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Fandom Supernatural RP - Accepting Applications

Andy didn't know what to do other than drive, just drive as far as she could. The song Zombie by The Cranberries came on and she turned it up singing along to it, she stopped in at a petrol station and sat in the car for a bit before walking in, she paced the isles of the store looking at the over priced gum and other things. She contemplated whether to kill the man at the register or not but knew it wouldn't help her case at all, she knew that Joe would be on his way to find her. How was she supposed to explain the bodies that she had killed, could she trust him again.

Crono Crono

"Don't get too upset with her, she's just trying to be reassuring." Chase finished off his own beer before grabbing a second one, listening as Emile answered his question. "I get that, but why put the people inside the colony and your own pack in danger to do that? Isn't there a better method than an all out attack?"

Chase shrugged his shoulders, "You say you don't want to hurt or kill anyone in there but they want to kill you because they don't know that. I wouldn't be surprised if even the civilians will be armed, fearing that when the wolves get in, their families will be slaughtered." Chase frowned at the thought hoping Emile understood he meant nothing by it, "They fear us Emile. Hell, I'm a Werewolf and I feared our kind. But you, this pack, you've been good to me. And as far as I can tell you aren't monsters, I've seen monsters and I've hunted them most of my life, even brought to life by one."

He huffed getting to his point, "But this pack doesn't have the greatest reputation. What happened with Borseti?" Everyone who knew anything had heard of it's fall at the hand of wolves, and Chase speaking to Mac had clued him into some more insight. But Emile had been there, had led the charge, if anyone knew it was him.​
NanLia NanLia


It was rather confusing for Joe. Andy was acting erratic, asking him to meet then attacking and asking for help. If she'd truly wanted help she would have done it then and there, not run. Running means she doesn't want help, which leaves Joe with doing what he should have done in the first place which was putting a silver bullet in her head. The man was currently sitting on a bus that was traveling in the general direction of this SUV's GPS coordinates.

The man pulled out his phone with a sigh, it was stupid to give her another chance but nobody had ever called him a genius. "Turn yourself over and I'll do what I can to help you. Otherwise you lose the last person still on your side and I have to do my job. That innocent blood on your hands, it's on mine as well because I'm the one that let you live."​
T That_Irish_Person
She had to be out of her mind to listen to the old man, she saw the text and contemplated for a bit whether to reply or not. She stopped the car and took out her laptop from her bag before enabling Joe's GPS on his phone and using the coordinates to find out where he was. 'How can I trust you? You walk into my place with a gun and three silver knives to me that seems like you aren't that willing to help. Do you want to kill me or help me? If you want to help me get off at the next stop and walk to the bar there, if you were smart you would know how long it would take me to get there.' She realised that the she hadn't disabled the car's GPS, and for her to get help from him she would have to be drunk.
Crono Crono
Mackenzie had simply wandered into the first room she found and stood there, staring off into space as her mind reeled; running through every bit information she could recall about Nephilims and Grace, but she knew she had already tapped it all. There had been a common thread between the two Nephilim incidents she now new, an angel called Gaveel. From her families journals and Mur confirming the very same angel had hunt Will's parents, at least it gave her a name.

Will's voice drew her from her thoughts, she lifted and placed the two sets of bags on the bed before turning to face the man in the doorway. He was offering the Master bedroom and she waved her hand around. "Wait, is this not it?" She smirked and moved to join him in the doorway, standing closer but not touching him. Dark eyes peered upwards with interest. However before she could speak her pocket buzzed. She blinked, momentarily confused before she fished the device from her pocket. By the time she had it free the message had cleared and the screen locked. There was a brief moment when Mackenzie considered simply throwing the phone, fist clenched around it but instead she glared at Will. "Why do you want me to have this? What was wrong with my other one?" Ash had made a point of saying that Will had wanted her to have the new phone; Ash having already disposed of her old one. "I don't know how to use it and I want to break it." She admitted without shame.
Safton Safton
Emile slowly shook his head, it becoming far more evident that the Council of Vitae was truly following the footsteps of Borseti. He continued to drink his beer slowly, letting the other man speak his peace, but clearly Chase had a great deal of concerns so Emile set the alcohol down, needing to keep his wits... For now.

