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Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))

Once given the ok to sit down Melaina carefully dropped down beside the boy. She looked at him in genuine surprise as he offered her what appeared to be food. "Oh, I'm good." After a short pause she turned back to him and tried her best to smile kindly. "Thank you, though." She redirected her gaze to the ground as her mind reran the awkward exchange.
"I fly," She retorted sarcastically, looking back to him. "Take a guess." Her arms then swooped down, motioning to her lower half. "It's not too much of a stretch. But what about you? You seem decently average." She commented as her eyes scanned over him. Though it didn't seem like it, calling him decently average was almost a compliment, but she would never admit to being nice to a stranger.
Ryan's expression became a little dark, but he sighs as his expression becomes light again. He lifted his hand and snap his finger. A small fire lit up on his middle finger like it was lighted by his thumb. As he looks at the fire it begins to glow before it exploded. It was a small pop but still could hurt people. He flinched and hid his hand under his leg. "Sorry, can't really control it yet."
"No need to apologize." She shrugged simply. "That's why people come here, right? To learn how to control or master their abilities. Though some come because they're tired of the hell hole they used to live in." Melaina added quietly. Her black eyes redirected towards the red haired boy. "So what's your name?"
"I'm Ryan. you?" He looks at her curious. All the fear and shyness melted away. as he talked to the spider girl. He started to eat his meat ration or whatever it was.
"Melaina," She replied, watching the young man eat. She looked to the door they sat by before returning her gaze to Ryan. "Not that the floor isn't comfortable, but want to head to the cafeteria? That way I won't be stealing your food." She nudge him playfully as she stood up.
Ryan looked at the spider girl then looked at the door. Maybe I should go. He's not coming anytime soon. Ryan looked at Melaina and said, "I-I think I'll stay. Might as well wait for the headmaster. You can go if you want."
Kiri woked up to his first day of school "alright time to get dress" he said with a smile on his face "i hope its a great day today"kiri said with a enormous smile on his face<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/200w_d.gif.44e380a28dcd23b230a93f13952eb76c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/200w_d.gif.44e380a28dcd23b230a93f13952eb76c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> he walked outside and ran to school."wait what classes come first DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT CLASSES COME FIRST!" He yelled and started laughing.



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Melaina frowned. "You're a dedicated one aren't you?" She sighed and looked down the hall. "Well between talking to you and being ignored again, I think I'll stay. As much as I love being ignored, it gets a bit annoying from time to time." The spider said as she then pinched a small piece of food from Ryan. "So why are you waiting here anyways?"

"I don't know. Might as well just stay right?" He seems to be sleepy as he ate the last bit of food. He begins to slump down as his eyes begin to to become heavy and he fell into a deep deep sleep.
Melaina's frown seemed to stretch as she watched him fall asleep. 'Great, now what the hell am I supposed to do?' So far this was the highlight of her dull experience with the school. With another sigh, something she found herself doing a lot that day, she spun out some web and began tying knots and fooling around to help pass the time.
As the undead rummaged through the room, Quoath advanced past Laima and closed the door behind her. "Sorry, But i need this door closed. I don't want anybody hearing this." he murmured. With the door closed to stop bystanders from hearing the conversation, the young magician closed the distance between the chairman's daughter. In a soft voice Quoath began explaining the steps of the rite.

'First we need to create an area that acts as a safe haven for the spirit. If the condition isn't right the spirit will refuse or is unable to enter our realm. The safe haven had to be marked with four tallow candles that are to act as a corner of the zone. We also need to have a line of purity salt between each candle.' Quoath gave Laima a serious look. 'This is for our protection. There is a small but real chance that we will drag in a ethereal beast...'

The small rotting minions groaned interrupting Quoath to signal that packing was complete. Quoath's serious expression soon faded and returned to his usual composed expression. Quoath collected the stuffed bag and open the door and gestured for Laima to leave first. The small abomination stared at their young master with anticipation. Quoath gave them a cold stare as he reached into his pocket, producing a hand full of dried out meat of questionable origin. Holding the fist full dried out meat near his mouth, The young magician whispered a few words and threw them on the floor. The minions watched the small bits of meat on the floor with their grotesque eyes as the chucks of meat hydrated and morphed into sizeable rats. Quoath closed the door behind him as the muffled feral screams of both rats and abominations sounded behind him. 'Lets go, Laima.'

