Lol you've not seen slow then. And by attention, I mean effort in making extra stuff
Oh, don't even worry, I can handle all the world making and stuff. In fact, I have most of it thought out from my ADHD tangents
Yeah, just never got around to putting them put up, heh. I'll work on it sometime. Probably after I finish the dark forest factions.

Sizniche Sizniche Oh max, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then your fears are correct:p
Yeah, just never got around to putting them put up, heh. I'll work on it sometime. Probably after I finish the dark forest factions.

Sizniche Sizniche Oh max, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then your fears are correct:p
Ok I have some ideas to input but I wanted to see what you had first
You're free to say them. You're the boss after all
Alright I'm just gonna say what I thought the default passives for the classes would be

Vampire Class

Penalty- Takes 30% more fire damage in the sun. Spirit stat becomes half as effective while in the sun.

Benefits- 50% less ice damage/ Spirit stat becomes twice as effective at night/ Attractiveness increases much easier, except with those who those who are hostile to vampires.

What do you think about that before I say anymore?
Alright I'm just gonna say what I thought the default passives for the classes would be

Vampire Class

Penalty- Takes 30% more fire damage in the sun. Spirit stat becomes half as effective while in the sun.

Benefits- 50% less ice damage/ Spirit stat becomes twice as effective at night/ Attractiveness increases much easier, except with those who those who are hostile to vampires.

What do you think about that before I say anymore?
I think it's good^^
Tsutarji Tsutarji Quinlan63 Quinlan63 RaynaFon RaynaFon
Here's a setting blurb for the dice game, ripped straight from the rulebook I'm writing.

Two thousand years ago, the civilizations of man were fledgling and weak in nature. Bronze forging had been a new process at the time, and less than a hundred thousand human people had inhabited the world of Eridian at the time. City-States were constantly at war, deadlocked in indefinite and costly struggles. It was a bad time for mankind; the farmers struggled, the craftsmen suffered in agony as he attempted to keep up with demand, and the monarchs profited off of both of them. Men died for mere inches of land, and thousands of tons of silver and gold were thrown at pointless affairs in the name of anything from revenge to religion. It was an era of greed and self-interest.
However, a new light came to this world in the form of a new energy source; magicka. Versatile, bountiful, and easily manipulated, this miracle power could do anything from starting a fire to bringing back the dead. Nobody quite knew where the energy came from, and still nobody quite understands today. However, they knew there was a clear and distinct time when magic came to the world, as many accounts from the time say, “You could feel it in the air when it began. You didn't know what it was when you first felt it, but you would learn in time that it was magic.”
Eventually, magic became a part of everyday life in the world of Eridian. The roaring fireplace, the heat of the forge, new labor in the form of undead workers, and everlasting life are but a few of the applications of this power. The guild system was founded to overthrow the monarchs of the time, and it brought together all of the best fighters, traders, and intellectuals from all of Eridian. All the while, men walked the streets of the cities, shouting that the magicka would run out, and we would have to pay the piper eventually. These men would eventually be revered as prophets.
The magicka runs low in all of Eridian. The guild system, which had relied on that power to survive, is now beginning to collapse under its own weight. It has reached a point where even a grandmaster mage can only cast a few spells a day before burning the self out. Desperate to hold onto their power, the Fifteen Guilds each sent a delegate for a new mission; find the original source of magicka, and restore the land if possible.
You are your guild’s delegate; a young apprentice fresh out of training. The other guildsmen argued that someone more experienced, more prepared should be sent on the mission, but the guildmaster insisted on you because he saw potential. You and the rest of the delegates meet in the capital of the world and the home of the guilds, the city of Malchius, and set out on a journey into the wilds of Eridian. However, your group will soon find that much more than magicka came to the world two thousand years ago.
Much, much more.
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Gosh, sorry for dissapearing for so long, I'm alive again, for now... Felt like I was dying the last few days XD didn't have the energy to even think about RP'ing, sorry for slowing everything down so much -_-
I'm just gonna say this now with no offense intended, Mahan will not team up wit Katta and Mist this time. It's someone else's turn to have that honor

Also seriously 2 levels we're gonna be in that cave for a while RaynaFon RaynaFon

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