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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Damien walked into a vacant classroom and went to work. Using his magic to push all the desks and chairs against the wall, they then became unbolted into planks of wood and steamed themselves into the ground, growing upwards and becoming trees. The tiles turned green and became soft grass and the flourecent lights fused into sunlight. The illusion built itself into a beautiful clearing, full of flowers and small animals. Damien's magic usually caused despair, pain and suffering, however he could bring joy as well of he wanted to. He then waited on Adeline, sitting in the grass.


Connor sighs. "Well, I fear for her.... That guys a creep." he shuddered. The warlocks that took him in warned him about Damien. Most warlock magic was used in current methods and rituals, however Damien still used ancient techniques passed down from generation to generation. His magic was faster, stronger and more realistic than any warlock using current techniques could ever managed to achieve. However, the more he used his abilities, the more corrupt he got. It was to the point now he was seducing people and killing them, using their blood to replenish the energy his magic requires. "He's a blood drinker. Usually woos people to drain them and leave them to die... But something tells me she'll be alright. Can't drain someone who doesn't bleed."
Carson chuckles, "Well, if he hasn't notice....me and her are both children of the faceless ghost. I know she will be fine, she is tough. Even if people don't see it in her." he smiles. Adeline arrives and looks around, in awe "Its beautiful..." she whispered before joining Damien and looked over at him, glowing with curiosity (( *hint hint ghost hint hint* lol ))
"I'm just laughing at how mad he'll get when he tries." Connor laughed. It still bothered him that he wasn't even remotely decent at magic but hey, it was only a year since he started, not to shabby for a novice.


"Surprising someone so dark could make such a beautiful illusion, yes?" he smirked, letting his glamour spell fade, he now truly looked half demon. He had the black horns in his inky hair, his hands had five dark claws on each finger and he had a dragon's set of wings. Shadows clothed him in the form of a cloak only hanging at his hips. It moved and swayed like smoke but kept him decent. His eyes got slightly more crimson and less dark with some translucent marks on his skin of his cheekbones. He was a hideously beautiful sight, his demonic nature often pushed people away, but his lustful allure was what pulled them back in. When your father is an incubus there's no way your going to be born a troll. "Now that I've gotten you alone, care to dance?" he stood and offered her his hand like men often did in the 1800's. A piano in the corner began playing on it's own. A light, airy waltz,

(I gtg to bed. Nighty night ill reply tomorrow morning)
Adeline smiles and nods, taking his hand as she stands up "I would love to, but..I might mess up...." she admits blushing a bit in embarrassment. Carson laughs, "Indeed he will be, lets just hope she can handle it if...he might hurt her emotional wise. She takes things sometimes seriously, if it comes to her flaws or...some personal things."


Demonhunter said:
"I'm just laughing at how mad he'll get when he tries." Connor laughed. It still bothered him that he wasn't even remotely decent at magic but hey, it was only a year since he started, not to shabby for a novice.

"Surprising someone so dark could make such a beautiful illusion, yes?" he smirked, letting his glamour spell fade, he now truly looked half demon. He had the black horns in his inky hair, his hands had five dark claws on each finger and he had a dragon's set of wings. Shadows clothed him in the form of a cloak only hanging at his hips. It moved and swayed like smoke but kept him decent. His eyes got slightly more crimson and less dark with some translucent marks on his skin of his cheekbones. He was a hideously beautiful sight, his demonic nature often pushed people away, but his lustful allure was what pulled them back in. When your father is an incubus there's no way your going to be born a troll. "Now that I've gotten you alone, care to dance?" he stood and offered her his hand like men often did in the 1800's. A piano in the corner began playing on it's own. A light, airy waltz,

(I gtg to bed. Nighty night ill reply tomorrow morning)
(( Alright, I won't be back until 2 something pm tomorrow
Maxwelle said:
( Can Nao interact with someone? o-o)
(( Well technically yeah but I am the only one who is here And everyone else is asleep. But even so, I am just watching youtube videos lol
AriesKurisu said:
(Well I'm here now if you want to rp ( :) ) )
(( BTW, IF you haven't notice my thing yet. Its after school lol. I can rp with both, just know that I might post random posts because either 1: Laughing at a video 2: boredom or 3: Randomness took over me. Just saying!


(( Unless its about, what is going on cause you left OR you need help on the whole schedule thing for classes, before school and after it
(I do that all the time too, randomness of random... It's a curse), (Sooooo just going to through this intro out there)

(okay and thank you for the help!)

