Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

Nico said:
(Can someone tell me what is going on? )
((Everyone is posting their introductory posts, there's a demon attack in the town of Nevenarius - which is located at the outskirts of Bran - and people are fighting, and stuff like that. ^^))
"Bye grandma, I'm off to work!" Odde called as he rushed out the door. The young beast summoner's bare feet skittered on the dirt ground of their front yard. He turned around the corner of their small house and smiled when he saw his life long companion, Alla. The wolf like beast bounded up to him and almost knocked the poor boy over. He laughed and tangled his small fingers in the beast's fur. Alla was like a boy's puppy in many ways, though in battle he was vicious.

"Odde!" Snapped his grandmother.

"Going grandma!" He said before hopping on the back of Alla and tangling his hands in his fluffy white fur. "Onwards my faithful steed!" He laughed. Alla just made a snorting sound before rushing off south towards Nevenarius where his work was. He felt the large beast's muscles ripple underneath him as they rode. He felt the wind ruffling his messy brown hair. He had to go out in the fields today and catch a few wild beasts for his boss to sell. Though Odde was against this as the beasts were his friends. It was the only way to pay for food and his grandmother's doctor bills.

He soon reached Nevenarius to find it in complete disarray, strange creatures were attacking the townsfolk. He urged Alla to a slow. The beast found a spot next to their stall where the owner was cowering.
"Get down here kid." the man hissed "There are monsters out there!". Odde narrowed his eyes and looked around "A brave man never stands down from a fight." He said and stood his ground. "Alla, ready to fight if needed?" he asked the beast.

"Grrowf!" Alla responded. Odde smirked.
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Once Arenam had got the his equipment ready and fitted a small glass jar into his bag containing money he had collected from guiding many people through the desert. Arenam planned to do the normal routine to get to Bran, go to Nevarius and rest and restock then head straight up to Bran and then head back home although it seemed like Arenam might not return for a couple of weeks after taking a peek at the scroll. The scroll was old and wrinkled and looked like it would crumble any second, that and the writing was fading so certain parts could be tricky to decipher.

After a few miles the heat from the sun became less harsh as he reached Nevarius, however there was something clearly wrong, it was hard to tell from how far Arenam still was from the village but something seemed awry. Once Arenam got closer but was still at a safe distance he could make out what seemed like the villagers running from there crumbling homes while others fought strange demon like creatures, Arenam sighed "of course I stop at the village with demons".

Arenam got closer once again, he realised someone was fighting head on with two of the creatures while a group of guards watched, obviously not wanting to interfere while the other creatures checked the surrounding area of the village as others chased the villagers. Although Arenam wasn't the friendliest of people he certainly wasn't going to watch people die before him so he drew back his bow and fired an arrow at the slow running demon. The arrow quickly hit his chest and pierced it, barely, before bouncing back off and the small amount of damage caused quickly healing from nearby rubble "what the hell kind of monsters are these?" Arenam asked himself as he prepared to shoot again.

((@Kai'zen Makaira , I was just wondering where your character sheet was because I like to read everyone's beforehand so I'm not confused about anything but I can't find yours :( it may seem like a strange request (probably because it is) but I hope you don't mind directing my small, useless brain))
(Just finishing it now but it is in the character gallery I kinda screwed up big Tim) 

Flabbysaurus said:
Once Arenam had got the his equipment ready and fitted a small glass jar into his bag containing money he had collected from guiding many people through the desert. Arenam planned to do the normal routine to get to Bran, go to Nevarius and rest and restock then head straight up to Bran and then head back home although it seemed like Arenam might not return for a couple of weeks after taking a peek at the scroll. The scroll was old and wrinkled and looked like it would crumble any second, that and the writing was fading so certain parts could be tricky to decipher.
After a few miles the heat from the sun became less harsh as he reached Nevarius, however there was something clearly wrong, it was hard to tell from how far Arenam still was from the village but something seemed awry. Once Arenam got closer but was still at a safe distance he could make out what seemed like the villagers running from there crumbling homes while others fought strange demon like creatures, Arenam sighed "of course I stop at the village with demons".

Arenam got closer once again, he realised someone was fighting head on with two of the creatures while a group of guards watched, obviously not wanting to interfere while the other creatures checked the surrounding area of the village as others chased the villagers. Although Arenam wasn't the friendliest of people he certainly wasn't going to watch people die before him so he drew back his bow and fired an arrow at the slow running demon. The arrow quickly hit his chest and pierced it, barely, before bouncing back off and the small amount of damage caused quickly healing from nearby rubble "what the hell kind of monsters are these?" Arenam asked himself as he prepared to shoot again.

