Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

paipai900 said:
((Goodnight, you two. ^^ Hopefully people will interact with each other more tomorrow. xD ))
[[ >~> Me and Ivan were waiting for some people to interact with us D: People just don't like us i guess xDDD I couldn't say that with a straight face >w< I'm lovable. Well goodnight ^3^ ]]
((AWWWWW, darnit! I was planning on jumping in and everyone went to bed ._.'' Guess it's my fault.... math homework on Sundays should be a sin that sends you straight into the seventh circle of hell. Sorry for taking so long >.<!!!))

Keyin didn't know how long it had been since they first began the hell-sent trek through the desert, all she knew was that it was enough time to make her feet numb, and her mind so weary that she could barely tell anything apart with scent and sound. 'There's going to be a sandbox in my ears when we stop.' she thought mournfully, her fluffy tail dragging slightly behind her through the sand. If they ever did stop that is.

Her eyes flicked to Kaolin who was pacing ahead of her as if she were taking a ten minute walk through a breezy moonlit forest. She wiped at her forehead, grimacing when she felt a streak of sand settle there, clinging to the moisture of her sweat. Did the heat not affect her? Was the blasted sun suddenly picking favorites and deciding that Kaolin didn't need any scorching heat waves rolling over her?

The reality of just how delusional that thought was hit her and Keyin silently groaned, letting her head hang lower then it had been before. This was the worst trip ever. Why couldn't they have stayed in the forest? Or traveled to that place called 'Bran'? Anywhere sounded better than here and at the moment the 'why' of this whole ordeal was escaping her poor exhausted self.

'We're going to die here...we're going to get lost and wander this horrible place for centuries to come... So long life! So long delicious spit roasted rabbit, and fire-smoked fish! So long---'


She looked down in surprise at her roaring stomach. Apparently no matter the state she was in her stomach had no problem clambering for food.

"Uh, Kaolin..." She began, lifting her head to peer at her sister, wondering if she could weasel her way into some of the rations.

Before she could finish a slender hand holding one of their sacks of food appeared directly in front of her face. "WA--ah!" her eyes shot to Kaolin and found her looking down at her stoically.

"Eat up and keep up." the older kahao said, dropping the bag into her waiting hands before walking away.

The wolf kahao grinned, gazing at the bundle with starved eyes. 'All mine,' she thought, salivating, 'All this dried meat, just sitting here to fill my belly....' she lifted a piece to her lips, sharp teeth poised to bite into it.

"Oh and Keyin?" Kaolin called over her shoulder, drawing the girls attention. "That's your food for the trip. Ration it wisely."

Keyin's jaw dropped. WHAT?!

She hastily stuffed the piece back in the bag and stared at it. How was this little bag supposed to last her the entire trek when she was so hungry?! Her stomach growled in agreement and she sighed. There was no use trying to talk Kaolin into more, because the cat kahao meant it. Last time she'd rationed their food it had been winter in the forest and she'd gone an entire week practically starved because she had eaten all of her food the week previous thoughtlessly.

'Sis is so mean sometimes...' she thought pitifully. At the thought of her sister her head popped up and she looked wildly around for her, finally spying her almost a hundred meters away and gaining. Her eyes widened. She hadn't even waited for her! Scrambling to catch up, she sprinted after her, feet spraying sand every which way. In her mad dash her foot slipped and with a very kanine like yelp that drew her sisters attention, she went tumbling down a large slope and into the path of two mysterious travelers neither of the sisters had scented or heard due to the desert wind.
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((Also, if OOC conversations get too large, move it to the sign ups or something. I don't want this part of the thread to be stacked with OCCs, because we all know where that's going to go. xD Although I'm much more lenient when it comes to OOC posting, I do ask that you don't go full out in an OOC battle on the roleplay thread. ^^))
(And suddenly I was wondering why I there were so many pages I missed, only to find OOC ah well)

That was by far one of the most painful things I have experienced. Did I really make the right call to hang back and watch those hunters fight a losing battle? In the end, would me and Pierre may have made a difference anyway? Stailers and Equinas weren't the kind of monster that'd crumble against wave tactics, at least the ones that attack home don't. A mix of emotion were bubbling in me as I finally noticed the rain start to pour, I wonder is it there to wash away the dead or is it there to wash away my sin? In any case, it was welcome coolness....It'll also mask the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Pierre we're skirting the town. Follow me."

I didn't want to go through a town of friends who we just abandoned, they may be dead but I bet their souls are disappointed at us, not angry just disappointed. Skirting the town will take longer, but it was a detour I could afford to take. We weren't just going to pick up a package in Bran anymore, at the very least the friends I know from Nevenarius that have since moved to Bran needed to know what happened just now. It would be painful seeing the look on their faces when they know their loved ones have been butchered so close to the capital. I don't think this is the end, I think something bad is just beginning.

