Good question?

I never really thought about it, but if I had to say now without much thought they about the size of your fist.

Mind you I just came up with that on the spot.

Ooooooh, my character is getting smithing levels ASAP. I have an idea.
Alright glad to be of help, but I have to ask. What are you planning?

A sword

I'd buy one of the gemstones, some steel, and some leather.

I'd cut the gemstone into thin pieces about an inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick. I'd then sharpen them and use them to form the blade of the sword, and they would be held together by the steel. It's a bit difficult to explain, let me map it out.
A sword

I'd buy one of the gemstones, some steel, and some leather.

I'd cut the gemstone into thin pieces about an inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick. I'd then sharpen them and use them to form the blade of the sword, and they would be held together by the steel. It's a bit difficult to explain, let me map it out.

Interesting, I never got the chance put that you could be that creative with the materials but it seems that you already figured it out.
Good question?

I never really thought about it, but if I had to say now without much thought they about the size of your fist.

Mind you I just came up with that on the spot.

Whoa, a size of a fist? That's pretty damn big for an gem of that price, even if it's uncut.
Here's a general idea of the sword, the lines on the blade represent how the blade is several parts held together

Excuse the low quality, it was the best I could do on a time crunch @Quinlan63

Hmm sense you would be crafting it it all depends. If Nightshade makes it perfectly he could be looking at 15 to 20 extra points that would go to the stat of your choosing. The damage would be 25 to 40, 25 being poor work and 40 being the work of a master. If he had crafting it could be a little stronger and if he had enchanting it could have a special effect added to it. Mind you that either way if he did terrible the sword might not even be made, but I'm sure he should be able to manage.
Hmm sense you would be crafting it it all depends. If Nightshade makes it perfectly he could be looking at 15 to 20 extra points that would go to the stat of your choosing. The damage would be 25 to 40, 25 being poor work and 40 being the work of a master. If he had crafting it could be a little stronger and if he had enchanting it could have a special effect added to it. Mind you that either way if he did terrible the sword might not even be made, but I'm sure he should be able to manage.

The stat would probably be strength, but if I do get the stat option I might consider agility, since an agile warrior would be interesting to play.
Good idea but you also can split it up between stats if you want is what I meant

I figured, though I think it would be more interesting for weapons to have one defining stat. But, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Yeah, here. Waiting on the others. I know Summer is probably working on her song so might not have alot of time or energy to post for a few days.

It is the weekend now tho, so we might be able to get some posts in, who knows.
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Lol, of course it's one of the few people in the roleplay I'm not interacting with 

That was actually a little hurtful...it's true that I'm not roleplaying with you, but it's almost like it's a bad thing I' here with the way you phrased that
That was actually a little hurtful...it's true that I'm not roleplaying with you, but it's almost like it's a bad thing I' here with the way you phrased that

It's not a bad thing you're here, it's a bad thing almost nobody else is. I didn't mean to be hurtful, it's just that this roleplay's gone a bit stagnant and I'm kinda sad.

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