pick out.

Her hand on her she had not expected though. At the touch a low growl thrummed from her chest and she fought her instincts as they reared their head vengefully.

At the rest of her words the seventeen year old shrugged off her touch in the same movement that she reached for the blanket. She doubted they would really need such a thing. They were acclimated to the cold winter in the forest after all and they had worn their thickest cloaks besides that- which had doubled Keyin's whining. If they were to get cold Kaolin would just readjust her cloak and have Keyin climb onto her back from beneath it. Body heat did much more then material and also didn't hinder her ability to move as much.

Still. She wanted to see what the woman would do, she only had one blanket left, she could see it in her grasp and in the resigned spark behind her eyes.

'What are you to do?' she thought with half lidded eyes.

Only after seeing her plans and actions would Kaolin decide her own.
((May I ask who's joining the second event? I'm making the groups now and I don't want to accidentally leave anyone out.))
((That's nice to know, Red-Chan but I asked for people who ARE joining the event. ^^" I don't want people crowding this thread up with OOC :3 Lol xD ))
((Both my characters are, and you already have Elvsyr in a group if you aren't changing them, and possibly my third character if I get around to making it and it gets accepted)
((I believe I am joining as well paipai ))

((ADD IN: Whoops! Forgot to specify-- those would be the Kahao characters Kaolin and Keyin))
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---------------- Ғayette • Ӓthitia


So I'm honest, what's so bad about that?

xxxxxThe young fairy had only taken a few steps into the labyrinth when a man entered from behind her. By the looks of it, he was only a couple of older than her. Late twenties, she guessed. His ears immediately gave off his elvish background, but his build was more on the side of a human's. Whether the man was a halfling, or an elf, she couldn't exactly put her inger on it. Maybe she would find out at a later time.

xxxxxThere was reaction to the stranger as he went about his business, taking out a piece of chalk and marking the entrance with a large, white 'E.' With her usual blank expression, Fayette contemplated approaching the man or just continuing on her way. It could have been scary, the way she stared at him. Of course, it went unnoticed as she turned and cautiously hovered down the winding path. Today didn't feel like a day for walking, and it would have been uncomfortable for the man if she stood there, watching him anyways.

xxxxxA loud growl from Fayette's stomach clearly informed the fairy that she hadn't exactly eaten this morning... or yesterday for that matter. I only the girl hadn't been so lazy to just walk across the street and buy herself at least some flat bread for her journey. Fay had just been in too much of a rush to care for the fact that she needed food to survive the rest of the day. Without much enthusiasm, Fayette flipped open her satchel, rummaging throughout its contents in search of any food. Unfortunately, there was none. All signs of anything edible had been stolen by the rats that infested the place in where she lived. "Huh. Lucky me." she muttered, closing the foodless bag. The only things she held in there were her medical kit, a small knife used for simple tasks, a small amount of gold (Which wouldn't exactly be useful in this situation), and a thin blanket. It would be useful for the trek through the maze, for who knew how long, but it wouldn't be enough to last her very long without nourishments.

xxxxxSighing, Fayette slowly made her way through the labyrinth, making sure to keep to the right of the caves so it wouldn't be too hard to find her way out. Suddenly, a tremor ran its way through the mountains. Fayette threw herself against the cave walls for support. Falling onto the ground wasn't exactly her top priority at that moment. This was a regular thing for the dwarves that lived in the mountains. The fairy shook her head. Who in Nevenarius's name would be willing to live in a place like this? Oh right, the dwarves. They were probably used to the shaking, though Fayette couldn't imagine how. The shaking calmed down to a tolerable level, and Fay continued on her way, the darkness enclosing itself around her.

xxxxxIt wasn't long before she noticed a light at the end of a tunnel. Had she already reached the other side of the mountain? She was sure it hadn't even been ten minutes since she entered the labyrinth. Maybe she held the record of the fastest fairy in Salisonia...though highly doubtful. With a faint, yet unnoticeable smile on her face, Fayette's speed picked up, her wings literally invisible now as they were too quick for the naked eye to catch. Of course, not that it mattered, it was pretty hard to see anything really in the darkness of the cave.

