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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

" nope i was just getting the hang of things after the event and thought no one would be here, well i guess it was good i was wrong" She said though some might notice the centaurs had stopped spawning for the moment, thanks to her.

Cardinal really just wanted to have fun but it was getting late but she never got tired, that was one thing she couldn't really get rid of the others would always be subject yo their bodies whims she lacked such desires. " Well it is kind of like hunger and being full the nerve gear can tell you that you are full and when you are tired though techno sorcery" She said acting like she didn't understand how it worked.

" I know we should go to the floor dungeon I know where it is" She said to tempt him she thought that would be fun for a human as it was the first step on their way out of the game.
Ah, that's quite nice of him, Rocky thought when Shirou offered to pick up the tab. "I'll have the spicy chicken ramen, please." The NPC chef returned with his meal, and he began to scarf it down. I never realized how hungry I was until just now. He thought the food tasted rather good. He looked over at Shirou. Oh right, we came to talk about something, he thought. It seemed a bit overkill to talk over dinner about something as trivial as where to go to get a good night's sleep, but he wasn't going to complain over a free meal.
Shirou quickly at his ramen and drunk the soup feeling satisfied. Well as statified as be could eating digital ramen." It may of tasted like the real thing but it wasn't "thinking shirou. It brought up a memory from a couple days before the game for him. Shirou was out with his sister on his birthday. All he bragged about was getting the latest game the vrmmo sword art online. Little did he know that his sister bought it for him and gave it to him that very moment. He also didn't know that by playing it he would be one of the ones trapped .

"So I didn't just take you out to eat for nothing. Okay I have two questions for you. We will answer it one at a time. What is your reasoning in playing the game? " Shirou say says out of the blue. He ends the silence of the ramen shop with the question.

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Wow, where did that question come from? he wondered. Rocky began to think about it for a moment. He thought back to that time when he sat watching other players acting out in rage or sulking in depression. Others, like himself, were more anxious for this nightmare to end. "Everyone needs to go back home." He clenched his fists against the table. "And I've got no excuse for not doing everything in my power to get us outta here. But, in a sense, I've been blinded by my passion. I thought it best to get straight to fighting monsters and leveling up. If I hadn't run into you, I might have continued that path even on to tomorrow. Now I see that I haven't been thinking straight. Sure, leveling is a great benefit, but there are other smart ways to deal with this. For one, I need to learn from the information at my disposal. For example, the town map."

@Lil Shirou
Shirou thinks about rocky's answer. A little confused with it. Like how do you not use the map feature? Shirou found it as a good way to make money with information brokers. Gathering information about enemies and boss locations.

" Interesting I guess my next question might be a bit weirder. Since you never really used the map function. You can also share information of where you been with others. So my next question is can I get your map data? I am looking for the entrance to a cave would active a certain quest. There a rare item given to the player that first completes the quest. I want it." Shirou states to rocky. Shirou hopes rocky would give him the data.

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Karcen said:
" nope i was just getting the hang of things after the event and thought no one would be here, well i guess it was good i was wrong" She said though some might notice the centaurs had stopped spawning for the moment, thanks to her.
Cardinal really just wanted to have fun but it was getting late but she never got tired, that was one thing she couldn't really get rid of the others would always be subject yo their bodies whims she lacked such desires. " Well it is kind of like hunger and being full the nerve gear can tell you that you are full and when you are tired though techno sorcery" She said acting like she didn't understand how it worked.

" I know we should go to the floor dungeon I know where it is" She said to tempt him she thought that would be fun for a human as it was the first step on their way out of the game.
Kamien sighed. Sure, he was tired, but she had a point. The fatigue was little more than a simulation.

An unnervingly realistic simulation.

At least, he hoped it was a simulation, could the Nerve Gear stimulate his body as if he really was running about?

He decided to leave the thought where it was, he had more important things that required his attention.

He'd worry about it later.

"Fine, but how do you know where the dungeon is?" A rather trivial detail which could be easily explained, but it was hardly the first time the girl in front of him acted like she knew less than she was willing to share.

Damn, maybe the paranoia in this game really was getting to him, randomly accusing people of conspiring against him was ridiculous.

