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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Ryan looked at the blank whiteboard ahead of him then blinked a bit. Wait, why was he in a telepathy class? His schedule didn't make any sense to him at all. Ryan decided to just listen to the teacher for now and make some schedule changes the following day unless the class seemed useful enough to stay in it. He watched the teacher move around while he waited for an instruction.
"They're requiring everyone to take telepathy now," Alec said quietly. "At least to shield their minds. Safer that way for everyone, yeah?" He glanced over at Ryan, pulling out a textbook. The new requirement had thrown everyone's schedule off.

After a short lecture, the teacher told them to split into groups with whoever was sitting next to them and attempt to shield their minds. The few powerful telepaths in the class would try to break them.
"Oh alright thanks for the info" Ryan looked at Alec, "Guess we're partners". He paused for a moment then continued, "So how do you shield minds?" The teen looked around at some people who seemed to get the hang of it prior to the beginning of the course. Ryan shifted his gaze back to Alec.
"If you're a beginner, you focus on just one thing. Nothing else. A single image, song, poem. And theoretically, if someone tries to read your mind, that's all they get." Alec's father had been a powerful telepath and had taught his son how to keep his thoughts to himself. "When you get better at it, you can think underneath it, in a way. Like you're covering your real thoughts."
Jordan sat down, and subconsciously, ran her hand through her hair as she settled in. She looked around the class, curious to what other students were in there with her. Most of them were new students she'd never met before. However, she noticed Rob was in the class as well, and blinked surprised, trying to recall his power. "You're in this class too?" She asked him.
He blushed a little, "yes, I swear I didn't just follow you in. It's so I don't lose my cool and hurt people around me. I can be dangerous in my armored form." He sat next to her. "She is really pretty, I hope she doesn't think I'm an idiot..."
Ryder rubbed his neck again, contemplating her offer. "I don't know... I'll think about it. You'll just be wasting your time." Soon enough, the teacher entered the room, closing the door behind her. Almost instantly, a sweet, calming aroma filled the air as the lady began her lecture. Occasionally glancing at Aaron, Ryder leaned back in his seat and jotted down a couple notes, only taking down they key concepts.

Miu had sat down next to some sturdily built guy in the middle who didn't seem like the most friendly of people. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to know who she was. When they were partnered together, he didn't hesitate to make a move on her, leaning in and invading her personal space. "Ay, honey, what's your name?" he sneered, picking up a lock of her hair and playing with it while she closed her eyes, focusing on the task at hand.

"Miuna," she told him absentmindedly, oblivious to his intentions. When she finally tuned in to his thoughts, however, an intimidated gasp escaped her. Filthy minds like his terrified her, as she was diagnosed with mild paraphobia. The guy seemed somewhat surprised, but didn't back down. Boldly grabbing her hand, he leaned closer, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Stop," she whispered, pleading. "I'd give you a cookie, but I just gave my last one away."
Ryan closed his eyes and tried to focus on just one thing. He began to hear the ticking of the clock, then the buzzing of the lights. Ryan reminded himself that he had to focus on an image, song, or poem. Suddenly, he was able to hear a conversation going on in the next classroom. He kept his eyes closed and used his enhanced hearing to locate the closest playing song. Ryan finally heard a song being played a few miles away...and someone whispering stop. He opened his eyes then scanned the room seeing Miuna with her partner. Was something going on there? He kept his eye on the guy then looked at Alec, "What if I just focus my hearing on the closest playing song? Will that work?"
Alex nodded and said, "It'll work for now. I doubt anyone will be pushing that hard to break the shields."

Alec could keep a shield up in his mind without much effort now, and he idly glanced around the room. Nearby was that girl who could see spirits. But she looked afraid; it was easy to see why. Alec was still irritated and itching for a fight from his earlier class, so he stood up and stalked over to the pair. "Why don't you listen to her and leave?" He snapped.
Jordan laughed softly, "I didn't think you followed me in." She thought about his next words, "And I see." She felt a slight embarrassment wash over her, and knew it wasn't her own. She wondered if it was coming from Rob or just a different student. She looked down, "I have this class because I feel other peoples emotions. Literally." She told him. "Sometimes it's really not a fun power." She looked back up at him. "Sometimes, it feels more like a curse." She laughed slightly but it lacked humor.
Rob looked at her a moment confused, "Like if I was to feel sad or angry you'd feel my sadness? Or would you become sad? Because if you became sad that would be a curse." He blushed, "I mean it sounds cool but, I.. Uh I dunno." Robby mentally face palmed himself.
The guy looked up at Alec, smirking indignantly. "Why don't you stick your partner, kid? We've got things handled here." Despite his words, Miuna squeezed her eyes shut, controlling her breathing. The guy's hand was still clamped over hers, and her efforts to escape were in vain. She didn't want to have to use her power, but it seemed like she'd have to at this point.
Alec hissed. Lashing out, he caught the guy in the shoulder, shoving him out of his seat. The teacher, as usual, wasn't paying any attention to what was happening. "Didn't you hear me? Leave her alone." Turning back to the girl, he asked, "Are you alright?"
Jordan smiled at him, "It's more like... I'd feel that you're sad, and it kind of washes over me, but not to full extent. It's enough to alter my own mood, so that parts bad luck, but, it also helps me understand how your feeling. So I guess it's both good and bad." She inwardly debated if she should tell about her mind reading ability. Most people didn't know she had it. She didn't tell a lot of people, because she feared they'd be afraid to be around her. That she'd always violate their thoughts or something. She didn't want people to be afraid of her... Jordan had heard that every student now had to take Telepathy class to learn how to shield their minds, and although she understood, she was almost bummed. Her ability would be useless, and all she'd have is her emotion power. The thought scared her, and Jordan looked away from Rob, deciding it was best not to tell him. However, her face was troubled, and she wondered if Rob would question her about it.
Miuna pulled her hand back, clutching it to her chest. "I'm okay. Is he gonna be okay?" The guy had landed on the ground pretty hard, but was already getting to his feet.