The thought of that made the whole journey a whole lot heavier, did my feet always sink into the mud or is this the weight of my guilt? If I'm this affected by it, I don't want to see what Pierre looks like. It'll just confirm my weakness, it'll just reinforce the fact that I made a bad call, that those of us out on the fringes and almost isolated from the capital, who are almost used to fighting demons on a regular basis, could have made a difference. I followed a dirt trail that ran alongside Nevenarius, at the very least if there are more of those things around I could find them and I will kill them.

I couldn't get far....a strong hand gripped my arm. I knew who it was and I know he wasn't the kind to just run away.
Jack kept a firm grip on the fleeing Miri. This was one of her habits, if she did something wrong and knew it, she'd run away. He couldn't fault her though, he was partially at fault for hanging back as well. However, this was one mistake she couldn't just run away from, it was too serious to run away from that it'd haunt her if she didn't deal with it now. This was a lively town brimming with friends and was a second home for Miri as well as Jack, this was a persistent memory that had finally reached its bloody end. True enough there would be people who'll live here in Nevenarius, the town would grow again but it'll never be the same one, that one just disappeared.

"Miri, if you want to cry go ahead, but I'm not letting you run away from our fallen friends, the least we could do is to bury them. We can wait for the other people to leave if that's what you want as well, but we owe our friends at least a burial."

The rain was quietly pouring on both of them, it was a cooling thing that washed away the death that had just occurred right before their eyes. Miri was getting soaked by the minute and she looked too pathetic when he spun her around to say his piece. The frustration, regret and sadness wasn't masked by the rain, the tears might have been, but even sky water isn't enough to mask the burning passion Miri always held in her soul. Knowing her, she just added another reason to her list of reasons why she has a vendetta against the demons.

Jack took his black robe off and draped it over the elf's head, his shirt may have been getting soaked but it wasn't like what Miri was going through right now. It was raining when the Arias first attacked home and when she lost her parents. It wasn't apparent but he had the suspicion that something in her was screaming de ja vu. What we saw was similar to the first attack at home, it was raining as well. If only the demon attacks went with the rain, that way it'd be easier to discern the next attack because at least when it rains, it'll also rain blood.

(which reminds me, with regards to the dead in Salisonia, which is more honorable? a grave or a funeral pyre or some other practice entirely?)
Elvsyr patted the dampened soil below her, compressing it into the ground. She had planted a few seeds under the soil. Moving over to another group of freshly planted seeds, she continued to compress the soil. Finishing, Elvsyr sat up and brushed off the soil located on her apron. Taking a basket filled with her harvest, she walked back to her home. It wasn't much, made of stone, and nothing too fancy. Entering, she set the basket aside and changed back to her normal clothing.

She wore leather gauntlets on each arm with a small V-shaped split that had black laces forming two X's on the inside. Elvsyr also wore a leather-like tank top with two black straps holding the shirt up and going over her shoulders with silver buckles on each strap. A black belt with a silver buckle is located under her chest. She wears black trousers that are held up with one small and one big belt, both with silver buckles, that form a wide X. Her trousers are tucked into white bandages that covers all of her leg up to the middle of her thighs, with a black belt that has a silver buckle fastened around each part of her thigh where the trousers are tucked in. Elvsyr also wears black boots that reach up to just below her knees. Her silver hair is wavy and has two thick braids coming down in front of her shoulders, and right below her chest, and have leather curling around it, creating a lot of 'rounded' X's to around half of each braid's length. Silver runic symbols are located all over her body and seem to glow, which are easily exposed, at least the ones on her head, arms, and upper chest.

Elvsyr picked up her scythe. It was about 3/4 the height of her and had the color of chromium. The head of the scythe is split into four parts with the blade on one side, a protuding 'mini-blade' on the opposite side, a thick, slightly squared spike on the top, and the bottom is the rest of the scythe. These four parts form a slightly wavy cross and (This part will be hard to explain) between each area that connects two sides together, which looks like a C, there is another smaller C located inside of it, which are all indented more than the previous layer on the blade. On the head, there is a slightly darker line, which also forms a cross, that connects each part of the head together. On the blade, 'mini-blade', top, and staff, there is a black and white floral design. Around the staff of the scythe, an aura-like purple color flows in curls around the entire staff and vanishes at the butt of it. These curls look as though they are made from magic, but they truly aren't, and are instead created just by Elvsyr. (If ye' gets what I am hinting at.)

Leaving her home, Elvsyr went for a walk.

((I wasn't sure what to say so I just kind of described my character, obviously, in text. xP))
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Awaken from your slumber.

The intense silence was deafening. Mordaedel didn't understand this feeling of asphyxiation, as if something was burdening her, crushing her from all sides at once.

There were no such things as directions anymore. They had been swallowed up by the blackness that the world seemed to made up of.

But that moment was gone as Mordaedel found herself rushing upward, floating specks passing by in a blur, until she surfaced in a glassy pond. Apparently her white-haired head bobbing out of the water had alarmed a frog who had been content just sitting upon a lily pad and catching flies all day, since he abandoned his floating island and dove into the water through the ripples. Wading to shore with a clenched jaw, the Kahao accounted for her knowledge of her situation. Where had she been a moment ago? Had it just been a moment ago? She could remember very little recent occurances... However, she did take note that she appeared somewhere within the Kingdom of Bran, perhaps in a koi pond or something of the sort. She rarely traveled here, and hadn't come for a while, so why was she there now?