((@Kai'zen Makaira , I was just wondering where your character sheet was because I like to read everyone's beforehand so I'm not confused about anything but I can't find yours :( it may seem like a strange request (probably because it is) but I hope you don't mind directing my small, useless brain))
No problem I will be sure to lead the stailers right to you, just come to the elves and we'll kick butt together 
Whirling around quickly Kai'zen slams his sword against the swords of the stailers, he slides back on his heels but regains his balance, he looks back at the elven guard and their leader trying to reaffirm them that he is ok. Hiss attention returning to the stailers, he rushes forward sliding underneath the stailers and when he regains his footing jumps up and slashes the sword arm of a stailer watching it drop before he runs towards the elves." My attacks are useless! Cutting them apart only buys a merger amount of time so lets get outta here?"
The Elven Queen watched cautiously before her guards suggested getting out of here. Unfortunately, she had to agree. She mounted her beast partner, patting his neck softly. His fire already gone. "Prae." She whispered, holding a great amount of concern for the rare beast. She turned to her guards, frowning. "Give him a horse! We are getting out of here!"

A guard let a horse over to the man before he ran over to one of his partners, hopping onto his horse before they began to ride of. Isil herself remained for a moment before tilting her head. "Will you come with us?" She asked, hearing her guards call for her. "Well... if you don't it does not matter." Isil was previously quite excited about meeting him but time was cut short.

Prae moved swiftly behind the guards upon their horses. She sighed softly, leaning her head down into the long fur. "Peace...will it be disrupted..." She murmured to Prae who just sped up in return. Prae was probably the only creature to understand the happy go lucky Queen. The queens fingers brushed against the paint she applied to her skin daily. Those marks...

She eventually reached her castle and was helped of Prae by the guards. They began to try and ask her if she was okay. "Of course I am okay...I am just tired..." She whispered, holding her head. "If that boy, the one from the scene arrives you are to give him access." She stated, giving them a small wave before she went inside to her throne room once more.
Quickly hopping onto the horse that was given to him Kai'zen rushes to get on it slipping his blade back into it's wrapping he rides after the elves. Looking back he sees the stailer reassemble, then continues on to scan the road leading to it and notices a traveler heading toward the town. Riding towards the traveler he keeps track of the direction the elves went, he waves towards the traveler in an attempt to gain his attention and direct him to the elven palace.
(I don't even know what to do Dx Odde is just standing there awkwardly with a cowering sales person)
-Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, On a Road, closing into Nevernaius-

;) ) she prefers not to, but I will try to remind people as a suggestion. If you have a problem and can't really figure out anything to write down just Pm her or talk random about your char (His hair swayed slowly as the wind blew on it) But honestly this rp seems quite of stature and it's also a beta tester so isn't it best to keep it looking nice? I believe everyone here agrees. SO PLEASE try your hardest. Thanks. P.S Don't just plan stuff in OOC it leaves others out as well as it's KINDA annoying so try to plan ahead in a PM if you wanna or just roll with the punches honestly. You know who you are O.o .


Jonasu looked around as it started raining. He smirked, it was the perfect climate for a fight to him, all the water would do well, he puts down his usual water canister as he comes closer to the village entrance, he notices some movement. He looks to the bushes, the rain pouring down as he takes off his hood and let's his jet black hair get wet. He walks forwards, ready for an attack, he puts on his gloves as he keeps walking casually. Inside his bag Pari was also preparing for attacks, most likely getting the ice rune symbols for more rapid freezing. He makes the water droplets around his right hand stop and start gathering and spinning like a ring, as it creates a ring one of the expected attackers comes out and swings at Jonasu. --Stailers!?-- he says to himself. But there wasn't time to process, as the stailer swung Jonasu dodged quickly and grabbed one of the ice runes on paper for rapid freezing, as he slaps it onto the stailer's sword arm and presses it freezes at a gradual rate. He grabs the stailers arm and knees it as he cracks and shatters off the beast's shoulder. Black blood comes spewing out as the Stailer screams and swings it's left fist Jonasu.

"Perfect." Jonasu said as he predicted the attack perfectly.

He took the ring of water he was making and expands it into a sort of small wall where the fist was coming at, the water catches the blow and slows it down as if it were quicksand. As the water seems to consume the arm and left shoulder it freezes and Jonasu pulls out a knife, slamming the arm with the butt of his knife then pushing the stailer back as he rips it off. It was a bit of a violent and ruthless approach but these were demons he was dealing with. They would have done the same to him, He reinforces the ice and arm as he deep freezes it and the stailer screams in pain on the floor. He makes a sharp tip on the frozen arm and stabs it through the stailer, pinning him on the ground until he was finally dead. Jonasu sighs but suddenly turns to see another stailer about to swing,

"I got it!" says Pari as he makes the stailers mask freeze and Jonasu forces water into it.

The Stailer's face and throat are most likely frozen as he grips his neck and makes slight choking sounds, as he falls on the ground his face inside the helm let's out a horrid "CRACK" that is followed up by a silence. Jonasu sighs, realizing he was holding his breath as he pants. He looks to the village and starts walking towards it, a worried look on his face as he starts running to see if there are any survivors, or any more of those damn stailers left.

