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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

"Maybe... We could play together sometime. Is a voice considered an instrument? I would bet you have a beautiful voice" Aakil smiled and chuckled, "I'm willing to bet he speaks nothing but the truth"
Caroline blushes a bright red and looks away, "I...well...um..." she did love to sing, its just she would get very nervous while she does it. So she rarely sings
Aakil could see through her nervousness and laughs "Well I do too, it's not the best but it's kinda fun to do for a past time." , "I wonder if the music room is open?"
As they continued heading their way towards it and getting lost once, or twice... Aakil spotted the proper room number and, it was unlocked. "Wow, security is much to be desired haha"
She laughs before entering and walks over towards the piano, she sat down on the bench opening the piano. She smiled, running her delicate yet soft fingers across the keys before looking over at him
He walks over to the piano following closely behind her and leans on the piano to support his weight, "What was the first song you learned to play on the piano?" He asked whilist smiling
Caroline thought about it before starting to play, her fingers danced along the keys as she slowly sways her body to the music. It was soft yet beautiful as she joined the music by singing the lyrics. [media]

Barbas said:
After spending some time wandering around outside, the Boogeyman decides to return to the school.
Ippy is lightly sleeping against the door inside her dorm, already stiff with fear despite not actually having any nightmares currently.

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LuttyNetto said:
Ippy is lightly sleeping against the door inside her dorm, already stiff with fear despite not actually having any nightmares currently.
After searching for some time, the Boogeyman finds a room with a student sleeping in. Having trouble attempting opening the door, the Boogeyman decides to enter the room another way. After finding a way into the room, the Boogeyman begins to look around until he spots the room's occupant sleeping against the door. Seeing the student, the Boogeyman begins to quietly walk towards her until he is right next to her. The Boogeyman then precedes to send a nightmare into her head.
As soon as the nightmare goes in, Ippy bolts upright, looking directly at the uninvited visitor in shock. Her first reaction was to let out two eagle wings and quickly fly upward to the ceiling. She had her hands turn to paws with long sharp claws that could maybe even cut metal if she tried hard enough. She let out a terrified cat's hiss, as un-intimidating as it was due to her abnormal level of fear and shock.
Connor jumped when Carson suddenly collapsed. He was genuinely worried. "What's wrong, you okay?" he asked, rubbing his back. He then laid Carson on the ground. "Stay here, don't move. Conserve energy." he ordered. He didn't mean to sound bossy, but he had to stop this before it got worse and killed someone.

Connor used his senses to track were the dark magic was coming from and found the room... Or well the place Damien was using to drain Adeline. Of corse he'd destroyed the door, he'd just have to make a new one. It took a few tries to generate a blast big enough to knock in the wall, but he finally managed to do it. Damien was strong, ridiculously strong, a prodigy even. The odds of Connor defeating him were very slim, but at least had to try. As soon as Connor stepped in, his glamour fell, making him look like what he truly was, half demon.

Connor's eyes were a bright emerald, blue streaks came down from his eyes and across his cheeks. Dark brown horns spiraled three inches from the back of his head, matching his hair color. A few green feathers appeared in his hair and his skin got bait paler. He too grew claws and sharper incisor teeth bit they weren't as impressive as Damien's. Connor worked on breaking down the spell at entrapped Amelia but couldn't get it finished before he was blasted with demonic fire. Damien's attacks shook Connor down to the core, ripping life from him little by little. He kept trying to deflect them, but he wasn't fast or sting enough, the only thing he could do was actualy try and fight him back rather than defend against him. He tried once to muster up some form of life-draining attack, and failed. He took another strike. He tried again, almost had it but it dissipated. He took yet another direct hit, knocking him backwards, one more would be fatal.

Damien was cackling like a jackal with a fresh kill, laughing at Connor's pain. Connor stood, staggering. He began conjuring again, this time, something snapped. Something in him awoke. A blast of blue and green fire launched at Damien, who was completely unprepared for such a huge attack to come from a novice. It was a direct hit and drained Damien of almost everything he had, leaving him with just enough to sustain life.

Connor was exhausted, but he still managed to free Amelia from the constricting reptiles. "You alright?" he asked.
AriesKurisu said:
He was completely hypnotized by her voice.. "I was right after all" He smiled continuing to listen to her play
Caroline blushes as she continued to play, as soon as the song was over she played one last note before looking towards Aakil smiling, "So? What'cha think?"


Demonhunter said:
Connor jumped when Carson suddenly collapsed. He was genuinely worried. "What's wrong, you okay?" he asked, rubbing his back. He then laid Carson on the ground. "Stay here, don't move. Conserve energy." he ordered. He didn't mean to sound bossy, but he had to stop this before it got worse and killed someone.
Connor used his senses to track were the dark magic was coming from and found the room... Or well the place Damien was using to drain Adeline. Of corse he'd destroyed the door, he'd just have to make a new one. It took a few tries to generate a blast big enough to knock in the wall, but he finally managed to do it. Damien was strong, ridiculously strong, a prodigy even. The odds of Connor defeating him were very slim, but at least had to try. As soon as Connor stepped in, his glamour fell, making him look like what he truly was, half demon.