"It doesn't matter. If there's a reason for my being here, then I'll stumble across it sooner or later. If not, I always know my way back."

Mordaedel wasn't very happy with her surprise visit. In fact, it quite irritated her. She didn't want to be there, she knew that certain other people didn't want her to be there, and didn't know why she was there herself. And there was little she hated more than not knowing something.

It dawned on her that something was wrong as she stood on the grass and wrung out her cloak. The surroundings looked much different... but it couldn't have been that long since she came last. Perhaps she was accustomed to a different section of the kingdom? Whatever the reason, like most things, she decided to ignore the unnatural, outré feeling.

Ah, yes, she had almost forgotten her staff. Fastening the teardrop shaped brooch onto her cloak to pin it beneath her chin, she tugged the hood over her fox ears and trudged around the premise of the pond, looking for the old scarred thing, but it seemed to like to frustrate her all the more, as it remained hidden. But not for long. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted its dark outline on a rooftop. It didn't matter to her how it even got up there in the first place. With and impassive expression and an indignant grunt, she wrapped her arms around a lamppost, gripped the broken chains dangling from the cuffs around her wrists on the opposite arm, then let her arms go slack, her weight held up by the chains as she ran up the side of the pole. Alighting on top by propelling her feet off the side and flipping into a hand-stand, she lowered herself to a crouch on the lamppost, suddenly caught up in her surroundings.

Two sentries walked down the street towards a large gate. So, it must be near the outskirts. Civilians roamed the streets, some going hurriedly going about their own way, a few vaguely chatting about whatever normal people discussed, and some whispering news to each other in hushed tones. Before she could be seen by anyone, especially the sentries, Mordaedel leaped silently right over their heads onto the nearest section of roof, flattening herself against it. Inching towards her staff, she eventually retrieved the weapon, then return to the roof's edge. Watching, waiting, listening.
The heat of the sun was finally weighing down on the witch. She didn't show it much and she didn't take much water from the canteen but that right there was taking it's toll. Suddenly Bathelia and the king found a stranger in there presence. The red headed Kahao peered down at the strange girl in front of her and the king. Bathelia not being the most open trusted person quickly moved to block view from the king. She wondered what the little girl is doing out here and thought it was strange for her to be alone.

"Little one, Stay where you are and tell me where is your guardian.." Her strange dark icy blue eyes looked down at the little Kahao girl. It seemed as if she was piercing the little ones soul but of course that was not true. Even if the little girl was the same as her she would not let her guard down. When it involved the king she could never let her guard down or at least that's what she believed.

Bathelia's white hood was on like always, hiding her ears and tiny short smooth horns. She seemed mostly normal with it on if you could call her strange eyes normal. Still looking down at the girl she listened behind her wondering if the king was piercing his deathly gaze at the little girl or her. She guessed by now Zilocke would open his mouth and state something rude but as always she would have to stand by his words and she was okay with that.

Flexing her arm back, she aimed at a small deer. Hissing out the dead air of the night, she immediately let go, letting it slice through thin air and strike the deer... Was it dead? It seemed to just limp away as fast as it could without a reaction. How odd... But oh well! It was dinner! Sprinting towards it, Xer'Chi manged to get her knife in it, but it kept running as fast as it could. She caught her breath, and started to sprint in a different path, watching it. It was surely into view, but still troubling to get.

Xer'Chi, now at the peak of her speed, she neared the deer from a 6 foot height difference, and... Wait, now it has to slow down? It slowed, realizing it had officially lost complete power and collapsed. Skidding to a stop, Xer'Chi climbed down, and let it draw its last breath before death. As it did, she began to cut it open with the knife she had and take the best parts and store them in a bag she had taken before her journey. But why was Xer'Chi in a hurry? The creatures of the forest don't bode well when
their prey is eaten.

Grabbing as much as she can, she followed her path back, jogging. It felt so wrong to be in this forest. Yet, it was a pleasing. She could see the mouth of the forest, and on the other side was the sandy planes of Samaria; Her home. Without a doubt, she even sprinted towards the opening and touched the sand as a relief.
"Kao gevitea novixy skahenorka..." (So many bad vibes!) She growled, wrapping the bag of meat around her twice, and decided to head for Bran...
The damp, moss colored earth sunk in a little every step Elvsyr took. She grew bored of her homeland known as Ellegarde. She had lived in the place for her entire live. Wanting to see more, to feel more, she thought of other places to go. Her mind thought of one place.

"Bran..." She said aloud.

Turning quickly, Elvsyr went back home to pack up her supply of food and water plus anything else she thought she would need. She needed not to think twice. After she packed everything into a large leather sack, she tied it across her shoulder and across her lower abdomen, forming a wide circle. It did weigh a couple of pounds but nothing that would slow her down immensely.

