@Quinlan63 Aw, I was gonna offer to make everyone gear when my character became conscious, so he could improve his crafting skills. Oh well :P

I somewhat plan for Nightshade to become a gear-maker for the group
I have an idea for a set of twin hammers I could make for Mahan; how do you feel about dual wielding?

I had made it that only Rogues for now are the only ones that can dual wield (I might change it later). Plus I was gonna use a sword and shield because that is what is needed for most of my class skills.
I had made it that only Rogues for now are the only ones that can dual wield (I might change it later). Plus I was gonna use a sword and shield because that is what is needed for most of my class skills.

Darn, and I had a good idea, but if I did it as one large hammer it would have to be a two-handed weapon.

My idea was an electrum (alloy of gold and silver) hammer set; since it doesn't have a blade that can dull, it wouldn't hurt to have it made of a soft material like gold, especially if it's hardened with a little bit of silver, and in fact the weight of gold would give it more swinging force than the average hammer. In addition, since electrum is insanely conductive (hence, 'electrum'), a lightning enchantment could be added and the conduction would allow it to have maximum effect. The handle and shaft of the hammer would be steel for durability, and so attacks could be blocked that way.

The problem arises in the way electrum is made; Electrum is roughly two parts gold, one part silver. Unless I could buy a half ingot of silver, that would mean I'd have to make three electrum ingots, which, since the electrum is only used in the hammer's head, is way too much. That's why I'd have to make two.

Also, final lines of the third section of this are why hammers are the way to go for paladins.

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Hmm I will look over some stuff to see if I can add more skills that can be used with hammers. 

On the idea you have it sounds great but I personally would not use it due to my preference. I am in no way am stopping you from creating something that sounds like a masterpiece. 
Hmm I will look over some stuff to see if I can add more skills that can be used with hammers. 

On the idea you have it sounds great but I personally would not use it due to my preference. I am in no way am stopping you from creating something that sounds like a masterpiece. 

Well, I already said the weapon I'm making for me, so I guess I could sell the hammers to randoms for a profit? Or maybe give Yuna (@Summer Breeze) and Loki (@RaynaFon) each one as a side weapon? Gotta have some sort of melee for back-up.
It's alright you can always come up with more ideas for the future

I might make one for Nightshade to use for the time being, and maybe use the other half of the ingot to make a silver dagger Mahan can use against undead.
XD sorries, Imma have Loki use scythe of death

I might make one for Nightshade to use for the time being, and maybe use the other half of the ingot to make a silver dagger Mahan can use against undead.

Not a bad idea, since after the cave is the dark forest 
Lol ok if that is what you think about shields

I mean, I can't give it the same modifications or variety as a weapon, so it would probably just be an average shield. I can make neat weapons, tho; how do you feel about scimitars?

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