(I want you to know that even though he may seem op the only reason is due to the rain, it was his lucky day really.)

'Almost there... For the sake of-'

Xer'Chi paused on her walk, feeling the disturbance trickle the sand and made it vibrate, sending out uncomfortable feelings throughout Salisonia. And without a doubt, it wasn't entirely normal. The feeling that Xer'Chi got was very hellish and sinful, and she didn't like that feeling at all. Nearing the edge of the forest she shivered, cracking all four arms' bones just for comfort, and scuttled into the forest to find some deer or something edible.

Running, as fast as the Taurloc can, she jumped over a log and hid there. There were so many bad vibes, and it seemed to have match the presence of demons. Demons are the slaves of hell, or the servants of Satan.
"He xyo teota chviskar taheger noni xyrgeoteka." (I do not have time for demons) She murmured to herself angerly, before taking out her bow in search of a meal no smaller than a squirrel.

The forest was dimmed with the moonlight, as the echoes of unknown animals howled before anyone could protest. Xer'Chi, however, hasen't been here much and would protest before, obviously, anyone. But drawing an arrow with her top pairs of arms, and readying a knife on the bottom pairs, she became as silent as a rock.
((That post, @Cressy it made my cry tears of joy. Or is it just the onions I was cutting? lol ^^ It's actually a one paragraph minimum, but two paragraphs would be cool. ^^))

|Big Event: Attack On Nevenarius|

Part Three

The fight continues on, but it seems that it's becoming one sided. The Stailers were pushed back against our heroes in an orderly fashion that showed much discipline and training. Whoever - or whatever - was behind these demons were quite the strategists. Forming a circle, the Stailers marched forward, almost completely blocking the bloody view of the corpses left behind in the village. The bodies of children, adults, and elders scattered the floors as their blood was eagerly taken in by the soil. It was a sad and horrifying sight to see.

The rain that poured from above washed away the blood and made the ground slightly mushy to step upon, but the Stailers did not falter, not even for a moment. The grey skies thundered as all the screams of horror was drowned out by the pitter patter of the rain. The water would hit the Stailers, only to bounce off of it, not affecting them one bit.

And then, they attacked. Lunging forward, the Stailers kept silent as the thunder and lightning were their shouts. It was a bloody fight but--

Who'll win?

Roll a die out of six and that is how we shall decide the ending of this event. If the total of all the added numbers is an even number, then the heroes will win. If it is an odd, then the Stailers gain the victory. Thank you for playing and I look forward to the next event.
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Arenam pulled his hood over his head as the rain hammered against his face blurring his vision slightly "blasted rain". Although the rain made it more difficult for Arenam he didn't mind considering the Mage was actually able to kill them because of it, either way Arenam's bows didn't have enough power behind them to truly damage the demons. Arenam readied another arrow at the stailer he shot at previously now aiming for it's neck. Arenam pulled the arrow as far back as he could and held it like that until his arms trembled slightly from the power behind the shot before finally letting go.

The arrow flew towards the stailer at great speed although the stailer was completely unaware of the incoming arrow as he was looking the other way there was no way that he could have dodged the arrow. The arrow connected with the stailers throat and managed to pierce completely through as black blood spewed out his neck. Arenam prepared not one, not two but three arrows sacrificing more power for more bows to hit it's neck. Arenam shot the three bows at once and the flew towards the stailer as it tried to recover from the attack. This lead to another surprise attack however, the first arrow missed the second made a small piercing before bouncing off and the third finished what the second started and went through the back of the stailers neck making more black blood spill out at an alarming rate.
It was never my intention to bring Pierre along on this errand, though talking him out of it was an entirely difficult exercise in futility. I learned my lesson a few years prior, when the job was similar to this one, go to Bran, get the package, come home and waste away. I never really felt it before, but I was always looking forward to being sent out on an errand that took me somewhere other than home. It's not that I don't like being in a place where I belong, it's just that I want something new in my life every now and then.

I didn't expect that something could break my usual out of town routine like this. Nevenarius, a town I almost always pass by when I'm sent to Bran, is under attack? It couldn't be possible, Lorebrun was further out than this and more isolated from the kingdom, how could a group of demons pass by our demon slaying town? Although patrols are few and far between, there seemed to be a group of individuals who are locked in combat with....Stailers. There was no mistaking the synchronicity of the fiends and their appearances, if Pierre wasn't here I'd go out there and fight myself but I can't afford to put him in harm's way. He may be used to seeing the Arias, and a few times fighting them, that seem to be a staple dish in our town, but the stailers are whole different kind of difficult.


"Shhhhh. keep your head low Pierre and let's just wait this out. No need to get caught in a fight that doesn't involve our home, that and you know exactly what is terrorizing Nevenarius."

Pointing to fingers at the skirmish that was taking place in the town, I hoped that Pierre would get the hint and follow my order. I wouldn't want to know just what happens if he doesn't, besides he should know me enough to trust my judgment. His eyes traced my fingers all the way to the skirmish happening and widened in surprise, no doubt he was thinking the same thing as I did. How did those things get past the frontier towns?

