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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

( np )

Cardinal ran a quick and quiet scan when a bug was mentioned, she just had to target Kamien for the scan so she could do it without having to bring up a window or anything. No its wasn't a bug just not developed correctly so she didn't need to fix anything , he just had potential for using a skill. It would be interesting to see how that developed latter as the system was constantly looking for those that met the requirements and marking those that might one day get skills.

" Aww I i was just goign to have fun, I mean do we need to sleep aren't our bodies sleeping or something already?" Cardinal half asked half whined.

@Omega Type
(@The Unamed Character @Kozaktri I don't wanna be a rule nazi, but it's been stated and restated: Try to at least get in 3 lines.)

He started the walk back to town. It wasn't that far, sure, but he'd walk anyways. He took the time to silently go over what he had done on the first day of the death game they'd bought. He saved a girl's life, fought against 9 mobs at once, and then put other's people's lives at risk. He felt hungry, which was odd for being in a game. Would he suffer from the same effects of not eating in the game too? It'd be better if he didn't learn, actually. He tried, instead, to think of something to say. He didn't come up with anything, so he thought of a question, due to lack of a better conversation. "So...you're only level 4?" Oh god, he already failed. How would she interpret the only? Probably like any other person.
Lance was in a dungeon once again simply fighting through enemies to get a few more levels so he could get on with the next boss. He was already a high level but it never hurt to get better. For now he felt like using his spear to deal with any pest that came his way and that's exactly what he was going to do. Coming to a simple enemy he smirked as he dodged the first attack and then parrying the other only to end this NPC life with a stab to the face. When this was done he stood straight and sighed. "What a bore." He muttered as he adjusted his eye patch a bit.

Aero was leaning up against the wall in the shadows watching lance "nice job grinding the little guys I see...name's hades darkblade...you ever try the bigger enemies with your current skill level these enemies don't give as much xp as they use to even some of the medium skill creatures would do better than that..." He said all this nonchalantly like he didn't really care either way which was only partially true he did care about others he wanted everyone to make it through this but sadly not everyone would

Lance looked over his shoulder at the man a smile going on his face as he went into a relaxed position. "Are you a guide for this dungeon?" He asked as he let his spear rest in his hand and behind his shoulder. "Or are you simply a passerby who wishes to help a random stranger?" He asked curiously his friendly and kind smile on his face as he waited an answer.

@ashel darkwing
"Just a passerby...I was actually waiting I case someone needed help a lot of people are having trouble with this dungeon but for people like you and me its a cake walk" he sighed and started walking around the corner "see you round" he walked off into the shadows seemingly disappearing as he did but the trained eye could see he was still there

Rocky's breathing grew heavier with each fallen centaur. It amazed him just how exhausted he could get just playing this game, even if it wasn't just a game anymore. His real body wasn't actually physically active, after all. And Rocky wasn't just concerned for his real body's health, but for his virtual one as well. He couldn't help but check his health bar in the most paranoid manner. I can't let this drop too low. Honestly, Rocky hadn't decided just how far he should push it. For now, he hated to see it any color other than green.

Rocky continued taking down what would be his last centaur for a while. His heart skipped a beat as he watched his health become yellow. With one last slash of his blade, the centaur disintegrated in defeat. "I think that'll do for today. Strange... I guess I actually feel a bit sleepy." The thought of needing sleep in-game didn't really sink in until now.

Walking back toward town, Rocky reflected on the day's events. It was hard to believe that just earlier that day Rocky was having what seemed to be an ordinary day. Is this virtual reality going become my new norm? The thought was too depressing. He wished deeply to be brought back to real life.
Seeing that there was really no one in danger in the current dungeon he went to take on the higher level creatures to up his level a bit more before he would attack one he checked to see if anyone was around seeing no one he used his disarm sword skill to disarm most of the creatures which were humanlike with the head of a horse and carried large broadswords or cleavers which worked on all but one which he took down with little difficulty kicking the broadsword away rolling under it in between its legs then coming up and jumping above it coming down with his sword on the back of its head seeing it shatter into pixels below him

"That's an interesting strategy" says shirou outloud. Shirou just watches as the guy disable the creatures instead of defeating them. "You do realise that they still are going to attack".

@ashel darkwing
Lil Shirou]"That's an interesting strategy" says shirou outloud. Shirou just watches as the guy disable the creatures instead of defeating them. "You do realise that they still are going to attack". [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22506-ashel-darkwing/ said:
@ashel darkwing[/URL]
Aero looked at the guy in shock and worry and started stammering "umm uh ya their mele damage is very weak and...how long have you been standing there" he spun around to take on the rest of the creatures killing them rapidly and turning back to the guy wondering if anyone else had slipped his detection while he was fighting
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" don't worry. I don't think anyone else is. I raise sneaking my skills high enough to not be detected by enemies I guess it works on you too. hi my name is shirou?" Says shirou as he watch the guy take out the enemies.
"Ah as have I I just...wasn't using that ability at the time...sorry but would you mind not telling anyone about that sword skill once people know you have you're own skill they're always asking you to join a guild and I'm a bit of a solo player and I like it that way" he bowed and started to walk off hoping to escape before the guy read his gamer tag
" I am a solo player too and your sword skills are your own business. I have a unique sword that people ask about so I understand " Says shirou as the guy starts to walk away.

" Aren't you going to complete your quest."
"I am my mission is to get a rare material for a new sword and it's just before the boss room on this dungeon see ya latter" he disappeared around the corner
"Okay that was weird" says shirou as pulls out a return crystal. With a loud voice shirou says "return" and is instantlying transported acknowledge to the closes city.