"We tell Vitae about Sin coming, about the end. They don't listen." He shrugged like he didn't care. "No my problem, we ready. But one hunter call, say he want to come wit pack, he want to live. We say yes, Vitae say no. They take his family tell him he must stay." Emile gave a low whistle then. "Why? They no tell their people. If hunter leave then others follow. They scared."

Annoyed Emile took up his beer and took a long swallow. "Deux mois. No, two month ago I come. Alone, no pack. Talk to council, ask to let hunter leave, come wit me. Council say no, say now I here, now they know where pack is. They come to kill us." He growled. "Boreseti do same thing."

After a few moments of silence he spoke again. "DeBois. Boreseti we were not strong alone. Needed help. We align wit Nest, Northerna, they turn on us. Kill hunters and steal children before we come. The council at Boreseti let the vampir in, let him fill with other vampir's. They say they help, but they do not."
Crono Crono
William grinned at Mackenzie's obvious frustration with the phone. The display was endearing, though he doubted she would agree. He was initially confused as to what she meant by him wanting her to have it -- even if that were true, they hadn't discussed it, unless-- Ash. He could only imagine she had taken the initiative for both their sakes.

"Because," he began calmly. "I want us to be able to get in contact with you. And this one has GPS -- me or Ash will show you how to use that. I'd like for all us to have it considering everything going on, if we ever need to track each other down," he said. "As for learning how to use the phone, you know what they say about overcoming challenges. It builds character." His smile broadened as he leaned in to whisper, "There's a reward for cooperating, I promise." He brought his lips to hers for a brief moment before drawing back.

Mackenzie wouldn't let her glare fade however a slight smile drew to her lips as William teased the promise of a reward. She held his gaze carefully; she understood what GPS was, Ash had shown her an image of a map that pin pointed where Ash was because of the phone she had. She just wasn't sure if she would ever get to the point where she would be able to use it.

She held his gaze with her angry, though fading, glare before she sighed and held the phone out for him to see. "I've lost my message. And I don't know where to find it."

Safton Safton
William reached out to take the phone from Mac patiently. He turned it so that she could see each of his movements as he swiped over to unlock the phone before bringing up the text messages and handing it over to her, without reading what was there.

"Who is it? Secret boyfriend setting up a hot date?" he asked teasingly.

Elijah heard a noise at his door and perked up to see Ashley-May enter with pastries and a bundle in-hand, the former of which held his attention. He was hoping the woman wasn't still perturbed with him about Chase. Deciding to test the waters, he gave her a smile as she entered. "I was worried I might not be seeing you again after that awkwardness with Adelaide," he remarked. "Did steam come out of Mac's ears?"

Mackenzie watched, though attempted her best to continue the feigned hatred for the device when really she needed to pay attention to what he had done so she could repeat it later. The entire swiping procedure confused her more than anything, how the phone understood what she wanted by wiping her fingers across it was beyond her understanding.

She watched Will select an icon and bring up what she assumed was the message she received. She read it over as Will asked about secret boyfriends. "You know," she said dark eyes turning up to his. "You could be the secret boyfriend in all of this." she mocked. "Ash picked up an over night shift at the Clinic: shocking. If Eli hadn't been running the Trial I would start to assume it was his child and not the angels."

Ashely-May smiled and shook her head, now coming into the room entirely and setting the plate down next to him. "No, she knew before hand I guess, not sure how she's actually taking it. She's acting fine but I know her. I can see the cracks in the glass." She set the bag down next to his bed before taking up the seat where she had been before.

