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Fandom Sword Art Online

Is Ib a good roleplay leader?

  • No

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  • Also No

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  • Dear God No

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  • Yes, JK No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who is Ib?

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  • I hate that guy

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  • If you click that option below you actual mean no

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  • Yes

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Krillin said:
Maybe this is the real him. The one I know IRL is his alter ego
My friends think I have one of those. I have no idea though. They say I change from place to place. I told them all I didn't that was what an altar ego was, but *shrug*.
Krillin said:
Ib is just naturally insane
I have a friend who's insane. He hates me too xD

He goes on this site, and I've seen him to some pretty scary stuff with his characters, man.

Like... I had this murder role play and he was in it... and his character killed somebody and it was like really detailed and his character had this method to hide the body that was super grusome and... I almost threw up reading his post. He even put this warning at the top of it, it was something like, "If you are sensitive to gory as hell shit, don't fucking red this post man. It'll destroy you." I asked him in real life where he learned all the stuff he had put in that post and so he smirked at me and said, "experience". I had never been so confused in my entire life.

Ah, I love my friends though.

Krillin said:
Me and Ib have a friend who we literally call Satan for obvious reasons.
That moment when you realize that RPNation has been edited and now I can see my full avatar ♥

Hehee. I nickname everyone something stupid.

Like that friend I mentioned, I nicknamed him Sparkly Perfume. I have no idea why, and he hates it so much xD
Krillin said:
Sparkly Perfume, 10/10 name
I know right. I wish he was more appreciative of his nicknames.

I have a friend nicknamed Firby, I have Expo, I have one who I nicknamed fwinfbus, which was really just me typing random letters. We call him fw for short. Except me, I actually call him fwinfbus. Let's see, I've got Soda Can, Door knob and his twin Door mat. My teacher is nicknamed Book, I've got my math teacher who is Table, my social studies teacher is nicknamed 300. I've got my third-grade teacher who was Knick-knack, and then I am Ducky. But my nickname kind of makes sense.
Well, At least answer this:

Where is Everyone Located at the Moment?

@Ib All Alone
LilyannaGaming said:
Well, At least answer this:
Where is Everyone Located at the Moment?

@Ib All Alone
Jack is on floor 2 at an inn

Hiro is in a room on floor 2 at the same inn

Taiga is in a room on floor 2 at the same inn

Kojima is in the same room as Taiga

Rokoru is somewhere on floor 2

Lila is somewhere (Floor 1 last time I saw her, I think.)

The Knight is near town on floor 2

Taiga's other character is with the knight

Hana is near spawn on floor 2

Kita is with Hana

I think everyone else has been inactive for a bit.
ShadowWalker254 said:
Also, do players know there's no way to get out now?
I believe we do. The characters have gone through the announcement on the first day, and we are actually on the third day now, so yes, I believe we do know.
[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5294526, member: 42789&quot]I believe we do. The characters have gone through the announcement on the first day, and we are actually on the third day now, so yes, I believe we do know.

Oh, good, so it'll be alright if i'm still level 1, haha. Are you guys still accepting?
ShadowWalker254 said:
Oh, good, so it'll be alright if i'm still level 1, haha. Are you guys still accepting?
Hee, hee. My character is still a level one too ;)

I believe we are.. or I hope so. I just posted another character and am waiting approval. I'd start on the character right now and maybe post it, for it seems to me @Ib All Alone is currently a.f.k, so he might respond later. Unless if he is just not paying attention to us -w- (hence the tag C: )

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