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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate as he stood in front of him. He smiled back at Nate when he grabbed his hand, leading Alex from the kitchen, through the living room and into the bedroom. He heard Nate's words and nodded. "Yea. All our recipes were handed down through families. We didn't have books of them" He said, shrugging. Alex watched as Nate flopped onto the bed and smiled at the open arm. Alex stepped up to the bed, climbing on it and laying down beside Nate with a smile.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate waited impatiently. Now that he decided that he was just going to embrace whatever was happening since life was frankly too short and stressful to not do whatever makes you happy, he was entirely dissatisfied with being on his own. If he was going to be laying on this perfectly good bed with this perfectly nice sheets, he required someone to enjoy it with. “Well then we’ll just have to change that. We are going to find cookbooks out there and then we’re also going to make our own with whatever fantastic recipes we create by throwing random things together.” He wrapped that open around underneath Alex and pulled him close. They just went through a trying time, and the answer was obviously hugs and cuddles. Who was going to say no to a good cuddle?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex laughed as he heard Nate. "Okay, that sounds like a plan to me" He said with a chuckle. Alex felt Nate's arm under him, pulling Alex close. He did just that, shifting on his side and rested his head on Nate's chest, arm over his stomach. He had embraced how he felt a while ago, and right now? A cuddle session was exactly what he needed and what he wanted. It was comforting, it was peaceful and he was with Nate. If he closed his eyes, he could picture them like this, in their farmhouse animals all tucked away for the night and stomachs full of fresh bread.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate yawned and stifling it with a chuckle. Apparently he was tired. Honestly, he did not even notice how late it was outside, and he didn’t care. They did not have a strict schedule to follow. They could go to sleep whenever they wanted, and they could get up whenever they wanted. They could travel how they pleased, and make it to wherever they were going just as soon as they liked. He was not sure when that changed for him. He was trying to get there so fast when it was his only direction. When it was his only hope. But now, he felt like his path had options. He could get there in numerous ways. He could find something along the way. That he did not expect. He didn’t expect a lot of this honestly. Alex resting on his chest was one of those things. One of his hands reached up to run fingers through Alex’s hair as his eyes began to drift. “I could get used to this,” he murmured as his voice forgot how to work. “Nice, comfy bed. It’s been a long time since I slept in one of these.” He yawned again, cutting off anything else he might say after.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex knew they didn't have to sleep at a certain time, nor really get up a certain time here. They could take a few days to rest here if they so chose. Nothing was really stopping them. Alex was very much content where he was. Wrapped in Nate's arm, head on his chest and the softest bed he'd ever slept in. "I could too, which means we need to find that farmhouse soon" He said with a laugh, a yawn coming out a moment later. "I've never slept in one but it's going to be hard going back to the forest floor after this" Alex added, feeling Nate's fingers in his hair, he loved that feeling so much.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate found his face nestling with the top of Alex’s head again. Apparently this was something he liked quite a lot. He loved the smell of Alex. He loved feeling him so close against him. He loved being with him. He loved- Well wouldn’t that be an interesting development after less than a week? Crushing real hard, aren’t we? Oh yes. There was no doubt about it. He would be judged so hard by bother brothers and his mama. But who would stop him? None of them. “You’re never gonna be able to sleep well again until we get ourselves one of these.” His eyes shut, and he knew he was going to drift away soon.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex felt Nate nestle his face into the top of Alex's head and he was okay with that. Alex had never been in love before, never even had a crush before. He was told about being in love from some of the other boys in his group. The fluttering heart, the butterflies in your stomach, the blushing red face and always wanting to be around the person who made you feel that way. Alex was slowly realizing that he was experiencing those feelings around Nate, and he didn't know if it excited him or made him nervous. It was a weird combination of the feelings for him. He glanced up at Nate "I can see that. We need to get that farmhouse quickly" He said with a tired chuckle. He closed his eyes, feeling himself drifting off to sleep.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate’s mind heard the words and drifted to a place that matched. The image of their too real dream danced on his mind. He could see the long open fields full of whichever crop a they fancied. He flew past cows and sheep and horses alike. He envisioned a huge ranch style home with more rooms than he could ever fill in his wildest dreams with one of those wrap around porches and balconies on the upper floors. He and Alex stood there on the second floor looking out on their land, an arm a wrapped around the other in a half hug. It was perfect. Perfect despite the world. Perfect despite his mission. Perfect despite everything he knew about how everything worked.

