« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 485 / 500 ] COL - [593 ] EXP - [ 75 / 600 ]

Just then he saw the same wiggling leaves that indicated a nepent. However this one was different for it had a large red flower instead of a leaf on top. Whats more he saw there was more than one. Kicking one of them it lurched out of the ground. With that stupid face they always had as it wobbled towards him. He wasted no time unsheathing his blade and slicing upwards as he front flipped over a tentacle slap. With a swipe and then rapid deep stab into the monster it was felled. And a tiny little blue glowing orb popped out of its corpse. <12 xp gained><50 col><Nepent ovule obtained> <1/1 Nepent ovule collected headback to the blacksmith and collect your reward>

"Hey guys you gotta smash up these goofy plants with a red flower to get the damn ovule!" he yelled excitedly. He then waited for the the others to smack the flower nepents and get their ovule so they could head back to the blacksmith and see what item they'd get.

LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 485 / 500 ] COL - [643 ] EXP - [ 87 / 600 ]
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 454 / 500 ] COL - [541 ] EXP - [ 64 / 600 ] »

Ryan watched as Dirt and the Captain each felled one of the mighty- well, mighty was a strong word. One of the passable beasts and collected their quest items, "Sir, yes sir!", he shouted as he peppered a further-off Flower Nepent with knives and assorted junk from his pack until the thing dropped.

<12 xp gained><50 col><Nepent ovule obtained> <1/1 Nepent ovule collected; head back to the blacksmith and collect your reward>

He looked over to the others, "Rav, Inu! I think they're spawning extra flower ones 'cause we killed so many, there's a couple to your right!"

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 454 / 500 ] COL - [591 ] EXP - [ 76 / 600 ] »
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [614 ] EXP - [ 72 / 600 ] »

"I got it!" Hugh said. He swung his hefty sword to the side as it glowed with an awesome power. "#REMOVE KEBAB!" he shouted as he brought his sword handle in towards his body and shot straight out with the tip of his sword leading out. Skewered on the blade, two of the flower nepents. "#COME ON AND SLAM!" He declared, the skewered nepents glowing along with his sword. He hefted the blade with the monsters still on it above his head, then slammed them on the ground, against more flower nepents. With a bright glow of blue, the monsters all disappeared.

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [664 ] EXP - [ 124 / 600 ] »

<Nepent ovule obtained> <1/1 Nepent ovule collected; head back to the blacksmith and collect your reward>

"Git gud" he mumbled.
With the group finishing up on killing these critters it seemed like Rav and Inu would be the last ones judging by the order of completion for this part. Shouting words of encouragement he waited for her collection of the item as they head back to the familiar sight of the forge. Upon turning the reward they got a heartfelt thanks and the following rewards: <300 Col><110 Xp><Annealed blade>

This new weapon caught his eyes and he could almost feel his pulse race in excitement over this. Opening up his inventory was a massive disappointment though. "Ugghhh what the hell am I supposed to do with this? It's not even my right weapon class." he complained to the others

"Can anyone even use this outside of DD chunking these?" he asked aloud to the group of comrades.

He then handed his blade to Donte and asked him to break it down for its components so that it might actually be useful outside of selling it to the players. "Yo, anyone else thinking of selling or breaking these things down?"

LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 485 / 500 ] COL - [943 ] EXP - [ 197 / 600 ]
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [891 ] EXP - [ 186 / 600 ] »

"Sale price'll probably be comparatively low unless we sell to other players, seeing as this isn't a unique. I'm thinking our best bet is to have Donte reforge these into a weapon class we can actually use. Good thing none of us took blunt weaponry, otherwise we'd be screwed. Anyways, let's get some better stuff, do a little more grinding, and then kick some ass, yeah? I saw that guy with the blue hair talking about organizing a raid, you guys up for that?"
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [964 ] EXP - [ 234 / 600 ] »

Hugh checked his inventory once more, checking out the sword that was added. "Alright. Everybody toss their swords on me. I'll see what my metal refinery skill can do. I can't really make weapons though." he explained.

"I think we should git gud first. Or do you think we're gud enough?"
"I'm ready to clear this floor and head above, we got to anyway if we're going to start out guild. However I'd rather we get some steel weapons and and armor and maybe a level or two before facing the boss dungeon. After all we don't want to end up like Taquito, may his soul rest in peace." Marco then transferred his sword to Donte and waited for him to collect them and break them down so that he could create something they could use.
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [964 ] EXP - [ 234 / 600 ] »

Walked over to the forge, placing a pile of swords over the fire. The only protection for his hands were from his armor, which the fire appeared to ignore as if they existed in a different dimension. "Sleek coding, devs" he remarked. Not long after, Hugh changed the pile of swords into bars of steel. He transferred the bars over to the Captain.

