Heh, well, I think he'll get stronger soon.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 sorry. I was trying to "win" anything tho. I just like debating. Sorry if I'm being bothersome. I'll leave it at that since you dropped it.
It's fine I have friends like that who do that to me all the time and I never like those kinds of situations because no matter the intent I always wind-up "losing" even if I was just trying to give my opinion not realizing that I would have to defend what I think. If you like debating I will not stop you in the future as normally you do have a good point about what you are saying anyway.
It's fine I have friends like that who do that to me all the time and I never like those kinds of situations because no matter the intent I always wind-up "losing" even if I was just trying to give my opinion not realizing that I would have to defend what I think. If you like debating I will not stop you in the future as normally you do have a good point about what you are saying anyway.
Yeah, sorry.I just like putting out my points, if you can convince me you've got a better point than I don't mind choosing your points over mind. If you aren't in the mood for it whenever I go into a tangent, just tell me. I'd rather have than then someone rage quiting on me, cuz then I feel lime I've pissed someone off when I wasn't trying to
XD my mom always said that I should be a lawer, but fk that shit. It pays well, but all that technical shit isn't worth it. I'm fine with graphic design
Dang now I feel bad for just wanting to be a writer
I never know what I want to do. I've basically considered everything under the sun and still have no clue. I'm only considering law because two out of the five things I like most are money and arguing.
Hey, I wanted to be a writer at one point to. Even made a few story stories which led me to rping. It's just I learn that" holy s***, I can make cool things on the computer too? Where do I start!?*
Yeah, I considered being a writer as well. I think game design would be awesome if coding languages were ACTUALLY FUCKING INTUITIVE
Yeah, I considered being a writer as well. I think game design would be awesome if coding languages were ACTUALLY FUCKING INTUITIVE
Lol people do understand just how much code it takes for a character to do something as simple as sitting down, to make it look smooth.
Lol people do understand just how much code it takes for a character to do something as simple as sitting down, to make it look smooth.
Me trying to learn code:
Learning Book: "Alright, here is how variables work"
Me: "Okay, makes sense"
Learning Book:

XD *waits for the screen were Mahan easily kills a goblin and looks over to see Max struggling with his, as Siz called it, "unique toadsticker"*
XD *waits for the screen were Mahan easily kills a goblin and looks over to see Max struggling with his, as Siz called it, "unique toadsticker"*
Struggling? Fam, I do 21 damage now, and I probably attack twice as fast as your clunky-ass scythe
Me trying to learn code:
Learning Book: "Alright, here is how variables work"
Me: "Okay, makes sense"
Learning Book:

Lol, thankfully I took coding in high school so I understand how things work some. Tho it's annoying when new coding comes out that doesn't work the same ways anymore so you have to relearn in>.>
Struggling? Fam, I do 21 damage now, and I probably attack twice as fast as your clunky-ass scythe
But I can hit more than one person (if close enough together), can use momentum to keep the combos going, and have probably 3x the range. Also, that heal. Fam, you made me a fking mage tank
But I can hit more than one person (if close enough together), can use momentum to keep the combos going, and have probably 3x the range. Also, that heal. Fam, you made me a fking mage tank
The comparison here was me and Mahan, tho

But if I gave you my dagger before I had Quin Boy Slim nerf it, you would literally be unstoppable. 100+ damage at lvl 5.
Lol might get reported for hacking tho:p
>tfw when you're so good at forging that your buddy gets banned for hacking

So wait, what happens when you're banned? Do you go to purgatory until the logout comes back? Or would Max be giving her a way out?

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