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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy walked away from the boy and was on her way to her dorm when she spotted Graeme sitting alone. She waved and smiled at him, the wind blowing her hair again and her eyes sparkling, for some reason they sparkled when she saw him, and her cheeks a were bit rosy. Her cloak was being blown in the wind as well and you could see her wings flutter. She turned to walk away, not wanting to disturb her new friend during the time he wished to be alone, he wouldn't be alone for no reason after all since he could be with his roommate or friends.
Prince Graeme Graeme looked up and noticed Ivy, what she was doing this time was a mystery to him. Without realizing he hadn't covered his other arm with the bandages that concealed his glyphs he grabbed his coat with the one bandaged arm and walked over, waving with a smile. His arm of runes glowed dimly for a moment as he spoke. "Hey Ivy, seems that fate enjoys having us near eachother." Graeme chuckled lightly, still oblivious that his one arm was glowing and despite that it was normal, looked as if he had carved himself with a rather sharp and painful blade, his newest rune still slightly bloodied. His face though showed serenity and happiness, as if he were enjoying something, which he was in fact. He was enjoying the presence of Ivy.
@Yum222 Valentina had sat down at the table, smelling the food and just enjoying the weather staring up at the sky just through the branches when she felt a shift in the air. She glanced over at her roommate who seemed to have a confused expression on her face "You okay? Something wrong?"
Good morning everyone! I hope you all slept well and have a great day. I'm going to be here for a bit, maybe about an hour. So if you'd like to RolePlay with me I'd be glad to!
Sera sighed to herself, opening the cooler. "I forgot the ice...Im gonna make some, I just get so cold when I do it.." She slipped on some warm gloves, then started creating ice cubes from thin air. When she finished, she was shivering from her powers. "S-sorry you had t-to s-s-see that..", she said, teeth clattering together.

The smell of sizzling meat started reaching farther, attracting some students from the dorms.

@Profoundcactus and anyone else close by!
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Ivy noticed his arm, but chose to ignore it, she didn't want to stick her nose in someone's business, it was somewhere she didn't belong. She giggled "I suppose fate just likes us" She winked playfully and smiled at him "So what are you doing here?" she asked him. Curiosity had won over her feelings and was intrigued. She wanted to know more about this boy yet her curiosity was constantly being pushed aside, and when it had finally won the battle she felt a bit joyful

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@Yum222 Valentina frowned as she saw how cold Sera had gotten from using her powers "You could have asked me to get ice" She said rubbing the back of her head feeling bad.

"Here" She came behind Sera and gave her a friendly hug, because of her ability to shift her body temperature was always unnaturally warmer than everyone else, it might even feel like she had a fever all over her body. She was just trying to warm the girl up, not wanting her to be uncomfortable

"Ahhhrrrrr...~", Sera sighed and purred at the warmth, blushing slightly at the sudden kind hug. "So warm~ are you a fire spirit or something? You're officially allowed to hug me forever, at any time, indefinitely!", she said, turning around and thanking her with a smile. She checked on the grill, seeing that some of the food was gonna be ready soon. A few (faceless and nameless) students started coming to see what was going on, driven by hunger. Others started going out to tell people in the school and at other areas of the cook-out.
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I wake up from my long sleep, and I feel really fatigued from that magic...magic practice? Magic training. M-...Magic...I don't know what to call it, but I know that it was a pain to do it all because the after effects sucks too. My body hurts a lot, and I don't know if I can survive this training, but I still need to try my hardest to become the strongest. I spark red. I need to be the strongest to kill that elemental and take revenge on the world! I make a psychotic face, but then I catch myself and I shake my head vigorously.
@Yum222 Valentina smiled "No, just a shifter, we burn a lot of energy just existing so body temperatures are much more higher than others.

She grabbed a plate load of food, piling on the food till it shouldn't be able to balance on her plate and moaned when she began eating "And you can cook for me for the rest of my life" It was rather delicious and she ate fast.

Whoever made up the phrase, eating like a bird, had never seen her eat.

Sera stocked large platters with what was done from the grill, then immediately added more to it. "Don't eat too fast! Some of it might be a little spicier than the rest! And sure, though I might not always have the money for this everyday, I love cooking!" As she said that, she put hell-style hot sauce on a few things before closing the grill's lid to cook. She then put some of it on her finger to taste. "Hmm...a little mild, but I guess it's good~"
FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy noticed his arm, but chose to ignore it, she didn't want to stick her nose in someone's business, it was somewhere she didn't belong. She giggled "I suppose fate just likes us" She winked playfully and smiled at him "So what are you doing here?" she asked him. Curiosity had won over her feelings and was intrigued. She wanted to know more about this boy yet her curiosity was constantly being pushed aside, and when it had finally won the battle she felt a bit joyful
Prince Graeme "I was practicing my magic and thinking about my next task for my job." Graeme looked down at his arm and realized his glyphs were showing and glowing. "Oh... seems I forgot to cover them up..." Sighing to himself he unwrapped his other arm after placing his coat down. Holding out his arms to show Ivy he spoke. "These are glyphs. They're the source of my magic, in fact because of a... mishap... these glyphs are the only way for me to cast magic." Graeme knelt down to the ground and placed his hand in the grass, taking a deep breath before speaking in glyph. As he did his arms glowed, one rune glowing brighter than the rest in a green hue unlike the white hue they normally gave off. As he finished a small flower grew as a result and he picked it up as he stood. Holding it to Ivy he bowed slightly looking to her eyes. "I suppose you have many questions about me, why I'm being so nice, why I hide my magic, who I am as a person... I'll gladly answer all your questions so long as you let me have one request... may I treat you to dinner? Just the two of us, and I'll let you ask any question you want." He held the flower and smiled, hopeful that she'd agree to his request. Whether it was because she was an angel or not didn't matter to Graeme, he simply enjoyed her presence in a way he couldn't describe. A feeling he hadn't felt in many years.
((Sorry bout the respond delays, I haz school and stuffs))
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Ivy smiled her best smile and knelt down beside him, she had a warm feeling overcome her, a cupid feeling, she rarely had cupid feelings unless she was reading and this feeling felt even more wonderful, she blushed and nodded her head in agreement "I would love to accompany you, if you wish you may ask questions about me as well, and I have many for you" no one had asked Ivy questions about her past life since childhood, and she never offered. She touched the flowers petals and her cupid energy turned the flower into a cupids arrow orchid "Cupid magic" she said quickly explaining it, not wanting to go into details at the moment. She couldn't explain the feelings she was having at that moment and she shrugged it off, it felt nice and defining it might ruin it all, so she was content on being oblivious for the moment, never wanting to let it go. Her eyes sparkled a bit brighter as she looked up at him.

