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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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@Comet @Profoundcactus "Oh, perfect! I have a feeling I'm gonna love having you as my roommate~" Sera turned back to Tori, stretching her hand to her for a handshake. "Would it be too forward to ask what kind of supernatural you are? I'm part snow-woman myself!" Her hand was unnaturally cold to the touch, like always.
Ivy blushed furiously when he kissed her hand, she nodded her head and he walked away. She began to walk away too, and headed straight to her dorm room. She walked up the stairs and opened the door, She put her cloak on the railing since she would be out soon enough to get it, being Ivy she only had one dress that was proper for dinner, but she had to find it first, she was searching through her drawers before she found it, it was simple but pretty and would do for the evening she would spend with him, it was plain and soft pink just like her wings, she tied her hair in a messy bun with a pink flower and grabbed a clutch that held her phone and student I.D. with a few bucks. She slipped on her black wedges and thought she wore to much pink, but she shrugged, that didn't really matter at the moment. Ivy checked the time, it had been three hours since she saw him and it was almost dinner time, so she lit a candle and held the paper in her hand, she realized that she forgot that her cloak was outside the door, she wrote a little note about her whereabouts and placed it beside the candle, she threw the enchanted paper onto the flame and rushed to the door, she opened it quickly and shut the door behind her. She walked up the stairs and picked up her cloak, remembering Graeme’s words about how quickly the spell worked she placed the cloak in the small drawer in the corner of the stairs platform above her dorm room that a house plant rested upon the top. She turned to face the stairway and began to walk down, clutching the rail as she stepped. She was truly excited to know more about the mysterious boy, and was glad he offered her his answers and company.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/101360_P_1384734236173.jpg.c1eeba8b5f846dd1789b86a125b9ceb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/101360_P_1384734236173.jpg.c1eeba8b5f846dd1789b86a125b9ceb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tori stayed silent s the two talked then shook Sera's hand. "I'm a werewolf, if you couldn't tell by my now wolfish eyes. Shifting too many times in a day drains my human mind and makes me more wolf." She chuckled and took another bite of the hamburger then put her hand up to show a small snow cloud forming then quickly got rid of it and continued eating, a smile on her face.

@Profoundcactus @Yum222
FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy blushed furiously when he kissed her hand, she nodded her head and he walked away. She began to walk away too, and headed straight to her dorm room. She walked up the stairs and opened the door, She put her cloak on the railing since she would be out soon enough to get it, being Ivy she only had one dress that was proper for dinner, but she had to find it first, she was searching through her drawers before she found it, it was simple but pretty and would do for the evening she would spend with him, it was plain and soft pink just like her wings, she tied her hair in a messy bun with a pink flower and grabbed a clutch that held her phone and student I.D. with a few bucks. She slipped on her black wedges and thought she wore to much pink, but she shrugged, that didn't really matter at the moment. Ivy checked the time, it had been three hours since she saw him and it was almost dinner time, so she lit a candle and held the paper in her hand, she realized that she forgot that her cloak was outside the door, she wrote a little note about her whereabouts and placed it beside the candle, she threw the enchanted paper onto the flame and rushed to the door, she opened it quickly and shut the door behind her. She walked up the stairs and picked up her cloak, remembering Graeme’s words about how quickly the spell worked she placed the cloak in the small drawer in the corner of the stairs platform above her dorm room that a house plant rested upon the top. She turned to face the stairway and began to walk down, clutching the rail as she stepped. She was truly excited to know more about the mysterious boy, and was glad he offered her his answers and company.

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Prince Graeme Graeme had almost sprinted to his dorm once he left the sight of Ivy. He had a lot of things to prepare and even plan something risky for his own life if he was recognized. Luckily he knew how to keep out of trouble when he needed to. Showering and dressing into his typical suit he started putting his notes and books into the many drawers of the desk. Forgetting that he hadn't wrapped his glyphs he quickly did so, even if Ivy knew of them it wasn't safe to have them revealed. Digging through the satchel he had brought to the academy in the first place he found a familiar little key like object and shoved it in his pocket. After several minutes of waiting he sensed that his magic paper was destroyed. Using his new teleportation magic he appeared at the spot in which it was burned. He had practiced enough to cast the spell over a limited distance well. Seeing that she wasn't around Graeme assumed she wasn't far and waited in a posture that screamed royal blood. In the heat of the moment his recollection of his princely years were taking over, the most formal and polite instincts being one of the only things left.
@Comet "Oh~ I can make snow too...but it gives me the chills." Sera said, going back to the grill to check on things. Being in front of it for so long made her feel something she hadn't felt in a while: too hot. She suddenly strips off the warm sweatshirt she'd been wearing for a while, leaving her in just a skinny white tank top that did very well to..accentuate her features. "Tell me Tori, what would your wolf mind want to do right now~? That is, if you're comfortable sharing..", Sera asked in an alluring voice, though in reality she just wanted to know if she needed to cook more for the werewolf seeing as she had an appetite.
Tori thought for a moment, letting the wolf take over for a little bit. inclosed. hunger. humans. After that, she got her human mind back and simply said. "Hungry. I actually looked at a horse boy with a very hungry look earlier so.. I can eat anything." She chuckled, noticing that Sera was getting too hot. "I can cool you down if you would like." she suggested.

