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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

"Hello, I'm Daniel Bodin, and I am a new student here. Can you tell me which room I am in?" asked Daniel asked the secretary at the front desk.

(I guess we will have to wait InsaneKiller19 to come back on for us to continue.)
Ippy looked around the office and cringed at all the paperwork there was. "I would hate to work here..." She muttered to herself.


[QUOTE="Shiloh Darkblood]I would love to join :3

(Make a character in the character introduction tab, wait for insanekiller to get on and accept you :D )
"Hmm?" Ippy asked, before realizing she spoke out loud, blushing a bit more she hesitantly admitted; "I uhh... Can't read..." Looking down at her feet, her car ears were twitching slightly in embarrassment.
Ippy looked back up at him, eyes wide. "Really?!" Ippy hugged his arm tightly, she was glad that someone would go through the effort just to help her with one of her problems.

(kk, not like Ippy would have much to do if they hadn't met... Got lost, Huddled in corner, cried, back to dorm, repeat. xD )
(Nobody witnessed it .-.)

(Gonna go to sleep, will be back in about eight hours, then i gtg school for six-seven.)
//Just knock on meh dorm door.//
((i sorta cant ill show u


[QUOTE="subject 635]When 635 gets into her dorm she is hit with a flying object unknown and is blown out into the hasllway with a loud crash and knocked out bleeding from the back of her head ((srry for some gore at wrk and needed a reason o not rp for a bit))

I woke up hearing a bang in the dorm next to me and got up putting a shirt and pants on.
I knock on the dorm door. "Hello?" I yell at whoever is inside.
I slowly open the door and say "Hellooo?" He sees the display and runs over to the girl.
"The question is what happened to you?" He asked looking at her injuries
"And it threw you against a wall?" He asked her frowning
I placed my hand on her arm as yellow light glows on her arm as it slowly heals.

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