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" MAGIC" Cardinal said complete with an over the top hand flourishes as if that explained anything at all. " also i know a guy who did that whole dig though the files thing and found a few dungeons before things went bad " She said both explanations were not exactly that strong but she was just level one so if she was trying to trap someone she would be easily overwhelmed. She really just wanted to do something after all the players had fun so she should get to have fun as well as she had joined them.
Unsurprisingly, Rocky had not heard of this feature before. Well, I guess this is one way I can pay him back for his generosity, he thought. "Sure, no problem." He opened up his friends list and selected the option to share map data with Shirou. "Have any idea what this rare item might be?" he asked with curiosity.
They had entered the town, and he could see the inn not too far. His question floated in the air, unanswered; maybe it was best he didn't explain the giant level difference they shared. The silence was awkward nevertheless, and it begged to be broken. He delivered and tried to start up another conversation. "So...maybe we should friend each other? Sure, we're in a party but even then..." He could feel himself trail off. He felt himself redden up, but not as bad as last time. He looked away and turned his head, not wanting to show her that he was blushing yet again. How do people even perceive blushing? Answers and more questions floating around his head, not noticing the incoming inn.

Kamien sighed, yet again, he'd been doing that a lot recently. Clearly his pressing for information wasn't getting him anywhere, and whether or not this girl was being honest with him or not was irrelevant. She wasn't trying to kill him, and that was a start.

'Girl', was that really the best word he could come up with to describe his ally? Her username was curious enough, 'Cardinal', like the moderator system he read about on the game's website. For a moment, he considered asking her about it, but the question withered in his mind as he considered how much he was going to push Cardinal until she thought he didn't trust her at all, or whether he'd already crossed that line.

At last he said, "If you really know where the dungeon is, then there's really not much time to waste." The sooner he was out of this nightmare, the better.

"Lead the way."

"Why you wanna join me for the quest" Shirou says with excitement. Shirou thinks a bit and decide to tell rocky what he looking for." If you defeat the boss in this quest you get an item that raises the evasive skill. Making me or the wearer invisible to most foes and players. I like to get this item so i can acquire information on bosses and others things."

" There is lots of time mind over matter and you will have all the time in the world, and it's not like we are getting our any time soon" Cardinal said.

The mind of matter things was completely made up there was a difference between sleeping and playing the game but she hadn't done anything, but she could just move the day along faster than normal make it day for everyone once they were in the dungeon or whatever.

" Well follow me " She said starting head off in the direction of the hidden dungeon " hmm well maybe we should sleep as well it is a while away unless you want to use a corridor crystal" She said without thinking about how rare such crystals were.

@Omega Type
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I've never completed a quest that required to defeat a boss, Rocky thought to himself. "Sure, that sounds like a excellent opportunity to advance our position in the game." He thought about how much he could level up if he stuck with Shirou for a while, defeating quest bosses. "Oh, but the boss will be much more difficult to defeat than the wild creatures surrounding town. I'd have to be extra careful to watch my HP." The thought of watching his health drop to zero was enough to give him the chills.

@Lil Shirou
"Well let's see if you even have what i need in your map data first. If you have it then we will move to the second task." Shirou says to rocky. The second task would have to sequence rocky attacks with shirou cool down and vice-versa. Then move to the third task which be completing the quest.

" so do you have the map data we would need. Just open the map and there an icon that shares where you been with people. You can keep whatever items you get and the money from the quest i just want the equipment"

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Rocky complies with the request. He opens his map and selects the icon to share with Shirou. He stares at the map, not having a clue what he should be looking for. "So, do you see if I have what we need?"

@Lil Shirou
"Corridor crystal?" Kamien echoed, the name flashing familiar somewhere in the back of his mind. He felt like he should know what it was, but unnervingly realistic fatigue was draining his brain power. Sleep could wait, though, no doubt the dungeon was filled with delicious experience points for him to soak up, maybe even a boss to take down if word had already gotten out to other players. No doubt the dungeon would be swarmed if people really did find out, though something told Kamien being in the middle of a riot of desperate, fear-stricken players wasn't the greatest idea.