“Mmmkay,” he breathed, barely able to keep his speech going. It was a drastically delayed response. “I’ll work on that.” But he didn’t have time because his mind officially drifted away, and he fell into a deep, restful sleep.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had the best night's sleep he'd ever had. Wrapped up beside Nate while sleeping on what could only be considered a cloud to him. His dreams consisted of spending time in their farmhouse and taking care of their livestock. Them cooking in a beautiful kitchen experimenting with different foods to create things. It was a peaceful dream and he loved it. It was calming to him. Alex felt the sun filtering through the windows and he turned his head away from it, into something warm. It took him a moment to register that it was Nate he'd turned his face into. He didn't care, he just didn't want to wake up at all. So he didn't, he tried to go back to sleep instead.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nathaniel Evan Matthews walked along a broken path. The concrete and stone were cracked and ruined as shoots of grass and vines sprang from their depths. He was surrounded by towering buildings in equally and worse disrepair, slowly being overtaken by nature once more. The buildings seemed to loom over him as he made his way down the long, straight road. “This time, there are not roads less traveled,” his mama told him from somewhere behind, but every time he turned around to look, he was all alone. As the world grew dark, skies turning black, it gave birth to shadows that stretched and elongated until there was no possible way those were attached to the real world. He moved quicker down the road, and as he pace hastened, so did the decay of all around him. The buildings began to crumble, and the road beneath his feet sifted from under him. He ran, and yet, that only made it worse. He reached out for anything to help, to the hands stretching from so far ahead. The closer he got, the further they were. So. Far. Away. The shadows and vines and branches grabbed at those hands, dragging them away, blotting out the single ray of sunlight left.

Nate had one of those slow waking mornings where everything was waking up in pieces. First his mind awoke, remembering parts of a dream that no longer made sense. Then his body awoke, and he fidgeted beneath a weight. The longer he laid there, thinking, the more his brain began to power on the rest of him. Realization followed by understanding at last followed by loss. He opened his eyes to stare at the undisturbed walls of an unfamiliar place. A bedroom that was not his. Finally, he brought his eyes down and to the side. Alex. He carefully rolled, trying his hardest not to disturb him from his sleep, until his was on his side and facing his companion. His fingers traveled through the still air until they found him, exploring hair and around ear. Tracing lines from his forehead to the nape of his neck. He wrapped his fingers gently around the side of his face, leaned in, and kissed his forehead. He readjusted so that his own forehead leaned against Alex’s, and he closed his eyes as he absentmindedly massaged his scalp.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had managed to slip into a light sleep again. He was way to content to really want to wake all the way up. Alex registered that Nate moved, but he didn't really think about it. He felt fingers through his hair, around his ear and tracing a line from his forehead to the nape of his neck. Alex felt fingers wrapped around the side of his face and then a kiss on his forehead. He felt himself waking up, and he felt something pressed against his own forehead. A massage on his scalp and Alex finally woke up, letting out a small yawn as his eyes opened. "Mm. Good morning" He said softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

At the sound of words, Nate opened his eyes once more. His lips curled upward at seeing Alex awake. “Good morning,” he repeated, hand pulling away. He let out his own yawn. Contagious. Yawns spread like wildfires, and it was beautiful. Shadows spread like diseases. That was not as beautiful. He almost narrowed his eyes as the memory of a dream disappearing. He did not. He kept himself together. “How did you sleep? Was it as wonderful as you thought it might be?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex smiled at Nate as he saw the other smile. He felt the hand pulling away and tried not to be upset at that. Alex watched as Nate yawned himself. He wanted to wake up like this every morning, it was nice to Alex. "I slept very well. It was like sleeping on a cloud" He admitted with a tired chuckle. "How about you? How did you sleep?" He asked, looking at Nate curiously.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He was not going to ruin his good morning with remnants of a slumber he could not explain. “Like a dream,” he answered, smile threatening to take over his whole face. He kept his voice light and airy as he draped an arm across Alex. “So, the bed met your approval. Good. Now you’ll know what we are looking forward to in the future as we are slumming it on the hard ground after this.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He nodded, happy that Nate had slept well. "I'm glad to hear that" He said, his own smile wide on his face. He blushed when Nate draped an arm across him. Alex listened to Nate, knowing he would definitely not want to be sleeping on the ground again. "I think we should find that farmhouse fast then, because I'm not gonna wanna sleep on the hard ground anymore" Alex laughed.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate knit his eyebrows together in a playful feign of seriousness. “Are you saying you would like to get up right now and go find it then?” Because all days were better starting off with silliness. “Because we could do that. Get up and abandon this nice comfy bed and our nice comfy cuddles.” He dragged his arm over Alex and very slowly began to rise into a sitting position.