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Fantasy Supernatural High School

Xander saw the rabbit and petted the top of its head before picking the cute little thing up. He sat it outside on the steps. "What school lets rabbits run around inside?" he said quietly. Xander then walked up behind the two and could instantly tell they were new too. "Hey newbies. Where do we get out schedules?"

Lillith turned around slightly surprised and shrugged getting a bad vibe from this guy. "No idea." she said and turned back around walk off down the hallway. Her powers as a dark magic witch included reading a person's aura and this guys was bad news. Lillith reached out for Lane's arm to pull him with her, until she remembered his cane. She didn't want to make him fall so she looked at him and spoke softly saying "lets go"

Xander grimaced and scoffed at the girl, "wow. Someone sure is a stuck up little princess." He went back outside and sat down on the steps. "Jeez. All I did was ask a question." He looked out past the steps and sidewalks, noticing the rabbit was still there. "Oh come here." he said petting the top of its head again.
[QUOTE="Lillith Veilas]Lillith relaxed a little and smiled, "Nice to meet you too." she giggled slightly. "Are you a Senior, or ?" She asked hoping he'd be a junior, so they'd at least have some classes together. He was cute when he smiled she thought.

I love you two already!!!
She pricked her ears up again, standing up on her back legs before his hand could touch her head and nuzzled her head into his hand first like an excited cat. Yay! Someone noticed her! She pawed at him, wanting to be picked up again.
Xander chuckled and picked the tiny rabbit up in his hands, running his thumb along the top of it's head.

(and thanks @Animesailor8 lol go to the CS page and you can join if you want :)

and that's cool @Rad frog father definitely not being a party pooper, that's your character do with him how you wish ^~^)
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[QUOTE="Rad frog father]((I feel like a bit of a party pooper now (' :| ). Lane is gay))

OMG LANDER!!!! (Lane and Xander) I ship it!
"Hey." For the moment he ignored her lets go. "You're a real dick, you know that?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes. He started to walk away, pushing back the hair that refused to stay out of his eyes.
Rek'Sai curled up in his hands, the little silver ball of fur extremely happy. She lifted her ears when whoever this guy was, Lane, insulted the nicest guy there. Her foot started thumping and she bolted at him and jumped at him and started battering his leg with her tiny furry paws.
Xander grabbed the bunny and took her back outside, and remained outside on the steps. How was he the dick? He wondered, all he did was ask about the schedules.. He sighed petting the rabbit "Shh. Calm down." he said softly. Ander sighed again. "Maybe I was too harsh with...whoever she was."

Lillith sighed as they walked down the hallway. "His aura was off the charts bad..." she mumbled to herself thinking, but there was good somewhere inside him. Just.....deep, deep, deep down.



Mihara was gliding over the pathway up to the school, her feet off the ground as the wind itself seemed to carry her to its doors. She landed about ten feet away from the school itself, stretched up her arms and yawning slightly, having woken up a bit late this morning. She would still be on time for class, but it was her fault for wanting to sleep in. She adjusted the light blue ribbons that held up her hair in two long pigtails that reached her mid-back, then proceeded to the steps of the school, her sky blue and white dress that reached to her knees flowing about her in the breeze.

She stopped upon seeing a young man petting a rabbit, and her sky blue eyes widened slightly in awe. She gave a soft smile and approached, her white satchel containing all of her textbooks within it over her right shoulder. "Um, hello there. that's a cute bunny, is it yours?" She asked with a soft and shy smile. Though Mihara was kind and caring to everyone, she had a mean temper to her that often caused destructive tornadoes to appear. It was a stroke of luck that didn't get her expelled yet.

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[QUOTE="Lillith Veilas]It's the character sign up page. It is on this page, right below the Title and tags for the rp :)

Got it thanks
"Aura?" He looked confused. "I just call that a gut feeling..." He laughed sort of suddenly. "But did he sic his rabbit on me? I don't know why but that's just hilarious to me. militarized rabbits."
Rek'Sai relaxed, laying her head down on his other hand that wasnt petting her. She looked up at the girl and straightened her ears, looking up at her. She looked like a nice person, so she lay her head back down and let out a soft little bunny sigh.
Lillith paused a moment and just ignored the aura part of the conversation. She laughed slightly, "Militarized rabbits. It's the next big thing, didn't you know?"