Elvsyr took a look back at her house, figuring she wouldn't be back for at least a week. She traveled through Ellegarde taking in all the fresh scents and listening to the sounds of the many creatures. It was quite peaceful. She didn't feel the need to say goodbye to anyone and quickly started to get closer to the edge of Ellegarde. She could see the sands of Samaria. Figuring that would be the hardest part of the journey, Elvsyr didn't worry too much. Instead, she was excited. Excited about the chance to see other places than simple Ellegarde.

Finally exiting the forest shrub, Elvsyr reached down to touch the hot sand. Picking up a handful, which burned a little, she let it fall between her fingers back to the ground like a waterfall. Looking around, Elvsyr simply saw a lot of sand. Hopefully she didn't get lost, for that would be a quick death-sentence, unless found of course. Stopping, Elvsyr took one last look at her homeland before quickly starting off towards Bran.

((Holy crap, I can not type. I keep saying 'off', not 'of' and the tense. ehifgwbrg))
As the the last of the civilians trying to escape were quickly caught and brutally murdered Arenam holstered his bow around his back and looked at the devastation caused in Nevenarius. The buildings had crumbled and there were no villagers left to protect, Arenam had failed. Even though Arenam had watched the deaths of so many he had seen it before and he had learned people died and that was life, he checked that the scroll was still undamaged and continued onwards to Bran.

After a few hours of walking on a dirt path on the outskirts of a forest he finally escaped the rain and Arenam could now see the tall walls that protected Bran, there was a stream of traders and travellers in front of him slowly entering through the giant, heavily guarded gates. There were archers stationed on the top of the walls looking around with eyes like a hawks, and looking at the line of people entering, as Arenam neared Bran he heard the guard with a sheet writing down something asking a trader in front of him some standard questions: where are you from, whats your name, what is your reason for visiting and how long will your visit be?

It was finally Arenam's turn to state his business and such and so he did "I'm from Arenas Tortuosus, my name is Arenam, I'm here to deliver a package to a scholar and I'm unsure if how long I will be here" Arenam then walked towards the open gate however he was intercepted by a guard who drew his sword and pointed it at Arenam's throat. "What is this package of yours?" "An old scroll that my village found, may I go now?" "What is this scholars name?" The guard asked in a menacing tone, he sounded like the type of person who always wanted an excuse to fight "I'm not sure I was told he would meet me at the rusty dragon inn". The guards looked at each other and consulted one another before coming to a conclusion "we will send a guard to escort you and make sure you don't get into any trouble" Arenam nodded before saying "humans are so stupid sending an escort for a delivery boy while stailers destroy Nevenarius".

The guards stopped dead in their tracks and stared at Arenam, one of them walked up to him battle hammer drawn "you better be lying you slithery little b*stard!" Although Arenam didn't care much about Nevarius he couldn't help himself but too make fools out of the guards. Arenam smirked before staring with his yellow eyes at the guard "no need for that kind of language, just because I had the decency to help...unlike you" the guard roared and swung his hammer at Arenam, he smoothly dodged the reckless attack and stood peacefully a few feet away from the guard. The guards tried to console there fellow worker before confronting Arenam once again "are you telling the truth?" "I wouldn't lie about the genocide of the citizens of Nevarius" he said cooly "okay we will inform the king, and send guards there while I escort you to the rusty dragon" "fine but your assistance would have been helpful a few hours ago" Arenam said in a cold tone before walking inside as the guard followed.
Elvsyr continued to walk along the sand, going in and out of the many dips. The heat wasn't bother her too much, though she was sweating. She could see the great wall that surrounded Bran off in the distance. Taking a few sips of water from her leather canteen, she put it back into her pouch. Her stomach grumbled with hunger, but Elvsyr wanted to try and save her food as long as possible and did not eat. She continued to walk for a few hours, getting closer and closer to Bran until the walls began to loom overhead. She noticed a lot of people, merchants and the like, entering the gates of Bran.

((I'll enter it in mah next post. <3)) 
Elvsyr got into the line entering Bran and waited. A little while later and she was next to enter. A guard asked her multiple questions (See above.) as to which she answered "I'm from Ellegarde, known simply as Elvsyr, here just traveling and to see the sights or possibly to entertain, and I'm not sure how long I'll stay, most likely around a week."

Some bickering between her and the guards later, she was allowed in.


Elvsyr walked around for a bit, looking at the place. She decided to go to an Inn known as the Rusty Dragon. When she arrived, Elvsyr simply kneeled against the walls of the Inn, her scythe in hand next to her.

The world was spinning, round and round even as her body was at a complete standstill. Keyin knew this, she could feel the coarse sand beneath her torso and pressed against the right side of her face and yet her mind was adamantly telling her that she was still rolling.

Her eyes were open and staring up uncomprehendingly as she watched the colors blur together. ‘It’s the swirly blue mushrooms all over again’ she thought mournfully. She closed her eyes and fought down nausea. Never again.