@Comet "Well, there's plenty more where that came from!", Sera replied, picking out racks of sweet ribs. "Oh, don't worry about cooling me down, my body does it on its own. Hey, is your wolf fur warm? I'd love to cuddle a warm wolf on cold days~" She seemed to daydream about it with reddish cheeks for a moment.
Rim smelled food in the air. She could also hear some faceless students talking about some girls having a barbecue. Rim's nervousness had died down a bit. she she still didn't want to move her mask off her face yet. Following some random to the source of the smell of food. Rim saw the girl from earlier who'd run off after getting a book. Along with two other girls that Rim hadn't met yet.

@Yum222 @Comet @Profoundcactus

Tang once again was sleeping in his room. He hadn't seen his roommate for awhile and being a nosy person. Wanted... no, needed to know what his roommate had been up to for the last few days. Curiosity may have killed the cat. But tang wasn't a cat and screw the metaphors.

@Shiro kurogane Sera suddenly spotted a familiar face..or mask, actually. She waved to them with a rack of ribs in her hand. "Oh, pretty-eyed Rim! I knew you'd come!~ You hungry?~" She walked up to her with a smile. "Here, try some!~", she said, giving Rim the ribs.
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Rim took the ribs that were pushed into her hands. She blushed yet again, still unused to complements. Luckily, her mask was hiding her face and it's blush. "hi again." Rim greeted. "um.. sure, i can eat." She hesitated a moment before sliding her mask up, just enough to uncover her mouth. Rim took a careful bit of the ribs and audibly sighed in delight at the taste. "its good." Her still uncovered mouth held a small smile.

@Comet Sera spotted the smile with her sharp red eyes. "Oouuhh!~ I wish I could just see that smile with the rest of your face~! You shy girl~", she said to Rim, smiling back at her. "There's more, come on~" Sera, on a whim, decided to duck behind Rim and pick her up, the masked-girl sitting on Sera's shoulders while the red-haired girl held her legs steady so she wouldn't fall. "Onwards for meat!", she yelled, essentially kidnapping Rim to the barbecue.
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not given time to react, Rim cried out in surprise. "w-what are you doing?" She was hugging Sera's head for dear life. Her mask had not fallen off, but it did slide off her now exposed face. But Rim was busy hoping not to be dropped or fall off Sera's shoulders to notice. "don't drop me." Rim pleaded with pin pricks of tears forming, but not falling. She wasn't afraid just surprised from the suddenness of being thrown onto someone's shoulders.

@Yum222(@Comet @Profoundcactus)


(without the sword, but with her mask. when its not covering her face.)

Rim's hair, although it looks silver, is actually bluish-silver. Her eyes are honey gold color.
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@Shiro kurogane @Comet @Profoundcactus

"Tee-hee, don't worry, I got you!~" Sera easily held Rim up as she finally stood still, then started handing hotdogs and burgers up for her. "Have as much as you want~ Oh, your thighs are so warm on my ears and cheeks~ This academy has so many warm people to hug!~" Sera looked up at her with a kind smile.
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Rim would have replied to the comment about her thighs being warm. She was kind of self conscious about it since her body heat ran slightly higher than normal at all times. But food was always a good way of distracting her, besides it wasn't like she gained weight anyways. Rim did however blush, alongside a glowing smile. "I love you!" She said excited, not paying attention to her words and hugged Sera's head. Meaning because Sera was giving her food. Food was the quickest way for Rim, whether it be friends, more or another kidnapping.

@Yum222 @Profoundcactus @Comet
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@Shiro kurogane

Sera almost let out a squee as she heard Rim's words. "Oh, I love you too~ So adorable!~ Can I keep you? You can stay in my bed with me~", she said jokingly with a giggle. Though she would love to cuddle someone warm at night. "I'll cook whenever you like!~"
Rim caught the part about Sera joking asking about keeping her amidst her consumption of food. Her already rosy cheeks turned a shade deeper, despite knowing it was a joke. Rim paused in her eating, due to realizing what she'd previously stated. This caused such a level of embarrassment. That for a second, her human form became unstable. Lucky for Rim, she caught herself in time before she unintentionally reverted back to her real form.

