Summer Breeze Summer Breeze girl...I admire your will to post, but it be 2am where you're at. You should be in bed lady
hehe... I know... but I live in a forest-y area and the birds decided to have a shouting contest right here right now, right above my window on the roof... hehe, can't sleep, hate spring, flipping kill those birds already!!
yes ;-; oh well, they usually stop after an hour so I'm waiting for them to calm down a little and then I can go back to bed... and in the mean time, I'm just gonna waste time on the internet and probably mess up some posts because I can't think completely straight, hehe, I'm tired -_-
Summer Breeze Summer Breeze lol also I find the difference of our characters funny.

Yuna: Even though you guys are bandits I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to. So please don't make me have too.

Loki: You want to attack us? Alright then, but don't cry when you die.
Summer Breeze Summer Breeze lol also I find the difference of our characters funny.

Yuna: Even though you guys are bandits I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to. So please don't make me have too.

Loki: You want to attack us? Alright then, but don't cry when you die.
Max: Fuck this, and fuck you.

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