"Those are-"

"Yes...Stailers. If those things actually win and catch wind of us, I want you to run, run back home and tell Soren exactly what's happening right here. I will be right behind you. For now, let's be quiet and let's just play spectators to this fight."

Knowing Pierre, he'd relish the chance to prove himself again in a fight, but this was one where he couldn't rely on speed alone. I figured if I put myself as bargaining chip it might ease him off a little, though I do intend to cover his retreat if things do go south. South....strange, we are currently south of Nevenarius and so is home. Now that I think about it, my heart won't be in this fight since I don't have much of a drive to make me stand my ground. I look back at my companion to see him take up a position beside me and wait. Disappointment and frustration was clearly drawn on his face. I'm sorry Pierre, but you can't just go be a hero, not against these things, those fighters may already have a plan to eliminate the stailers and we'd only get in the way. At least, it made me feel a little bit better thinking that. Uncertainty is the only certainty when it comes to those demons.
Jack followed Miri on her quest to find the magical package from Bran, who knows what wonders may await them there? Though walking through acres of woods doesn't seem to add any more magic to their journey more than his wild imagination. Miri had been silent throughout the trek, it didn't matter, a stein of Dylan's fine Neven Ale would make Miri a little more sociable. He could feel it on the tip of his tongue, the sweet nectar of Nevenarius or at least he considered it the sweet nectar of Nevernarius. They were approaching the town and may just catch sight of it soon, anticipation was filling up in Pierrot. It would be the first stretch of civilization that ran between the Capital and Lorebrun, which meant something to break the deafening silence. Strangely enough, silence was a constant company on half their trek, as if nature itself was suddenly silenced.

Miri suddenly stopped in her tracks, Jack couldn't anticipate it and ran into her. He wondered why she stopped when they were so close to the nearest town.


"Shhhhh. keep your head low Pierre and let's just wait this out. No need to get caught in a fight that doesn't involve our home, that and you know exactly what is terrorizing Nevenarius."

She raised a finger to his lips, then pointed toward the town. The town proper was empty save for a few souls doing battle against stailers. The scene made his heart grow heavy, yet surprised him at the same time. How could the demons get past the frontier towns? They'd usually stumble right through one, it didn't help that Nevenarius was actually within reach of Bran yet no soldiers were there to reinforce the fighters. It felt just like when the Arias had first attacked their home so many years ago. A group of hunters or adventurers or people band together to fight off a demon threat while Jack was once again doing nothing and simply watching the carnage. He wanted to help, he needed to help, he needed to convince Miri, a few more hands against an opponent that usually fight in packs would always be welcome, especially two who have some experience fighting demons.

"Those are-"

"Yes...Stailers. If those things actually win and catch wind of us, I want you to run, run back home and tell Soren exactly what's happening right here. I will be right behind you. For now, let's be quiet and let's just play spectators to this fight."

The elven girl had cut him off once again, it plain to see that this was no ordinary attack. She wanted them both to wait it out, Jack could find some logic to it, but that didn't mean his heart was agreed to it. He couldn't simply stand idle at a time like this, but Miri had a point. The fight didn't involve home and every time he fought alongside the watch it was because he was doing it for home. Home can make a man do many things, same with love. He didn't like it, but he took position beside Miri nonetheless and waited.

"Fine, let's just spectate."
-Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, Nevenarius, Fighting Stailers-

Jonasu looks towards an archer to his left who bowed and then shot an arrow towards a stailer, completely piercing through it's neck. He was glad he archer did it, he wasn't aware how close the Stailer truly was only about 5 meters and it seemed to have looked at his direction. Jonasu needed to be alert, as he started jogging towards the Archer a few popped out of the sides of the buildings, chasing him and growling.

"Ah Sh*t!" he said as he turned and ran

Jonasu ran from the stailers chasing him, maneuvering in between houses and letting the water beneath his feet flow with him. Allowing him to slide through the mud at a fast pace as the stailers behind him slip and fall, he was a bit tired from using magic but he still had much to do, he goes into a corner and lifts the water within the mud, splattering dirt and water all over the stailers. The water freezes over as well as the dirt but it only stops them temporarily, as they shatter through it and continue chasing Jonasu. Jonasu looks at a house and some barrels and jumps on the barrel and then grabs unto a ledge. As he climbs up the roof and taunts the stailer he notices.

"Weren't there two of you..?" he said as he turns and sees the other stailer.

He dodges the stailer's first slash and get's cut by the other lightly on his side. He hisses and controls one of the puddles of water, freezing it into a sword as he dives the other way and grabs it, avoiding the stailer's stab forward. The stailer was strong, and damn fast, but Jonasu was slightly faster. He hardened the ice to mere rock durability but after a few blows it broke against the ungodly steel, but this worked because Jonasu would keep reforming more of these. Although, even if they are of a low durability the more he makes the weaker he gets. He doesn't thing a throwing knife would work at this distance and a dagger against that sword would be unwise. He reforms the sword into an ice bow staff as it was at the breaking point, he pants as he fights head on against the stailer and he could already hear the other one trying to make it's way up. Maybe the ARCHER will help. He couldn't see him very well with all the rain but all he needed was a leg shot, something to slow the damn thing down. Maybe even kill the one trying to get up.

