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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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Rim blushed, unused to compliments of any kind. "t-thanks and your... wel... come..." The girl had already left. Rim didn't even get the chance to politely decline Sera's dinner invitation. Not because she wouldn't go, but because of not having the courage to go. Rim turned back to Emmy to see what she had to say about the encounter.

@Yum222 @Kihara017
A little while later, Sera arrived at her dorm with bags of groceries and her books. She was thoroughly warmed up for the rest of the day. She opened the door, then called out inside. "Hello? Is my lovely new dormmate here yet?~"

Berit had been roaming the school for hours. Why? Because he was completely lost. Why? Because he is a complete idiot. That's why.

He had been bumping into people left and right. Hell, I think he broke a world record. But sadly, he's already gotten in some trouble. One person he bumped into didn't really like it, and tried to fight him, and now, Berit is running for his life.

A great start to a great day.
Ivy got up from her bed and threw away all her trash that had gathered around her while she watched her favorite movies. She paused the princess bride and realized that her trash was full. She picked up the plastic bag and tied it's opening shut. She got a plastic bag and replaced the one full of trash. Ivy threw on her cloak and walked downstairs holding the garbage, she went to the main building and placed it in the dumpster before seeing a boy running away from a large creature and she raised an eyebrow. Her wings fluttered alive because he needed help but she stopped herself, perhaps he did not want her help, she had realized that after she first arrived years ago and no one waned her help. Ivy looked at the pair for a bit too long and the larger one started to notice her presence.

@The Atomic Ranks32
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Grey nodded and ascended back up into the oak tree. He Carved out different targets on different trees to test distances. He returned to the original branch he was sitting in and continued to practice his knife-throwing abilities.
Berit had tripped. Over his own foot, and fell to the ground. He looked up at the very angry person standing right by him. "H-hello..." Berit was clearly scared. "So...looks like we had a misunderstanding...and, sorry?" Berit tried to end this without a fight. He hated fights. he hated winning fights, he hated losing fights. simple as that. The angry person was getting a little closer to Berit. And he guessed this was bad news...
Prince Graeme Graeme had left the dorm hours ago and was wandering the school grounds once more. Finding a location that suited his needs he slipped off his cloak and shirt and began unwrapping his bandages. Looking at all the runes he had carved into his skin they glowed a dull white hue for a moment. "The legacy of my magic... ruined and then reborn twice as powerful... I'll see you again Seren, and I'll make sure I don't make the same mistake twice." Graeme held out his hand with his palm facing the sky and a small shadowy figure appeared as he crushed it in his hand. Throwing his shirt back on he began wrapping his arms back up, his secret scars from those he hadn't quite trusted yet. As he wrapped his first arm he thought of the events that had occurred thus far. Meeting Ivy, his roommate, and another strange girl. Learning more glyphs at the library, and the tree mishap when Ivy dragged him to her dorm to fix him up. Then he had continued to practice the teleportation and eventually learning more about his current contract. Mulling it over he stared at his unwrapped arm, wondering how he had even gotten himself into this mess. "In every mistake there is a lesson to learn... so what's the lesson to this tale?"
((anyone who cares?))
Ivy slowly walked over to the pair and stood between them, crossing her arms she looked back and forth at the two "Everything OK here?" she asked, she felt like a teacher acting this way of course but she couldn't help it, the two would walk away and nothing bigger or more dramatic would happen between the two, she really hoped the two weren't friends and she had made a fool of herself, but of course there was always that moment when she made a mistake about the situation and it happened more than she wished. But she held her ground, Violence that was unnecessary made her feel sick to her stomach and she would hate it even more than being a fool if she witnessed bloodshed without even trying to stop it

@The Atomic Ranks32
Berit let out a sigh of relief. "Tha-thank you...bec-because, I REALLY am sor-sorry..." he was pretty horrified at the moment and his voice was very shaken. The angry person growled in Berits face, and slowly walked away.

Berit had laughed nervously. "Thank you, for...helping." he said as he tried to stand up, although the fall wasn't really amazing, but it still hurt. "Sorry, erm...who are you exactly?" He asked. Maybe trying to be friendly could do some good. And with her actually helping him out was a plus.
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@Yum222 Valentina jumped bumping into her desk and stubbing her toes. She hissed in a bit of pain, crouching down to rub her toe looking over at her red headed roommate. She bounced over on one foot and held her hand out. "Hello, uhm, yes I'm your roommate, My name is Valentina, and you are?"
"Ouch, that looks like it hurt..!", Sera exclaimed, putting down a bag to shake Valentina's hand. "I'm Sera. It's nice to meet you, my lovely Valentina~" Sera's hand was unnaturally cold to the touch. Her compliment wasn't just for politeness, Valentina did look rather pretty to her. "Are you hungry?", she asked suddenly.

@Yum222 Valentina shivered a bit as she pulled her hand away and she was about to comment when Sera called her lovely, perhaps it was a pun on her name? She blushed "Well uh" She stuttered playing with a few books she had on her desk, just trying to keep her hands busy when she ended up knocking them over towards the floor.

"Oh dammit" She murmured "I'm butterfingers" She whispered to herself now trying to clean up.

"Hungry? I'm always hungry" She said frankly, wondering if Sera was going to invite her to get something to eat, which would be awesome because then she'd have someone she was friendly with on campus and that's a lot further than she'd thought she would get on the first day. Then again, she did just nervously spazz out and ended up throwing things on the floor, which meet scare her off. Valentina smilled a bit awkwardly pulling her thick curly hair away from her face. "Why do you want to get food? Cuz I could eat a horse."
Tang rolled off his bed with a thud. Opening his eyes sleepily, he saw Hyotei and Daydream staring at him. "what? why are you two staring at me in my sleep?" He questioned his two demon companions. Hyotei make a sound a kin to a grunting noise and Daydream just reclaimed his normal spot, sitting atop Tang's head.

