Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

Kaolin noticed his flinch, tail fur bristling out from beneath her cloak as she waited for some sort of violent outburst. When none was forthcoming she relaxed a bit and continued with the wound tending, nodding to signal she had heard his thanks though she hadn't a clue why he whispered such a thing. The treatment of the wound was a bit of cautious repetition, allowing her to listen to his answer about the water. She spread the concoction over the wound evenly, careful not to waste any by smearing any on flesh that did not to be healed.

'Water is a frequent variable in the caves then.' she thought pensively. Her cat spirit did not like that one bit. But what choice did she have? She had made a vow and what vows she made she took very seriously. No manner of ingrained instincts would cause her to turn her back on one if it did not endanger Keyins' life.

Rolling the knowledge around in her head she began the finishing touches on the wound. Absently, she called to Keyin.

"Wake the other." she said, not bothering with many words since the pup would know what she was asking. Out of the corner of her eye she caught caught sight of her sister picking up the branch once again and she turned her head a fraction of an inch to glower disapprovingly at her. "Without the branch, if you would."

The young girl pouted but dropped the piece of wood before slinking over towards the unconscious male to toe at his form. Satisfied that her sibling had abandoned her mischievous shenanigans she turned back to her work an spread a last line of mashed herb upon Naomháns' brow. "That should be good. At least as a field dressing. It would be good to bind if you can and then change the bandaging every couple of hours. I can make you some more of the salve and some other ones to stave away infection."
Naomhán saw a thoughtful look just slightly overtake her face. It was a skill to notice people's feelings by their facial expression - one that Naomhán thought he had but in fact had a lack of said skill. It would have been obvious to anyone. He wondered absentmindedly if he ever got that look on his face. Perhaps he had it now? He stared deep into her eyes, in an effort to see any recognition of his fervently thoughtful expression, or lack thereof. After she spoke, he was startled out of his train of thought; pardon the size of my vocabulary.

"Um, sure," he answered, outright confused. He had never heard those terms before. What was a "salve"? He assumed it was whatever she had just put on him. "Then you're planning to come wherever we're going? Or perhaps you're planning to drag us along wherever you're going. Whichever," he took the chance of standing up, and brushing off his bottom of dirt. "Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson has the final word." He drew himself up to his full height, which wasn't very impressive in the company of such tall people, and then hobbled over to a rock and sat down on it.

Njáll snorted in his unconsciousness and rolled over, into a small puddle. He made a small splash due to his weight, but nothing more. "It would seem my companion has drifted out of "almost dead" to "sleeping." Hopefully he has bad dreams, else he won't be happy with the state of the real world. We were supposed to be going somewhere, and instead we get flooded with that blasted water. Perhaps try something harder?" he suggested to the girl.
He laughed inwardly when the fairy threw a small mushroom at his face. He tried to keep it concealed outwardly because it might offend her, but he didn't know if he did such a good job or not. He decided he would put up with this odd little person for now. After all, she was on his side, so she couldn't be horrible.

"Oh, sure. You go right ahead," he replied.

He turned around, walked a few paces, and sat down, cross legged.

"I might as well sharpen my bolts a little bit. And watch you pummeling him will be fun."

He grabbed a small rock from nearby where he was sitting, and took out a bolt at random. He started smashing the the stone onto the head of it, hoping to create a small indent that will make it more deadly, and faster in flight. He peeked up every so often to check the fairy's progress, and to non-verbally check if it was his turn yet.
Arzur inhaled deeply, the fairy getting sucked into his throat. Choking, he vomited. The fairy's body was soaking wet and crumpled up, the fairy dead.

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It annoyed her slightly that he assumed as much. Had she been so transparent? It was a foolish predator that allowed its thoughts to show upon the plains of their face and in the lines of the their body. A foolish predator was one that did not survive long in the perils of the wild.

Kaolin rose as well, stepping back to place the stone down away from the dwarf, keeping a keen ear open for any movement as she turned slightly from him, not daring to turn completely lest her back face him. No matter how friendly the male seemed she didn't trust anyone at her back accept Keyin and even then she was on high alert as the pup was not the most vigilant. She didn't comment on his peculiar phrasings and instead set her attentions on the pup who was shifting her weight to one foot. In a flash she was besides her, swiftly moving between her sister and her target, placing a hand on her shoulder to steer her into facing the opposite direction with the movement of her form.