Her stomach whined in agreement.

A moment passed and she frowned slightly, hearing a weird jumble of words within the wind that she hadn’t noticed before. Either she had hit her head on the way down or the heat was affecting her in ways no element should be able to. Maybe if she ignored it, it would go away.

Little one—“

Her eyes sprung open to find a woman standing over her.

Not a trick of the wind after all.

With a snarl, she rolled away, twisting to maneuver herself into a defensive crouch facing the now possible threat.

‘Oh no, oh no. What do I do?’ she thought frantically, her eyes gaining a certain wild gleam as they dilated. She was separated from her sister, and, her eyes flicked to the intimidating figure behind the woman, she was outnumbered by people twice her size. Keyin swallowed hard and fought to calm down and remember what Kaolin had told her.




Those were some of the things her sibling had mentioned. Heart beating fast, she forced herself to focus on her memory while keeping a sharp eye on the two, hand hovering near her hip. There had been more said than just those two words, perhaps remembering what she had said would give her useful information…what had the woman said?

“Little one, Stay where you are and tell me where is your guardian..”

Just like that her previous thoughts of her sisters words vanished as the words registered to her volatile young mind.

Her brow furrowed and she straightened slightly with a faint sneer. Not so much a threat then, at least not immediate one.

Another bunch of adults underestimating me.’

Keyin adjusted her stance, planting her feet, rising to her full height and crossing her arms in a very boy like way that had become a habit for her. “Cheh,” she scoffed looking the two up and down with furious eyes. “Who says I need a guardian, huh? I can take care of myself!”
Zilocke hadn't minded Bathelia, protecting him and shielding him from something so small of a deal. In fact he didn't pay much attention to the little girl, knowing he would end up scaring her off if he even glanced her way, he had that affect on most people. He sighed as he looked over at Bathelia and then at the little girl. "Hm~ Bathelia when are you going to deal with this problem?" He looked at the little girl with cold dark eyes, she was still disoriented and trying to gain her thoughts.

He closely examined the girl more, trying not to make it to obvious and was actually thrilled to see someone other than Bathelia but the problem was there new company was just a little girl. How boring it would be to converse with a girl who looked about five years old? But the girl did have a mouth on her, so this could interest Zilocke for the time being, maybe she was from one of the Kahao tribes since she was obviously one.

Zilocke unraveled his scarf once again and revealed his face, showing his uneven length of silver hair, his one eye looking at the girl but the strangest thing about him was the smile he gave the girl. The king wasn't known for smiling, so this was a rare occasion.

He slightly pushed Bathelia to the side as he kneeled before the little Kahao girl and placed a hand on her head, remarking with a soft smile. "Of course a tough lady like yourself doesn't need protection from adults but little one, you do look like you haven't taken care of yourself very well~" He moved his hand away from the girls head and lightly poked her stomach, he then stood up and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small bag.

He grabbed the little ones wrist and held it out in front of him, placing the small bag in her hand. "There, now you have a snack. Also would you like to ride on a horse?" The small bag the girl now held in her hand contained some sweet candy from Bran. Zilocke moved out of the little one's way so she could see the black horse they have been making this trip with. "He won't bite~"
'He's even worse than I thought at first glance.' Keyin thought sourly.

The male one of the two adults, dressed in the black had been marginally intimidating with the covered appearance and ominous lurking behind the woman. He had been her first concern when she had gained lucidity, despite the woman's defensive stance. But once he had stepped forward she had, in her childish way, dismissed him as annoying. Not only did he start talking to her like she was a toddler but he also touched her head. She wasn't some sort of baby animal one could placate with a few pats! Her eye was twitching irritably by the time he was through with his speech about her being under fed and had it been in any other circumstance she would've bitten the offending hand with the hope of making some permanent holes.

Unfortunately the circumstance was unique.

The man was offering her food. Food. In the middle of a desert where such a thing was scarce and the villages were far and few- or so Kaolin said. And he didn't stop there, he went ahead and offered her a ride on a 'horse'. She hadn't been this close to one of the creatures before let alone been able to touch it.

The cogs of her brain began turning. If she took the food, combined with the bag Kaolin had given her she'd be able to gorge throughout the entire trip without any chance of starving before they got to the village. The horse was also a rare treat she didn't want to miss out on. Her eyes flitted from his one-eyed gaze to drift mischievously over the horses form. She had learned from Kaolin that people often kept things in 'saddle bags' on horses. If she accepted the ride she would get her wanted experience and get the chance to sift through these characters belongings as well. The fingers she prided herself on being so nimble and light twitched against the material of the bag.

Kaolin didn't agree with her hobby but kaolin wasn't around right now.

'All it would take was playing the cute little kid.'