Aakil arrived to the first day of his transfer from Ireland. It was dark and well after the school's hours... "Well... I'm not on time.." Surely this wouldn't be like the other schools... Where everyone was normal... However he already felt homesick from his homeland as he started unpacking in his new apartment that was right next to the high school. He sighed and reluctantly continued to unpack and decided to wander around the city and get to know this new area he'd be living in for the next few years at least.
Caroline (Yes its like the girl form the Caroline movie lol...even though its different cx) enters the school, and already had a feeling that she was gonna change schools Yet again, for like the 11th time this year. She does have a bad habit on switching schools, since she was considered a cold heartless bitch without any eyes or life. Technically she is dead, so even if she gets her head chopped off or whatever. She is still alive, being a hybrid and all. Well half zombie, half dragon, and just the rest is being a mix between a vampire and demon. Caroline has a lot of problems, due to what she is. SO, she just heads straight towards the office to at least get a schedule so when school starts up again. Caroline knows what classes she will take and well....yeah

(( gtg, sorry lol

(( Btw if you guys wanna check out the organization tabs! I edited it, so feel free to check that out *vanishes*
Aakil shrugs his shoulders and decides to head over to the school and can probably get a tour of the school or something.. He walks over to the school and goes to the front office and picks up a schedule and studies it for later, even though it's after hours, they let him wander around for himself.. "Wow this place is bigger than I would have thought.." aimlessly looking around he bumps into a girl by accident and tries to help her up. "I'm so sorry, I thought I'd be the only one here" he halfly smiled.

(Does she have button eyes?)
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AriesKurisu said:
Aakil shrugs his shoulders and decides to head over to the school and can probably get a tour of the school or something.. He walks over to the school and goes to the front office and picks up a schedule and studies it for later, even though it's after hours, they let him wander around for himself.. "Wow this place is bigger than I would have thought.." aimlessly looking around he bumps into a girl by accident and tries to help her up. "I'm so sorry, I thought I'd be the only one here" he halfly smiled.
(Does she have button eyes?)
(( nooooooooooo pffffffff *only one cx*, why? )) Caroline stumbles onto the ground, getting up with Aakil's help. She groans, but then clears her throat "U-m...its okay, I just got here so....no worries.." she tried to make up an excuse, looking at him but she was a failure when it comes to excuses so she just shrugs

(Just making sure I have the correct image in my head lol)

Aakil smiles again in embarrassment "I should have been more careful, you're not hurt are you?" He tried to think of something else to say, "If you don't mind my asking, why are you here so late?"
Caroline sighs, "Long story short, transfer student...for the 11th time." she then looks at him, "What's your excuse?" she smiles at him. As she helds her schedule in her hand. "By the way, I'm Caroline.."
"Pleasure to meet you lass, I'm Aakil" He smiles back to her, "I'm a transfer student as well, first timer." with a slight laugh. "So I decided to give myself a bit of tour so I don't end up running into any walls tomorrow, hopefully.." He said with his irish accent showing through. "So you've really been transferred 11 times??"
"Yep! Aren't I special" she jokes laughing. "Anyways, thats a good idea...I would probably be alone the rest of the school year. IF, I make it that far that is.......if not well, you get the rest." Caroline replies, talking about transferring again. She honestly doesn't like transferring, but it can't be help of what she is and all that makes it hard for her to fit in with the rest of the students who she has school with no matter what school she goes to
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Not really knowing what to say he intently listened and responded, "Well if you don't mind, for now would you mind some company wandering around these halls?" Smiling a bit towards her
"Sure! It would be an honor really...just to let you know, if I change well....personality wise. Its because I am a hybrid.....I guess or think I might be the only hybrid in this school.." Caroline smiles but then sighs, putting her schedule away then puts on her backpack carrying it on her shoulders as she hugs herself afterwards
Aakil laughed at what she said about her personality "Oh dear lass you've never been to Ireland have you? Personalities change more than the wind blows! With enough beer..." he continued laughing recalling the funny memories. "I myself am not a hybrid... I can't really relate, however I'll get to see more sides to you!" He grinned
Caroline flashed a smile towards his way, "I have been actually, but it was just a week thing." she shrugs starting to leave the office "But I guess.....even though some of my other changes are quite.. the violent type. That's why I usual stay away..." she hated to admit it, but he would have at least a heads up on whats to come. If it ever happens that is, probably during the school year. "Because of my violent sides.....I always transfer schools.."
"It's not as if you have as if you have control over that Caroline. My father had always kept me home-schooled because of how naive I am, but he figured now would be time for me to get worldly experience before I replace him" Aakil spoke again, "Besides violent or gentle, that's what makes you yourself." he said looking whilst looking around
Caroline smiles at him, as the two walked through the halls and campus of school "Thanks Aakil, you know.....obviously your my first friend." she chuckles shaking her head, in amusement looking around. "I might actually like this place..not saying that I didn't like my other schools of course, its just.....it just may be what I need for help. Surely since I am what I am.." she trails off taking out her schedule and looks at it, before glancing over at him "Hey what classes did you get?"she asks

(( continue this tomorrow plz
"You are mine as well" smiling towards her. "It'll be nice to not be looked down upon by humans, even though you cannot blame their not knowing and fear of unknown." He shook his head before he got completely off track, "Looks like I got... Philosophy, religion, history, math, physics and music." He read off after digging for his schedule in his already messy bag, "Pardon my organization, it's quite awful."

(okay np)

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