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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Damien pulled Adeline into him. "Don't fret about such ancillary things like messing up." he grinned. The grass began growing up Adeline's dress and winding it's self around her. The result was a jade green dress with delicate lace flowers of all kinds of colors speraticly covering the bodice. He led off Into a waltz. Light , airy and very graceful. It took him a while to realize that he'd get no blood out of this one... But her energy could prove useful, she seemed to have plenty of it. He slowly pulled at her energy, draining barely any at a time, such a minute amount it'd have no immediate effects.

"All I know is he gives me the creeps." connor shuddered.
(( I shall totally have a spoil alert on her btw @Demonhunter ))

Adeline nods with a small sigh, "Alright then.." she swayed elegantly with him, smiling as she danced around. She felt a...tingly feeling and had a feeling it was his doing. Since he was the only one she was with at the moment, Adeline pretended to didn't notice as she kept dancing along with him. Carson shrugs, "Not for me....he's just.........dangerous I would say." Caroline laughs, "Its alright really....hey, it looks like they were in a hurry and gave us the same schedule." jokes chuckling as she shows him her own class schedule. Caroline then puts it away, continuing to walk with him. She felt....normal...for once, being with him and all
(ooh spoilers?)

Damien began feeling a little better, but was getting addicted to Adeline's energy. It felt good, way too good to stop. He kept his pull slow, pulling and pushing back some of his own energy to keep her from feeling tired or feeling the effects. He then suddenly dipped her, suddenly draining a large amount then yanking back his energy he'd transferred into her. This could be either excruciatingly painful or just flat out exhaust her, depended on how tough she was.

Connor smirked. "Dangerous? What was your first clue. The devilish energy he gives off or the fact he started a fight with me?" he asked. He then realized he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh I'm Connor by the way."
(Sorry I was at a shooting range xD )

Aakil laughed slightly, "Well I look forward to getting to know you very well!" It was odd to him, to feel so instantly comfortable around someone..
"Yeah, I guesss so-.." she trails off, suddenly zoned out as she brings her arms up slightly. Groaning as a zombie, as she walked like one to. Adeline gasps but then giggles, she suddenly became limp before she came back to her senses and looks at him. She started to glow a dark red, but a dark blue as well. (Will just have you guess what she is feeling cx) Adeline pulls away as her eyes glowed the same colors, "I know what your doing.." Carson smiles at him, "I'm Carson, son of the faceless ghost. Nice to meet you, and neither. I can just.......sense it" he has a very hard time explaining things lol
Aakil looked down to her as they walked together and he stumbled over a thought, "Pardon if this early to say but I find you quite easy to talk to"
After spending some time wandering around outside, the Boogeyman decides to return to the school.
Lexi was surprisingly on the roof of the school, hugging her knees as her wings tried to comfort her as much as possible. She noticed Boogeyman coming over towards the school, but didn't call out towards him as she then buried her face into her knees with a sigh. Caroline didn't hear as she kept walking, groaning like a zombie. Her skin turned very pale, as she then looked like an actual zombie. As a student walked past them, she started to go after him hissing and groaning as if she was hungry for flesh and meat
Upon entering the school, the Boogeyman begins to search for any students that are sleeping so that he could send some nightmares into their minds while they sleep.
"I don't know why I do bad things... I just do." he smirked, invigorated by the energy he'd gained from her. Where the door in the room was vanished and the flowers around them seemed to die and wither. The grass and flowers that made up Adeline's dress turned to ethereal snakes that began constricting on the ghost. "I will admit, I'm exited to meet someone I can do this to and they won't die immediately. I usually have to find someone else every week. I feel like you'll last much longer, perhaps three months?" he grinned, pulling harder at her energy, draining and draining deadly amounts. Thank god she was a ghost

Conner smiled, "Well at least I know two people won't kill me. Life's been crazy these last few week. Just learning to fight, beginner magic. I'm a warlock by the way." he mentioned and he began conjuring small sparks and playing with them between his fingers. He was told to do this often to work on gaining control over his magic.
Carson smiles but then gasps, starting to land on the ground on his knees "What's.......what's happening....to ..." his eyes widen in realization "Oh god.....Adeline...." (( BUM BUM BUUUUUM, it has been revealed...they have a bond ^~^

Lexi glances up but then gets down and enters the school, she wanted to talk to someone but the only one she could really talk to at the time was Boogeyman. Lexi then knew he would probably be busy at the moment, so she heads towards they're dorm
InsaneKiller19 said:
Lexi was surprisingly on the roof of the school, hugging her knees as her wings tried to comfort her as much as possible. She noticed Boogeyman coming over towards the school, but didn't call out towards him as she then buried her face into her knees with a sigh. Caroline didn't hear as she kept walking, groaning like a zombie. Her skin turned very pale, as she then looked like an actual zombie. As a student walked past them, she started to go after him hissing and groaning as if she was hungry for flesh and meat
As Aakil looked down to her again he noticed small changes and how her eyes lusted over a student... Hunger ran through her eyes... He was worried and knew she wasn't herself as she was but a moment ago. Aakil decided to use his ability of purification in hopes that she would come to her senses and attempted to purify her thoughts. "Are you alright?" he asked while placing his hand on her shoulder gently.
Caroline stops and then started to attack Aakil but soon changes back as her eyes widen, "Oh..my gosh I am so so sorry....I didn't mean..I just.." she was starting to freak out
Aakil breathed a sigh of relief.. "I'm just relieved to see that you're okay, you had me worried for a moment" He didn't know what came over her but he thought it was better he didn't pry.
Caroline hugs herself, frowning as she stared down at her feet "I'm sorry about that...I told you something like this would happen. I could have hurt you!"
"If I was to be hurt, it would have been my own fault entirely. Nothing was a fault of yours" He smiled at her again, "And you didn't, nothing to apologize for"
She mumbles, "But I could have..." Caroline then looks at him and nodded, biting her bottom lip softly to keep from crying
"I may be prying, but you shouldn't blame yourself for something you don't have control over. and pardon my closeness." He bent his knees a little from his surprising height and took out a tissue and dried her tears. "See? No reason to weep as there are no tears" He said in hopes of cheering her up a little.
Caroline blushes a bit, noticing the closeness and shakes her head "I don't mind.." she smiles at him chuckling
Aakil realized what he did and quickly gets back up and his face went entirely red and it really clashed in comparison with his snow white hair and skin... He put his hand to his face and was unsure of what else he could say.
Caroline tries to pass the awkward state, "Shall we continue?" she then started to walk again, not wanting to stay in the awkward state much longer
Aakil calmed himself down and nodded and walked faster to catch up with her. A few minutes later, a thought came across his head. "You have music as well don't you? Do you play an instrument?"
"I play the violin, piano, and chello. My dad says I was born with these traits but....I don't know, I just have....doubts at times that's really the case."

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