"I'm just not sure if she breaks where it'll be directed to." She warned. "Not sure if she would go after Adelaide; oh. Great warning on that too by the way. Could have told me she was Wills ex. And Chase. My goodness, it's no wonder you're in here." She motioned to his still rather sever wounds. "How have you not killed yourself already?"

Safton Safton
The projection of Hypnos began to nod off as for once the group didn't have any questions for him. Well either way it was good for him. It gave him time to set up the copies of Ash all around the world as well as disguise their Ashley. The copies Hypnos were going to make would have to be different from his usual illusions. They would have to be constant without demanding his attention. The best way he could do that was plant the image of Ash in the minds of every sleeping person within an area and then send an Oneiroi in her shape to the area. The Oneiroi would then latch on to the subconscious picture of Ash in the people's mind and sustain itself that way. Of course Hypnos would have the copies of Ash to the same things that the original would do. Though having them hunt would complicate things.... but not if they played a purely supporting role.
It would take a good 2 hours for Hypnos to plant the image in enough cities to satisfy that they were wide spread enough.
Ginny finds out from another hunter when training is, though the man seems concerned about her age, sharing the same worries as the councilman she met earlier. She herself isn't that worried. The way to kill a djinn-even a weak one such as herself-is rather specific, and djinni are rare. She doubts their prey will have such an item on hand to fight her.

She goes back to her bunk, and gets into bed, dosing herself with a little bit of venom to help her sleep peacefully, and drifts off, wondering if that god will visit her again.
William smiled at Mac's playful suggestion that he was the side piece. "I might be okay with that," he said.

At Mackenzie's next remark, he paused and glanced at her thoughtfully. "You really think they're... you know? Usually Elijah doesn't try to make it a secret when he's with a woman, or at least interested in one. I might have to do a little friendly interrogation," he said lightly.

"Has Ash said anything lately?" Normally Will wouldn't concern himself with Elijah's romantic aspirations, if not for the fact that he'd acted so oddly lately. Besides, Eli had done the same with him and Mac... and turnabout was fair play as far as he was concerned.

Elijah chuckled. "You mean aside from my endless charm and winning personality?" He asked with faux pride. "Your guess is as good as mine."

Ashley-May's warnings about Mac's emotional state being around Adelaide was worrying. He certainly didn't envy William when she finally snapped. He had seen more than enough of Mackenzie's anger to last him a while.

"In my defense, I was honestly surprised to hear that Mac hadn't told you about Chase. As for Adelaide... we never really got around to it?" He said tentatively, knowing the excuse sounded less than convincing. "It... wasn't my place. You know how Will is about that kind of thing."


Emile was again reiterating the hunter who wanted to be a part of the pack but wasn't being allowed. Being the third time Chase had pretty much gotten that part down. The part about the Alpha going alone to speak with the council came as a surprise, that not only had Emile tried diplomacy but had done so at a great risk to himself. Instead they'd threatened his pack with a now known location.

"Debois? That the other pack?" If what Emile said was true about Borseti, and Chase wanted to believe it was, then some things were starting to make more sense. He let his head lay back, resting against the stairwell railing. "So are you looking for a repeat of last time?" Chase asked rather sympathetically that evolved into a more serious tone, "I know about the other packs involved, already had the pleasure of nearly getting my throat ripped out by a pair of one of the other packs members."​
NanLia NanLia

"You really expected me to show up unarmed? I'm never unarmed, especially when it comes to someone. But the weapon was on the table, not aimed at your head. Think about that for a second." Joe shoved the phone back in his pocket, watching out the bus window until the next arrival where he stepped out of the bus. He'd glance around warily around the vicinity as the bus started pulling away. It wasn't the middle of nowhere but it was clearly the corner of whatever town he found himself in.

