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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had noticed Nate slow when they passed her apartment. He didn’t say anything, there was nothing to say. He walked into the apartment, eyes looking around as he followed Nate into the kitchen. “Yep.” Alex said as he picked a cabinet and searched it. He didn’t find much, some canned beans and plates in one. Another had nothing but cups. He looked over at Nate before opening a couple drawers and finding some nails and pieces of scissors. “Not much here so far. Did you find anything?” He asked. So far this apartment did not seem that promising to him, but then again that could change.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Spices,” Nate answered, wished he had the room to take them. He would have to get rid of other things, and he was not in the mood for that. Maybe he could take one or two. “You probably didn’t have these back there? You probably just had the normal foods. These are the ground versions. I guess the same as the canned stuff- for people who can’t grow it all on their own.” He lifted the chili powder and stuffed it into his bag. “But other than that, no. Whoever lived here wants us to suffer.” He grinned then moved into the living room in search for cookbooks to show off.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate when he told him what he’d found. “Spices, like salt and pepper? We had stuff like that, but you’re right. It was grown but we’d use these mortar and pestle to grind them up and use them.” He said. “But I’ve never seen it bottled like that. I guess it would make sense though.” He added. “Apparently they do.” He said with a quiet laugh, following Nate into the living room. He went over to the first drawers he saw and searched. Some old tape, a rag and that was it. The other drawer had nothing in it. “They really made sure to take everything.” Alex said with a frown.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate shook his head. “What was wrong with these people taking their own stuff and not sharing any with us?” He sighed dramatically as he made his way to the bathroom. “Hey, what’s a mortar and pestle? Is that like an old timey hammer or something? I’m just guessing here since you use it to grind things.” He opened some of the cabinets. A single bandaid. Nice. They forgot one thing. He looked beneath the sink. Ooh? What is this hidden all the way in the back? “Bathroom drugs. Oh, I love some good bathroom drugs.” He shook the bottle. That sounded like hardly anything. He opened it up and peered inside. Two. Really people? Really? So he sighed again. “Please tell me you’re having more luck than I am.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know man, but it’s rude.” He said. He followed Nate to the bathroom and paused, hearing his question. “It’s a clay bowl and a small stick with a large circle at the end of it. It’s used to crush and grind the different plants to use them.” Alex explained. Alex looked at Nate when he found the bottle. “Hey, one good thing to find.” Alex said, not realizing there was only two pills in the bottle. Alex looked in the lower cabinets under the sink. “Alcohol and rags here but that’s it.” Alex said, standing up. “Maybe they’ll have left a jacket.” He said, holding his hand out for Nate so they could head to the bedroom.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate took Alex’s hand as he pocketed the two whole pills and followed to the bedroom. “That actually sounds very useful, and I am sad that you did not abscond with those when you left. Do you know how much have something to grand plants could be for medicinal purposes alone? I guess that’s kind of what we had when I was younger. Huh.” He broke their connection to head straight to the closet. He needed a jacket and Alex needed new pants. When he opened the closet there was only one box with the oldest looking tape he had ever seen. “I officially am not a fan of these people. They couldn’t leave us anything really good?” He sighed and returned to Alex’s side.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex ducked his head as he listened to Nate. “I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t take anything but my bow when I left. I found the pack and everything else as I traveled east.” He said as they entered the bedroom. Alex moved away from Nate the moment he dropped their hands. He headed towards the bed, which was in rough shape. The nightstand had some weird card inside, Alex picked it up and looked at it. He turned to Nate and laughed hearing his comment. “I found this card thing, some weird name on it. I don’t know. ‘Big Blue’? Weird. It’s some kind of whale thing.” He said holding it out for Nate to look at.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate leaned around Alex to take a look at the card. “That’s strange. Maybe they like whales? Named Big Blue?” He shrugged, taking Alex’s hand again. “So they didn’t like the whale enough to take the card with them but they’ll take everything else. That is so sad. Poor Blue.” He tugged at Alex’s hand and then remembered that he hadn’t checked the dresser. Still attached, he moved as far as he could and leaned the rest of the way to open up the drawers. Cool, random parts but not much else. He tossed them in his bag and sighed. “Okay, I feel like this place was mostly a dud. Thoughts?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had no idea either. “Well, I’m gonna take Blue then.” He said, tucking the card in his pack. He felt the tug on his hand and went to follow Nate when he stopped and checked out the dresser. Alex looked over to see but didn’t see anything. He looked at Nate when he spoke. “I have to agree. Pretty bad apartment. Ready to move on to the next one?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate moved them out of the bedroom with a laugh. “Terrible apartment. I rate it a 2 out of 10. The first one was perfection, the second was alright, the third one I am not going to count, and this one was just sad.” He paused as they reached the front to peer out just in case anyone made their way there. When he did not see or hear anyone he moved along to the next door. How many apartments were on one floor? He jiggled the doorknob and it was thankfully unlocked. Great. He pushed it open and stepped inside. This one smelled terrible.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex did agree on that one. “Absolutely 2 out of 10.” He said with a laugh. Alex did admit that the first apartment had been his favorite, not just because they’d shared a bed and spent the night there. Though that was a big reason. He followed Nate out into the hallway, and down to the next door. When Nate opened it, the smell made Alex’s eyes water. “Something isn’t right in this one.” Alex said, then he heard it. Skittering. No. No. Not that. “Nate. Shut that door.” He said, trying to pull him back. Skittering meant stalkers, and stalkers were sneaky and horrible and Alex hated them.