Rim wondered out of the library. The girl named Emmy had disappeared, unassumingly because she had something to do. Rim now wondered aimlessly once again around the school. She decided to check out her dorm.
Ivy grabbed the boys hand and helped him up "My name is Ivy, Ivy Beauchamp" she said softly, she wiped a bit of dirt off of his back and held out her hand "And you are?" he looked new, lately there had been many new students coming here, seemed like the school was becoming very popular. At least she gained a few friends from the new arrivals, seemed like it was getting better through out the years she was there

@The Atomic Ranks32
"Well, Ivy, I'm Berit Acord...and really, thanks." He really appreciated Ivy's help. But really, he was completely lost. "Erm. I'm kinda lost here. I have no idea where I am..." he said, trying to be straight forward as possible. "And, again, thanks." He felt like he really NEEDED to thank her. He'd probably be dead on his first day if it wasn't for her help. In fact, he was already thinking of ideas to repay her. Horrible ideas.

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Ivy smiled her angel smile "Your in the main building, well in front of it" she turned and pointed in the other direction "Boys dorms are down there" she turned back to face him and pointed to the small building beside the main building "That right there is the student store, just above is the library and the office is in the main building"

@The Atomic Ranks32
Berit tried to go for a handshake. "Heh...for the thousandth time, Thanks!" He said. It's nice to know someone is friendly at this place. Berit kept his eye on the dorm rooms. He'd head there first.
@Profoundcactus "Whoops! Sorry about that, I'm half snow-woman, so I'm always cold..", Sera explained, hoping she didn't freak her out too much. She giggled at the girl's clumsiness, came in and put down her stuff on her desk. "No worries, it happens to the best of us. Also, eating out? I've got a better idea, I'll be cooking a feast! There's nothing like home cooked steak, ribs, burgers..." Sera started drooling for a bit, then shook her head. "I got a portable BBQ here, so we can eat outside too! No better way to bring the boys--and the girls~-- to the yard!"
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@Yum222 "I think it would be a bit dangerous to cook in here" Then she mentioned outside "Oh that would make.. sense" She said feeling stupid.

"But that's awesome that you can cook." She said, she hasn't had a home cooked meal in years really, living the life of a scavenger is hard. "And yay being social!" She pulled out her little white flag that she crafted from a saw down stick and a white cloth and waved it about.

"Do you need help carry something" She asked
"Your most certainly welcome" she giggled at his thankfulness and looked at him again "I suppose I should let you explore" she winket him and let go of his hand. She walked away from him and back towards her dorm.
"Pffhahaha! I'm not sure if a 'surrender' flag is appropriate here, but I like your attitude!", she said, smiling brightly at Valentina. "Um, here, you can carry this bag down outside. Also, just between you and me..." Sera goes to whisper to her. "I'm hoping to meet the one that'll warm and melt my heart today~", she had a slight blush. "Oops, that's right, who knows, you might be her!" She giggled, then grabbed her portable BBQ and other bags, containing plates, cups, forks, meats of all kinds, spices...lots of spices. She held the door open for her roommate. "Let's go BBQ!~"

At Sera's confession Valentina spluttered almost dropping all the contains that had been handed to her, she was glad that she was dark skinned because the blush on her face would be obvious from a mile away if she wasn't. "Right, hearts melting and all that" she murmured

"Yes let's make food!" She said with a nod, thanking her as she went out the door. She lead the way outside the dorms, into a little open courtyard area that had a few pinic baskets circling some trees and places the bag down on the pinic table "This look good to you?"

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Ivy walked away from the boy and was on her way to her dorm when she spotted Graeme sitting alone. She waved and smiled at him, the wind blowing her hair again and her eyes sparkling, for some reason they sparkled when she saw him, and her cheeks a were bit rosy. Her cloak was being blown in the wind as well and you could see her wings flutter. She turned to walk away, not wanting to disturb her new friend during the time he wished to be alone, he wouldn't be alone for no reason after all since he could be with his roommate or friends.

Sera followed Valentina, admiring her look from behind before arriving. "Looks good! Let's start setting up~ cups here, plates over here..!~" Sera seemed to dart around the place, placing colorful tablecloths and utensils at several tables before setting up the BBQ. "Here Val, you can set the other tables and put drinks in the cooler there, I'll be preparing the good stuff~" Sera started lining up several hotdogs, patties and even a rack of ribs on the grill, turning on the heat. She had a dozen different spices and sauces ready for use. "I can't wait for people to smell this and come hang out~"

Sera didn't realize, but there wasn't any ice or anything in the cooler to keep anything cold.

Isune said:
"Yeah, it's kinda a dead giveaway." Jen said as he began to pick up the pace a bit with a small grin on his face. He then chuckled as he said, "Better hurry up or I might just leave you in my dust."

Caden chuckled and kept a small pace with him, picking up into a very small jog. "Wolves can jog for hours you know." She chuckled then looked at Jen. "Also, isn't a trot harder on a horse?" She smiled hungrily, knowing that her hunting side was coming out since she was hungry but she simply shook that out of her. "Sorry for the hungry look. Turned into a wolf too many times today. Slowly taking control of my mind." She chuckled nervously.

(How I know about the trotting is hard on a horse;

I have a horse and I use constant trotting as a punishment when he won't listen to me or tries to throw me off)

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