"This is *clash* going to be a b*tch..Pari keep reforming weapons as well!" he says

Pari doesn't need to reply as he keeps fixing the cracks that appear on the bow staff but it still wasn't going to be enough, as the top of the staff breaks it turns into a spear and Jonasu charges at the Stailer, the stailer does the same as well.

The sun's rays hammered hard on Vyra's skin as he trudged through the path to Nevenarius. He put his left arm in front of his fce, attempting to block out the light with the white sleeve. Although the light was bright, he much preferred it like this. The sun was meant to shine, despite giving off such hit temperatures. It represented the peace that Vyra treasured so much. He put down the arm and continue walking, the sound of his shoes hitting he ground like a ticking clock.

"Wait up there, Kid!" Vyra turned his head to see the older man slowly making his way towards him. "I'm..not...as young...as I used to be!" He stopped taking with each deep breath he took, struggling to keep up.

Vyra gave an apologetic look to the man who made his way over. "Sorry, Tulius, I got a bit carried away." Vyra had been focusing on the journey so much, he forgot about the old man. Although he was old, he was still in good shape, even for being in his fifties. Tulius was a pretty nice guy by Vyra's standards. He was a lot like a loving grandfather, which mostly came from the fact that he was one. They had been traveling together for awhile and they got along pretty well. He would often tell stories about the farm he ran back at the capital with his loving wife, who "still had it", according to Tulius.

"You sure have got a lot of stamina, eh? Walking this long and not a bead of sweat. No wonder you got hired for this job." Yeah, that was why Vyra and Tulius were traveling in the first place. A man in the lumber industry had sent them to collect material for their latest project and they had been chosen. Vyra wasn't so keen on leaving his mother at home, but the job paid quite well. So, he packed up and set out with Tulius.

"We should be at the spot soon. Ahhh, you smell that?" Tulius took a big whiff of the surrounding air as he spread his arms. "We're close to the good stuff. Nevenarius always has the best wood." Vyra himself too smelled the air and the scent was intoxicating. The smell of nature was absolutely wonderful.

"Yeah, it sure does." This was why Tulius had been hired for this job. Despite his old age, he was very valuable for things like this. While he might not have been able to do much in physical labor, Tulius new the lands and good spot quality wood from a mile awhile. Running a farm gave people experience in things like this. Tulius had been doing it since be was a boy, so he was practically a master.

"Hey, Kid, I've been wondering' somethin'. What's in that there bag of yours?" As Vyra turned, the black back around his back shifted a little. He had been carrying it since they left and he hasn't said a word about it. However, Tulius had picked up on how cautious he was with it.

Vyra shifted on his stance a bit as he looked at his bag. He knew Tulius might ask about it, but he hadn't expected it to be now. He needed an excuse right now. He couldn't let people know what was in the bag. "Well, you know-" Vyra's sentence was cut off as the ground soon began to shake. "What!?"

Vyra helped steady his companion as the earth moved. "What in the blazes is goin' on, Kid!?" Vyra has no idea what was happening, but he didn't like this. What was happening wasn't natural by any means. 'What's happening?'

Vyra's question was soon answers, as wispy mists started floating up from the cracks in the ground. "What on earth?..." The mists began forming and hardening, until they they took on a physical form. Long hair, hard bodies, helms covering their faces, Vyra knew what these beings were all to well.

"It's a Stailer!" Tulius's cry was barely heard by Vyra, as the screams of the citizen's overpowered the elder man. Vyra looked on at the destruction and was tempted to run out into the mayhem and help. "Kid, hurry up! We've gotta move!" Vyra looked back and forth between the running crowds and the older man. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, before following after Tulius. 'Damn it all!' He wanted to help, but he would never make it in time. Vyra looked up to the darkening sky, the illuminating sun gone from view. Peace was now over.

The two continued running, their footsteps making splashes in the newly formed mud puddles. Vyra continued running, trying to escape from this mayhem. He could've gone faster, except that he had to pace himself for Tulius. The poor man could hardly run. He was toughing it out, but he knew the man couldn't last much longer, especially in this weather.

Tulius' panting grew louder and more rapid, as he felt to his knees. Vyra immediately crouched down to attend to his companion. "Sorry kid...These old bones are shivering underneath this old timer's skin." Vyra placed a hand on the man's shoulder, a calming expression on his face. "Don't worry about it, Tulius. Rest a bit, well move afterwards. The old man gave a weak smile to Vyra, his panting slowing a bit. "You know, you remind me of my grandson. Such a good boy, your father must be proud to have a son like you."

