Yeah just one weapon. What if you want more?
Yeah, I guess. I do need to keep up with my commission business, so I do need the money. A mithril rapier would make a good showpiece, though.
Ah! Say... you're kinda right there... also, it's Bateman. It's like Batman... with a little something in the middle of bat and man.
Ah! Say... you're kinda right there... also, it's Bateman. It's like Batman... with a little something in the middle of bat and man.
I'm watching Gintama in between posts, and all I can think about every time you correct her is Katsura saying "It's not Zura, it's Katsura."
I'm watching Gintama in between posts, and all I can think about every time you correct her is Katsura saying "It's not Zura, it's Katsura."
Gintama... I hear that anime is pretty funny actually. Yet, I haven't watched it yet. Seriously need to get on that.
Gintama... I hear that anime is pretty funny actually. Yet, I haven't watched it yet. Seriously need to get on that.
I'm about to start episode 67. I like it now, but it was kinda slow to pick up towards the beginning and took a while to get into its stride for me. It might be different for you, though.
I'm ready to take up... even if it's going to take forever knowing me.
It's funny though, a lot of the jokes revolve around referencing massively popular anime with a disproportionate amount of episodes, and it became one of them.
It's funny though, a lot of the jokes revolve around referencing massively popular anime with a disproportionate amount of episodes, and it became one of them.
Ha, y'know... that does sound interesting. Hell, I can imagine it taking potshots at itself.
Kakashi's thousand years of pain reference?
Maybe, I've actually invested more time into this anime than all other anime I've seen combined, because I'm a bit of an anime rookie. I don't actually know if that's the intent.

I think he is trying to either inserting or taking out that dynamite... out of his butt.
It's actually a candle, but I was looking more for an answer of how they got to that point.

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