@Shiro kurogane Sera looked up to part of Rim's face get rather red. "Ah, could it be you're actually interested?~ I'll happily oblige, if that's what you want!~ Though, it would be my first time..~", she said with a shy blush. "Unless Val or Tori here wants dibs?"

@Comet @Profoundcactus (Forgot to add these tages)
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Through Rim's embarrassment, her stubborn side started to show. "interested? first time? i-i don't know what your talking about." She retorted, looking down at Sera flustered. Feeling her cheeks were red. Rim moved her mask back over her face. Although, seeing Sera's shy face was cute. Not that Rim would say that aloud.

@Yum222 @Comet @Profoundcactus
@Yum222 @Comet @Shiro kurogane

Valentina saw the scene before and felt a bit out of place, Sera was so out going and happy go lucky, she'd predict that she would be rather popular in no time. "Sera you haven't introduced us to your friend" She shook her head in mock disappointment "So ready to get in bed with one of us you overlooked politeness"

She walked over to Rim and held out her hand "I'm Valentina, Sera is my roommate, it's nice to meet you"
Ivy made it to her door and opened it to see Graeme standing regally in the middle of her room "Hey" she said smiling at him. She did a little twirl "What do you think? It's the only dress I have actually" she said and gave him a soft smile. She looked at his outfit and gave him a thumbs up. Ivy walked over to the candle she lit to burn the paper and she put out the flames. She picked the candle up and put it in one of her drawers. She picked the note that she had written for him and placed it in her garbage bin. Ivy turned to face him and smiled “I think that tonight should be like this, I ask twenty or less questions about you and you can ask me twenty questions or less” she told him “So… where are we going anyways? I meant to ask you that earlier but I suppose it slipped my mind” she shrugged her shoulders. She felt bubbly at the moment, as if she was with her two best friends and she wanted to clutch it and never let it go. She would finally know what was with the mysterious boy, she hardly knew anything about him and now she would know whatever she wanted, of course she would be responsible and not ask offensive questions or anything he might not want to answer. Ivy was smiling her best smile, she felt that it was the perfect time to use it, she hadn’t been this happy since she met Jake and Cleo! Of course if you looked at her she looked plain and simple, only if you could feel her energy you could tell that it was much more than that, it was a feeling of love, not that she could tell of course, not even her cupid powers would tell her what she was feeling.

Tori chuckled, "Yeah I'm warm, but my wolf form wouldn't be down for cuddling." She said, looking at the ribs with a very hungry look. She then looked at the other person and nodded, smiling, "I'm Tori." She said then took a huge bite out of the ribs.

@Profoundcactus @Yum222 @Shiro kurogane
Rim extended her own hand down to Valentina in greeting. "hi, im Rimuru." She told both Val and Tori. Her shyness had long since been thrown out the window due to a certain girl, who's shoulders she was still sitting on. Rim started to wonder if Sera ever planned on putting her back down. Rim had forgotten her mask had been placed back over her face, in her earlier embarrassment. Which had started to fade.

@Profoundcactus @Comet @Yum222
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Sera looked down. "S-sorry Val, I just get so excited when I'm warm..." She lowered herself to let Rim down. Her heart and body was feeling so warm after meeting new friends, it was difficult for her to calm down. "Please don't hate me, I'll be quieter when I'm colder..", she said in an apologetic tone.

@Comet @Profoundcactus @Shiro kurogane
@Yum222 @Comet @Shiro kurogane

Valentina felt bad now "No no, that's not what I met... " She trailed off

"I'm just tired, I'm sorry" She said

"It was nice meeting everyone" She said awkwardly "I'll be in my room"

She walked off with that feeling stupid, rubbing the back of her head as she felt tears beginning to build in her eyes.

We can fly, let's fly!

Angrily she wiped her face, hating herself for her weakness and began running the opposite direction of her dorms and into the forest, feeling as her skin began to pop feathers. Without any regard to her clothes she shifted forms, her black feathers replacing her dark skin and her body shrinking down to size her of raven form. She squawked as she began flying, feeling the edges of panic fade away.
Rim being set back onto her feet felt a pang of something. She couldn't identify what the felling was though. But the other part of her was relived to be back on her own two feet. Rim watched Val walk away, then start turning into a raven to fly away. Which was kind of unfair since Rim had wanted to do the exact same thing mere moments ago. But Rim being the kind of person she was, couldn't just let the girl go. "we should go after her." Was all she said to Tori and Sera, before shape shifting into a raven as well and flying after Val.

@Yum222 @Comet @Profoundcactus

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