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate narrowed his eyes and listened as he attempted to figure out what was up with that smell. Alex’s words touched his ears just as he heard the skittering as well. Oh shoot, no thank you. That couldn’t be anything good. What made that kind of sound? He felt the pull on his back to move, and his body did but he didn’t want to make too much sound. He froze as he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He held his breath, hoping beyond hope that it didn’t see him. He waited one more second before hopping back as it came racing towards them. Nate slammed the door shut and held it closed, heart pounding as he stood as far away from the door as possible. “Okay, well I’m rating that one a 0 out of 10. Can we go into negatives?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex’s heart was pounding as he heard the thing coming running and then the door slammed shut. Nate held the door closed and Alex was trying to get his heart rate down. “I would allow a negative for this one. That was a stage 2 infected. Stalkers is what I read when I found a paper with the different stages.” Alex said. “They are very stealthy and quiet and sneak up on you. I’m thinking we should just head back out of here.” Alex said, not wanting to be in the same place as even one stalker.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate’s eyes were wide as he considered that. “You mean those things could have come to say hey in the night?” He pursed his lips and shook his head. “That’s just freaky. I agree, we should go. We can choose another building to go through maybe.” He slid his hand in Alex’s and started walking back the way they came. “Also, how is that a thing I haven’t come across before? I’ve been traveling since I was tiny. Does that means there’s even more I don’t know about?” That sounded like the actual worst.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate as he saw his eyes widen. He only nodded his head. “If I had known it was here, I never would’ve suggested staying here.” He said. Alex was happy enough when Nate slid his hand in Alex’s. He followed Nate and looked at him when he talked. “They tend to hide in dark places. Maybe you never went where they were? Have you come across a shambler?” Alex asked as they made it to the hall door.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate moved them quicker than they had been walking back the way they came and to the door to the stairs. “Are those the big things that live near water or something? Because my mama told me about those and steered clear anytime she thought they were around. I’ve only seen bloaters a couple of times in life.” As they moved down the stairs he remembered. “Oh my god, those are the skittery creepy things? I’ve heard them before.” A shiver ran down his spine remembering. “That’s so freaky. I feel so bad for those people.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was more than willing to follow Nate to the door quickly, following him down the stairs. “Yeah, they’re bigger than a bloater and twice as hard to kill. There is a lot of them in Washington.” Alex said. As they made their way down the stairs he heard Nate speak again. “Yeah, that’s the skittery things you’ve heard.” Alex said. “It’s a horrible thing this infection.” He added as they made it to the lobby and headed towards the front door.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate moved them quickly through the bottom floor wishing to be out of the building as quickly as possible. That was by far the creepiest infected he had ever encountered. He stopped at the entrance. “Are saying that you are taking me to Washington where we are going to be attacked by very many large infected who are hard to kill? Are you taking me to my death, Mr. Monkey Man?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate when they made it to the entrance. He pushed open the door and stepped outside first, before answering Nate. Once they were outside, he turned towards him. “I’m taking you to Washington because you wanted to go to Washington. I’m leading you to your people.” He said, raising an eyebrow. “Besides, three Molotov’s and a nail bomb usually kill them.” He added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate eyed him fake suspiciously, this was obvious due to the tiny smile he was poorly concealing that poked at the edge of his mouth, and shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re leading me to my death. And I’m willingly going. I am actively in this moment taking your hand so that you can lead me to my death, and I seem to be okay with that, because look I am swinging the arms and everything like we didn’t almost die by creepy stalkers apparently.” He sucked in a deep breath after all that talking that didn’t allow air.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex snorted a laugh, listening to Nate. He knew that the man wasn’t really suspicious. He rolled his eyes as he watched Nate take his hand. “Yes, come with me to your untimely death. You are okay with because I’ve used my charm on you” Alex said in a very serious voice. “That stalker was not to kill you. I used it to scare you.” He added, trying not to laugh himself.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

It was too late. Nate was absolutely laughing at him, but that was not going to stop him from playing along. “So now you have charmed me and you’ve used a stalker to scare me for…. Untimely death purposes? Because okay, sure, I guess that makes perfect sense.” He swung their arms playfully between them. Yes, he definitely understood the logic here.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex broke a few moments after Nate started laughing. “Of course. It’s only fair for me to charm you if you’ve already charmed me. And yes, I totally planned to have that stalker there. It’s the perfect amount of logic. I don’t understand how you don’t see the logic here.” Alex said, trying to control his own laughter as Nate swung their arms in the air playfully.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate for sure gave up even pretending to be offended, upset, scared, or whatever. He lost it at the beginning. “So let me get this straight. You turned my own power against me so that I follow you willingly to place such as this last place where you choose to scare me so that when you’re leading me to my untimely death it’s worse? Because that’s what I got out of this.” He walked a good foot and half from him for optimal swingage of arms. At least for now. “And you lured me into a false sense of security with the whole sleeping just a few rooms down. I think that I was being wooed with malicious intent.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex watched Nate as he talked, his eyebrow raised up for a moment as he listened. "Yeah. Absolutely. I definitely turned your own power against you. You didn't have to follow me into the building, nor did you have to agree to let me guide you either. You did all of that on your very own. I knew there would be a stalker there, so I stopped us before we got to that door. Had that piece of peace that night, and then boom scared you. If that's malicious intent then I totally did that. Yep" Alex said, trying to stop the smile as he saw Nate stand a good foot and a half from him, still swinging their arms.

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