xxxxxMaybe there would be a village somewhere outside of the mountains, somewhere, or someone, she could buy some food off of at least. the money she had with her now could buy the girl enough food throughout her journey in the labryinth, and maybe some extra supplies. It was like camping, except for the fact that she would be hiking through a dark cave that might collapse and end her life in a second. But, you only live once right?

xxxxxIn less than a minute, Fayette found herself outside of he mountains, in a place that looked all too familiar. It didn't take her too long to figure out that she had brought herself back to the entrance. The large, white 'E' pretty much gave it off as well. Around here were dwarves, bustling about, and taking care of either wounded or just being, well... dwarves. she couldn't help but notice the slight greenish tint to their skin color, and she was sure that the last dwarf she had met wasn't anywhere close to green. It had taken her a good amount of time to try and figure it out before the answer to her curiousity presented itself just as a female dwarf ran off to, well... vomit.

xxxxxShe was quiet, taking note of the rest of her surroundings. There was the man she saw earlier, as well as a few others. A Kahao and two Darves approached them. The Dwarf, Njáll, seemed to be some sort of leader from the way he carried himself. "I'm Fayette." She said simply, ignoring the conversation that went about her, completely clueless of the tension between the man and the Dwarf.. Whether or not her name gave off any recognition of the fact that she was a member of the Three Elements, she didn't exactly care. And frankly, even if she had, her face didn't show it. "I'm here to help map out the caves as well, but mostly minimizing the amount of deaths that might occur during this... thing."

xxxxxIt was true. Money was an issue for her, but the main reason she had actually chosen to take part in the event was because she didn't want people to be dying all over the place with her knowing it. This job involved being underground, and being an earth elementalist gave her a bit of an advantage. The fairy didn't have enough power to stabilize even half of the mountains, but she would do what she could.

(( OoC:// Sorry guys, I thought I had posted it and went off to play my Saints Row. e-e;; Turns out I had just left it finished and unposted. *facepalm ANYWHOOZIES. Of course, Fayette shall be joining. ))

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((Of course, Zathriel my man will be joining as well.

Zath: Like I have a choice?

Oh, and by the way, @TheInfamousHavoc how did you see he was a halfling? He had his hood up. xD Oh well, it's fine now. ^^))

The halfling's demeanor was of one who didn't care what the dwarves and the fairy being had to say. All he cared about was getting this over quickly, and idly talking to these four wouldn't help him in completing the objective.

“Good to know.” He said coolly, glancing at the fairy; Fayette. He couldn't care less, again, what they were doing here. As long as they stayed out of his way, there wouldn't be a problem.

With a light grip on his staff, he edged away from the group and slid on by. With a nod, he gave the fairy and dwarves a passing glance, pulling his the cowl of his hood over his face.

Removing the chalk from his belt, he melted back into the cavern and etched an 'X' on the wall, near the passage he tried on his own. Stuffing it back into his belt, he leaned against his staff and removed the parchment map, glancing to his sides as he debated which way to go.
(My Dwarven characters have been waiting for this FOREVAH. They will be joining.)

Njáll was a bit offended. Usually, people responded to his greetings with Nice to meet you, sir; or Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Of course, he mostly dealt with high-standing people (well, they claimed they were high-standing. Everyone knew they were just petty crooks) that knew the generic social faux pas, and sought to avoid them. He immediately decided he didn't like her. It seemed to him that she thought herself more important than the two Dwarves and the Kahao; well she was probably better than the Kahao, but not better than two proud Men of the Mountains. That title was sometimes given to Dwarves by humans; they thought it was a compliment since they thought themselves better as well, but it was more of an insult.

Of course, he wouldn't let he know that he was irritated because it was bad for business. If your customer knows you don't like him or her, they will have less of an incentive to buy your wares.