"It's all you now"
"Alright it seems I got enough bars for weapons or armor but not enough to do both so we might need to buy some coal or cokes or whatever and do a quick mining to get enough iron for more steel gear. " he said in response to getting the materials from the broken down materials.

While waiting on everyone's response he took the liberty to start hammering out his own weapon. His cutlass has served him well but he wanted power as well as something more personalized. Putting down the requesting materials he began reforging the remains of the swords they'd gotten and from the fire he'd shape out a new curved sword. It was scimitar with a tapering point for stabbing and it had a flame motif with the blade shape and the little intricate inscriptions.
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [514 ] EXP - [ 70 / 600 ] »

"THIS IS FOR CARNITO, OR WHATEVER THAT GUY WAS CALLED!" Ryu boldly declared as he punched and kicked at the Flowered Nepent, "FEEEEL MY RAAAAAAAAGE #FISTSOFFLURRY!" Ryu began striking the Nepent with a barrage of fist strikes, "ATATATATATAATATATATATATATA YOU ARE ALREADY DEEAAAAAAAD!" Ryu said as the beast collapsed, when he no longer had to punch him with the flurry of strikes. Ryu went down and looted the creature. <Nepent ovule obtained> <1/1 Nepent ovule collected; head back to the blacksmith and collect your reward>

Ryu rushed up to the group at the Black-smith as he waved to the guys, "AH sorry it took so long! I had a day-dream about some upcoming Visual Novels!" He turned in his quest and recieved the following rewards <300 Col><110 Xp><Annealed blade>

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [814 ] EXP - [ 180 / 600 ] »

Inuyasha quickly handed over his blade so that Donte could actually make use of it. He already wasted enough time as it was, he wouldn't take long giving the blade!


LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 80]

EXP - [ 196/ 500 ]


Oh yea. Now I really feel like a martial artist. Glancing at herself in a pond near the center of town, Kiki's eyes hungrily took in her new gear. Creepy shopkeeper. She closed her eyes and clapped her hands together; new possibilities were opening up right in front of her eyes. Let's see how much much stronger I've gotten. In the twinkling of an eye, Kiki was already at the entrance fields staring a boar down. As it rushed forward, she cocked back and threw a basic punch, aimed directly at the boar's snout. *Pow* It blew into millions of pieces. Oh my.

-You have earned 7 exp and 15 col-

She was shocked at how easy it was. She smiled and put her head down while clenching a fist.
Kayaba here I come. And I'll only get stronger from here on out! Looking far off to her left, she saw...who she believes to be...the lazy one. Again. Oh! He's standing this time! But not moving..Just like the time before. Still not dead yet? You must have some incredible luck pal. She turned away and looked up at the eternally blue sky. I wonder if anyone's tried taking on the floor boss yet? There must be some news about it somewhere aro-

Nosing up her menus, Kiki typed out onto the group board:

-Looking for information on the floor boss. Anybody care to share? If you have any, I would like to arrange a meeting and possibly discuss forming a temporary alliance.

P.S. Trick me and it'll be the last thing you do. ^.^ -

Kiki pressed post and gave a hearty laugh as she crashed down on the pig closest to her, killing it with one blow.

-You have earned 7 exp and 15 col-

"Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum. I smell the blood of a boss who's done."

Her cackling and hysteria reached a fever pitch as she crushed another little piggie into nothingness.

-You have earned 7 exp and 15 col-

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [891 ] EXP - [ 186 / 600 ] »

"I don't think we can even GET iron at this point. That's Floor 3 supplies, so we gotta do some powerdiving first.", He threw his sword onto the pile, "Just gimme the the best knives you can make with this, I guess."

A message popped into his chatbox.

"Hey, this guy wants in on the raid too- aaaaand judging by that second line they're an asshole. Great.", he thought for a moment, "Speaking of which, I should probably put out a bulletin, too."

He opened the interface, typing out his message carefully.

Attention all: Kabuto is dead, may he rest in peace. Nepents got him.

Satisfied with a job well done, he hit SEND and turned back to the others.
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"That's some bullshit, anyway fine I guess all weapons then. "

He then burned some of the precious steel and banged out some throwing knives. He then sent them to DD. Then crafted a great sword to send to Donte and going down the list to make some knuckles for Inu and finally two rapiers one slightly more feminine looking to differentiate from the other which also had a basket hilt. Having sent out all the weapons to their perspective owners and now stared at the exit. "So we grinding first or hitting the raid info and then grinding a bit more?" he asked.
(If your wondering how I joined I sent a pm to the owner and was told to jump in...)


