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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

Caitlyn giggled slightly, crossing her arms across her chest. "That's a pretty crazy story. Do you think they're ok?" She asked, tapping her foot silently. His story was very ironic, even confusing in some ways, but it was a good laugh nonetheless. As long as they were ok, of course. "Maybe we can go look for them? I've been meaning to find someone to tag along with, and you owe me something for almost ending my life."Caitlyn felt relaxed enough around Xerias to trust him as a travel companion. She was sure there was no PvP, and no first floor mob should be too hard for them. "What do you say?"

He gave a quick scan. She didn't look like she had levelled up much, or past 10 at the most. He just met her, but then again...what chance would he get like this again? As his anxiety passed, he quickly made his decision. "...Yeah, I guess I will. I guess I prefer company more that being alone, anyways." Is what he managed to get out. Why was he so nervous? He always acted like this when he talked to somebody, though. So he guessed it was normal. His thoughts snapped back to the party. He quickly taps a few buttons on the menu.


«Xerias invites you to join his party.»

« O X »

"..I don't like being called Xerias all the time, so call me Akane, alright?"

Caitlyn opened up the notification and accepted his invite. She closed the menu and returned her gaze to Xerias, or Akane now. "Sounds like a plan Akane. You can keep callings Caitlyn, though. I just like that the best." She explained, shrugging slightly and smiling. "Anyways, do you know where you last saw your friends? Do you know the coordinates or the general direction? Or even their usernames? I think we should figure that out before we continue on. I'd rather not get lost and die, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that either."

"Well... I guess I should go and get started on the first floor and maybe get some more weapons" Silver says and sighs, the monsters were way too strong for that area "Something's wrong with the game, I should easily be able to take monsters out around here" she says and rubs her head, it felt like she was getting a headache, even with no new players her guild wasn't getting any members, which kinda frustrated her, she looks through her inventory and sees she needs to stop up some healing potions, there were enough at her guild "I'll be right back" she says and she disappears, once she gets the potions she teleports back "That should work" she mumbles "Oh, let's see, I'm level 30" she had leveled a few times, but even she could die while fighting lower monsters "I'm headed for the first floor, anyone thinks they're up for it?" she asks, she'd rather go with someone from her guild, but they were all still training.
Lana headed back to the town of beginnings to try get her mind off the place she was trapped in. She bought some food and sat down before heading out to look for any of the payers she had met previously before. She went into her menu and messaged Silver about her guild asking if she could join before she left to see f she could find anyone.
Silver watches the message pop up and she sends back 'Sure, just press the name of the guild and then request to join', she looks around and decides to head out, trying to take out the boss of the first floor, of course she didn't know what it was, but she'd rather get it over fast, she really wanted to go home, she knew things would be different if she ever left the girl.
Lana searched name of the guild and watched the request to join button pop up so she pressed it and waited for her to be accepted into it. She decided to head back out to train more as she was up to level 15 now. She headed to the next town to farm the enemies there and to also search for the first floors boss.
Silver accepts the request and she heads of again, after making sure she has everything, wondering how hard finding a boss could be "Well it's probably big or something" she mumbles and runs of, if she got a head start from the other players, she wouldn't have to deal with running into people and she could train as well.
Lana grabbed her Katana from the neck of a beast and kept walking until she came across as a huge place that had a massive door. She pushed the door gently lookin around to see torches light up around her. "I don't remember this in the game tutorial." She muttered looking around. As she walked ahead she stared at the even bigger door and had a bad feeling about it so she didn't open it but decided she would do it later.
Yuki sat down on a bench checking through her options her rapier glowed and appeared at her side she unsheathed it with a smile. She looked around for anyone this prairie was empty except for all the monsters around.
Silver see Lana after a while and she glances at the door "You found the first floor boss" she says and smiles slightly "Want me to help you train?" she asks while stretching.
"We were more of just in the same sinking ship than friends. Besides, I'm sure they should be fine. They made it into the Safe-Zone, after all. Then again, I can't recall where the little girl went to..." He was interrupted by a message. He quickly read it, and his eyes widened. "Alright, how high level are you? A few people just found the boss room, according to my...'friend'." He said the last part a bit more suspiciously. He quickly went and equipped his best weapons and equipment, and then grabbed Caitlyn's hand. "Nevermind what level you are, we can grind on the way there. We gotta get to the boss room now!" He said, starting to break off into a run.

(also just a reminder that the minimum is 3 lines)
Caitlyn's eyes widened at the news. The first floor boss had already been found? That is impressive, but she wasn't sure she was ready, only being a level six. But Akane was right, they could grind fights on the way and hopefully reach level ten. That'd be amazing. She suddenly felt her hand in his, her eyes drifting down to them. She's never really held another guys hand before, which was actually quite surprising. She wasn't shy in real life and she was pretty too. Why she never got with anyone, who knows? But maybe it's better if she didn't. What would happen to her lover now? She'd be trapped in this game and they could run off and do whatever they wanted. These thoughts were suddenly ripped from her mind as Akane began to run, and she did too, quickly catching up. "Slow down a bit!"

(No one send you anything about finding the boss room)

Silver looks around and she thinks for a while as she puts her hair behind her shoulder, she kept worrying about her family and she didn't have any way to contact them, at least she still had her friends.


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Yuki looked around and stretched." Time for the boss." She smiled and unsheathed her rapier which glowed blue. This was her 1rst boss alone and she didn't want anyone interfering.
"Choices" Silver mumbles and she decides to just go, she walks through the door and she takes her scythe, not quite sure what to expect from the first floor boss if the monsters were that damn strong "Let's just hope no one gets in the way" she says and looks around her weapon as ready and her senses heightened so she can quickly dodge, she slowly walks forward, she would be the first to reach the last floor and get out, alone or with others, that didn't matter to her, but having allies would help a lot.
Train. Recover. Repeat.

Train. Recover. Repeat.

Train. Recover. Repeat.

Aether had broken level 20 last hour. Nonstop, for hours, she fought. She had passed the second town, having finally bought a new weapon - a one handed black longsword, called an Obsidian Blade. She liked how it felt in her hand...she hoped something of the like would show up later on.

Spinning, she cut down another, and found herself facing a Mob Boss - this one, a Ravaging Centaur. His axe was inches from her face.

She could die within the next moments. She could be free of life.

Aether decided she'd die another day. Her body flowed like a river, reacting without even thinking, reverse handing her blade and stabbing it through the chest.

It burst into shards of data, as she stood.

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"Yeah" Silver says looking at Yuki, not sure why the hell she had yelled "Also no need to yell, I can hear you just fine" she says and walks over "But what's it to you if I go face the boss?" she asks
Yuki thought for a second." Well we could work together it'll take less time. The faster each boss is killed the faster a person gets to the last boss and gets out of this hell hole" Yuki said softly straightening her armor out and adjusting her hoodie over her head.
"Sure, but aren't you a solo player?" Silver asks and she adds "I don't mind working with you", she wanted to get out of there as soon as she could. But she also wondered how long it would take for them to get out.
Yuki scratches her head." Yeh, but its better to defeat a boss with someone. Than to do it alone and die." She adds sticking her hand out." Yuki, Sakura and you are?"
"Silver Rhythm, or Melody, you choose, though I prefer it if people call me by my username" Silver says shaking her hand "And you're right, but how long do you think it'll take to beat all the floors?"
Yuki turns paler than pale." Sorry Silver I don't want to kill your hopes, but I'd say a year to go through all of these bosses." Yuki sighs then thinks for a second and open options she sends a team invitation to Silver.


Yuki would like you

to join her team



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