So, he plastered a fake smile on his face, and went to work on trying to sell the sword. If she had the audacity to completely ignore social conventions, she would obviously have a purse full of gold, maybe from some rich, deceased boyfriend.

"Well, Miss Fayette, a beautiful name to go with a beautiful face, might I add, it's a pleasure to have you in our mountains." He couldn't say this stuff to male clientele of course because Njáll was straight as could be, and he didn't want rumors to go around that he had suddenly found an interest in men, unless it was true. "As you're helping out the effort, thank you, by the way, I'd like to offer you a tremendously amazing proposition. Do you see this sword I brandish in my arms? It's made of the finest steel, by the most skilled blacksmiths, in the hottest fires. This sword could be the very savior, of such a life that should be treasured like yours." He held it in a stance he had seen Naomhán sometimes take when he was trying to practice with a delicate sword, as Njáll himself has no knowledge on how to even swing any kind of weapon properly. He grasped the hilt with both hands, and he flipped it upside down, a little bit to his left. The handle was above his hand, the blade preparing to block anything his opponent decided to swing at him. And if they did, he could parry by sort of punching his fists out, and then twisting his wrists to the sword would go up and into the enemy's body. He exhibited all of this, trying to show off its magnificence. "So, my lady. Will you give me the honor of selling this fine piece of weaponry to you?"

Naomhán stood silently at Njáll's side, knowing that if he acted in a childish manner, it could offset the clients. The Kahao shuffled his feet and stood impatiently as the Dwarf merchant talked. Naomhán sent him a dirty look, trying to command the bull to stay quiet, but to no avail. Alexej didn't even see the warrior Dwarf.
Odde studied the disaster around him with a morbid expression. There were bodies of all species but mainly humans. He saw the corpse of a young child and her mother on the ground. Their bodies decapitated and dismembered. He felt his eyes start to water "Why did those creatures do this? What were they?" he said and turned around. He noticed that the creatures hadn't spared his boss or the beasts that were in their cages.

He turned to Alla relieved to see he was alive and well. He walked over to the beast and rested his head on his shoulder and touched the beast's neck.
"Lets go back into town." He sighed and got on Alla and they headed back to Bran. He was happy to leave the destruction behind him and happier when he saw the bustling market place of Bran.

He dismounted Alla and started to walk around. He saw a person handing out fliers and the man turned to him.
"You seem like you have a mighty fine heroic spirit in you. The Cantillia Mountains needs help, will you be willing to help them?" he asked.

Odde had always had a sense of adventure and was always willing to help. He looked at the man and nodded
"Of course." he said. The man grinned and nodded "Off you go then." he said and turned the other way. Odde turned back to Alla and sighed "It looks like we are going on an adventure boy." he said with a quirk of a smile. He mounted the beast once more and headed towards the mountains. Alla was going as fast as he could and they soon reached the base of the mountain.

Alla slowed down and he snorted to he air. Odde looked up at the massive landmark in front of him and he saw a cave nearby
"Lets go there." Odde said and pointed to the cave. They headed to the cave not sure what awaited them.
Arzur continued to wait outside, not necessarily afraid of entering the labyrinth, just knowing he wouldn't be able to defend off a horde of creatures if that were to help. He looked through the leather bag given to him with his week supply of food for the quest. It didn't really seem to be a week's worth to him but he could easily ration it. Leaning against his black staff, he waited.

He was hoping there would be someone else to go in that he could travel along with so that it wasn't only him.

Half an hour passed by and he saw someone that seemed to be approaching the cave. He looks no mere than a young boy. Arzur thought, watching the person come closer. He was riding some sort of animal. It looked like a (InsertNameOfThatAnimalHere). Once the boy was closer, Arzur could tell he was a little older than he originally thought, though still quite young. Once he had reached the opening of the labyrinth, Arzur stepped up to him. "Are you here to help? I could use somebody to fight with while in there, if need-be."

