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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

Silver accepts and she says "Figures", she just hopes that could get through quickly "I do have some business to attend to later, some of the newest members of my guild still need rooms" she says, then remembers she probably wouldn't be interested "I could show you my guild if you want to, you don't have to join, cause I know you wouldn't be interested in joining one anyway"
"Yeh sure I guess I don't have any plans after beating the boss except for heading over to the next town for side quests." I test my blade.
"That's also a good plan" Silver says and she stretches "Well the boss isn't gonna defeat itself" she says and adds "Maybe train a bit before heading to the next boss", she moves her hand across the blade of her scythe and she smiles slightly, she was planning to get more weapons later on, maybe a bow or something heavier.
Karcen said:
" Oh i am level 1" Cardinal said not realizing just how insane that would be that she could have made it this far into the plane and not leveled purely from fights even if she didn't do a single quest.
" And i don't know that is Beta knowledge meaning it is actually outdated as there have been hot fixes applied to the boss" Cardinal said knowing she had switch an entire phase of the first boss then realizing what she said

" I mean it could given how the game is run" she said to cover up for her seeming knowledge.
"Uh… yeah, sure." Something about her still didn't add up to him, how a level 1 player made it out in that field and knew all these details he didn't even consider, but there was no point trying to suss it out now. "You're right, this game isn't beta anymore, and who knows what's happened to the boss' stats now thanks to all this difficulty override."

Until one of the larger factions assembled a proper clearing group, there wasn't much point trying to go after the boss.

That's what Kamien thought, at least, until he turned around.

A scrapped out poster was nailed to one of the outskirt shack walls. Upon closer observation, it became clear what it was advertising.

Recruitment into the clearing group.

"Well…" Kamien started. "That's convenient."

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[QUOTE="Bella Bloomet]
"Yeh sure I guess I don't have any plans after beating the boss except for heading over to the next town for side quests." I test my blade.

{I really don't like being a rule-nazi, but I'd really appreciate following the three lines minimum rule. This is a casual roleplay, after all, simple back and fourths hinder development for the rest of the players. Two lines is fine if there honestly is nothing else to describe, but in the future, please avoid one-liners}
" Well the difficulty hasn't changed, you just experienced a bug, you know how games are " Cardinal said the bug had in truth been her but, well it was a bug none the less.

Cardinal knew there was something she should do now that they were safe , something that players had done. There was friend requests guild status, those were not it. Oh yeah party invites they were hanging out already so they should just form a group. Now the question was how to do that she could just force it, but there were ways player did it so she played with screens. Then she found it and sent the invite.

" We should party up " She said " I have lots of surprises even if i am low level"
"Ready as ever" Silver says and she adds "We should hurry before the others come in, I don't enjoy fighting in a group that huge", she hoped they would be finished by the time those guys outside finally had the courage to go in, she sends Yuki a friend request and she closes her menu again.
Yuki smiles and accepts the request she then grabs hold of the door handles." Your right te more people in your group the less treasure you get." She pushes the door open.
(Hey, some of us actually want to fight the boss. This isn't some one on one roleplay, there are actually other people. Plus it's pretty much impossible for two people to beat a boss by themselves. Not to mention it's the first day. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

@Bella Bloomet @Flame Demon
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(We know, but they are strong enough to deal with it themselves)

Silver follows her and she says "True, I do hope I get a weapon though", she was collecting weapons and she had a few at the guild, but she wanted better ones. She looks around and asks "What do you think the boss looks like?"
(Yuki got the nerve gear and SAO right when it came out she was doing quest before the announcement about the death thing. Yuki has fought with the boss once, but gave up so she pratically knows what she's doing)

Yuki looks around." Not sure." She readies her rapier into a stance." Give it a couple of seconds its sure to appear."
( it is 44 uncleared floors into a dungeon that most likely changed layout and is meant for a group of around 40 lvl 20ish players )
(And Silver got it right after it got out and has been playing it a lot, also if you do it like that, in the anime Kirito and Asuna(whatever her name was) managed to get through the dungeon with only the two of them, so this shouldn't be a problem)

"Sure thing" Silver says and she gets her scythe ready "I just hope it's not too hard" she says and glances at her scythe and quickly switches it with her sword, the blue glow giving of some light.
(I hate to be like this, but can we bring OOC posts to the OOC Chat? (in the occasion it's ONLY a OOC post, or can be put into the OOC chat and not alter the effect of the IC post))