"Play nice." she warned in an almost silent hiss.

She dropped her grip on her when the girl sent her a glare and spun and crouched down in front of the dwarf. How did one wake a dwarf? Figuring she should try something basic and attempt complicated plans after if it did not work she reached a hand out to his shoulder.

"Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson." She called, shaking his shoulder firmly. When nothing happened she flicked a gaze toward the other dwarf from beneath her lashes before tightening her grip and calling his name once again, shaking him quite a bit harder. Hard enough to betray her inhuman nature if the man was awake but not hard enough to tip off the other Dwarf.
Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, Cantilla Mountains, thinking about leaving or going in alone.

((Sorry for the crappy post, I just needed something to come back with. Angels cried when they read this, I sort of died too))

Jonasu looks back to the fairy who they didn't seem to be able to find a good reason why to continue to converse so they parted ways, she was pretty cute... He sort of felt down for not being able to convince her but things happen. Pari finally felt the effects of the candy and fell into a long exhausted sleep after his sugar rush which was forcefully shushed by Jonasu. The tunnels were quiet now, time had passed and the issue got fixed slowly. Jonasu felt as if he didn't help the friendly kin as much as he wanted to, but he simply ignored his tormenting thoughts and thought about home.

Ah yes, home, a pleasant thought indeed, warm food, warm house, warm... everything. He wanted to return but honestly he had decided that he wasn't turning back.. this was his and Pari's Journey together. They wanted to explore the world and salisonia together, and find out more about his heritage. He seemed to be coming to his senses slowly as he quietly pulling out a notebook and began writing down all the things he needed to do and his priorities, they needed to find out more about the secrets of this land. As well of the ones of his homeland, he scratched his head and yawned as he needed sleep. He might go in, simply to explore, this was the meaning of his Journey.

Jonasu's Adventure wasn't going to end yet. Count on it.
Naomhán chuckled quietly at the little girl attempting to rouse his friend.

Is this how they wake people? It must take them forever.

He stood up from his sitting position, and rolled his neck a few times to get some cricks out.

"Aye, you're going to take longer than we have to live. We're old, and we have things to do," he said to the girl, walking over to Njáll. He smiled at her, letting her know he was joking. He kneeled down near to his companion, grabbed him the scruff of his color, squeezing some water out that had been soaked in from earlier events.

"By the way, I'm very impressed that you can remember our names. Not many can. But in any case, if you forget and you'd rather call us by just one name, you may refer to me as Coluim, and him," he motioned his head in the direction of the unconscious Dwarf on the ground, "Tybalt." He turned back, drew his hand back, and slapped Njáll across the face. His head flew to the right quickly, before it shook and the eyes that inhabited it fluttered open. An angry expression overtook his face.

"What cursed you to do such a thing?" he shouted at Naomhán.

"You were asleep and not able to be awoken by shaking. We had to try something else."

"I was already awake. That awful shaking you did, that roused me from my peaceful slumber. I was just enjoying a little bit more quiet before everyone started telling me to walk again." Njáll sat up, stronger than Naomhán was after he had woken. He coughed some drops before spying their company.

"Who are these two?" he blurted out before he could remember his manners. "Forgive me Misses, my name is Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson, and I'm a merchant who lives around these mountains. And how may I refer to you?" He extended his hand in a token of friendship and offering.
Arzur died on the inside at the childish Fairy's death. He picked up a fallen mushroom from the ground and shoved it into her mouth, almost ripped her head in half. Using his Elven magic spooky powers he slammed his staff onto her head, her head exploding all over. Chanting "Ooga Booga!" five times, the pieces flew back together and the body straightened out. He awaited the long cussing session.

(There. You happy?!)
Darth Pai updated Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons with a new update entry:

Operation Revision

My fellow Salisonians,
I believe you have all heard the devastating news about the delayed sequel to Rise of the Dragons and it has come to my attention that Rise of the Dragons can still keep going! So, I will commence....Operation Revision.

