Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

(All right, time for my characters to just hang around the edge of the mountains until this event happens.)

Njáll watched as the drop of water escaped from his flask, and fell to the dry sand. It made a small moist spot, something rare in such a large desert like this, but it disappeared a second later, greedily swallowed by the sun. He moved the bottle to his lips and sucked more water out of the almost empty container, holding in in his cheeks and wetting his tongue before swallowing it in small pieces. Water was scarce, especially since they had forgot to refill when they had left, them being in such a hurry, and they weren't even halfway there. Their Kahao guide, a large bull on two legs, stepped impatiently in place. He wanted to show them the way out and then go back to his family. While they were walking, they had thought up a reward for the Kahao's service: a little necklace made of iron. It was held around the neck with a small chain, and it looped around and connected to a small stone in the shape of an oval. It meant nothing to the two Dwarves other than money, but to their guide, it was a cool gift for his daughter. Assuming it would fit her, of course. It was crafted with a human woman's neck in mind, not a large cow's.

"We should do well to go back. We're out of water, and you two can't survive long without it."

"Almost out of water," corrected Njáll. "I still think we can make it."

The bull huffed. "I doubt it. We should go back, refill, and then start going again. Unless you want to be a pile of bones."

"I agree," Naomhán spoke out against his "master".

"All right," Njáll said reluctantly. "I'm not unreasonable. But you're still working for us," he pointed at the Kahao, "and no extra pay either. Let's go."

He put his flask back onto his belt, and go up from his seat in the sand. They walked backwards, following their footprints in the sand.
[QUOTE="Rai-Chan]((How can I jump in?))

((Any way you would like to. The RP's so big that it doesn't really matter, fall from the sky for all I care. There's people everywhere, most of them are in, or around, the area of Bran. ^^ Try to interact with people! :D ))
((Right. I'll just have Aria be lost.))

In the middle of the bustling streets stood a young girl, dressed a pink, plaid dress that went to her knees, her light hair pulled into pigtails and he thin legs hugged by white stockings. Her eyes were red, and her face was stained with tears.

She looked away for one second, and her mother is gone.

N-no! She didn't abandon me like my other mother!"

She cried harder.
The young king was walking around Bran, accompanied by his loyal protector Bathelia. They had been there to get some quick supplies for Bathelia's potions, he looked at Bathelia who had been very quite for there entire trip. "Hm~ Whats got your tongue on a hold? Your usually happy when i take you out to get ingredients." He ran a hand through his silver hair as he looked around the streets not paying any attention to the road ahead of him. He suddenly bumped into a little crying girl. "........" He looked down at the girl with a stern harsh and cold expression on his face. "..What is this Bathelia?"
Bathelia had been listening to the young royal pains nagging all day. Sure his words and presence was wise but he himself was a pain sometimes though she could never tell him that. She had zoned his wording out for the most part as she walked but her ears twitched when she heard the sound of a high pitched crying noise. She tilted her head down to see the little girl the king must have been referring too. "Little one where are your parents?" She placed her hand on the little girls head and smiled warmly, trying to comfort her as the king should have but wouldn't.
((@paipai900 don't worry I'll finish it.))

Aria sniffled, her nose running now.

"I...*hic* was here with my mommy." she squeaked out to the lady. "A-and I was lookin' at the pretty dolls...and then she was gone!"

She broke down again.
The sun was high above the tides of golden sand that made up the large desert ocean. Barely any plant life could be seen let alone any animals and a lone wind danced with the dust, the only shadow of life that could be seen. It was a visage of deceptive tranquility; one that anyone with enough sense could see through to the harsh reality. This was not a place of easy living. This was a place of trials and tests of hardship. Only those who truly wanted to survive or had the knowledge to could make it in these conditions.

Two figures stood just on the edge of this fearsome landscape, traveling cloaks billowing in the wind.

“Samaria,” Kaolin murmured quietly, amber eyes tracing over the nearly blank terrain. From beneath the cover of her cloak where she had wrapped it over the lower part of her face her lips curled apart and she inhaled deeply. A hiss of displeasure escaped her. Even the air tasted as dry and dusty as the environment itself was.

