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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

  • Vampire

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  • Werewolf

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  • Ghost

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  • Angel

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  • demon

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  • Centaur

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  • human

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  • Shape shifter

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  • mermaid

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  • dragon

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  • unicorn

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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Mikahil said:
I wake up from my peaceful sleep, but I soon realize that I don't have enough time for my own. "Damn. I was hoping to do my own thing today but it is what it is." I get up and put on my mask. I walk out of my room, and then i get out of the building while looking at the beautiful decor of this place; I get to my classes and do the work I am told to do.
Grey perked up, hearing a voice. He silently closed the book and gently slipped it under his bed. After standing up, he pulled his hood further over his face and walked outside. Looking around, he tried to spot the source of who was talking. He slipped his hands into his pockets, brushing it off like it was just a figment of his imagination. He then started wandering aimlessly throughout the courtyard.
((Sorry, my oc moved a bit and I wasn't sure how long to wait for you. I'll just pretend my oc decided to just help you now.))

"Here, follow me to the pain office." Arjean said cheerfully as they gestured her to follow them. They decided to try and start up a conversation with her, although they didn't really care, they just wanted to see polite and not quiet. "So, why did you come here?" they asked. "I came here because my family thought it'd be "best" for me to come here, but I think they're wrong."

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I walk out of my classes, and I find it surprising that it was pretty fun today. I learned how to practice magic and ways to tame creatures, and and I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring, but I think English and Math were pretty easy today as well. I walk into my dorm, and I go inside my room. I sit down and read the pages that were assigned to me. I can't wait to do great magical things.
Grey was sitting in a tree, being cradled by two thick branches. He pulled his hood further over his face, blocking out the sun from burning him. He pulled out a knife and carved a bullseye in the tree across from him. After returning to his original spot, Grey started to practice throwing knives. Without attempt, he threw it, making the knife land right in the middle.
Tang was coming back from his walk, only to hear the familiar sounds of steel embedding itself in something. Looking around, specifically in the tree where the sound appeared to come from. Tang spotted someone sitting in a tree throwing knives at a hand carved target. apparently, Tang wasn't the only one who sometimes spent his time in trees. "you new hear too?" He called up to the person.

I finally stop reading my book, and I then lay a small mat on the floor with rolled paper. I take my shirt off, and I turn off the lights, but I light a candle so it's not dark. I then sit beside the mat with the rolled paper, pick it up, and I finally close my eyes. I concentrate deeply on my magic and do what the book told me to: breath calmly, focus all your magicka inside the paper, and then finally strengthen it's build. This will basically harden the paper, and I mean like iron hard.
Grey looked down at the boy and stopped his throwing session. He nodded," Yes indeed," and got down from the tree. Holding his hand out to shake he introduced himself," They name's Grey." He looked over at the person and made eye contact," And you may be?"

@Shiro kurogane
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OverTheMoo said:
Grey looked down at the boy and stopped his throwing session. He nodded," Yes indeed," and got down from the tree. Holding his hand out to shake he introduced himself," They name's Grey." He looked over at the person and made eye contact," And you may be?"
@Shiro kurogane
Tang took Grey's outstretched hand with a friendly smile. "im Tang." he replied. "so, what are you? im a demon spiritualist, human." He let go of Grey's hand after the initial shake.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang took Grey's outstretched hand with a friendly smile. "im Tang." he replied. "so, what are you? im a demon spiritualist, human." He let go of Grey's hand after the initial shake.

Grey nodded," An interesting species. I am a vampire." He flashed a grin, showing off his sharp fangs.
OverTheMoo said:
Grey nodded," An interesting species. I am a vampire." He flashed a grin, showing off his sharp fangs.
"vampire?" Tang looked closer at Grey's smile and more specifically, at his fangs. "cool~ i've only ever see one of your kind before. but that was from a distance." He was still peering closely at Grey's fangs, like a normal human would trying to determine if they were real. However this was not the case, as Tang was just wondering how vampires avoided biting their tongues.
Grey nodded," I find it interesting you have only seen one vampire before. They are known to be a very common species." He let his eyes wander over Tang. He did indeed seem like the demon type, though his personality didn't seem to quite match up.
OverTheMoo said:
Grey nodded," I find it interesting you have only seen one vampire before. They are known to be a very common species." He let his eyes wander over Tang. He did indeed seem like the demon type, though his personality didn't seem to quite match up.
"well, with where my family is located. its not that surprising. we're kind kind of.... cut off from the public." Tang said being purposefully vague. "still though, you have a different fell from the other vampire i met. Your... aura doesn't feel heavy and suffocating."
Grey chuckled," That's what you feel. It may not be what I actually am. However, I do feel the same way about your aura. It seems different than other demons. Less depraved and sinful."
OverTheMoo said:
Grey chuckled," That's what you feel. It may not be what I actually am. However, I do feel the same way about your aura. It seems different than other demons. Less depraved and sinful."
Tang gave Grey a look. "im not a demon. Im a human demon spiritualist." In simplest terms im a human who wields demons." Tang materialized Hyotei, The large Ice Emperor Scorpion and Daydream the cat sized thing. "these are the two i use."
Sera was out jogging around the school..as well as inside the school. In all seriousness, she was running for her life, though not in the same way as most people would understand it. She periodically checked her wristwatch, though it wasn't showing the time, but her body temperature. "Why do I have to sit through freezing classes all morning..?", she complained to herself. With all the running she did, you'd expect her to be sweating bullets, but not her. She was too cold to sweat.