A small grin worked it's way onto her face, and she swiftly and subtly slipped the bag into one of the many pockets of her clothes. "Does he have a name?" she asked, putting extra child-like wonderment into her tone and widening her eyes.
Bathelia was a bit irritated that she had been pushed aside by the king just for a lowly ignorant little girl but she didn't say anything or show any sign of her thoughts. She pierced her dull gaze down at the little girl. It was determined in her mind that the little girl had very little for herself. Just looking at the girls appearance was proof enough but the red headed Kahao did not pity the girl. No. Bathelia new these type of people and especially the young ones. If they couldn't buy what they needed then they always found a way to get it, when Bathelia was a child she was like the one standing before her. And Bathelia was not about to let her guard down.

She glanced over at The King, Zilocke, observing him with one glance. Why was he treating this girl like so? Of course he knew the little girls intentions or had a possible image of what she was planning in his head. She shook her head slowly as her feet shifted to a normal stance the sand crunching against her bare feet.

"We have not named it yet...Zilocke has no need to name it, though if you like you may call the horse whatever you like.."
The king want beside the creature and patted the satchel, smiling as he looked at the little one. "If you get hungry, we have more food and water if you get thirsty." He was now toying with the girl, he had been very bored for days and wanted to see some real human interactions. He was hoping the little girl would take the bate and try to steal from them and he knew the only out come she would get is Bathelia yelling or possibly tossing the girl aside and continue the trip.

He looked at the little one again and petted the horse's long and thick mane. "Hm~ I bet you haven't seen one before right? There not that special really, So how exactly did you end up here without a guide? I know not much of this place but i do know that someone like you wouldn't make it out alive here without a guide or someone who was skilled in survival techniques."

Now he was no longer interested in the little girl, after figuring her out all he wanted to know is who had the capability to take a spoiled brat along on such a dangerous trip. He himself couldn't handle the annoyance he had predicted the little one causes, His main interest was power and abilities and whoever could have made it this far in Samaria with such low food supplies and no sort of transportation other than walking must have great experience and power.

|Big Event: The Labyrinth of Cantillia Mountains|


Ever since the dwarven civilization was first created, dwarves have been known to live in the secluded mountains of Cantillia. Now, who would live up in the harsh weather of the mountains? Cantillia was the only thing blocking the rest of Salisonia from the icy winds of Olvscotia! The answer to that is; they didn't. Living beneath the dirt, dwarves made their intelligent decision of digging deep into Gaius's earth and building their civilization underground. Thus creating the vast colony called Gaiubris, a combination of the earth god Gaius's name and the Latin word for city; urbis.

With the shocking - and displeasing - event that had happened in Nevenarius, the earthquake that the Stailers had emerged from had shaken the whole continent. Although the colony of Gaiurbis was built with sturdy tunnels and reinforced walls, the shaking was so massive that it had caused many of the tunnels to collapse and new ones to appear. This caused much confusion and mishaps to the citizens of Gaiurbis.

Because it had happened so quickly and so abruptly, the surveyors didn't have time to remap the whole system of the large city. It was a known fact that the colony of Gaiurbis took up more than half of the Cantillia Mountains, which stretched from the west of Salisonia to the east. Luckily, however, this only affected the eastern side of Gaiurbis, leaving the western region with fixable damages.

The eastern region of Gaiurbis has become a discombobulating labyrinth of mishaps and death, many dwarves that have entered the once well crafted tunnels haven't come out or were either found dead by a search team or come back badly wounded. Although, many times even the search team didn't come back. A continental message was sent to all regions of Salisonia, asking their leaders for help.

And so, the quest of the Labyrinth of Cantillia Mountains begun. Posters have been hung and handed out all over the continent, spreading the news about the mishap at Cantillia Mountains. There was even a huge reward of 100, 000, 000 G for whoever solved the huge maze of Gaiurbis. It is suspected that there are mysterious creatures lurking within the fallen debris of the eastern side of Gaiurbis.

The letter goes like;


It has come to our attention that since the mass murder that had occurred in Nevenarius the eastern region of Gaiurbis has collapsed, creating a massive labyrinth that has yet to be solved. We ask that you, our valued citizens of Salisonia, travel to Cantillia Mountains and help our dwarven allies and all that live within Gaiurbis.

You will be provided with a guide to the mountains and through the city, you will also be given a ration of food for your journey within the tunnels for the minimum of this quest is more than a week, if you're fast. More information will be provided when you get there but if you have any questions, please contact your nearest police station. The Pai Leader will happily answer your questions.

Reward: 100, 000, 00 G

Place: Cantillia Mountains, Gaiurbis


Unlike Nevenarius, this event will be focused more on intellect and luck. This'll be a huge guessing game for what tunnel you enter and choices you make that could get your character injured, or even killed at the most. Although death is unlikely for actually characters, there will be NPCs that meet their doom in this event.

Instead of rolling a die, this event will require you to choose from options that a listed below, kind of a like a choose your own adventure game. But, of course, there will be fights and action, and what we all love, drama and gore. So, please have fun with this one and interact with other roleplayers! For this event, it is recommended that you work with one another rather than by yourself.

Thank you and have a great time!