Although Tulius was being kind, the comment struck a cord. A slight frown appeared on Vyra's face as he tended to Tulius. How he could that man be proud if he was never there. "Actually-" Vyra was cut off, as the rubble near them began to shake. Looking forward Vyra saw the worst thing possible. There in all its unholy glory, was a Stailer, menacing as ever.

Vyra stared at the creature, his calmness remaining on the outside, but his brain going crazy on the inside. 'This isn't good, not good at all. We can take this thing head on without any equipment. We could make a run for it, but Tulius is too tired.' The gears in Vyra's brain turned rapidly, trying to think of a way out of this, but to no avail. There was an obstacle for everything he thought of.

"Just run for it, Kid." Vyra turned to see Tulius looking down at the ground, a sad smile on his face. "I know I'm holdin' ya back, so go. I can't go any further, these bones won't let me. There's a stable a little ways away, so get a horse and escape while ya can. I've lived good life, but you're still young. Besides, you got a mother worried sick about ya at home."

Tulius continued to look to the ground and his sad smile turned into a happier one when he heard footsteps. 'Such a good boy, he shouldn't have to die because of me.' "Don't be ridiculous." Tulius looked up in shock to see that Vyra was now taking a protective stance in front of him, a small hatchet in his hands. "What are ya doin, Kid!? Are ya stupid!? You'll die!"

Vyra continued to look at the Stailer, a firm grip on his hatchet. "Have you forgotten that you've got a family at home too? What would they do if they found out you died. I'm not gonna let another family get wrecked because they don't have a father." Vyra lived his live with his father never around and his family was strained because of it. Tulius was a good man and he wouldn't let his family suffer the same fate and worse because of a death.

Tulius was still shocked by what this boy was saying. He was ashamed to say he hadn't even thought about how his death would affect his family. "But what about you!? If you stay, you'll die too!"

"I won't." Once again, the boy shocked him even more, which he doubted to be possible. He sounded so confident that he wouldn't die here, yet all odds were against him. Was he really that strong, even with a simple hatchet? "I can't die. Like you said, I've got a mother at home worried sick about me." Vyra gave the man a calming smile as he turned his head towards him. "If I died, she'd bring me back just so she could tell me how stupid I was."

A smile came onto Tulius' face as Vyra spoke. "You really are somethin', kid." He stood up and began to head towards the stables, where he mounted a black steed. "If ya die, I'll have some words for ya as well, ya hear!?" He rode off, escaping the mayhem.

Meanwhile Vyra adjusted his fighting stance. "Yeah, I hear you." He then charged at the Stailer, hatchet in hand. It was no sword, but it would have to do.

As the blade connected with its stone-like flesh, only bits and pieces were knocked off. After failing to deal a fatal blow, the Stailer made a strike of its own with its blade. Vyra barely managed to dodge, as a single hair was cut from atop his head. He made a few steps back and held the small hatchet up defensively.

'It's no use, this wasn't meant for combat.' The only enemy the hatchet was used to, was a tree. There was no way something like his could take down a Stailer, no matter how skilled you were. 'I was stupid to not bring my equipment.' Vyra mentally berates himself for not bringing his armor and weapons. He should've been more prepared for this trip. To be fair, nobody could've predicted this would happen.

Vyra looked from side to side, searching for something of use. When it seemed like fate had dealt him a bad hand, he spotted something. Beneath a mass of rubble, he spotted a large pickaxe. As he looked, the Stailer advanced, forcing Vyra to barely dodge. He rolled over to the rubble and grabbed the pickaxe, making sure to get a good grip. It still wasn't a sword, but pickaxes were made for breaking away at stone.

With his new blade weapon, Vyra ran at a fast speed and drove the pickaxe into the Stailer's gut. Rather than breaking completely, a crack was made in the stone-like flesh. In retaliation, the creature raised its blade, prepared to attack. Vyra would've dodged, but the pickaxe was lodged into the Stailer's torso. Quickly thinking, he grabbed the hatched and placed it around the tool. He placed one foot on the torso and kicked off, removing the pickaxe, but destroying the hatchet. He barely managed to dodge the swing as it collided with the earth.

After managing to make some distane between them, Vyra got back into a defensive position. Although it was made for hacking at stone, the pickaxe didn't have enough speed to do the trick in one blow, a reason for why he preferred the sword. He looked at the Stailer preparing to advance, his wet hair slightly blocking his vision. As the Stailer walked, puddles beneath its feet splashed. Vyra inspected closely and a lightbulb went off in his head. 'That's it.'

Vyra charged at the Stailer, a foolish thing to do given what happened before. As he ran, Vyra came to a quick stop near a puddle, making him skid further. The skid placed him over the puddle, making him slide with increased speed. There was less friction to hold him back now.

As he neared the Stailer his body began to spin. When the spin made a full circle and he was facing froward once more, he made a powerful swing. The tip of the pickaxe hit the crack in the Stailer's torso and shattered it. The speed had done the trick.