The bar inside was sparse, except the few patrons in the booths, playing pool, and the one or two others on the stools far away from each other at the actual bar. When Joe sat the female bartender with a rag thrown over her shoulder asked what he'd be having. "I'll have just a beer, thanks." He'd reply with a smile, one being put in front of him moments later.​
T That_Irish_Person
Mackenzie smirked hearing Wills reply to being the secret, she doubted greatly there were any truth to it and for a moment thought of pushing further but she soon recalled the presence of Adelaide within the house. Better not to push and lose him to something he's already known, Mac ditched the idea. She was surprised he hadn't noticed Ash's sudden attachment to the colony Alpha and nodded.

"I don't know about Eli but I know Ash well enough to know the signs of interest." After all Ash had followed Mac across the country after their brief encounter in New York all those years ago. "She's into him and I don't think tor just fun and games." She paused and gave Will a false pout. "You promised rewards for not smashing technology and learning stupid things."

Ashely-May rolled her eyes as Eli once again postured though she agreed with Eli's comments about Mac. "I think she's got too much to deal with, too much to handle and it's only a matter of time..." She trailed off, as removed her phone from her pocket and eye'd. "I'm working tonight, covering a shift here." She looked to Eli. "Should I warn Will? I won't be home and I don't know that she would vent to Will if she were stressed." It had surprised her that Mac hadn't even come to her for some relief.
Safton Safton
Emile frowned slightly coming to realise he had lost the other man somewhere. "Not pack, vampire Nest." He corrected. "Franklin DeBois, the nest Skye is from." He nodded then as Chase mentioned the other wolves from the area.

"Non, no more. They broke the pact. They not to attack Vitae and they kill Alliance, and try to kill Skye and you. They gone now, broken from nous. We don't want any of Vitae hurt. Want them to know what comes, join us. Er. Allies. Work together to live."
Crono Crono
"Hm," William grunted thoughtfully as Mackenzie expressed her confidence in Ash's interest in Elijah. He hadn't picked up on the opposite before this morning and even then, the man's behavior had hardly been... typical of what Will had come to expect from when his partner was involved with a woman. If that was the case, he was genuinely happy for both of them... especially if Eli was in for the long haul as his strange attitude seemed to suggest lately. He couldn't imagine Elijah having a non-committal fling with a woman who had come to be their friend, especially when she was pregnant with another man's child. Then again, him stepping into that same woman's life was equally out-of-character... all the more reason for Will to get some answers out of him when he had the chance.

"You promised rewards for not smashing technology and learning stupid things."

Will raised an eyebrow, barely able to restrain the smile her false pout inspired. "So I did. You haven't smashed anything just yet, I'll give you that..." he leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers. "...but how much have you learned?" he asked, having barely drawing back to speak. "Show me you know how to unlock the phone and get the text message screen and I'll let you choose your next reward... within reason," he said, gesturing toward her smartphone with a challenging smirk.

Elijah considered Ashley-May's question before shaking his head. "Maybe... let this one go? I want their relationship to succeed as much as you do, but maybe letting them work out the little things will help in the long run." He smiled wanly. "We can't shield them from everything. Earlier, when I told Mac something about Will she wasn't ready to hear, she took off and I thought I had ruined everything. Apparently they've worked out and they're even better off than before." He shrugged. "Let Will see Mac -- all of Mac -- and he'll deal with it."

The words had poured from Eli without him expecting them. He usually wasn't quite this philosophical, about relationship advice least of all. But he genuinely wanted the two of them to work out, he just hoped his logic was as sound from Ash's perspective.


Mackenzie's lips quirked into a smile as his brushed teasing kisses against hers, still speaking quietly to her. She arched an eye brow allowing her to choose a reward but he added the final stipulation to it; that it had to be reasonable. Of course Will would add extra context to a reward for her; less her mind wander and come up with something all to devious for him to reward. Mac narrowed her eyes at Will's challenge, she wanted to protest; it wasn't a fair test! That was two items to remember not one and she wasn't entirely certain she could remember the icon for the messages. She watched him carefully for several moments before she replied. "Fine." rather defiantly.