@anyone in a town
Rocky slowly walked into town, looking around for the inn. I know I saw it somewhere around here. He continued to walk on when suddenly a player materialized in front of him. Rocky almost lost his footing, but regained his balance. "You really startled me there. I haven't actually seen anyone use a return crystal before." He stared at the stranger for a moment. He seems friendly enough. It just now occurred to him that he had been playing solo this whole time, which was not typical for him. Unfortunately, Rocky didn't have a clue if any of his friends were trapped here. "Hey, I'm Rocky."

@Lil Shirou
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Shirou materialized in front of someone. He thinks to himself " I guess people have their own goals in mind when they play the game."

Shirou listen to what the guy in front of him says "Really it a common item to have. Why wouldn't you have atleast one. If it comes down to it I rather flee then die in a dungeon". Although that wasn't the reason used it a minute ago.

" my name is shirou" he says as shirou opens his inventory window and gave rocky 3 of the 9 return crystal shirou had.

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Rocky was struggling to decline Shirou's gift. "Well, thanks." He didn't want to admit that he already obtained 3 return crystals on his own. He just never felt the need to use them, since he hardly ever ventured too far from a town and he never let his HP get very low either. He had to admit, that strategy was probably hindering him from leveling up as quickly as some other players did.

"Say, do you know where I could find an inn? I've been searching for a couple minutes now, and I can't seem to find one." It was a good feeling to be communicating with another player. He hadn't really been focused on that for most of the day. And this Shirou guy seemed pretty generous. I'll have to pay him back someday, he thought.

@Lil Shirou
Shirou pulls up his map of the town. Shirou thinks and moves the map around a bit to see different things. " hmmm, maybe how much are you willing to spend? There about five inns here in this town. Maybe we can discuss this over a meal" Say shirou as he closes the map. Shirou then opens up the menu and add rocky his friendlist.
Rocky watches dumbfounded that Shirou was able to pull up the map with all the information he needed. Of course, why didn't I think to check that?! It bothered Rocky that there was still much for him to learn. Tomorrow, he would definitely spend more time browsing the many features in the menu. "I guess I do need to fuel up a bit before I hit the hay." Rocky received Shirou's friend request and selected 'ACCEPT'. It felt good to see that his friends list was no longer empty. "I take it that you know a good place to get a bite to eat?"

@Lil Shirou
Aero gathered his materials and headed back to town searching around for a high class blacksmith to forge his sword sighing finding a bunch of people who weren't a high enough class to forge it so he posted a notice in the town square and rented a room for the night holding the materials in his hands "one day you will be mine blood-oath one day..." He put the items away and rested sighing as he found it hard to sleep he rolled over screaming into his pillow not really screaming words just screaming out of frustration frustration with this game with him not being able to sleep with not finding a blacksmith with his crappy day after a couple moments of just screaming like that he finally rolled back over staring at the ceiling until sleep finally took him
Shirou didn't think rocky would say yes. So shirou thinks a bit. " hmmm there is an out door ramen shop I been wanting to try. How about that?" Shirou says. Shirou walks around nervously a bit before stopping to hear his answer."so what is it going to be."
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Rocky didn't really mind the destination at all. He honestly had no clue what an outdoor raven shop was. But Rocky rarely ever disliked any eating establishments. "Sounds decent enough." The words came out with only little hesitation. Rocky thought it a bit strange; he would now have to be "nourishing" his virtual body almost just as carefully as he did with his real body. I hope they're treating me well out there. He began to search his surroundings. "Umm.. you'll have to lead the way."

@Lil Shirou
Shirou knew the food didn't really nourish the body like the real world. "How could it. It just data like everything else in sword art online" Shirou thinks to himself.

Shirou leads rocky to the ramen place and sits down. " I want miso pork ramen please. I will also pay for what whatever this guy wants" says shirou to the ncp chef of the ramen shop.

The chef come back with a bowl of ramen. He then asks rocky "what you have fella? Make your decision quickly or get lost." The ncp repeats this line a bit.

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Karcen said:
( np )
Cardinal ran a quick and quiet scan when a bug was mentioned, she just had to target Kamien for the scan so she could do it without having to bring up a window or anything. No its wasn't a bug just not developed correctly so she didn't need to fix anything , he just had potential for using a skill. It would be interesting to see how that developed latter as the system was constantly looking for those that met the requirements and marking those that might one day get skills.

" Aww I i was just goign to have fun, I mean do we need to sleep aren't our bodies sleeping or something already?" Cardinal half asked half whined.

@Omega Type
{Sorry for making you wait - again - but now I really do have time to waste, so expect more frequent posts}

"Heh, good point, but I still feel fatigued, like I really have been running around all day in the real world." It was the truth, the admin of the game didn't just bring back pain into the world, but exhaustion too, and Kamien wasn't particularly fit in real life. Although it begged the question, did that mean he could exercise in the game world? Could he train his body to survive?

It was a question he decided to test later, his legs were failing him and his head throbbed inside his skull. For once, he was thankful he donned little more than a hood and wrist blades. Despite his fatigue however, the girl in front of him seemed the exact opposite. Bubbly, hyped-up and thoughtful about- well, something. Maybe she was either better at allocating her time in-game or just more physically fit than he was.

He couldn't quite decide which one crumpled his pride more.

"You seem awfully… Lively. Where you doing anything in particular before we met in the middle of that centaur spawn?"


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