@Yum222 Valentina coughed as the hot sauce made her eyes water "You call that mild" She said laughing and grabbed some ice to chew on and swallow "Jesus man you have some tolerance"

"So do you know anything about how this school works? Classes and stuff?"

"Well, I just have a couple classes in the morning, but it's gets so chilly in there...then I go do some running for a while, play some sports with the school teams, all sorts of things! I need to, or I just get the chills...oh but baths are good too! Except they get cold too quick, so I prefer hot tubs..!" She turned to Valentina. "You could join me if you like~ You're so warm, I might want to steal your bed sometimes...or you!~", she said with a wink, then grabbed a hotdog so she could finally eat.
FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy smiled her best smile and knelt down beside him, she had a warm feeling overcome her, a cupid feeling, she rarely had cupid feelings unless she was reading and this feeling felt even more wonderful, she blushed and nodded her head in agreement "I would love to accompany you, if you wish you may ask questions about me as well, and I have many for you" no one had asked Ivy questions about her past life since childhood, and she never offered. She touched the flowers petals and her cupid energy turned the flower into a cupids arrow orchid "Cupid magic" she said quickly explaining it, not wanting to go into details at the moment. She couldn't explain the feelings she was having at that moment and she shrugged it off, it felt nice and defining it might ruin it all, so she was content on being oblivious for the moment, never wanting to let it go. Her eyes sparkled a bit brighter as she looked up at him.
Prince Graeme Graeme smiled at her answer and stood up. "I'll see you whenever you're ready then. You've still got that paper right? Burn it and I'll be there quicker than you expect. In the meantime, I need to wash up and put away some notes." Graeme grasped one of Ivy's hands lightly and kissed it, another one of those royalty customs that he couldn't shake off. Turning around he walked away toward his dorm to prepare for the upcoming event. He was extremely content with the outcome and hoped that things would continue to go well for him at this academy. Mumbling to himself he thought about his current contract, "Maybe killing Seren can wait... I've made him wait for a whole year... I'm sure he can wait a little bit longer."
@Yum222 @Comet (OC: If you meet if characters are open to interact with me and Sera are in a courtyard if you wanna come with your characters?)

She almost choked on her hamburger when Sera had said that, when she was finally able to speak again she grinned at her roommate giving her thumbs up "Glad to be of uh service" She blushed when she thought about the implications of what she had said wanting to slap herself upside the head.

"I think I have most of my classes in the afternoon"

Tori left the library then looked at her phone again before sighing deeply and looked at the other people in the courtyard. She didn't want to go to the party, her friends seeing her like this. But she missed her friends. "I'll go in a little bit.." She muttered, not knowing what she would wear anyways. She walked towards two girls and smiled with a wolfish smile, her eyes still a wolfish look and color, clearly not going away soon. "Hello." She said, trying to pass some time by.

@Profoundcactus @Yum222
Dante stares at the large tree in front of him it's an old oak at least two hundred years old the trunk is four feet around.

And it's in his way...

He wraps both arms around the tree and

With a loud shout he uproots it...

He twirls and tosses the massive tree clean over the school and off into the horizon.

Turning to admire his handiwork he sits with a grin looking at the now empty field

"Perfection" he says with a grin
@Profoundcactus @Comet "awww, that means we only see each other around lunch and dinner! And maybe morning, but I'm like popsicle cold then.."

Sera then saw a girl come by and greet them, and so she smiled to her. "Hey there~! Pretty girls oughta get their burgers and ribs here~" She put some from the grill onto a plate and danced to newcomer. "Just one request..may I have your name?~", she asked while handing her the food. Sera rather liked the girl's style and her flowing light-colored hair.
"My name is Victoria Clair Espenoza. Call me Tori." She said then looked at the burger with a dog like hunger before taking a huge bite out of it with a smile. "Thank youuu." She said with a mouthfull, filling her mouth with another huge bite. She was hungry for sure, so eating all of this quickly wouldn't be a problem to her.

@Profoundcactus @Yum222
@Yum222 @Comet "I mean you did say you were going to to 'steal' me for my warmth, that would be a good wake up call since it's almost impossible for me to wake" She said trying her hand a flirting back since she assumed that Sera had been flirting with her with her comments. Though a little voice in the back of her mind told her that she was over thinking the girl's kindness for flirting.

Another girl came up towards them and she smiled in greeting.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Tori! I'm Sera, and this is Val~ oh, is it okay if I call you Val? It's fine if you don't want me to call you that, it just...rolled off of my tongue so well I find~" She smiled to her, hoping she didn't offend her newest friend already.

@Profoundcactus @Comet
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