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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Aaron smiled "yeah kinda" she spoke laughing slightly then her face turned cherry red. "Heh...right" she adds running a hand through her blue/black hair looking over at him. She smiled looking at the schedule he held out in front of her "yay!" she blurted then covered her mouth giving an awkward smile. Scanning his face noticing his face was slightly pink she poked his cheek and smiled.
Jordan jumped surprised from the boy's words that came from behind her and she unclenched her fists. She gave the kids one more lingering look, that in turn they rewarded her with glares, then turned expecting the boy to still be there. She frowned when there was no one behind her. "I'm not the hitting type..." She muttered softly to herself. She hadn't put up the block to other kids thoughts yet, and read one of the pre-teens behind her by accident. "I can make her feel pain..." Jordan swiftly turned around and in that time the student made her have a migraine head ache. Jordan cried out then grabbed the student that caused her the pain by the collar. She wasn't usually this aggressive but the student's emotions were rubbing off on her. "Don't you dare use your powers to attack another student. That could get you in big trouble!" She hissed at the boy. The boy's eyes widened and he struggled out of her grasp and the group ran away. Jordan took a deep breath as she was released from their emotions, and felt bad for her harshness. Sighing, she started to walk through the halls to her locker, keeping her head hung low.
Ryder laughed at her response, but blinked in surprise when she poked his cheek. "That's an act of war," he warned her, poking her arm in response. Not wanting this to turn into a poking fight and make them late for their next period, Ryder got to his feet and held out a hand to help Aaron up. "Let's get to class, yeah?"

Miuna wandered away from the group, spotting a girl who seemed distressed after getting physical with a group of kids younger than her. "Want a cookie?" she asked as she approached the girl, which was her way of asking she was alright.
Aaron squinted her eyes "I DECLARE WAR!" she spoke making her deep blue eyes gigantic puffing out her cheeks poking his sides smiling. Then he stood up holding out his hand she grabbed it and stood up looking up at him "your tall" she spoke blushing darkly "either that...or im freaking short" she mutters looking down at her feet then up him again. "Yeah i guess we should go" she sighed walking over to grab her binder then walked back over to him smiling like an idiot.
Ryder snickered. "You're just short," he agreed, switching out his binder for a notebook and returning to Aaron. "What are you so giddy about?" he asked as they began to walk to their healing class, noticing how much she had started smiling since they began conversing. He wasn't exactly the nicest guy, yet she didn't seem to mind. "Did you poison my lunch or something?"
Aaron laughed "yeah i kinda am" she spoke looking down at there feet chuckling. "I dont know im just happy" she says smiling widely up at him even know she did know why her face was a little pink. She looked up at him "when did you start bringing home lunch?" she laughs. "You are tough/ bad boy and you bring cold lunch?" she laughs, Aaron realized she was being a complete dork but she was alright with it.
Ryan just sat in the room early as usual even if he thought he was going to be late for the first time. Maybe he could skateboard around the Grand Canyon for a few seconds then rush back and still be early. Ryan heard someone cry out in the hallway and ran out of the room. He looked around only to find Miuna offering a strawberry blond haired girl a cookie, "Miuna, did you hear that? Did something happen here?" Ryan kept scanning around checking if anyone got hurt.
The moment the bell rang, Alec bolted from the room. He didn't bother checking to see what his next class was. Instead, he ran down the hallway, bumping into others in his rush. He paid them little attention as he ran towards the exit, bursting outside. As he passed through the doorframe, he changed into a wolf and kept on running, towards the forest.
Jordan smiled from the girls offer and took the cookie. "Thank you. Miuna." She added the girls name, remembering her. She felt the other girls emotions wash over her and began to feel more relaxed. Which was only to become anxious again when Ryan, whom she also remembered ran over. "Everything's okay now I think. You probably heard me..." She laughed nervously, not sure if she should elaborate.
Miuna smiled back at the girl, whose name she thought she might remember, and glanced at Ryan, shaking her head. "Just some kids. This one scared them away, though." She pointed towards the girl who had walked away from the group. "I think they'll be fine. No need to worry." She turned back to the girl. "You're... Jayden? Jordan? Jackson?" She tried out a couple names, not sure of anything other than the general sound.
Aaron pulled out her schedule staring down at it then up at Ryder "whale we should go" she spoke smiling poking his side grabbing his wrist trying to pull him. "come on cold lunch master" she laughed blushing skidding her feet across the floor unable to pull him. "i wish i could pick you up" she adds smiling at him.
Robby stood and excused himself from the classroom to use the restroom. He walked past Miuna and Jordan talking and looked at them both.

"They're cute." He walked past them without saying a word and into the restroom to do his business.
Jordan smiled at Miuna, "It's Jordan... And I only scared the kids away cause they were talking about things they weren't supposed to..." She sighed, hoping they understood what she meant. "I don't normally act like that though. There emotions were getting to me." Jordan tried to explain herself more. She wasn't sure if the others would understand just how literal she meant that.
"Oh..okay" Ryan said noticing the way Jordan responded to his question. He was slightly surprised at the Jordan scaring the younger kids away part. She didn't seem like the scaring type. After he heard her explanation, Ryan nodded knowing about her emotional feeling power. The concept seemed more understandable now.
"That would be very un-manly of me," he commented, eventually letting himself be pulled. This girl got attached to people pretty quickly, he noted in his head and followed her to class. At least she wasn't boring. He could get used to her company, but he had yet to get to know her. "You any good with healing?" he asked, opening the door for her.

