Yeah, I get what you mean, but for me, I like skyrim because of it's able to be modded, so I'm not so bored with it after beating it as I am with other games. I mean, I played one run as a freaking dragon
Yeah, I get what you mean, but for me, I like skyrim because of it's able to be modded, so I'm not so bored with it after beating it as I am with other games. I mean, I played one run as a freaking dragon
Wow, that sounds pretty cool

If they make Argonia with a stat system like Morrowind, the Skyrim engine, and a unique world, it'll be perfect
Err, it's the original home of the redguards. Most of it is underwater now but no one is really sure why

How did I not know this

I've been a redguard this whole entire time and I didn't even know this

What is life
I haven't played morrowwind in a long ass time. Not since I beat it. I've forgotten most of it honestly lol. Just never been wanting to play it again really. I can get bored of a game really easily. There's only a few games that have made me want to play them more than just a few times
I haven't played morrowwind in a long ass time. Not since I beat it. I've forgotten most of it honestly lol. Just never been wanting to play it again really. I can get bored of a game really easily. There's only a few games that have made me want to play them more than just a few times
I often replay and replay and replay and replay and replay games because the new games market nowadays is absolute trash
There are a few good ones here and there, but XD I know what you mean
The past few years of gaming have so far:
-Produced three games that nobody ever shuts up about (FNaF, Undertale, Overwatch) that I honestly think are all meh
-Killed three of my favorite game series for me(Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Fallout)
-Started an indie game kick in the industry that's made triple A developers lose their edge entirely

So I'ma just live in the past like I usually do.

EDIT: I think the only publisher that hasn't staggered itself is Rockstar at this point, so they'll probably come out of this 'video game recession' making a killing

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