In any case, she was catching up with her daily exercise to keep herself from freezing. She'd get back to the dorm after and make something
hot to eat. She couldn't wait. Maybe she'd even meet her dormmate!

At this moment, she was approaching the library.
"Oh yeah, I need to check out a book for next week in home ec..." She skid to a stop right at the entrance, then walked in. She noticed two students were already there, talking to eachother. 'Might as well ask them where the cuisine section would be..'

"Hi there!" , Sera called to them, coming closer. @Shiro kurogane @Kihara017
Yum222 said:
Sera was out jogging around the school..as well as inside the school. In all seriousness, she was running for her life, though not in the same way as most people would understand it. She periodically checked her wristwatch, though it wasn't showing the time, but her body temperature. "Why do I have to sit through freezing classes all morning..?", she complained to herself. With all the running she did, you'd expect her to be sweating bullets, but not her. She was too cold to sweat.
In any case, she was catching up with her daily exercise to keep herself from freezing. She'd get back to the dorm after and make something
hot to eat. She couldn't wait. Maybe she'd even meet her dormmate!

At this moment, she was approaching the library.
"Oh yeah, I need to check out a book for next week in home ec..." She skid to a stop right at the entrance, then walked in. She noticed two students were already there, talking to eachother. 'Might as well ask them where the cuisine section would be..'

"Hi there!" , Sera called to them, coming closer. @Shiro kurogane @Kihara017
Rim turned from Emmy to look to the girl who'd called out to them. Being her normal self and being bad at dealing with people. Rim slid the mask that rested on the upper right of her head, over her face. It had no eye or mouth holes, but it wouldn't hinder her in anyway. "hi..." Rim spoke slightly muffled from the mask.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang gave Grey a look. "im not a demon. Im a human demon spiritualist." In simplest terms im a human who wields demons." Tang materialized Hyotei, The large Ice Emperor Scorpion and Daydream the cat sized thing. "these are the two i use."

Grey nodded," I apologize. My mistake, I misinterpreted what you said."
OverTheMoo said:
Grey nodded," I apologize. My mistake, I misinterpreted what you said."
"its alright." flashed grey a friendly smile. "anyways, i gonna go grab a nap. so i'll see ya, later." Hr walked ojj, giving a parting wave as he went. Tang headed to his dorm room and flopped onto his bed.
Shiro kurogane] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26370-kihara017/ said:
Rim turned from Emmy to look to the girl who'd called out to them. Being her normal self and being bad at dealing with people. Rim slid the mask that rested on the upper right of her head, over her face. It had no eye or mouth holes, but it wouldn't hinder her in anyway. "hi..." Rim spoke slightly muffled from the mask.
Sera found it a little silly that the girl hid her face with her mask. 'Do I look scary..?'

"My name's Sera! I'm a snow woman, though I'm half human. I was wondering if either of you know where the cuisine section would be, for cookbooks and stuff. I need it for next week's class, but also for dinner tonight!", she continued, looking back and forth at the two.
Yum222 said:
Sera found it a little silly that the girl hid her face with her mask. 'Do I look scary..?'
"My name's Sera! I'm a snow woman, though I'm half human. I was wondering if either of you know where the cuisine section would be, for cookbooks and stuff. I need it for next week's class, but also for dinner tonight!", she continued, looking back and forth at the two.
Rim peeked a honey gold eye out from under her mask. She knew she needed to stop doing but with her past it would be awhile before she could even think about it. "ah... i think its that way..." She said pointing towards the middle left section, two rows over. Rim was still not ready to tell what species she was was, again due to her background.
I focus long and hard on my magic and as the paper starts to glow, I sweat from the amount of power this takes, and how hard I need to push my limits just for this spell. I hope this is worth it. Maybe I can use this kind of magic on my katana because that flame elemental can just burn it to liquid. I keep trying my hardest, pushing myself to the very extent of my limits.
Sera nodded at the explanation, then turned her head onto its side as she noticed the girl's eye. "Oohh, you have such a pretty golden eye! You should show off more, I'm sure you look beautiful~" She turned and dashed into the section...and seconds later, she was already back with 3 books in hand. "Thank you so much~ Hey, you should come by my dorm room a dinner time, I'll be making a feast! It's on the second floor, room 209! See you then, or I'll come find you!~"

Just as fast as she appeared, Sera was gone out of the library. She was off to the nearby groceries to get ingredients she's need.

@Shiro kurogane @Kihara017
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