« LVL - [ 1] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 100 ] »

For the past hour or so Ikomo had been sitting at a inn he had gone to. Players and NPCs had come and gone, and not once did he have the slightest inclination to move. He at his current level with so many people still farming boars to go into the fields trivial. If he even had wished to do so it would be nearly impossible for him to manage to kill one without your classic "troll" coming in to steal the kill. That reason to stay there was changed when two people, a boy and a girl materialized in the entrance of the inn.

As soon as it appeared nobody else was going to appear anytime soon he walked up to them slowly. When he finally finished the stroll to where they were standing he looked at the girl. "How the hell did you do that? And by that I mean materializing in the doorway." He clarified. He brushed back his hair from his eyes and set a hand on his sword. Then he realized he had forgotten to introduce himself. "By the way my name is Ikomo." He finished.If someone seemed going like they had a intention to get out it seemed like them. The thought that they where in a guild was lurking in the back of his mind but was promptly shooed off when he took a better look at them. Nothing special. No armor you didn't have at the start.

When he took a look outside Ikomo saw just how long he had stayed inside. It had been at least two hours since he had entered the inn. Looking down at his red pants and yellow shirt he saw just how little the mirroring to your real life body function had changed about him. Even the details down to his shoe size where exact. Even if he was trapped here for god knows how long it are was a miracle.
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [964 ] EXP - [ 234 / 600 ] »

"Well Twitch? What do you think?" Hugh asked. He then realized he had no actual access to the chat logs. He shook his head. "Uh... nevermind, though we enjoy your input... anybody have access to the chat?" Hugh asked his teammates. He scratched his head through his thick metal helmet.


LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Startled, Atria looked up. At the voice, she had jumped, muscles tensing, ready for anything to happen. At the sight of the male in front of her, she slowly started to relax, glancing around, making sure there was no danger. She wasn't about to let something similar to what just happened repeat itself.

"By the way, my name is Ikomo."

More relaxed now, Atria sent him a small grin. "You always give out information this easily?" she asked, a teasing tone obvious in her voice. "I'm Atria," she said before motioning at the boy next to her. "This is Endrance."



LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 260]

EXP - [ 280/ 500 ]


*Beep* A notification popped up as Kiki pummeled another pig to death.

-You have earned 7 exp and 15 col-

It came from a player called ST0RE_FR0NT:

Attention All players: xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

What? What kind of language is this? It's just all squares and zeroes...Shaking her head at the message, Kiki checked to see if anyone replied with information on the floor boss. "Nada. Well no matter," she said snapping her menus shut. " I doubt there's anyone able to match me anyhow." She wondered how everyone could be so lackadaisical. Are they sitting and enjoying a hot plate of dinner? At a time like this? Kiki had tried so hard to keep the negative aspects of her personality in check. But at that instant, something in her snapped, and it all came bubbling forward. I'll kill it even if I have do it myself. She smashed her fist down into another pig.

-You have earned 7 exp and 15 col-

I just wish people took this game more seriously. She kicked a monster in the face and punched another boar trying to take a chance jumping at her.

-You have earned 14 exp and 30 col-

I wish there was someone worthy enough to be in my presence!

"RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!” She activated howl and and forcefully grabbed the attention of 3 unassuming swine. She chopped down the first one, straight-kicked the second one, and headbutted the third one, sending them all to the graveyard.

-You have earned 21 exp and 45 col-

"Ho, ho, what's this?" A huge boar spawned with yellow hair streaking down its back and tusks bigger than any other boar she's ever come across. "So the big boss has FINALLY decided to grace me with his presence!" Kiki was the one who was first to attack. With one blow to the snout she took a massive chunk out of the boar's health. #Side-Step Vanishing before the monster's counter-attack, she re-appeared atop the boar's back. Slipping an arm around its thickly muscled-neck, she activated #Suffocate and choked it to death.

-You have earned 35 exp and 75 col-

Her mouth opened wide and she breathed heavily; her chest heaving up and down like the rolling waves of an ocean. Kiki was at her worst self, and she didn't want it to stop.

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LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 100 ]

As his tongue escaped the depths of his lips to provide some moisturization, Primo watched as a woman with the username Kingstrum lay waste to a rather hefty looking boar by means of one of her abilities. She had obviously been out killing such minions for a while, especially after viewing her level.