((Mrllama, the creator of Tacky 2.0 short posts. :'D))


---------------- Ғayette • Ӓthitia


So I'm honest, what's so bad about that?

xxxxxFayette stole a glance at man, just as he stole one at her. "Good to know." He replied simply. Whether or not it was meant to come off as rude, Fayette didn't know, and she wasn't the type of person to try and out. With a shrug, she only supplied him with a faint smile before turning her back to him and bringing her attention back to the Dwarf merchant as the stranger took his leave. The Dwarf seemed generally kind, as he offered the girl an all-too-friendly smile.

xxxxxThe fairy decided that this Dwarf was a person to be trusted. After all, he did seem like a generally kind person. However, she gave no reaction to Njáll's flattery, as her face remained in that same blank expression that she sported everywhere she went. "Thank you, I suppose. And it's a pleasure to meet you here as well." The words came out a bit more awkward than she had hoped for them to be. Formalities weren't exactly a favorite when it came to meeting new people. First impressions were always a problem for her, since it was rather harad to tell when the girl was happy, sad, or even angry.

xxxxxThe Dwarf's proposition was interesting, and he was rather skilled in the art of business. However, his proposition didn't exactly interest the fairy. Not even in the slightest. If anything, it entertained her in the way he presented his merchandise. The weapon would have been a great tool to own for any normal girl in her position, but there was no way she would buy such a thing. The girl had little to no money, and even if she had enough, Fayette had never used man-made weapon to harm others. Enemy or not.

xxxxxBefore turning down Njáll's offer (It was such a shame too, he put so much effort into presenting it), Fay took a small glance toward the other two that stood by his side. The Kahao, Alexej, was shuffling his feet over the ground. Naomhán made a small, yet aggressive attempt at getting the bull to stop, but he was only unintationally ignored. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to pass on that offer..." Fayette began, turning back to the merchant. "You see, I don't exactly use weapons of the sort." She informed him, almost sympatherically. Fayette lifted up both of her arms, as if to show him that she indeed had no weapons on her, despite the small knife she held in her satchel. Although, she planned to use it more for survival rather than violence. In combat, Fay relied only on her powers alone. Only in desperate times, and this would rarely happen, would she find herself using a manufactured weapon.

xxxxx"I was actually hoping for some food and water to last me for a sufficient amount of time while I'm in the caves." She explained. Hopefully this merchant would have more than just weapons to supply her with. If he had no food to offer her. Well then, let's just say she wouldn't be in the best of situations. Fayette kept her mouth shut on the limits of her supplies. Seeing how he was the only merchant in the area, if the Dwarf knew she only had ten gold pieces, and no food, he could very well rip her off. Then of course, he was a rather nice man, she was probably just over analyzing the situation, right?

(( OoC:// @EuRo BECAUSE SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING. Har har. Just kidding, she has this estimated guess that he's a halfing, but she's not positive. HOWEVER, I edited the words, to make the world a better place. :b @Mooalally This Dwarf, Mang. So rude.

xD Maybe it's a good thing this girl's so naive. Haha ))
Odde stared at the cave in front of him with a wide eyed expression. So what did he do now? He heard a voice in his head say "You have. to go, INSIDE!" he sighed. The beast summoner shook his head of the voice, he couldn't be going crazy, not now. He was about to head inside when he heard a man's voice. He looked to the side and saw a tall man with a black staff and pointed ears. He assumed the man was elven though the young lad had never seen an elf before.

He almost missed the man's question when he asked if he was here to help.
"Yes, a strange man told me of the problems here at the mountains." he said a small smile on his face. He widened his eyes and looked away, he really didn't want to go in alone and here this elven man was asking him to journey with him. He nodded quickly and smiled at the other man

"So would I, this is my first time out of Bran. But, I swear on my mother's grave that I will see that those creatures do not hurt another living being again." he said with a determined face.

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