"You don't know who you're dealing with, kid," he hissed and tackled Alec, fists flying. Miuna watched from the side, once again uninterested. Her stomach dropped as she realized she was out of food.
"Funny you say that," Alec grunted as he hit the ground. Unable to maintain his human form any longer, he became the same silvery wolf he had been that morning and rammed into his opponent. Baring his fangs, Alec pinned the boy down and snarled. The appearance of a wolf in the classroom was finally enough for the teacher to notice what was going on and he jumped to his feet.
Jackie, oblivious to what was going on in the Telepathy classroom above her head, was sitting on a bench, enjoying the breeze. She had her guitar on her lap, but she wasn't playing it. She had ditched first and second period because they were Calculus and US History- booooooring. Instead, she was playing with her fire. Making hoops, she created little balls of fire and made them jump through the hoops like a little circus.Then, a crash that sounded an awful lot like fighting (she shook her head- seriously, how do they not realize it's a terrible idea to fight when they all have superpowers and whatnot?) came from above her. She looked up. Wait, whoa there, did she just hear a snarl? Startled, her jumping flames went out of control, and whoops- flew straight through the Telepathy classroom window. Jackie winced when she heard a very feminine scream.

"Aaaand I did it again."
Rob looked at her, "oh man, you're probably feeling everything in going through just talking to you sorry! I'll try to focus!" He looked down.

"Focus focus focus... Gosh she is pretty.. Stop! Focus!"
"FIRE!" Ryan yelled and dashed over to the fight. The flame was headed their direction causing Ryan to lift both Alec and the other guy off the ground and then speed over to the other side of the room. The teen placed both of them down while looking at the teacher. Ryan walked back to his seat and looked at the clock. This class was the most interesting of them all. It contained a wide variety of students from angels to neutrals to demons.
"I'M SO SORRY!!" Jackie yelled towards the window. She cringed as she heard the sounds of panicked students and the teacher yelling. She saw someone poke their head out the window. She squinted, trying to see their face.
Miuna yelped as the fire brushed past her. There were already burn marks coating her arms from her homeroom and she had no desire to get scorched again. With death in her normally placid eyes, she turned to the students in her class. "This ends now," she ordered in a low, frightening voice. The spirits around her all turned towards the pair, pinning him with their invisible gazes. Her partner gulped and nodded slowly, feeling the darkness of her power reaching out towards him.
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Cassie looked at him surprised and laughed, "I can't exactly figure out whose feeling what yet. Especially in a class room. But since you said that... I'm going to assume that it is your feelings that are making me like this. And it's okay." She looked down smiling. She read his thoughts, just for a moment and blinked surprised. "Thanks!" She said it before she could stop herself, and looked at him slightly alarmed. She realized that the thanks didn't really fit into the conversation. She wondered if he'd figure her other power out and she looked away frowning and muttered to herself, "Oh gosh..." You're an idiot. She thought to herself.
The teacher seemed to panic as the situation continued to spiral out of control. Admitting to himself that he couldn't keep the kids under control, he called the school's security guards to come up and take the two who had been fighting to the principal's office. "Dryden! Human form, now," he yelled across the room. Alec was sulking in the corner, but did as he was told. The only good thing about this situation was that the guy he'd been fighting with would get in trouble too. He went with the guards willingly when they arrived in the classroom. When they walked out of the classroom, he saw the redhead from earlier. "You didn't catch the building on fire; don't worry," he said as he walked by.
"Thanks? Forrrr?" He looked at her for a moment, "wait you can... You can.."

"You can read minds, can't you?! Oh man you've been hearing me blab like an idiot in here! I'm doing it again!" Tommy blushed a deep shade of red, and suddenly turned into his armored for when cause his chair to creak a little, and his thoughts to her to cease.
Jordan looked at him with a pained expression. She had already put up the block to stop hearing his thoughts, but she could guess his next words and nodded slightly, "Yes, but only on command! I promise I don't hear everything!" She told him desperately. She didn't want him to be afraid of her. She looked around hoping no one else was listening, then looked at him shaking her head, "I understand if you don't want to be around me now..." She turned away slightly and rested her head on her hand feeling defeated. This was why she didn't let people know. Her frown deepened when she heard him turn into his armored form.
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