I will be rewriting all of the info, adding new things in, changing things up, etc. The title will change, the info will change, everything will change. This will keep you all entertained until the planned and in planning sequel comes out in Summer 2014....
Read the rest of this update entry...
Elvsyr stood down from her previous stance and leaned on her scythe. Grinding the butt of her scythe into the ground she watched as the dirt around it began to rise into the air. With a sigh Elvsyr looked up and listened to Arenam and the agressor communicate. Finally, Arenam suggested they leave. "I'm ready."

@Ixidor92 @Kasai @Flabbysaurus

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The Kahao was quick to receive her staff, nearly snatching it from the man's hands. If you could call them that. Without another word and her stoic gaze fixed in no one spot as she headed the opposite direction down the cobblestone path, she subconsciously plotted out her freedom from the three with nothing but seething. If she led them away from their destination, and by accident they came across a mob of ruthless beasts... it wouldn't be hard to be rid of them, and it wouldn't be her problem. They practically asked for it.

The road became steeper, until it faded into a dirt path, until it was nothing but forest. "If we cut through the forest this way, we should arrive at the mountain pass long before nightfall," she announced as she glanced back, her staff leading her footfalls with cadence.

((Don't have much time. I'll post as Nyx tomorrow.))
What was going on through this woman's mind right now? Sanz made sure to keep an eye on her as they trudged through the forest. However, he made sure to keep an eye on their progress. He had the advantage when it came to navigating the woods, and this woman did not know that. If she tried to lead them astray . . . he would know it, and she would regret ever having made such a decision. Mage or no. He stopped when he felt a drop of water on his head, to which he sniffed the air a couple of times. Rain? Possibly. A look at the sky revealed dark clouds upon the creeping night. Sanz put on hand on the woman's shoulder, trying to motion they should stop for the night.
Arenam follow the group through the woods looking behind his back every minute, he wasn't used to walking through forests. Arenam didn't like how easily creatures could camouflage in them and attack him without making a noise that and he wasn't used to navigating them causing him to trip and smack his head off of branches only angering him. Arenam felt a few raindrops fall upon his face as well and noticed the dark clouds above him that looked the were about to burst. "I suggest we maybe stop and find shelter from the rain, I think the big human ages with me as well yes?" Even if Sanz didn't mean that Arenam alread started gathering small twigs fro a fire, preferably dry ones.
Elvsyr followed the group, happy to be back in a forest even though it had only been a day gone from them.

Hearing Arenam suggest they stop and find shelter, Elvsyr nodded in agreement and helped him collect wood and other brush she assumed would be used for a fire. Once she collected a few handfuls Elvsyr took off her scythe and put the butt of it into the ground, resting against it. "Shall I gather us food? I've lived in a forest all my life and thus know how to navigate them quite well, plus what's edible and what-not." She asked the group.

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The fairy's face turned red as if she were about to explode. Anything she yelled after that was barely intelligable. "YOU'RE GONNA... ABOUT TO BE BLEEDING FROM YOUR... FILTHY TONGUE... RIP OUT YOUR OLD SHRIVELED HEART!!!" as she rained down punches on the man. Any questions she would have asked were lost.

After several seconds, she was out of breath, passed out on the cold hard ground with her face sinking into the discarded mushroom. 

Mordaedel stopped and squinted at the sky, holding out her hand. Frowning slightly, she briskly turned and glanced at Elvsyr with skepticism. "Not that I doubt that... but with you in charge of food, we'll all be dead by morning. I'll forage. Here, do something useful." She tossed her a twig, barely a stick, then smirked mockingly with a nod of sarcastic respect. "You can be captain of firewood," she declared monotonously as she continued to walk, heading off course and waving with the back of her hand.

She wouldn't be surprised if one of them decided to follow her. She was, after all, their proclaimed "prisoner." But that didn't matter— either way, she wasn't so unsure of herself.