Having spent a majority of his time helping those whom had fainted or gone into shock due to the news of being trapped in the game, Primo unfortunately had been lagging behind quite a bit in this category. That was before he made his way to the outskirts belonging to the Town of Beginnings.

Eyes remained rather fixated on the female for an extra moment after she collected her experience, before turning to a group of three pigs. His right thumb pressed up onto the hilt of his katana, pushing it out of the sheath slightly before he shot off running toward the troop. Kicking up small amounts of dirt and grass as he sped off, Primo would further close in on distance before actually activating his sprinting ability.

The pace of his travel picked up, even when his right hand pulled the sword from it's sheath and his feet left the air. As he jumped forward toward the three pigs, his figure would slightly blur; though it may had been hard to see from the naked eye, he was able to hop from one pig to the other, slashing at them each once to recieve his first monster kills in the game.

A small amount of slightly transparent text popped up on his screen, letting him know that he was awarded
21 experience points and 45 Col.

The digits belonging to his left hand moved to his face, lying horizontally across his eyes and wiping down after he finished. Soon after, he turned his head to the side to peer once more at the female whom he had previously seen fighting. She had been about twenty or thirty feet from him, and he was sure she hadn't noticed him yet.

He would have asked Kingstrum to party up, but he wasn't high enough in level to have such nerve. The thought of which, popping into his head, would be interrupted by the aggroed attacks provided by a pig who had wandered over near him. Primo took two HP points worth of damage, which was something he didn't respond to by itself. Rather, he just shoved his foot into the side of the pig, turning it into a floating mass of pixilated nothing.

For his fourth kill, the young man received another
7 experience points and 15 Col.

Primo brought his leg slowly down to his side afterwards, his attention still not focused on the task at hand.

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LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 290]

EXP - [ 294/ 500 ]


The listening skill picked up quite a few squealing pigs a ways off to the right. Flipping on X-ray vision, she turned her head in the direction of the noise and found a white haired-player, returning the look. Shifting attention to task at hand, Kiki glanced back for a second, and found the white-haired one peering right back. Normally, it wouldn't have bothered her; but Kiki was not in her right state of mind. She was in the midst of an intolerable rage.

*You have activated Mark Of The Chameleon*

Kiki faded away from view via camouflage, as she set out walking a straight path towards the interloper.
You picked the wrong day to be curious. Coming up on him fast, she shimmered back into view and stopped with eyes narrowed, just a few inches from his face. Putting on a sweet voice she crooned: "Is there something I can help you with?"

You better have a good reason for interrupting me. And it better be good.



LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 60 ]

EXP - [ 28 / 100 ]

Primo had moved his gaze from hers, down to his attire. He shifted both sheaths of his katanas to his right side, using his hands to physically take them off one-by-one and move them before Kingstrum had decided to make her presence known. When she had come abruptly into his view, he was not taken aback by any means necessary, nor was he shocked. At this point, what else was there to be so surprised about? As her eyes narrowed, Primo's gaze back didn't waiver in the slightest. She asked if she could help him, and he kept silent momentarily.

What was her deal? Her body language explained to him that she was feeling some rather complex feels, something he hadn't been particularly interested in harvesting. She was a higher level, so if he decided to be snippy, it could possibly mean the end of his life. Though he was naturally not as such, obviously this female thought her time was more valuable than anyone elses. Only way not to be bullied was to get to work; no amount of being a nice guy was going to stop other people from being complete douches. Not that she had been, yet. The entire time throughout his thought process, his forced eye contact didn't fault. If he had to fight her, he wouldn't be caught acting the coward. It wasn't his way.

"I didn't think any other people would be out here this late." He responded, only to start off with. "You know, I was going to invite you to a party, but I figured you had better things to do. Sorry for the bother." That was all that was needed to be said, right? Another pig came to strike the back of the female, but given a split second, Primo would be able to intercept the beast. As it jumped high up into the air to land on the back of Kingstrum's head, Primo activated his sprint to get behind the woman as fast as possible and then immediately activated his parry. Ripping the sword from it's sheath vertically into the air, he blocked the oncoming onslaught of piggy, then cut it in half vertically by slashing down at the peak of his parrying motion to gain it's experience.

>> / 7 experience, 15 col / <<

\Primo stood back-to-back with the female, at this moment. Before moving forward, he would bring up his menu while parting his lips to speak. "We're all stuck here. Survival is the name of the game at this point, not killing each other. Can't respawn, anymore. If I don't see you again, I hope you take care of yourself. I'm always available to party up." With the end of his sentence, he would begin to walk forward, in hopes to keep his focus moving in the same direction.


