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Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))

Melaina watched curiously as two boys walked up to the headmaster's office, knocking cautiously. "Join the line." She laughed softly, sitting beside the door. Ryan rested against the wall, seemingly still asleep. "He hasn't been answering the door all day, but hey, maybe he'll open the door this time." Melaina shrugged.
Jonik turned his head to the source of the voice. "Oh, hello there miss."

"I see, Thomas, what do you think we should do?" He turned to him, waiting for an answer.
"Probably wait...They have been waiting for a rather long time" answered Thomas. He sat down beside Jonik and waited. "Oh, hey, Uhhh...I'm Thomas and this is my friend, Jonik." Thomas says as he put a out his right hand.
"Great! We're fitting in already..." Thomas said as he put down his hand and smile a weak grin. "Hi there, I'm Thomas" he said to the girl.
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"Looks like we already have a number of friends, Jonik!" Thomas exclaims. "Oh and Evee has a fox tail and fox ears, nice! I can go at incredible speeds, an expanded knowledge, and this!" Thomas continues. He closes his eyes and focuses, as he soon disappears from sight, Invisibility!
Melaina watched as more people gathered around. "Why would you want to fit in?" After a moment Melaina stood, looking down at the small cluster. One of her many legs tapped on the wooden flooring softly. 'Blind? Reminds me of a kid I used to know," she smiled internally.
Hunter sighed as Celia tried to convince the other male to come with them and checked the time noticing a good while had past he decided to see if the headmaster was seeing people "Yo, Celia! I'm gonna go check the headmaster!" He called to her as he started to walk towards the office, when he got there he noticed the line was still there and walked a little ways away before getting an idea that was sure to get attention "Hey! You might wanna move!" He exclaimed to them as he started to shift his form, bones could be heard snapping and shifting, his muscles tore and repaired, while organs distorted into a new position. Thus all happened in a few seconds and by the end of it a Rhino stood in the blondes place, the new beast rutted his right foot before charging towards the door

@xxxxxxxxERRORxxxxxxx, @Deadly Darkness, @CoolCortex, @CurruptAngel, @Neuton, @Queen of Fantasy, @Ballerina
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Melaina looked over as a person called out. She lifted an eye brow watching the guy shift into a rhino. Obviously breaking down the wall wasn't a good idea, but the idea did amuse her, so quickly she pulled Ryan and the blind kid back, assuming the other kid was quick enough to move and he had become invisible so she wasn't exactly certain on where he was.
Thomas started to reform into existence and covered Jonik, "According to my calculations, bits of the wall will only scatter behind the rhino but little bits of concrete and dust will come our way...So if anyone here is asthmatic, cover your noses!" Thomas explains.
When Hunter hit the wall it snapped like a toothpick, sending debris flying when the blonde turned beast stopped he quickly shifted and turned around like this was an everyday occurrence "I think I speak for us all when I say I was tired of waiting."
"Yeah, I guess" Thomas said as he walks up to the stranger. "Hi! I'm Thomas!" Thomas continues as he puts out his hand.
Melaina laughed. "Thanks, blondie." She looked through the gaping hole, waiting for the dust to settle. "Though I can't imagine anyone being too pleased with your architectural work." She thought there might be a way for her to repair it with her web, but that would be like trying to put a shattered vase back together with hot glue: time consuming.
Hunter shook hands with the male who extended his hand before looking at the spider girl, "get some spackle and it will look good as new, and the names Hunter" he said as he started to walk away "Btw, no ones even in there so... Yeah."
Quoath nodded at Laima, handing her the supplies.

"Correct, please try to follow these instructions. Remember it's crucial that the zone must be made safe for us and for our guest."

Quoath rummaged through his bag and pulled out a parchment and silver dagger. Using the tip of the blade, he gentle pierced the tip of his finger and let the red life blood drip onto page. After scrawling a few symbols with the remaining blood on his finger onto the page. He recited an incantation and the blood faintly glowed omuniously.

@Queen of Fantasy
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"It's been a pleasure, Hunter." She then watched curiously as he began to walk away. "So is that what you do?" A slight smirk pulled at her lips. "Bust down walls then walk away?" She stretched out her two front legs out in front of her, getting the circulation to continue through her enormous body. "I'm Melaina, by the way."
Hunter stopped and looked back at the group "I'm just the guy to do what I do" he said cryptically before walking towards the exit, when he got outside he noticed that Celia was still there, try to convince another student to come with them to the café, walking up behind her the blonde tapped the wolfed ear girl on the shoulder "Hey Celia, do you just wanna go to the café without him?" He said nodding towards the other student.

@Ballerina, @Deadly Darkness
"Uhmmm...That was quite the experience..." Thomas said as Hunter disappears around the corner. Thomas looked back at the rest and said "So...Cole's not here...What now?" Thomas says.

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