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Fandom Superheros and Villains

-a road was made in the sand. she was able to move forward-

Hugin and Munin: "Our creators had told us if we had gotten the right amount of money needed we could be upgraded with weaponry, electronic, stealth coating, and even new computering systems....

She hurried down the newly formed path.

"I see so you two are cyborgs or like robots?" Dana asked. "Who are your creators?"
She hurried down the newly formed path.

"I see so you two are cyborgs or like robots?" Dana asked. "Who are your creators?"
Hugin and Munin: "We are machines code named ADF-011, our codenames are Hugin and Munin. Unfortunately we can not say that as itll end up in a full memory wipe and system shut down"
"We were involved in this fight?" Alex said looking around. Allyson nods. "Yeah but we're ending it. "

"Well I would say we try to find the exit to get you out. Maybe search for a door that's different from what you remember. " he said.

"I was wondering the same thing." Livia said. Kala thought about it. "That is a possibility but I don't know for sure. Only time will give you that answer "

“We better hurry and get in, the moon does have more where those came from” Killian replied

“I Uh…” she thought “I haven’t walked out the front door yet” she added

“Well at least we got some answers” he replied
"Shit. Well maybe a illusion might work. " she waved her hand and an image of skeletons appeared next to her. She hopped maybe they might scare the soldiers.
most of the soldiers ran at the sight of the supernatural, a few who had experienced similar creatures raised their weapons to the creatures, conveniently away from Stella.
Hugin and Munin: "We are machines code named ADF-011, our codenames are Hugin and Munin. Unfortunately we can not say that as itll end up in a full memory wipe and system shut down"

“Well Diana’s daughter is quite gifted with machines, she could probably fix you” Cinder replied Musicnotes Musicnotes

Hugin: "I am quite skeptical about this..."

Munin: "I'm am as well..there's a catch huh?"
Dana looked at Cinder. "Its Dana, Cinder, but yes my daughter is pretty handy when it comes to machines. She gets it from her father. As for a catch Well I would leave that up to her. "
most of the soldiers ran at the sight of the supernatural, a few who had experienced similar creatures raised their weapons to the creatures, conveniently away from Stella.
Stella used that opportunity to run. "Ok I need directions fast. I can only be so far away until the illusions vanish. Either way they will vanish once attacked." She said in the comm.
Dana looked at Cinder. "Its Dana, Cinder, but yes my daughter is pretty handy when it comes to machines. She gets it from her father. As for a catch Well I would leave that up to her. "
Hugin: "If it involves us being deactivated I won't hesitate to kill my sister or myself"

Munin: "...Hugin their daughter might only just look at our body...and perhpas whats left of our insides but thats probably all"
"If the barracks are where the lab should be, the lab might be on the other side of this floor." Wraith said over the comms
The robbers let him go seeing him retreat.
Mortal was running through the alleyway. He definitely overextended himself by a bit. Mortal slowed down to holds his wound tightly to stop the bleeding however he is still leaving a trail of blood droplets on the ground as he walked. "Why did I think I would connect a shot like that from 12 feet away?" Mortal insulted himself before sneaking in the public bathroom to change and bandage the the bullet wound.
Dana looked at Cinder. "Its Dana, Cinder, but yes my daughter is pretty handy when it comes to machines. She gets it from her father. As for a catch Well I would leave that up to her. "

(Sorry, must’ve typoed, lol)

“I think I’ll wait until we see what Allyson can do, if she can’t do anything then we scrap them” she shrugged
Hugin: "If it involves us being deactivated I won't hesitate to kill my sister or myself"

Munin: "...Hugin their daughter might only just look at our body...and perhpas whats left of our insides but thats probably all"

(Sorry, must’ve typoed, lol)

“I think I’ll wait until we see what Allyson can do, if she can’t do anything then we scrap them” she shrugged
"I'm sure scrapping or deactivating will be the last thing she would try." She said. "But for now we should put them somewhere"
“We better hurry and get in, the moon does have more where those came from” Killian replied

“I Uh…” she thought “I haven’t walked out the front door yet” she added

“Well at least we got some answers” he replied
"Yep." Allyson nods and goes to the base.

"Front door it is" he nods

"Yeah some. Now we can get ready for our trip." Livia smiled. Kala nods. "Oh where you going?" Sera spoke up. "Marina wants to head home. Dont know why it's not like it would be the way she remembers its "
Mortal was running through the alleyway. He definitely overextended himself by a bit. Mortal slowed down to holds his wound tightly to stop the bleeding however he is still leaving a trail of blood droplets on the ground as he walked. "Why did I think I would connect a shot like that from 12 feet away?" Mortal insulted himself before sneaking in the public bathroom to change and bandage the the bullet wound.
A man in mage like robes was walking around. He noticed the trail of blood and followed it. He knocks on the door. "Anyone in here?"
"Okay got it." She nods and goes toward the other side of the floor.
She enters the observation area, viewing a laboratory full of the machines they had found in the truck the day before.
A man in mage like robes was walking around. He noticed the trail of blood and followed it. He knocks on the door. "Anyone in here?"
The problems keep piling up, just when Mortal thought he was in the clear... He frantically tried to bandage the the wound and change into his casual clothes. "Um, it's occupied! Please wait minute!" Loren (Mortal) cried out.

Loren fully changed into casual clothes and stuffed his vigilante suit into his backpack. He's now currently wear a long sleeve white t-shirt, a casual face mask that's different from the mask he usually wears as Mortal, Grey sweatpants, white long socks, and black slides. He finally managed to bandage the wound on his right arm, with the sleeve covering up the bandage.

Loren was lucky that bullet only grazed him since that would've been much more complicated to fix, and it also would've been a lot harder to hide the pain if the bullet hit something worse like his torso. The bandage is only sufficient for now though. He needs to properly care for the wound when he gets home.
The problems keep piling up, just when Mortal thought he was in the clear... He frantically tried to bandage the the wound and change into his casual clothes. "Um, it's occupied! Please wait minute!" Loren (Mortal) cried out.

Loren fully changed into casual clothes and stuffed his vigilante suit into his backpack. He's now currently wear a long sleeve white t-shirt, a casual face mask that's different from the mask he usually wears as Mortal, Grey sweatpants, white long socks, and black slides. He finally managed to bandage the wound on his right arm, with the sleeve covering up the bandage.

Loren was lucky that bullet only grazed him since that would've been much more complicated to fix, and it also would've been a lot harder to hide the pain if the bullet hit something worse like his torso. The bandage is only sufficient for now though. He needs to properly care for the wound when he gets home.
"Are you sure there is a blood leading over here" Horde said as he put his hands in his pocket.

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