((@Nico Everyone is everywhere, most people are near and/or in Nevenarius though. Oh, and Nico, could you bring OOC to the sign up thread instead? Please and thank you~ When GgAcE updates with the new option of making custom tabs, I'll create a tab for OOC to make it easier for everyone. ^^))
(@Nico does this answer your question?)

So . . . this was the answer. The reason for the bad wind . . . Sanz knelt down at the edge of what he presumed was once small town. The buildings hadn't had much time to decay, but signs of struggle and destruction were everywhere. It seemed unlikely that any of the residents found their way out of the destruction. Whatever had swept through this place . . . it was not of this world. The tang in the air tasted foul, something that simultaneously seemed to burn his throat and yet stick there like molasses. Footprints were impossible to discern in the mess that was the soil. It seemed to have been raining, and all he could discern was that there had been people running everywhere. And the smell . . . there was something alien about it. He had experienced the sweet air of open meadows, the damp richness of the forest, even the dry air of the desert . . . but this was entirely different. It didn't even have the sour tang of the city air, but was something far more unsettling. Sanz let out something of a sigh and crossed one clenched fist over his chest. Whatever souls that had been lost here, they didn't deserve a death like this . . . After a minute of contemplation, Sanz stood up and let his gaze point at the spire that was Bran. Perhaps he could find more about this occurrence there. He shrugged one shoulder, and started to head towards the city.
Narrowed amber eyes had been watching the groups’ interaction from a sandy ridge near where the girl had tumbled from ever since the wolf kahao had hit the ground. It had been necessary, she knew, to make sure of both her siblings safety and the two travelers dispositions before she acted. One bad call could end with the blood of her most coveted blood tie splattered against the sand. And that was not something she was going to risk even if she’d get revenge.

Kaolin had vowed to protect Keyin when the girl was a mere pup, no pair of travelers with twitchy sword hands.

Her tail swished languidly behind her, concealed neatly in the shadow of her well-worn cloak, as she avidly observed them with a predators keen eye. These weren’t normal travelers, at least not as normal as her sister deemed them seeing as the little brat had all but abandoned her guard in favor of childish games. They held themselves a certain way, spoke a certain way, moved a certain way. It set her on edge.

Their clothes depicted a life of opulence though the fashions they wore were practical and would not hamper them in their desert trek.

‘Well-off and smart…’ she silently contemplated, ‘Potentially has a backing of power…’

The discovery did not sit well with her. Those with power were often not worth the trouble they brought; they themselves being the cause or a third party. They were, from what she had witnessed, lousy companions, pompous and loud believing their coin could buy them everything they desired. Ironic that the very coin they put so much merit in also was what caused them the most trouble, what with all of the bandits and thugs it attracted. It also meant that at least one of them was trained to fight. No person of wealth and power would travel alone without some assurance that they would survive the journey —-well there were a few with so little sense but they never lasted long and she had already decided that they had at least a descent amount of intelligence. She herself had never gotten the chance to train legitimately. She had her skills of course. Having ones feral side more prominent than the human side had its benefits and she was an excellent hunter with a penchant for combat. But that didn’t match up well with someone who had had proper tutelage in battle and warfare.

As rare as it was for her, she did not have a sure, calculated outcome to predict with this pair.

Not that she was putting much effort into the task of envisioning their battle. She had already decided that she was going to avoid conflict with these wanderers. Cleverness and not just prowess in combat was something that prolonged a beings life. A smart predator chose its’ fights and a fight against two predators with a cub to take care of that was too cocky for her own good as not one she favored. Not that she wouldn’t engage if provoked. Law of the wilds was survival and only those that were strong enough could survive.

Her eyes watched as they man with a sharp smile gestured towards the horse with false good intent.

A protective low growl crawled up her throat.

Enough was enough.

The muscles in her legs bunched powerfully and with a jolt she was launched into the air, in a show of inhuman agility. With a spray of sand she landed in a crouch yards away from the strangers. She straightened nonchalantly, the dark green cloak rippling around her form as she eyed, first the red haired woman and then the man with two-lengths of hair. Her nose flared beneath the material that shielded the majority of her face from view and she breathed deeply.


Her eyebrows, hidden by her hood twitched as her hostility rose a few notches. One of them reeked of magic. Her lip curled over her gum line and she inhaled a second time, this time through her mouth. Magic…and animal.

“Keyin.” She called out, watching the youth spin around with a guilty look plastered upon her face from the corner of her eye. She kept her gaze soley fixed on the two strangers. “I believe you have troubled these people enough.”

((Sorry if in this RP magic is scentless >.< I didn't know so I added it. I can take it out if needed!))
The boy smirked slightly as he ran a hand through his hair, he was so excited to meet the man who had been able to put up with such a spoiled brat, surviving this long in Samaria, and cold heatedly enough to abandon the little one, well that was more of an exaggeration. I mean thats what Zilocke would have done anyway.

The smirk imprinted on his face, suddenly disappeared as the air around him fell from its positive nature and felt more of a doomed kind of vibe. He stayed silent and never faced the hidden shadow that was lurking around, he had no idea of where the shadow was but he knew that it was there and watching them.