She raised the phone she still held in her hand and mimicked the hand motion Will had to 'unlock' the phone, display lit up to reveal beneath and much to her delight [after many seconds of trying to determine what she was looking at] the messaging screen was already open. She raised her chin and smirked, "There." Turning the phone for him to see for himself; Ashley-May's text visible.


Ashley-May considered Eli's suggestion, phone still in hand she recalled seeing Mac leaving the Clinic the night before visibly distraught and Eli was right; the two of them had worked out what ever had worried her with no visible physical injuries. "You're right." She admitted, slipping the phone back into her pocket no matter how much she felt the need to warn Will and try and coach him with Mac; the woman was next to impossible sometimes, he needed to figure it out on his own. She smiled some. "Guess that leaves you to me then." She smirked.

"I brought you some more clothes to change into, and I really want to get the rest of the trash out of your hair. You're the clinics only patient and I have nothing better to do than to bug you." She grinned at him. "And we need to change those sheets, been in that bed for two days, you need clean ones." There wasn't any way Eli was going to divert her from her track. "Afterwards, like tonight, I was hoping to borrow some of your books? Read up on Nephilims and the like while you sleep, if that's alright?"
Safton Safton
It must have been quite the shock for the two werewolves, Jordan thought to himself, one second things were business as usual and the next Jordan was standing near Malcom and Brody sipping tea. Jordan opened his eyes and looked at the two pack members, while he preferred the patient approach, Himiko had been right, the situation was too urgent for him not to take more of an aggressive approach with the wolves...of course he did, they were wolves. "Hello boys."

NanLia NanLia
William grinned at the sight of Mackenzie's triumphant smirk, holding the phone up like for him to see as if it was the mystical sword freshly pulled-from the stone. "Look at that. Already learning." He sighed theatrically. "I'm almost afraid to ask what you'd like for a reward," he said with a glare of lighthearted suspicion.

Elijah nodded without hesitation. "Of course. They're all yours. Let me know if you need any help finding something in particular," he said. He smiled, recalling her extensive to-do list centered around... him. He felt that now-familiar warmth return to his chest, this time with no fatigue or painkiller (beyond the normal dosage) to explain it away.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm honored to have your full attention, Doctor Branston. But if you want to spend time with me, you don't have to use books and taking care of my personal health as an excuse," he teased with a wink.

Ginny sleeps peacefully tonight, her dreams filled with memories of her family while they were alive, rather than having to watch them die again. She knows it isn't real, but it's comforting regardless. She misses them terribly.
Brody growled lowly at the sudden appearance of the Kitsune interrupting their feast. He certainly was not the only one disturbed by his presence. The remaining forty some odd wolves paused in their various activities to regard the kitsune with distaste.

Malcolm was less than impressed with the appearance of a second Kitsune, this one only hours after the last he had found within the woods near the pack. Knowing Emile was preoccupied he rose from his table and conversation to address the interloper. "I thought I was clear earlier Courir has no business with your kind." he paused, a smirk coming to his features. "I thought Kitsune were smarter than this." the pack chuckled, amused.
LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

Mackenzie slipped the phone back into her pocket contently, visibly content she has "passed" the lesson. It certainly didn't mean that she would remember how it worked in the morning but she would take the win. She leaned closer to Will, shifting her position so she could slip her arms around his waist, wingspan far too short she settled her grip curled into his shirt. She leaned forward, pressing her body against his own, chin resting on his chest as her dark eyes peering up to him.

There were plenty of things that rolled through her head, many many possibilities and items she could want from him but really only one thing came to mind. "Can we have a real date? Not tonight, or any time soon. But someday? One that isn't interrupted by demons... Or Ashley-May?"

Ashley-May rolled her eyes once again as Eli bolstered his reasonings for her wanting to tend to him. She wanted to help him, making feel better, possibly even heal faster but she chalked it up to supernatural hormones. "I'll have you know." She stood, moving the chair aside, about to prep for cleaning the man up and checking his banadages. " You're the only patient here, so don't go flattering yourself."