Vyra now stood over the Stailer and wiped away the hair shadowing his eyes. He did it. All the odds were against him, but he did it. He looked to the black bag that had somehow remained in perfect condition and smiled. "That was close, huh? In hope I didn't rattle you too much in there."

His attention was brought away from the bag, as he heard more footsteps. Coming his way, were two more Stailers. Beating one was hard with what he had, but now there were two. He remained calm and readied the pickaxe. "Don't worry, I won't die here. After all, we still haven't properly met yet."
(SINCE he left, Anything I did to interact with him is well invalid so Im going to restart from her castle ; n; )

Fluffy white clouds began to flutter across the lovely blue sky as the birds began to sing their delicate songs. The elven folk were all in the large clearing, celebrating something Isil really didn't know since well...it was a dream. Isil herself was perched within the low branches of a tree, watching the children and adults chatter away, playing games and dancing around. In her mind, in the mind of the Queen of these people it was a sight she whished was eternal.

Of course, the Queen awoke moments later, sweat beading down her face as she looked at the worried expression of her advisors. Didn't she dismiss them? She raised a brow slightly as she took hold of her sleeve to wipe away the sweat as she looked to them all. "Why are you all back? I swear that I let you go to your families for the day?" She asked quietly, watching as the advisors nervously rubbed the back of their necks.

A man stepped forwards, garbed in armour and a weapon at his hip he quickly fell onto one knee before the throne, concern in his dark green eyes. Now Isil was alert. "Head guard....why are you so worried?" She asked soothingly as she got up, walking over towards him. She crouched down, her fingers laced within her dress as she watched him frown.

"Your highness...Stailers are in Nevenarius...I fear that they could come here next." The Queen stared at the head guard for a moment before she frowned slightly, eyes looking at the ground as she stood to her feet. She offered the guard her hand as she watched him stand. "I see...." She paused, looking over at her advisors who were chatting to themselves.

Isil looked towards the head guard, a faint smile upon her lightly painted lips as she nodded. "In understand. Please go gather a few guards. I will be going as well. I want the guards to attack them if they come anywhere near our border." She ordered before turning to her advisors. "In my absence, which I doubt will be to long I am leaving you in charge." Watching as they each nodded before they gave the queen a smile.

She gave them all a small smile before heading off towards the stables, most importantly the one that housed her partner Prae. Such a delicate and rare creature was a Vydaios and Isil took the best care of Prae. Not because of his rarity but because of their bond. As she stepped into the large area she saw the green creature glance over at her before stepping towards the Queen. Isil smile at Prae as she slowly got onto the creatures back. "Prae, you must be careful when we near the Stailers. Okay?" She asked , only for the creature to give a look at Isil who just pouted in response. "Oi! Im not weak! And the guards are there to protect me." She paused. "Well, lets go Prae."

Prae and Isil reached the guards who were chatting and gearing up. "Let us head for Nevenarius then." The guards looked over to her before the green eyed head guard nodded, calling for his men to move out. Isil purposefully kept behind the group as she looked around at the scenery, enjoying it. That and she was talking to a unresponsive Prae.

Reaching Nevenarius a while later, the head guard stopped the group as Prae travelled to the front. The Elven Queen frowned, watching the scene before her. Why did people not run? Wouldn't they get hurt. Mercury coloured eyes stared with worry for the people here. "It is strange....why Stailers are attacking." Her voice whispered, the noise shielding it from all but Prae who continued to watch ahead.

Isil could only remain still as she thought about the next course of action for the forest Elves. She turned to face the head guard, the frown on her lips evident she could only ask for his opinion. "Your highness, the best option would be for us to help remove the Stailers now so they are not a threat to our land. " Isil could understand that...but she felt slightly bad for asking them to risk their lives. Isil nodded, her eyes narrowed as a firm frown remained on her lips. "Go defeat the Stailers." So, the guards went to join the fight.

Isil remained behind as she slowly got of her Vydaios partner, her fingers locked in its large mane. "They will be okay? Right?" She asked, looking at the much larger creature. The large beast nodded its head as she shut her eyes. After a while she reopened them, letting them land upon a man who was facing off against two Stailers. She glanced over at Prae as she stepped back. "You know what to do right?" She whispered to the horse like being who just remained quiet.

Well, Vydaios were very quiet creatures.

Flames began to encase the fur of his mane, tail and the fur around his hooves. White eyes became red as Prae gained a much more menacing appearance. Looking to Isil who nodded, a uncomfortable smile upon her lips as the Vydaios headed towards the two Stailers. Isil watched as her partner headed off, even more worry filling the Elven Queen. "Prae..."

His steps were as quiet as ever, barely making a sound as he moved across the ground. Slowly, those steps became purposefully heard as Prae reached a spot behind one of the Stailers, its red eyes peering at it before the flames around its body began to expand. Prae reared himself up as to slam his hooves into the creature.