Miuna blinked a couple times, not fully understanding but not probing any further. "That's alright. I'm sure you had your reasons." She lightly tugged on her sleeve, standing on her toes to whisper in Jordan's ear. "There's a spirit checking you out from across the hall," Miu whispered, although Jordan couldn't see it and knowing that information wouldn't help her in any way. Most people didn't know that Miu could see the dead; they just thought she was a freak who talked to herself all the time.
Rob washed his hands and came back out and saw the group. He found it funny how long he had been here, and how few people he knew. He would have the change that, starting most likely with Alex. He looked at Jordan again, but then quickly looked away blushing lightly.
Jordan bit her lip and looked down. She was afraid that others would view her as aggressive. Certainly those kids did now, but they didn't know her, and they were aggressive themselves, so Jordan didn't care as much. However, the opinions of others who knew her at least a little mattered to her. She knew they shouldn't, but she couldn't help but care. Jordan read some of Ryan's thoughts, and relaxed a little when he at least understood about her power. Jordan blinked from Miuna's comment, and couldn't help but laugh, "Really!?"
About a mile or so out, a voice rang out in Alec's head. "Dryden! Get back here!" Alec stopped dead in his tracks and stumbled. The voice was that of the shapeshifting teacher, who also had telepathic powers. He had taken an interest in Alec years ago, and they had grown close. "I know about Jake. But you can't run off on the first day. Come back and I'll see to him later."

Alec growled, frustrated that he had been caught. Turning, he loped back through the forest, and entered the school as a human. He stomped off to his next class. Thankfully, Jake wasn't in this period, though a few new kids and a few people he vaguely recognized were.
Aaron laughed looking up at him "so!" she spoke smiling walking to the room letting go of his wrist. "Uh...hmm i have no idea" she adds scanning his face plopping down in a chair in the fair back motioning him over. She pulled out a piece of paper "you draw too?" she asks beginning to sketch a forest with a smile across her lips.
Ryan raised an eyebrow confused about Jordan and Miuna's little discussion that started to take place, "I'm going to go to class now so...yeah see you girls later unless we have the same class right now". He began to make his way back to the classroom. Ryan adjusted his sleeve and peeked into the class where the teacher was waiting for his students.
Miuna giggled and nodded. "He's really cute. Too bad he's dead," she murmured casually, causing someone who overheard them nearby to cringe. Her eyes switched focus as she tuned out the spirits to examine the people around her. Miu had to look up at most of the people around her, despite her average height. Scrutinizing Jordan first, she reached up and played with a lock of her hair. "You're really pretty," she commented, "so you get another cookie." Taking out a fudge cookie, she placed it in the girl's hand. "That was my last one. I'm going to class now," she announced suddenly, whipping around and heading into the classroom Ryan was in. It wasn't her class, but it looked interesting enough to skip her actual class for.

Ryder sat down next to her, placing his notebook on the desk. "Not really. I kinda suck at art," he admitted, rubbing his neck. "I can't even draw a straight line." As a demonstration, he drew a slightly crooked line on the first page of his notebook. "See? I'm a lost cause." He shook his head and watched her draw. "But I was right. You're a great artist."
Aaron smiled at him seeing him draw a crooked line "it takes practice...A lot!" she spoke looking up at his face and smiled. Looking down at the crooked line and chuckled "i could teach you, if you had the patience" she says glancing up at him raising an eyebrow. Her cheeks turned bright red and her eyes widen "aww thanks" she spoke running a hand through her hair. She pulled out color pencils and began to color it.
Jordan grinned slightly from Miu's first comment. She didn't think Miuna was a freak, and she had a guess that she had some sort of ability, that let her see the dead. Jordan looked around slightly, hoping to see the spirit, but she knew she wouldn't. When Miu handed her another cookie and commented that she was pretty Jordan smiled, "Aw, thanks." It was a nice compliment, and she accepted the cookie. "See you later." With that, Jordan started going to her next class as well. She noticed Rob on the way and she smiled softly at him, "Hey Rob." Then she continued on to her class. This one was important to her, as it was Emotion Control 1. She hoped to learn how to put up a block in emotions as she had with thoughts.
Alec slid into his next class just as the bell rang. He dropped into a seat next to a kid he knew a bit about. He played a lot of sports, so most people here would at least recognize him. His name was Ryan, or at least Alec was fairly sure that's what it was. Another one of the strength kids.

The class was a basic telepathy class. Alec had very low level telepathy skills, mostly from his father. He could shield his mind from most people, but that was about it.
Rob smiled to Jordan as she said hello to him, and then awkwardly followed her into the same class. This class was important to him because Rob couldn't afford to lose his cool and turn into her metal form, or he would hurt somebody, which he definitely did not want."
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