They finally found it. After so much searching, they found the boss. But something felt...wrong about it. It hit him then, and he suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"What was I thinking? We can't take on the boss with just me and you. Even if we did have a group of 5 or something like that, I doubt that'd really be enough to take on the boss. We'd need the entire clearance squad to just stand a chance." He looked at his hands, wondering how long he'd even stand a chance. No, that's wrong. How long they'd stand a chance. He looks back at Caitlyn. How could've he almost just brought somebody to death right after what had just happened? It was stupid in every way possible. He almost killed 2 people in one day. The mere idea of it was wrong. How could he be that stupid, that pathetic? He then came around and realized that he was still holding her hand. He quickly lets go, and he could feel his face turn red. He wondered how stupid he looked, staring at her while holding her hand. Yet another question that might never be answered. "A-alright, maybe we just should get a room at an inn for now, and start levelling up tomorrow." Sure, it wasn't late into the night, but he still felt tired from the events. "Even if they manage to clear the boss, we'd still have 99 more chances to fight a boss anyways..." He was more thinking out loud than actually speaking to her.
Caitlyn glanced up at the big dungeon door in awe, her free hand residing on her hip. She was almost ready to start shaking in her tracks, the thought of fighting the boss scared her. She knew for a fact that there would be no possible way the two of them could clear the boss alone, especially with her a such a low level. However before she could speak Akane beat her to it, and a huge wave of relief rushed over her. "Thank God. I had no idea what you were thinking bringing a level 4 to fight the boss. I'm glad you canne to your senses..."

She scolded, frowning slightly. She wasn't exactly mad at him, but just annoyed. Next thing she knew Akane took his hand back and was blushing like an idiot, and this made her giggle. His uneasiness was kinda cute to her, but she wouldn't dare admit it. "But yeah, let's grab an inn and train tomorrow. I want to be stronger before I fight the boss."

As hard as he tried, Rocky couldn't find a quiet place to sit and think. He could stay in the safety of the Town of Beginnings, which was fairly crowded, but even the quietest spots in town still had players noisily passing through every now and then. Or he could tough it outside the town, where he would fear death constantly as he faced many monsters. He had tried that for a while, but the pressure to stay alive had taken its toll.

Rocky sat in Central Plaza. It was a bit unnerving, as this was where everyone was given the bad news of being trapped in this game. It seemed that many players avoided this area, maybe because it was too hard to think about the event that took place here. But every so often, a player would come by and vent his rage toward the admins.

It was disheartening to see the players of SAO in such a state. They all wished to go home and be with their friends and family. Rocky wanted this as well.

I will not let this game defeat me. I will come back home to you.

Rocky wished that this whole ordeal would get worked out with the authorities in real life. He hoped they would find a way to get everyone out soon. But since there was no way of knowing if that plan was making any progress, Rocky decided that he would do everything he could to get everyone out. That meant facing death everyday, and supporting all others who do the same.

Rocky stood up, "Well, better continue leveling up then."
Bel was walking through the town familiarizing himself with the game, checking the all menus and options available. He was also checking out the various players and shops, taking note of important and trivial details; Locations of easily recognizable landmarks, size of the crowd, the surroundings and even the weapons of other people.

It would be beneficial if I knew what I'm going to be up against. Maybe I should also try getting some battle experience.

As he finished looking around, he went into the direction he thought would end up at the exit of the town.
Michito was in the town. She had her Navy armor on and her broadsword next to her. She was eating in a pub and wondering how her real life body was doing. She sighed as she looked around
Michito was in the town. She had her Navy armor on and her broadsword next to her. She was eating in a pub and wondering how her real life body was doing. She sighed as she looked around
Getting lost, Bel sighed and decided to take a break, walking into a pub and surveying the crowd.

Thinking about it, I think I will need some help too if I want to efficiently fight some monsters. This might be a good place to start.

Looking around, his eyes stopped at a girl with armor looking like a navy outfit; More specifically, at her weapon. His eyes did a scout of the area one last time then approached the table.

@The Unamed Character
Michito finished her food and was about to get up before a man approached her. "Yes...." she said before sitting back down. She always gave people a chance to speak before she left.
I think she is already planning to leave, I guess I better make this quick then.

"Hello. I was hoping if you wouldn't mind joining up for a party. You know what they say about strength in numbers."

He said, leaning on the table with his elbow.
Karcen said:
" Well the difficulty hasn't changed, you just experienced a bug, you know how games are " Cardinal said the bug had in truth been her but, well it was a bug none the less.
Cardinal knew there was something she should do now that they were safe , something that players had done. There was friend requests guild status, those were not it. Oh yeah party invites they were hanging out already so they should just form a group. Now the question was how to do that she could just force it, but there were ways player did it so she played with screens. Then she found it and sent the invite.

" We should party up " She said " I have lots of surprises even if i am low level"
{Sorry for taking so damn long, but I'm going to be on as much as I can from here on out}

"I don't doubt that." Kamien sighed as he hit the 'Accept Invite' buttton. Now that he finally had time to spare without worrying about being shot by arrows or charged at by centaurs, Kamien brought up the skill point menu. After scrolling through the list, he noticed a skill at the bottom that he was sure wasn't there last level.


"Is this a… bug?" He muttered.

Curious, Kamien assigned his points into the mysterious skill.

The skill disappeared from the list, along with his skill points.

Kamien groaned. How could he be so stupid to have wasted all his skill points on a bugged out skill?

"We should rent it out in an Inn for the night, it's starting to get late." He said at last, eyes on the dipping sun.

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