Flames erupted around the Stailer as Prae then moved back slightly, looking towards Vrya quietly, occasionally glancing back over to the other Stailer. Of course, Prae was only told to go help the man, not fight two Stailers. Prae was not a creature that enjoyed to fight. He never would. So, the creature looked between the one he was told to go help and the Stailer. The Vydaios took a few steps back, trying to distance itself from the other Stailer. The guy could handle the other...right?
Arenam watched the Mage fend off the stailers, although he struggled to see him he was surprised at how skilful the Mage was even in close combat, he was a lot braver than other mages who hid in the back while fighting. While the Mage continued to fight Arenam realised he might need help and aimed a bow at the stailer he was currently fighting although the speed the two where going at and the rain didn't help.

As the battle between the two continued Arenam continued to aim his bow on the stailer however Arenam's main concern was hitting the Mage instead. Arenam could tell the Mage was tiring after casting so many spells and trying to dodge the attacks from the stailer, Arenam decided if he didn't shoot now the Mage would be dead soon so he fired at the stailers chest.

The arrow flew at great speed and stayed on target for the most part however it missed at the last second and hit the stailers knee instead which caused the stailer to fall on its face and slide past the Mage and off the building crumbling as it landed "well that works too I guess".
Zathriel observed the town with a stern gaze, taking mental images of the unknown monsters that were plaguing the citizens. He wasn't going to join the battle. The ones fighting seemed to have things covered. Just jumping in would only add to the confusion, and that could lead to his own death. His job; which was more important to him rather than saving someone's life was his priority, as cold as it was. People die, it was a fact. Unless his mission called for it he wasn't going to risk his own life for some random person.

Reaching into his belt, he shifted on his mare with a grunt, trying to find the note he was supposed to deliver. Over the crashing of steel and cries, Zath pulled out a piece of rolled parchment and read the small wax seal on the center. On the side of the white parchment, he read the town and the name of the person he was supposed to give it to. It read: Nevenarius; Corthian

His gaze flicking up to the town's entrance, he grumbled angrily under his breath. Of course, it wasn't that simple just to bring a message. The one town in all of Salisonia, and it had to be under attack. He just looked into the fleeing crowd to search for any signs of the recipient, given specific directions to his employer on what the person looked like. His features, height, voice, and down to the scars on his hands.

He noted that an eerily resemblance to a blacksmith who was laying face down in the mud, blood pooling at his neck.

“Ah crap.” The halfling muttered. “So much for this job...”

Zath took a mental note on who was fighting the odd creatures. He had never seen such monsters before, and that was saying something. He at least been to one corner of Salisonia or another, and this..this was much different than what he was used to fighting to. Brigands, thieves, even a few knights; these demon like monstrosities were a higher caliber, noting their small regeneration abilities.

The heroes dealing with the creatures were pretty skilled, dispatching them with little to no difficulty. He made another mental note to keep his distance, if one decided to turn their gaze on him and their weapons. Easy to mistake a tall, intimidating cloaked rider as an enemy with the feel of adrenaline from battle running in one's veins.

So he waited, his eyes observing the battle under the cowl of his hood.

|Big Event: Attack On Nevenarius|


With the die roll's total being eleven, an odd number, the heroes lose this battle. Although, since Kai'zen left, there is no need for a bad consequence to happen to any of the remaining characters. I'd like to remind everyone to not depend on these events to keep moving, this roleplay is not about gore and fighting, although those are always fun to have. It's more on character interaction and development, so feel free to interact with one another! Heads up for everyone, the next event is happening in Cantillia Mountains, but please do not focus on these and try to interact with one another.


Minutes turned into hours as the battle for Nevenarius's survival raged on, swords clashed and blood was spilled. Unfortunately, in the end, our heroes were not able to defend the people of Nevenarius as they were all killed, men, women, children, and elders. Everyone was slaughtered, including our dear hero, Kai'zen Makaira. He fought bravely and died protecting an innocent little girl. Too bad that his death was in vain since all the villagers were slaughtered like cows.

The downpour of rain continued to beat against the grounds as a sullen atmosphere fell upon the area. They had failed to protect the people. They had even lost one of their own. It was a depressing day, but it was only the beginning.
Sanz stiffened a little as the wind blew through the trees. The fire fluttered somewhat in the darkness, but what was more unsettling was the sound. Or rather . . . the lack of it. The wind seemed to take away all the noise of the forest. The hooting of owls, the sound of nighttime predators . . . even the insects of the night were shushed by the coming breeze. Sanz's nose twitched a couple of times as he stood up. It smelled . . . wrong. It didn't smell like the natural world he was used to, or even the sour smell of the city, almost as if . . . it was the opposite. The opposite of the natural world around him. Sanz's eyes narrowed slightly, and he doused the fire, letting his eyes adjust to the moonlight. Whatever was happening, it was from the direction of the capital . . . perhaps something nearby, and he intended to find out what this 'opposite' was.

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