She stepped towards the doorway but paused, "Gotta grab some stuff, I'll be right back."
Safton Safton
Jordan took another sip of tea, his face betrayed no ill emotion and he spoke softly, there was no need to raise his voice. "It is a good thing you did not take that tone with my friend earlier...otherwise this would be an entirely different kind of visit~" Jordan put the cup down on a table and regarded the pack with a smile "Nogitsune aren't known for taking insults lightly. At any rate, I am unable to relay such a message back to our god...if he were to have to come here..." Jordan gave a slight chuckle at the irony of that sentence, "I digress, MY KIND as you so eloquently put it is trying to do the exact same thing that you are, would it not be beneficial for us to work together?"

NanLia NanLia

William met Mackenzie's gaze, staring down at her as his arms enveloped her, hands clasped together at the small of her back. He had been ready for any number of requests from her, but the one she came up with still managed to surprise him. He regretted that their time alone together always seemed to be interrupted by someone -- whether that "someone" was Ashley-May, Chase, or a lord of demons. The idea of a date after everything blew over didn't even make him hesitate.

Leaning down, he rested his forehead against hers lightly. "Sounds like a plan. Wherever you like. Vitae can do without us for a night," he murmured.

Elijah chuckled at Ashley's reply, nodding as she said she was leaving to fetch supplies. After she left, he turned to look over at the duffel set alongside his bed containing his lore books. Thankfully it hadn't been left on the floor or else he never would have been able to reach it without straining himself. Grabbing the bag and pulling it toward himself, he looked inside and began sifting through the collection of tomes before picking out the ones most relevant to angels and, more specifically, Nephilim. Luckily, most of them were versions translated into English rather than ancient Latin or Greek. Pulling them out, he set them aside in a neat stack.

Malcolm sneered as the Kitsune continued it's condescending speech. He waited, as patiently as the alcohol driven wolf within would allow. The very least the remainder of the pack were taking cues from him. Once he was done speaking Malcolm replied.

"Apologies your god would be disappointed with us lowly beings." He mocked with the approval of the pack. "Perhaps you would enlighten us as to what our goal is, exactly?"
LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

Mackenzie smiled, eyes closing as she watched him lean inwards. It was comforting to know he was agreeable, as much as she would have loved to come up with some crazy antics, she wanted to make her stance clear. She didn't want anything but him. With everything happening around them, everything she needed to try and handle, she needed to know that there would be something later. Something after to look forward to no matter what happened.

With a small sigh she shifted so she could kiss him gently. "So Mr. Councilmen. Were they organizing a party out there? For you?"

Ashley-May soon returned to Eli's room with the necessary items to perform the tasks she was intent on. She set the basin of warm water down beside the bed. She glanced at the books set aside, knowing they hadn't been there when she left. She smiled some coming to the edge of the bed and repositioning the bed sheet over his abdomen and legs.

"You good?" She figured she'd offer him the ultimate out; this wasn't entirely nessessary at this point, she had done great deal of the work the night before.
Safton Safton
She looked at the text once she stopped, she didn't want his help she needed it. She needed to get answers, and Joe is the only reasonably not going to kill you hunter that she knew. She got out of the car and made her way into the bar not showing her face all too much, she knew this bar, she used to come here with her with her uncle for dinner most nights. She found Joe and sat down next to him a little tense and nervous, she saw the bartender instantly recognising her face. It was Sarah, she used to serve Andy and her uncle when they came and she would always give Andy some cute activity like a sheet to draw on. They simply smiled at each other, Andy came here almost regularly and would get the same thing, the Jack Daniel's take on the Manhattan. "I know there is something happening and you're going to tell me before I rip your throat out. Why are there so many hunters around, what do they want?" She noticed that he was armed a little heavier this time, she tried to not show her nervousness.
Crono Crono

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