"You wouldn't happen to have one lying around, would you?" He asked playfully, getting his hands on an item he vaguely recalled to be rare indeed was ridiculous at this point in time, but Cardinal seemed to have a talent of making ridiculous things reality. -Or, virtual reality.

Heck, it didn't even matter.

" Of course and it is even set to the dungeon " cardinal said, she didn't really but she quietly spawned one for herself, it was a good thing that she was designed to work without human monitoring, though given how many items were spawned , as they were on a creatures death, there was almost no way a human mind could notice that.

" I i get very lucky sometimes, and i know how to get things i mean everyone is obsessed with the beta testers but really with the Cardinal system running the game everything can change at a moments notice" She said not really having an explanation but her new friend didn't seem to have much awareness " How about we do the entrance there is no way we will reach the boss in one day?"
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"I think we do actually. Here let me show you ." Shirou says as he turns in a way for rocky to see shirou map. Shirou actives the quest icon and a line appears going to the new pieces of the map rocky filled in. "Here we are and there is the quest. In the morning we will set out to it and we will train on the way."

Rocky's face lit up. This would be his first real adventurous quest. And he wouldn't be facing it alone. There was less pressure to be self-sufficient, knowing that someone would have his back. "Sure, sounds like a fine plan." Having finished his meal, he stood, ready to leave. "I'll find myself a good inn to sleep. Oh, by the way, if you don't mind my asking, what level are you at right now? I'm at level 8." He wanted to know exactly just how good of a partner he had.

@Lil Shirou
"Well i guess there alot more training then i thought. I am level 18. I guess i should have thought that when you said you dont venture to far away from the city." Shirou pulls the town map up and looks at inns. He thinks for a second. He then tranfers over some money to rocky. " there is a inn around the corner from here and before you say anything. Make it up to me by helping me bet the quest."

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Rocky felt a bit uneasy. That's quite a higher level. Would I just be holding him back? he thought. He gleefully accepted Shirou's money. "Well, thank you. I'll do my best to help any way I can." Rocky headed away from the shop and turned around the corner. He paid for his room and went to bed. It felt strange. Sleeping within a game was not something he ever imagined doing. He was going to sleep, and he would be waking up still playing the game. He wondered if his family would be able to get sleep tonight or if they were too worried about him to sleep. Don't worry, everyone. I'll be back soon.

@Lil Shirou
"I don't think anyone's getting anywhere near that boss until Starting Town is razed to the ground for resources." As it were already, most of the floor was already being harvested faster than it could spawn. It wouldn't be long until famine started to set in. "We'll see what we can pick off of that entrance."

Kamien glanced down at his wrists as his blades flicked out. Not the most long range weapons he could get his hands on, but they'd do for now. At least, he hoped they would. "Alright," He breathed, preparing himself for the vertigo of teleportation. "Let's do this."

Shirou decide to go to a secluded spot to practice his custom sword skills. Shirou charges his sword and then slashes upwards to the right diagonal , then down right diagonal, then upwards left, straight right and then downward left. " star striker" yells shirou. The slashes form a star across the monster body.
" Ok" Cardinal said holding up the crystal and activating it and openign up their portal to the first floor dungeon.

" There we go all ready for use though getting back maybe hard, well i'll just make another crystal when we are done" Cardinal said before she stepped into the portal and was whisked away.
Kamien paused for a moment, casting a backwards glance towards the town one last time before sliding in the portal after Cardinal.

If Kamien had a real stomach, he'd sworn he would be sick as he was wrenched across the world - everything spinning around him. When the sensation subsided, he spotted Cardinal just a few steps in front of him, seemingly unaffected by what just happened. She's probably done this a few times then He made a silent note to himself before observing the cave around him. It was dimly lit, lined with jet black rock, chiselled stone brickwork peppered inbetween with the occasional low burning torch protruding at seemingly random intervals. Save for the duo's breathing and the dripping of moisture echoing somewhere in the distance, the place made no sound.

"Alright.. Where to now?" He breathed. It might be quiet down here, but he didn't doubt for a second that traps littered the tunnels.

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