The shadow gave off a certain aura that made even the king on guard, for he had no idea of what to call it but unsettling and some what threatening. He still didn't move but only his head to look at Bathelia, planning to give her some kind of silent signal to warn her of the new found presence but surprisingly the shadow had revealed itself.

Zilocke turned around to get a better look at the shadow, some would say revealing yourself to strangers is somewhat brave but he thought it was stupid, if this shadow was looking for a fight then he would gladly par take in the event.

But once again, he was shocked to find a female in front of him, looking directly into his eyes. He saw the sharp teeth and claws but still wasn't fazed by her attempts, what kind of king would he be if he let some woman scare him off. He decided to make this girl an exception, seeing as how her Aura was beyond most common men and the girl reminded him more of a Bathelia but with attitude. Though he compared most women to Bathelia, seeing as how he is sexist and his thoughts on women didn't change by much.

Zilocke stepped closer to the revealed shadow and put on a charming smirk, tilting his head to the side a bit and seeming to be looking at the other girl. "Hm~ I've never met someone with that kind of agility before, I've only seen Bathelia do things like that but she is a Kahao so its understandable. Are you this little one's guardian?" He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head slightly, the next thing he was about to say was very much on purpose and was intentionally pointed to the other female to see her reaction. "Honestly i was imagining someone of a musculus stature. I'm surprised you've made it out here alive for this much time being and not have a man to accompany you on this dangerous trip. So tell me and be honest, Don't you think its a little childish to be playing games like adventurer, how about you take the little one over there and i'll have some men called up here to escort you two home. ~"

Of course Bathelia's reaction remained mutual and dull, for she has come accustom to his hateful and biased rants on women roles in life. It was one of those things you must get use to when being around Zilocke, and though his words were harsh and demeaning, she would always be able to see that glimpse of a good man in him. Even if others did not see it.
As they just got back to the village in which they found their guide at, they could once again see their home, the proud mountains that seemingly soared forever into the sky. Snow capped the peaks, brought in from such a height and from Olvscotia. And then, silhouetted in front of the blue sky, came a stout and short man. At least, he looked short. From such a distance, it was hard to tell. But he was waving his arms and jumping up and down, facing them.

"Something horrible must have happened!" said Naomhán, remembering the fact that most Dwarves don't ever come out of the tunnels unless they were merchants, like Njáll, or adventurers.

"Bah. Someone probably dirtied a gem whilst they were carrying it," Njáll muttered to himself. Again, what a primitive people. If they were advanced, they would have some kind of system that alerted other people. Like a warning horn or some such. But of course, no. It had to be yelling and jumping.

They headed to the mountains anyway, the Kahao in tow. They climbed up the cliff, the bull requiring a bit of assistance in the form of hand holding, pulling, and sweat. And when they finally appeared in what they now know is a Dwarf's sight, she looked very relieved.

"Hello, I'm Kaja Lucinda Katja Engberg. Something terrible has happened," she spoke quickly and urgently, and at this point, she pulled out a small rag out of somewhere, and used it to wipe her forehead. "The tunnels have collapsed!"

"What? Impossible. These tunnels were meant to last for ages, which is why they were built by Dwarves! Only the finest craftmanship in the land, Elves included," he spat on the ground at the mention of such a name.

"I know, that's why it's such a tragedy! No one expected it to happen, it just did! Brothers and sisters are dying, trapped and suffocating in the dusty mines. We need more help!" She turned her back to the frozen wasteland that is Olvscotia, and started calling out Help! Help! to anyone who would listen. They also turned their backs, but on the sun, which was probably a chilling metaphor for something, though none of them could figure out what. And then they entered the damp, dark caves, risking their time and worse, their lives in an attempt to help their people. The bull, Njáll couldn't figure out the motives of. In fact, if he just wanted to be paid and had left, he wouldn't have suggested going back for water, nonetheless tagging along to such a dangerous mission. He was unusual, or very stupid. Either way, one could tell him secrets and the other could provide him gold for virtually nothing. But already, they had stopped in their quest. There was a fork in the tunnels, one that had never been there before. It was usually one tunnel, going straight, but now there were two tunnels, both an equal distance from the middle.

"Which path do we take?" asked the Kahao.

"I don't know," muttered Naomhán, a bit embarrassed that he couldn't remember how to get through his own homeland.

"Aren't you a Dwarf?"

"It's no fault of his. A new tunnel must have formed because of the quaking when the tunnels collapsed. And that's another odd thing. Why did the tunnels collapse so suddenly?" wondered Njáll.

"'Another'? What was the other odd thing?" asked their guide, who was now ironically being guided by them.

"Oh, how we forgot to fill up our water skins," muttered Njáll awkwardly. "I've made a decision," he said, trying to break the silence that had formed temporarily and he predicted would last for quite a while. "Let's head to the right. I mean, what's the worst luck that could befall us?"

They dove deeper into the labyrinth.


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