As twilight crept up over the hills, dying the forest sepia, she gathered bits of leaves and berries— but only enough to sutain one person. A hare scurried across her trail as she knelt by a raspberry bush, breaking off clumps of the ripe rubies and dumping them in her bag. The Kahao brushed off her hands, wincing as the dark red berry juice seeped into her cut, then stood slowly, holding very still. Making a gesture, she muttered a sort of a prayer then raised her staff, a crescent-shaped blade suddenly appearing above it. Killing small animals with scythes can be a tricky subject, but wih a quick, clean sweep of the blade, the headless creature fell. Mordaedel then proceeded to sit among the undergrowth, cleaning off her weapon aridly.
Sanz nodded at the young man, but agreed with the young woman that someone else should be in charge of food. He narrowed his eyes as the woman left, and walked into the forest after her. As he moved, his footsteps softened, and his presence seemed to fade almost entirely. It did not matter how large he was . . . he was a hunter. And right now . . . he was on the hunt. The woman made little effort to hide her passing it seemed, though her path intersected with something quite interesting.

When she had finished with the small hare, Sanz walked out of the brush, seemingly from nowhere. His hand trailed down and ran over a few steady marks. Footprints. Hooves, of some description. His nose sniffed a few times, but he could not pick up much over the fresh blood. He would need to follow the trail and see what was there, but he had a hunch . . . His eyes met that of Mordael's. This could be made easier with her assistance.
Darth Pai updated Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons with a new update entry:

Reboot Survey

Greetings, fellow Salisonians!
Many of you have read about the reboot update, that I'm rewriting all of this roleplay's information! And yes, it is true! It shall take some time, but hopefully, it'll be worth it.

So, I'm here to ask you - yes, you! - what you want for this new reboot! Any suggestions? Ideas? Anything! I'm going full out! In fact.... This roleplay will have spoilers for it's real sequel that's coming in Summer 2014! So, go to the OOCs and suggest away!...
Read the rest of this update entry...
"Whatever you say, Darling." Elvsyr mumbled under her breath at the prisoner. Like she would be the reason for their starvation. More like the other way around. Pulling out a coin from her bag she tossed it into the air, catching with her right hand one time, her left the next time, and vice-verse. A few of her tricks were also used, catching it with one hand and making the coin appear in the next one or from behind objects. It was an easy entertainment and, although she'd been able to do it for quite some years, it was good for practice, albeit a miniscule one. With a sigh, Elvsyr leaned back resting her head onto her arms which were flat on the ground and behind her. Gray clouds filled the sky and released a small drizzle which felt refreshing for her. She closed her eyes and day-dreamed, slowly dozing off.
Arenam sighed I guess I'm making the fire then. Arenam laid the gathered twigs and sticks on the ground as he picked up some small stones and then formed a circle with them. Just when Arenam was going to assemble said twigs and sticks inside the ring of stones to create a long lasting fire a small drizzle fell upon the forest. "Seriously? Hey Ms Magician you want to help me or at least get some food as well, I wouldn't trust that prisoner with my food" Arenam hissed at Elvsyr. Arenam recollected the stones and twigs and put them under a large tree hoping that its branches and leaves would prevent the fire materials from getting too wet.
Elvsyr smirked at Arenam "Well apparently the other two think I'll cause them to starve if I try getting food. You look like you've got it handled, anyway. What I will do, though, is gather some supplies to make a few mixtures with incase we need them. Do you happen to have any glass vials? I only have two." Sitting up, she took out the said glass vials and set them on the floor. She could already see quite a few ingredients around them and collected bits of them whilst placing them into her pouch.

"Actually..." Elvsyr thought, and turning around to face Arenam again, she plucked a few big leaves off a nearby bush. Taking out some string she used for weaving, Elvsyr attached the leaves together and folded their edges upwards, making a sort of tunnel but split in half. She did that a few more times leaving in total eight different chutes. Some were placed between rocks, others against tree branches. She picked up the glass vials again and brought them over to the ends of two chutes and placed the open end of the chutes on the mouth of the vials. "There, easy water gain. Put a canteen or whatever you have on the rest of them." Elvsyr told Arenam as she hooked up her own canteen to another chute.