Lillith looked up and saw a sign that read Main Office. She pointed up and smiled, "Think I found it."

Xander looked up and smiled at the girl cooly. She was cute he thought, and then he spoke, saying "No, she's not mine. I found her in the school and she's just kind of been hanging out with me the last little bit. Cute little thing, isn't she?"
"Lillith, Lil, can I call you Lil? You are a god among Lilliths. you did it. We're saved." He walked towards the office and opened the door, holding it for her.
Is it normal for animals to frequent schools? Cael questioned himself as he spotted a boy holding a white rabbit. Head tilting to the side slightly he mentally went threw all he had leant of schools from his studies. Tv shows have proven surprisingly helpful. After a moment he deduced it was not normal and approached the talking pair as they entered the school. "Excuse me but why is it you have a rabbit at school. I was not aware animals were allowed to frequent the halls. "

If I had I would have brought Tallie. She is still a kitten so I am sure most would have mistaken her for a normal kitten with some persuasion. Not a jaguar kitten.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.0ab5b6863420b5563cfede255c55c480.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.0ab5b6863420b5563cfede255c55c480.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Beep beep beep... Rose woke with a start OMG IM SOOO LATE FOR SCHOOL. MOMS GONNA KILL ME!! She thought rushing to get her clothes on. She picked her clothes out yesterday night excited to be in a high school.

She wore military jeans, a black tank top, and a red plaid shirt jacket. She wore black combat boots and no makeup, her family couldn't afford access things. Her black hair In a ponytail.

She grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. Careful not to unleash her wings. She ran to the bus and hopped on leaving her house... Hungry.



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On the bus she realized she didn't shut off her alarm clock. Facepalm she thought not wanting this day to be a bad one considering...well her dad and little brother dieing In the nether war...

Her mom and Rose escaped to this land, hoping for a better start.

Starting middle school was a nightmare and high school was harder... I wonder if people are nice she thought looking out the bus window, seeing some one pass by...

(Sorry guys gotta go to sleep, parents found out i was awake, see ya!-animesailor8)
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The silver ball of fur looked at Cael, blinked once and yawned. She stood on her back legs and reached her paws out to the people in her little friendly way. Her big black eyes looked at them, expecting them to take her paws or something. Or at least pet her ears.
Xander chuckled somewhat at the kid. "No, kid they're not technically allowed. I found this one roaming around in building. It probably got in when the door was open or something." Xander grinned, "But, school would be a lot cooler if animals were allowed." He laughed again, "Looks like it's some else's turn to pet her."

Lillith laughed at him and walked into the office, "And it's Princess Lil." she said smiling making a joke out of the rude kid from earlier. Lillith walked up to the secretary and asked when, or where they could get their schedules. She looked at them strangely and then smiled, "Oh you two must be new. Here at Glendale you make your own schedule the first day in your Homerooms. Now, what are your last names?" Lillith grinned and said Veilas and the secretary looked at the list of students and went "AH-HA!" when she had found it. "You Ms. Veilas are in Mr. Johnson's homeroom. Third floor, second room on the right. Number 306."



Mihara giggled lightly, "She really is! I like rabbits, myself." She felt herself lift off the ground and floated to sit next to the young man with a light pink blush on her cheeks, finding him rather handsome. She smiled shyly, "I don't think we've met before, my name is Miahra. What's yours?" She then looked down to the rabbit, "Does she have a name as well, or did you not name her yet?" She reached out to gently pet the bunny as well in a soothing manner.
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Ah, that explains it. Cael nodded satisfied at the answer he had received. Though he was a little disappointed. I guess Tallie will just have to get used to not being with me during the day. Seeing the girl engage a conversation he nodded in thanks to the one that answered before following the flow of student three the halls and toward the office. Time to fetch my schedule.

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