Connor's eyes were a bright emerald, blue streaks came down from his eyes and across his cheeks. Dark brown horns spiraled three inches from the back of his head, matching his hair color. A few green feathers appeared in his hair and his skin got bait paler. He too grew claws and sharper incisor teeth bit they weren't as impressive as Damien's. Connor worked on breaking down the spell at entrapped Amelia but couldn't get it finished before he was blasted with demonic fire. Damien's attacks shook Connor down to the core, ripping life from him little by little. He kept trying to deflect them, but he wasn't fast or sting enough, the only thing he could do was actualy try and fight him back rather than defend against him. He tried once to muster up some form of life-draining attack, and failed. He took another strike. He tried again, almost had it but it dissipated. He took yet another direct hit, knocking him backwards, one more would be fatal.

Damien was cackling like a jackal with a fresh kill, laughing at Connor's pain. Connor stood, staggering. He began conjuring again, this time, something snapped. Something in him awoke. A blast of blue and green fire launched at Damien, who was completely unprepared for such a huge attack to come from a novice. It was a direct hit and drained Damien of almost everything he had, leaving him with just enough to sustain life.

Connor was exhausted, but he still managed to free Amelia from the constricting reptiles. "You alright?" he asked.
Carson was on the floor when he ran off, sprawled out and such. Adeline fell to her knees, obviously exhausted "My...brother...." she said through pants, looking up at Connor with worried eyes
Lexi leaned against the wall, as she sat on the bed. Closing her eyes as she gripped onto the pictures that were held in her hands, flashes...of memories gone by like any other time. Her head moved as it plays throughout her mind like it was just yesterday. *flash back xD * Lexi was flying through the air, holding a staff as she looked around for Dean. "Dean! Dean!!!! Where are you?!" she called out looking around, unknown to her that a demon was following her. Right when Lexi found out, she got hit in the wing so she fell through the sky and land onto the ground hard having the wind knocked out of her. A group of demons surrounds her and dragged her down to hell, as other demons stopped the Angels from getting to her. She woke up being cuffed to a wall, every time she struggled it burned against her skin. Lexi looks around before at the demon who was walking towards her, holding a burning staff that had a symbol at the end. Her eyes widen, not caring about the pain she struggled but stopped and screamed in pain as the symbol burns into her arm. -time skip to when Dean and Her are back to back- Dean and his sister were trying to hold they're ground when demons keep coming, as they waited for back up to arrive. Both were trying to stay conscious as they fight of the demons, he was a great fighter and hold of pretty well. Seeing that a demon was coming after his sister, without her knowing. Dean takes the blow, by getting stabbed in the heart. And fell to the ground coughing up blood. He watched as Lexi was trying to get to him but he then dropped down cold and limp on the ground. When the demons were attacking her non stop, she was about to die but then anger boiled up inside which turned her into the Angel of Darkness. She started to attack everyone that attacked her, but stop only to see Dean up on his feet looking different. Lexi nearly burst into tears as she ran over towards him, hugging him and buried her face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. -when the battle ended- Lexi and Dean were about to leave but they then got stopped by the angels that survived. "Where will you two go?" Tyril asked. Lexi sighs, "I don't know....but....I..we can't go back with you guys. I'm sorry.." they all said they're goodbyes before the two angels flew off. The Angels that went to heaven, never heard from them again. *back to present* Lexi woke up shaking, sweating, panting while she was on the floor curled to a ball. She glanced up and saw what she has done, her eyes widen as her side of the dorm was completely obliterated as her hands were glowing the darkest of purple.


(Before they both got turned into The Angel of Death and Darkness)

Caroline blushed a bright red, and looked down "Thanks, Aakil"
Aakil sat down beside her and started playing something of his own, pressing each key gently. "This is what I first learned to play" He smiled and started playing and singing a little but first took a big breath before, calming his nerves. As he has hasn't played in front of anyone besides his family. [media]

(Why is everyone such a good musician? I say that... Ippy is an amazing violinist ;D)

(OH and @InsaneKiller19 you said that half of someone's dorm was obliterated? If the dorms are all in the same area, would Ippy have heard whatever destroyed it? *didn't actually read the whole thing... SO MUCH TO READ T_T*)
In the midst of it he got lost in it and continued as if he were alone, however during a split second break in the song he felt Caroline's body lean against his and almost messed up but instead his face became ever so red and smiled as he continued and turned to her when she wasn't looking and smiled as he finessed the final note and trailed the last line in the song in voice to match. His face was still a bright cherry red
LuttyNetto said:
(Why is everyone such a good musician? I say that... Ippy is an amazing violinist ;D)
(OH and @InsaneKiller19 you said that half of someone's dorm was obliterated? If the dorms are all in the same area, would Ippy have heard whatever destroyed it? *didn't actually read the whole thing... SO MUCH TO READ T_T*)
( Well the dorms aren't all in the same area......and Its just Since I said Lexi's side...its pretty obvious I was talking about her side

in her and Boogeyman's dorm
"You brother is okay. " He managed to get out. Damien's lingering effects were still hurting him from the fight. He was hurting from the inside out, but he coundn't quit now. Damien was still trying to regroup. He had no energy for spell casting and enchanting, but he could still speak and could barely stand.

"This isn't over. There's no way you can do that twice. You just got lucky. You'll never be any good at magic. " he growled. Worst part was he was probably right about getting lucky. Connor had no idea what he'd done or how to duplicate it, but all that mattered was he'd done it. "Let's go before he recovers." he asked Adeline.
Caroline moved away quickly when the song finished, blushing a bright red color. Adeline nods and stands, only to not really have enough strength to fly so she started to walk off, slowly of course since she even stumbles as she walked


LuttyNetto said:
(Just wondering, cause if something blew up, and ippy was in the next room ;3)
(( that wink is very pervy, perv cx Also if you saw the dorms list, her and Dean's room is not close towards Lexi's and Boogeyman's xD

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