It was a distasteful place, Kaolin decided. She missed the dewy air of Ellegarde with its unpredictable breezes that carried the sounds of so many familiar creatures upon them. This place was alien, in ways that made her tail bristle uncomfortably. Not that she would show that she was bothered so much by it. No, even though she was beginning to miss the greenery she grew up with it was not enough for her to show it outwardly. They had a mission, a goal to achieve. All they needed to do was speak with one of the Kahao tribes of this region and they could be on their way. It would be shameful to stop before they had even begun.

Besides her, the smaller form of her travel companion shifted restlessly, a fluffy grey and white tail exposing itself as the combined movements of the wind and the person freed it from the confines of the dark grey cloak.

“Lin, do I have to wear this stupid thing--?” A child’s voice asked from beneath the material. A small hand came out from beneath the layers and pushed the hood down.

Kaolin looked down at the androgynous face where two blue eyes stared up at her. Such a stubborn child. Her own hand came out and dragged the hood back over the pale face, paying no head to the cry of protest that flew from her siblings mouth. “Yes, you ‘have to’, Keyin.” She told her, batting away the claw-armed hands that furiously pushed at her.

“But it’s so big and bulky!” Keyin whined back, tugging at the front of where the cloth draped over her.

Kaolin huffed and fell gracefully to her knees before the eight year old, so that they were of similar height. “Keyin,” she beseeched, fondly stroking her fingers over the material of the hood that framed the scowling face of her sister. “This cloak is made a certain way for a reason, just like all things are. If you do not wear it the sun will do damage to you more than it already is, you will have no protection from the wind and come night time you will freeze. Do not fight me on this.”

Keyins mouth turned down into a pout and she stared at her sister with a baleful gaze. She wanted to continue protesting. The air was too hot here, the sand was tough to walk on, the wind kept whistling annoyingly loud in her sensitive ears… she had a lot to complain about and she normally would’ve. Except, for Kaolin to go so far as to explain why she had to keep the bothersome cloth-made bane of her young existence on in depth it meant that she was serious about how important the cloak was. Normally the older girl would’ve merely glanced at her, forced it back on her head and continued on. If Keyin took it off further along? Well that was her decision and she’d have to deal with the consequences.

Realizing this but not liking it a bit, Keyin crossed her arms petulantly and averted her attention away from the feline eyes of her sister and to the wind swept ground. “Fine.” She grumbled.

Quick as the words had left her mouth Kaolin was standing again, surveying the path they would take ahead.

‘Two bags of salt-dried meat

Two water skins and a water canteen

A pouch of hunger-suppressing herbs

A crudely drawn map

A coin purse

And our weapons’

A thoughtful look creased her brow and Kaolin touched the staff strapped on her back with a finger. She wasn’t going to be able to hunt much with it out here and she had left her best bow in the forest as it would have weighed her down too much to have been allowed. Keyin had her knife but that was useless in a hunt without cover or they chanced losing it if she threw and missed the mark even by a hair and changing it from a lethal blow to a lucky day for the creature.

They needed to move fast and efficiently. One wrong decision and it could be fatal.

‘The man said that there were a few villages dotted around this region.’ She mused. Their only choice was to navigate through and hope that they didn’t make a wrong turn for fear of having to back track and lose precious time. She could try to catch the scent of water or other people on the air but with these alien conditions she wasn’t sure.

“Keyin.” She stated, beginning to walk off into the desert. The child hastily caught up with her and tried to keep pace with her strides, every fifth step or so having to give a little hopping skip when she fell behind.

As of now they were on a race against time.
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(Hey guys, while a super long post isn't mandatory, please remember that there is a two paragraph minimum and make it as detailed as possible.)
((Oh. Okay, I didn't mean it in a mean way. QAQ But, I won't force you to stay if you want to leave. *cries* I just wanted to read your history...))
((I know you didn't, I just hate roleplays with too many...boundries. I'm not the best at writing biographies, and I'm NOT going to write a minimum of two paragraphs; that is ridiculous.

Sorry :S ))
((Oh, okay then. :3 And the minimum is one paragraph, Lucem messed up. xD But, okay...if you want to leave... *huggles*))
((OH well that makes a huge difference.

