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Fantasy Supernatural Creatures RP

Kevin sighed as he arrived in this new city. Thinking to himself, he knew the hunter nin would come. He was the son of a wizard and a ninja. Having the scroll of Dracokagure, the betrayers of his home village hunted him. Walking into a cafe he said, "Do you have any root beer?"

Tim Aravelo

Tim nodded as he sat there with Sarah an arm around her waist. "Yeah maybe it busier in other parts of the city." He said and squeezed her gently. "I'm a little surprised the have been no were's out yet or heard them." He said to her.
nivek has loss control of his wolf and has fully shifted and started to bang on the doors of his own safe roon. rage on his mind as the moon side of him takes over his entier mind and wolf body. he capt bang on the door and howled as loud as he could to lure his prey to save him.
Sarah perked her head up at the sound of a loud hour off in the distance. She rolled her eyes turning her gaze at Tim "there has to be people some where other wise they will have to get lured somehow" she mutters feeling his grip around her waist tighten causing her to smile looking up at the dark night sky.

Tim Aravelo

Tim sat there and nodded. "I guess we shouldn't go that way." He said as he looked at her watching her look up at the sky. "What are you looking at?" He asked her as he stretched his arms and relaxed putting his arm back around her waist squeezing gently again and smiling. "Do you want to go anywhere?" He asked her as he stood up slowly.
Sarah chuckled and turned her gaze to him watching him stand up slowly. "The sky" she muttered simply then nodded slightly "where too? There is like no where to go" she laughed standing to her feet running a hand through her dark hair.
nivek howeled again seeing if someone would open his cage. and then he pried at the door once more. still with the moon taking control of his wolf he was determainted to get out and kill or destoy everything in sight,

Tim Aravelo

Tim smiled and laughed. "I know that silly." He said and reached out a hand to her to help her get up. "I don't know where do you want to go?" He asked as he grew wings intending to fly them where ever she wanted to go.
As Kevin sat eating his meal, he thought about his travels and sighed. Pausing he said, "I still want to find the one i'm made to be with."
Sarah's eyes widen as she got lifted off the ground she stared down at the ground below them "we'll where was that howling coming from?" She asked looking up at him chuckling slightly.

Tim Aravelo

"Do you really want to go see where it came from?" Tim asked Sarah as he pulled her close and carried her above the city, keeping a tight hold so there was no danger in this for her. "You don't want me to put you down on the ground do you?"
Sarah laughed then felt his grip get harder "I'll be fine" she muttered looking up at him then turning her gaze towards the sound of a wolf rummaging through the woods "trust me" she said in a sincere voice.
Kevin finished his meal and paid for it. Then whistling, he walked towards the forest area and thought about the things that had transpired before he had arrived. Sighing, he approached the edge of the forest and walked in completely at ease.
Looking to the sky, Maggie spotted a figure flying in the distance, her form instantly transitioned back to her mortal facade. Were their angels in these parts? Growling to herself she headed along, the howls a drop in the bucket for her. Spotting Kevin walk off, she thought about it. Forest alone? Easy place to add to her collection of souls. It wasn't nessesary but she enjoyed killing. Call it instinct, but she almost got a high off feeling the blood between her razor sharp nails. Heading after him, her mortal form dissapeared into the woods.
Sarah looked up at Tim and nodded "I'm gonna jump" she muttered "I feel like I'm being watched, so imma check out what it is" she adds letting her grip go and falling feeling the wind lift her body until she landed on the hard surface stumbling to her feet then laughs.

Sarah looked up with her golden eyes noticing a figure in a distance. Slowly she walked towards the figure. "Is there someone there?" She calls out with a devilish smirk.
Kevin entered the forest and began to run through it. Running along the tree branches he sighed and said, "Am I doomed to be alone forever?"
Sarah heard a voice in between trees she turned her head slightly as her wavy hair fell into her eyes. Glimpsing towards the sound edging closer. "Hello?" She called out.
"Looking for me," Kevin said standing on a tree branch above her. Jumping down in front of her, he said, "My name is Kevin Dobson."
Sarah jolted as Kevin sprung in front of her "yeah I guess... If your the one that was talking to himself?" She laughed lifting an eyebrow. "Oh... I'm Sarah".
"I was just speaking my mind. It's a pleasure to meet you Sarah. Do you know of ninja hunters," Kevin asked curiously.
Maggie peered through the line of gorse and thicket, her eyes flashing between their normal black iriss and her mock blue. Two. She never liked a pair,rather annoying to take down. She instead stood back to watch.
"Umm... No" Sarah said tilting her head to the side. "I don't know of any ninja's" she laughs looking up at the starry sky. "why are you being such a loner" she sputtered punching him in the shoulder.
"I've been alone for the last ten years since my home village was massacred. Even then i've been hunted for the scrolls I own," Kevin said looking at Sarah tenderly.
Maggie took intrest to the scrolls. Anything that valuable peaked her interest. Though she doubted it would be easy to obtain. She let her claws extend. Just incase things got dirty.
Sarah sighed following Kevin's gaze "why are you looking at me like that?" She wondered stepping to the side slightly

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