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Fantasy Supernatural Creatures RP

"Well, for one you are the first female to approach me. The second is we are being stalked," Kevin said his eyes changing appearance.
Maggie almost laughed hearing their little conversation. These mortals were quite funny. Hearing his words she wasn't to impressed. Stepping out she gave a small curtsy, her blond hair drappingg down her back. "Nice of you to notice." For her size she seemed brave, but for her true form and power, she was being mercyful.
"I could sense you from the moment I entered this forest. Kurama was warning me that you were dangerous though," Kevin said looking at the new arrival.
Sarah rolled her eyes "yeah don't get your panties to much in a bunch" she muttered folding her arm a crossed her chests glaring at the blonde girl standing in front of them.
"So Sarah, why are you in here," Kevin asked curiously. He was here just out of boredom and was curious about her.
Sarah looked over at Kevin "oh... Because I heard someone talking themselves so I kinda jumped from a very high level in the sky then is was here" she muttered nodding her head slightly.
Kevin fell against the tree laughing hysterically. She seemd funny to him, but he was wary about the other girl. She was much more than she seemed to be.
Maggie gave a small frown. Apparently being a arrogant looking blond girl didn't breeze over well. She would have put them in their place, but her cover was inportant if angels were around. She looked towards the girl. "Your supernatural I assume. Lycan? Vampire?" She pondered. She needed to appear knowlegable, but not too experienced. The girl was clearly a vampire. The hunger and mix of multiple bloods was evidence enough.
Sarah turned to Maggie glaring at her "I can see you sure like stalking people don't you" then rolled her eyes looking over at Kevin listening to our convo.

" yeah obviously I'm not a f**king cat" she sputtered towards the other girl.
Kevin stood straight up and pointed the fingers of his hands towards each other and sighed. Lightning began to flow from each fingertip to the respective one of the other hand. Looking at the girls he said, "I'm wizardnin."
Maggie held herself back. She wished she could coarse pain into this insolant girl with just a thought. But she had to temain calm. Taking a single, quite unsteady breath she listened to the two.
Sarah had a power to make people feel or see anything she wanted them too. She was planning on the girl in that way "wats ur name?" She asked Maggie giving a fake smile. 
(Yeah please do put the character in the sign up tab)
Maggie, giving a smile to Kevin, happy to see someone had manners responded kindly. "My name is Maggie," she spoke knewing her real name was rather inportant to keep to herself.
"Well, Sarah and Maggie I need to train. So if you want to speak with me i'll be at the park's lake," Kevin said and stepped back. Then he disappeared and reappeared above the lake's surface. Standing on the surface, he began to train with one of his swords.
Sarah nodded with a slight edge in her voice she spoke up "are you lying?" She laughs unsure of she was or not otherwise she would give credit to her for it.
Maggie raised a brow, her expression clear. "Well, as far as I know, my name is Maggie," she answered, her heart and breath not even skipping a beat. 700 some years could make you an incredible liar. "Hey, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, did I say something?" She asked, almost fooling herself with concern.
Aiko sat silently on top of a mountain watching over everything. She stayed aware there were other creatures lurking around the forest that hated Demons. She got up and slid down the mountain and made it safely on the ground she walked around.
After he finished, he grabbed his acoustic guitar from his pup tent and began to play "Young Love" by Kip Moore while on the lake.
Sarah shrugged glancing over to her "no..I'm used to people being shit heads so... And it's not like you didn't watch for afar or anything" she laughed putting a hand over Maggie's shoulder "I'm an asshole to make that clear" she adds.
Maggie felt her skin prickle. Could it be? Another demon. She knew the feeling well. Some would be relieved, but, she knew as well as anyone, another demon could be as lethal as an angel. She didn't let it get to her, keeping her eyes on Sarah.

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