I'll stay, but I'd sort of like to leave my history at what it is. I mean, Aria is ten. There's not much to write.))
The king looked around the area as he rode a black horse, he wearing a scarf that covered his face and head to keep himself from being blinded by sand. There was nothing much to look at in Samaria, a place filled with sand and no life, how dreaded this trip was for him. "......" He looked over his shoulder at Bathelia who was walking with nothing to cover her feet, she also seemed to have no expression on her face. This dessert was populated with Kahoa, Bathelia's own people and he thought she would share some emotion of happiness but she was to busy judging the worlds atmosphere. "You really love the world don't you? Even when there is nothing beautiful to look at." He frowned looking at the vast field of sand, he then turned his head to look at Bathelia and no one could read his expressions for he was wearing the scarf over his mouth. "We're going to find a Kahoa tribe so try to look happy once you get there. Honestly, you could find your real mother here." Zilocke stopped his horse and climbed off it, he looked around for a quick second before getting sick of the view and sighed heavily. "I don't know what has you so interested in this place you call the world. Sure you could say its beautiful and filled with wonders.....You could but thats not the real truth of it, is it?" He turned his body towards Bathelia and unraveled the scarf that hid his face, he had formed a smirk on his face. "The true beauty of this world hides in the people, Beings cause the amazing wonders you speak of. We are the reason this world has become so beautiful and plentiful, the only beauty around Samaria is the Kahoa. And i'm not just speaking of beauty as there looks.....Oh no, the beauty is our reactions to certain circumstances and the way we cause wars, the way we treat each other such as betraying and stabbing backs." He looked into Bathelia's eyes, still holding an evil smirk, he waited for a reaction from the girl.
The red headed girl looked out at the horizon as she walked, listening to the king as he spoke of what had fascinated her so. He would never understand her view on the world for she sometimes herself did not understand it either. She averted her eyes away from the horizon to look at Zilocke but she did not look directly into his eyes for she could not. It wasn't that she feared of getting scolded for doing so but the boys eyes were to much filled with hate and coldness. She felt if she looked into them, she herself would get a small glimpse of the boys madness, this was something she didn't want to see. "........" Bathelia stayed silent and thought over the boys words, she knew what kind of reaction he was hoping for but she wouldn't give it to him for the boy craved conflict but that wasn't Bathelia's way of doing things. "Yes sir, I believe your words are correct." With that being said, she looked back at the horizon and started to walk off, knowing she wouldn't bump into anything for there wasn't much in Samaria for her to bump into.
He was unhappy with Bathelia's reply, he hated how conflict free she was and dreamed of the day when he finally gets to push her over the edge and see her true nature revealed. "..." He watched the girl walk off and soon followed behind her, wrapping the scarf around his face again to protect his skin and eye from the sun as well as the sand that flew around once the wind picked up. Bathelia never talked back towards Zilocke personally he has seen her on more than one occasion tell people off, he wondered if she feared him but knew that couldn't be true since the girl still stayed by his side. He wanted to know what made him different from the rest in her view, she had no problem arguing with the common or wealthy but never once has she said something negative towards Zilocke. He sighed, catching up to Bathelia's side and looked up at the Kahoa girl who was still mesmerized by the horizon. "Bathelia when are we getting to the tribe's? I'm tired of walking around aimlessly everywhere and it is your job to get me there safely and as quickly, so what is the hold up?"
The red headed Kahoa trailed her eyes away from the beautiful horizon after hearing the young king speak. She glanced over at the silver haired boy for a moment wondering if he was going to complain to her the rest of the way there. "...My apologize sir if we keep at the pace were going it could take a little bit longer..." She raised her hand to her hood and tugged on a piece of the white cloth to cover more of her face for she didn't want to see the kings cold eyes on her. The witch lowered her head and her hands to one side of her waist to unhook something from her belt. "Here do you need more water sir..." She held her arm out to the side still looking away from the king. A canteen that held water in it was in her hand, she was motioning for Zilocke to take it if he wished. "...I'm not really thirsty and we have plenty of water, if we happen to run out I will get you some more.." She would always be loyal to the king no matter what. For he held the knowledge she wished to have. Maybe one day she could grasp that knowledge, that was her wish and her expectations to do so. This is one of the reasons she stayed by the kings side. All the things she does is purposeful and mostly leading to the knowledge she wishes to have.

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