@Queen of Fantasy
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Laima nodded and followed him to the basement. "Alright. Would I be dong that?" She asked. "Preparing the condition? Or am I going to be used for something else?" She asked.
"YEEEES!!!" Thomas yells out loud, "I finally get to go to the SHON!!! I can't wait to go!" he continues. Thomas always wanted to get into SHON and meet new friends, he lived in the Orphanage for The Gifted and had to wake up every day because of screaming kids. He was already an adult but I mean, the orphanage is practically a place for homeless dudes, I mean, a 69-year-old man lives here! Anyway, Thomas was an underdog, nobody likes him and he had no friends whatsoever. He always wanted to be friends with the other adults in the orphanage but he was incredibly shy. He loved nature and loved to go to the park everyday, wait...Where's Thomas? Out in the park already?! Ugh! why does he run off so...Nevermind...So Thomas sits fown in the park bench he always sits on, where everyday he hopes a stranger will sit beside him and be friends with him. Now, he sits and admires the flowers of spring...Patiently waiting...
A bandaged up boy walked through some gates, the plants around him were guiding his way. "Hello, I'm Jonik." He introduced himself in a whispering voice, softly to a rose bush by the gate. The bush replied in a calm and elegant voice. ~"Greetings Jonik, I'm Mefi."~ Jonik dipped his head. "If you don't mind, I was wondering if you could direct me. I don't really know what to do, I'm bad at decisions, heh heh." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. ~"Silly boy, asking a mere plant to help you. There's someone sitting on a bench admiring the others. I shall direct you. Go forward 25 steps, then left 15. You shall find the person there."~ Jonik nodded, although not thrilled to be told to talk to another person, being the anti-social teen he was. He followed the directions that Mefi had given him. He nervously sat down by @CoolCortex and looked off into the distance. "Um, hello there. I'm Jonik." He introduced himself in a bit of a shaky voice.
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"Oh...Hi..." Thomas stutters. "I...I'm Th-thomas..." he continues. There was a long pause of silence as the two sit together. "So...Ummm...Do you...Wanna be friends? It's ok if you don't but...I would really like it..." Thomas says.
Jonik looked surprised at where the voice was coming from, never had he been able to become friends with someone so easily. "S-Sure, I'd love to be friends! It's very nice to meet you Thomas." He said with a smile. "I see that your interested in the flowers, if there was one thing you could say to them, what would it be?" He said whilst looking at the flowers.
"Oh...Interesting question! I would tell them...Hmmm...I would tell them that their beauty is more than a girl's beauty...That they have something...Special about them that makes me admire them so much...I guess that counts, doesn't it?" Thomas says with confidence.
Jonik nodded and knelt down by the the flowers and whispered some words to them. He laughed a bit and then sat down beside you once more. "They say that they are speechless to your kind words."
"You can talk to flowers?" Thomas said happily, "That's AWESOME! I love flowers, I even have a blog about them, 'Flowers Up Close'! Looks like we have the same interest, Nature! Hey, I noticed your blind, I would be happy to accompany you every day! And if you like it, we could even be bunk mates!..I mean, if you want to..." Thomas exclaims.
Jonik blinked, once again surprised by the boy's kindness. He laughed, smiling as he looked down. "You sure are something." He said looking up as he wiped his tears from laughing. "Sounds like a plan to me." He said with a grin. "It is hard relying on the plants to direct me, sometimes. Some like to tease, and I end up getting hurt."
Thomas chuckled a little and had a big smile across his face. "Well, I guess the first thing to do with our 'plan' is get a dorm, I'll guide you to the Headmaster's Office so we can get one! Don't worry, payment's on me, I work every night at a little depot, then I go back to my orphanage. I also have a dog, Cinammon, maybe he can stay with us in the dorm because he always gets kicked around by some of the kids there...So ummm...Let's go!" Thomas said happily.
Thomas guided Jonik through the hallways and let him sit down at the waiting area beside the Headmaster's Office door. Thomas knocked softly on the door...Waiting for an answer...

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