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex shook his head quickly. "No, no. I didn't say that." He laughed. "I don't wanna move.." He added softly. He felt Nate drag his arm over Alex and start sit up. "Please don't leave the bed." Alex said softly, he didn't want to move and he certainly didn't want to lose the cuddles that he was enjoying at the moment. It took all he had to push Nate back down and bring that arm back over Alex.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate, expecting this, let himself be pushed and pulled until eventually he settled himself back down on the bed. Only this time, he was closer. He wrapped his arm around Alex, rubbing his back in circles that his mind did not even notice he was doing. With his face less than an inch from Alex’s he laughed. “Okay, I guess I’ll stay here then. That farmhouse can wait for a little bit. But whatever will we do if we’re not actively moving towards an unknown destination or running from murderous hunters?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex smiled as he watched Nate settle back on the bed. He was closer this time to Alex who was happy with that. He blushed when Nate wrapped an arm around Alex, rubbing his back. He could certainly get used to that feeling. His eyes looked at Nate, who's face was less than an inch away from Alex's. He could see every little detail as he watched Nate laugh. "If we can find this farmhouse and are no longer heading somewhere or running from hunters, then I'd take this, laying on a soft bed relaxing and enjoying the peace" He said with a smile.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Are you sure you won’t get bored?” He asked. This was a curiosity question and not because he actually thought that it was true. Nate, being Nate, could probably lay there for an eternity doing nothing but talking to and breathing in Alex. He would become his air, and that was exactly how life should be. He could feel that it was right. However, he was sure that after a while, someone would get restless, and then they would have to find something new to do, though he would always request that they do it together.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex shook his head at the question. "After everything I've lived in my admittedly short life? I don't think I'd get bored that quick, besides we'd have animals to care for so that would keep me busy too" Alex answered with a small smile. "I'd never really get bored around you" He added, softer that time. It was the truth, he seemed like since he met Nate, he'd never been bored. Between their conversations, the fights and trying to survive, it kept Alex on his toes.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s the trauma you won’t get bored of,” he chuckled. “Everything is fine and great and then bam! I suddenly snap and have gone feral. You’re right, you’ll never be bored.” His arm slithered its way from around Alex to between them. He stroked below Alex’s chin with his pointer finger. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s go before my boisterous laugh wakes the dead and then we have them to contend with too.” He slowly rose to a sitting position, though he was not exactly prepared to leave, so instead of getting up, he readjusted so that we was sitting right up on Alex.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex laughed himself, his eyebrow raising slightly at Nate. "Trauma certainly is not boring and I hope you don't go feral on me" He said with a smile. He knew that as long as he was with Nate, he'd never be bored. Alex felt the arm move from around Alex to land under his chin, gently running under it. He blushed when Nate called him beautiful. Alex nodded, sliding up into a sitting position. "Okay" He said with a small smile, looking over at Nate who was also sitting up now.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate had every intention of getting up. He had every intention of crawling out of this little bed they stole the for the night to father his things and be on their way. He knew that he meant to go. And yet, here he was, sitting on the bed, watching Alex move like there was no urgency in the world. He knew that what he mission was. He knew that it was still so important. They could do so much good together if they could find the right people. But the importance changed. Yes, he wanted to find those who were left of the Fireflies, because they would also bring hope, but he also wanted to live this life he never dreamed of having. Dreams were funny like that. Once you had them, they never really went away. So instead of getting up to prepare for the next leg of their journey, he wrapped his arms around Alex in an embrace that spoke words he didn’t know. Maybe this was him saying thank you or him acknowledging the change in his perspective. Maybe this was good morning or simply a thing they did. Nate didn’t know, and he de didn’t care. He rested his cheek against Alex’s and closed his eyes for just a moment. A moment where he could turn off all the other sense and just feel their closeness.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had paused after he sat up. He didn't know what he wanted anymore. He wanted this, he wanted to help Nate get to his people, he wanted Nate for himself in their farmhouse. He looked over at Nate and smiled before he was taken in an embrace by him. Alex wasn't expecting it, but he felt Nate's cheek against his and he just gave into the touch. Much like a plant that needed water, Alex needed Nate and he closed his eyes, soaking in Nate's closeness and wanting to never move again.

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