Friend Request from Primo

[ Accept ] - [ Decline ]


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« LVL - [ 1] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 100 ] »

Laughing a little at Atria's first comment he broke a smile. "I grew up in America. I barely know what privacy is." He responded. "Anyways it's a pleasure to meet you." He said. Despite the fact that he was stuck in a video game, missing god knows what at school, he was enjoying himself. "I really just want to get out of this game and you two looked like the most likely people to want to do the same thing as well." He told them.

By then his gaze had shifted from the two people to behind him where as had been when he entered a few grisly looking men had been sitting. Having no idea wether the men where NPCs or not he felt it was best to avoid them. at his current level. "Say is there any way that we can take this conversation somewhere else?" He said as he motioned with his head to the men in a attempted to signal why he wished to leave. He again set his hand on his sword's hilt, and looked at his boots. Somehow the whole thing of being trapped in a video game wasn't very surreal except for the graphics. Slowly the fought that the two people whom where standing in from of him where from a guild faded away. If anything could possibly go wrong with this it was extremely hard for him to identify.


LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Atria snorted, laughing slightly as his joke.
"Back at you." she said, ending the pleasantries part of their meeting. "Well I'd hope that just about everyone trapped in here wants to get out." she said, feeling a slight amount of guilt. Her excitement for getting out was the fact that it was a type of adventure. She still wasn't sure if she should hate herself for feeling that way.

Shaking her head slightly, Atria glanced around the Inn at Ikomo's comment. Slowly she felt herself starting to tense. "Not again..." she muttered lowly to herself. Taking a quick glance up at Endrance. "I'll take him with me and meet you up later?" she asked, already moving to grab Ikomo's arm gently. "We still need to find Shiro." she reminded him before grinning.

"See you in a bit Endrance." she laughed before tightening her gentle grip on the other male's arm and started to pull him out of the building before starting to dart into the shadows.



LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 290]

EXP - [ 294/ 500 ]



Friend Request from Primo

[ Accept ] - [ Decline ]


Kiki had been so upset, she failed to notice the boar coming up from behind. In a flash, the boy was parrying its blow, saving her from a few points of damage. In her mind she scoffed.
Ha. I would have been perfectly fine Lancelot. That pig would have been made to die ten times over. However inconsequential it seemed, the gesture did not wholly go unappreciated by King. Slowly, her anger began to subside. She crossed her arms and stared at the back of the boy as he began walking forward. She did not know what to think. He had saved her yes; yet he had not really saved her. She was perfectly capable of handling that pig herself. But he did make an attempt to do so. For her, a complete stranger. There was one thing Kiki didn't tolerate: and that was sneaky or untrustworthy people. A person's true character always reveals itself in the midst of danger, and Primo's came out loud and clear.

Subconsciously, despite her arrogant and stand-offish nature, Kiki was always looking for strong, capable, and well-intentioned people, to associate and surround her self with. Taking a moment to mull over what she could extract about his character from those brief moments, he was not found wanting. Her accusatory stare turned to one of indifference, and her index finger punched the accept button on the floating friend request.

"Hey boy," she yelled. "Keep on walking in that direction and it's going to take you someplace you really don't want to go. It's to a pit full of lizards. You won't be able to handle them. At least, not at your level. What do you say we train a bit?" She lifted her right hand and straightened it out into a line, placing it over her eyes as if she were searching for something out of the ordinary. "Show that can handle yourself here, and I'll take you under my charge as a temporary apprentice. She laughed out loud. "I'm surprised you kept eye contact with me throughout the whole ordeal. You have my respect."

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« LVL - [ 1] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 100 ] »

Feeling Atria's grip on his arm tightened Ikomo braced for her to drag him out if the building. As she basically threw him out of the doorway he barely managed to keep track of where she went. Activating his sprint skill would be pointless as is if she went down any tight alleyways or crowded streets so he simply followed her with the occasional glance behind him to see if the men followed him. After countless turns he finally ran after Atria. "Do you have any idea who those creepy guys where?" He asked her as he activated his sprint.

Finally when he slowed down Ikomo realized he had ran too far. He couldn't care less if this person helped him or not, but it was rather obvious she was enjoying herself here. "You do know people who are regretting there choices act as if they can't tell someone is a sociopath." He said to her. "And yes I am a complete sociopath." He said as he stood still waiting for Atria to catch up with him. At some point he was going to snap and go completely insane if he didn't find something from his real life to attach himself to. "That can wait." He thought to himself as he continued to walk forwards.


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