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Mordaedel wasn't surprised to see that the man had appeared when she lifted her gaze. Of the strange travelers, he seemed to be intent on keeping an eye on her, as if was a self-distributed duty. Flicking her wrist, the scythe collapsed back into a staff as she walked over. Tracing the tracks with her gaze, she gave an understanding nod to the human, gripping the staff in her hand.
Keyin fell into a fit of giggles, covering her mouth in a half-hearted attempt to conceal her fangs from the dwarves, should their eyes wander her way. She had seen quite a few ways that people woke each other in the big city. Each one had been bizarre in some way as the only one who had woken Her up before was Kaolin and the older girl just didn't do things that were deemed wasteful and pointless in her eyes. Keyin had always known that she had to options wake up when told or chance finding herself in a precarious situation. When they had traveled through the city she had seen beer poured on a mans head to prod him from his slumber, she'd seen a little girl fall asleep only to be woken when her sibling nudged her and had then fallen off the bench they were seated on... but this slapping ordeal. It was her favorite, she decided.

Kaolin managed to conceal her reaction to the scene better than her sister but could not help the brow that arched high on her face. So that was the trick to waking a dwarf? She would have to remember that for future reference... She kept a careful ear on the men as they conversed but cast a careful glance around the area. Nothing new. That damnable water was still too close to her liking and the plant life was as wretched as ever (compared to the forest). A silent sigh hissed out from between her teeth. She was getting too high-strung; there were too many variables to keep track of. The king and his Prey-female were somewhere, the runaway horse had probably broken it's leg attempting to flee, her sister was endanger at every turn, the dwarves were now both conscious and the probability of being attacked by them doubled not to mention being ambushed by focusing attention on them...

At a loud outburst from Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson she tensed, eyes darting to him first before his companion and back again. Seeing no immediate threat she replayed what she had heard. "I am Kaolin and this is my sister Keyin, we found both you and... Coluim washed up from the waters on the embankment." Her eyes flicked to the offered hand and her brow scrunched, her form shifting uneasily. A handshake was not an action of greeting for her but from what she had seen it was commonplace for many of the races. Her fingers flexed as she decided whether or not to accept the hand before she bobbed her head and gestured towards the pedestal. "Have you any wounds that need tending?"
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Sanz followed the trail silently, his massive form somehow seeming to miss all the excess branches in the air as well as the spare twigs on the ground. One hand went up after several minutes--as the trail now led into a den of sorts. Sure enough, one could here some grunts and the distinct sound of something pig-like. It was a wild boar. Sanz quickly got the woman's attention before drawing a few symbols into the earth. First there was a circle, with a pair of tusks inside. Outside some distance was a figure of a scythe. He drew some violent lines around the scythe, then his finger traveled slowly from the tusks halfway to the scythe in the dirt. Once there, his fist came down, leaving an imprint where it had been. His looked at her only once before he turned around and clambered up one of the many trees in the area. It wasn't long before he had disappeared among the branches, though one could probably see him if they knew what to look for. He did not fully trust this woman, not in the least, but at least when she was doing activities like this her mind would be occupied. It was certainly a better alternative to physical bindings. At least his message to her should have been clear.
Njáll retracted his hand quickly after she showed no signs of accepting his handshake. "Nothing wrong, I don't think. My face aches, that's true, but the cause isn't the water, it's an idiot." He glared at Naomhán.

"So," he said, already getting to business. "What are you two doing in this mountain?" He coughed again, getting some more water out of his lungs.

"And before you ask, like so many others have, we're here to help adventurers who are trying to map out our poor mountains after they've been ... destroyed to say the least. Perhaps you'd take an interest to something we sell? We have weapons, food, anything you need. Though, of course, except water, but that could be easily gathered from where we just came out of."

He looked up and around, looking for the hole that had dumped them there. Strangely, it was nowhere to be seen.

"Perhaps the water carried us away from where we originally fell?" he mumbled to himself.

Naomhán went back to the rock he had been sitting on before, grabbed his beard and soaked it out.

"I don't feel righ' about this place. We should move on, Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson, and maybe you two, if you wish to join us."

He debated whether or not he should inform the girls of their true intent, and decided against it, for it would seem they're liars and would destroy any kind of trust they could hope for.

"We should get out of here, and go back to the mountains where we can find more people, Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson," he said, trying to give him a hint.

"All right, all right, we'll go. I'm terribly sorry," Njáll said, mournfully, "Perhaps you would like to join us, as my companion here suggested? We could walk you into the mountain and guide you to places where we are familiar with. It is sure that not all of the tunnels have collapsed, meaning we could be incredibly useful, that is, of course, if you're trying to map our home out."

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