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Fandom Superheros and Villains

The file contained information such as hideouts and plans for the next few weeks including political assassinations and raids on criminal activities. There was also more information on the Abyss.

"We've been here for a while. I think it's high time we get going soon.. if that's alright with you." He smiled
Eris smirks. "Hehehe. I can beat them to the punch now that I know where they'll be going...and what's this? Abyss? Hmmm...let's find out!" She looks into the information on the Abyss.
The file contained information such as hideouts and plans for the next few weeks including political assassinations and raids on criminal activities. There was also more information on the Abyss.

"We've been here for a while. I think it's high time we get going soon.. if that's alright with you." He smiled

"Alright" she yawned
"Alright" she yawned
He stood up and stretched "This was very fun. Thank you for taking me here."
Eris smirks. "Hehehe. I can beat them to the punch now that I know where they'll be going...and what's this? Abyss? Hmmm...let's find out!" She looks into the information on the Abyss.
There was more information than she expected. Multiple files said as follows "Fauna, Geography, Inhabitants, Purge of 852 B.C., List of Guardian Dragons, Status of the Void (AKA The Final Shadow, The Eternal Dark or The Final Resting Place), Graveyard of the Gods, Demons, Geopolitics, resources and alcohol, Dreema's death and its effects."
He stood up and stretched "This was very fun. Thank you for taking me here."

There was more information than she expected. Multiple files said as follows "Fauna, Geography, Inhabitants, Purge of 852 B.C., List of Guardian Dragons, Status of the Void (AKA The Final Shadow, The Eternal Dark or The Final Resting Place), Graveyard of the Gods, Demons, Geopolitics, resources and alcohol, Dreema's death and its effects."

She smiled and got up as well
He stood up and stretched "This was very fun. Thank you for taking me here."

There was more information than she expected. Multiple files said as follows "Fauna, Geography, Inhabitants, Purge of 852 B.C., List of Guardian Dragons, Status of the Void (AKA The Final Shadow, The Eternal Dark or The Final Resting Place), Graveyard of the Gods, Demons, Geopolitics, resources and alcohol, Dreema's death and its effects."
"Whoa.....this is insane." Eris says to herself as she reads through it. She looks into Dreema's death and its effects.
"Whoa.....this is insane." Eris says to herself as she reads through it. She looks into Dreema's death and its effects.
The file contained many documents detailing the potential of those cursed with the Devil Cell escaping the Abyss "She acted as a guardian to prevent those seeking eternal life from returning to the world of the living. After Darksied killed her, the path to ressurection is open for anyone. We must act quickly to ensure these cursed ones... Damned Children... remain in the Abyss. The Devil Cell will cause them to hunger for human flesh and engage in acts of cannibalism and any other earthly pleasures would require inflicting pain upon others. They are a threat and must be eliminated. I must return to the Abyss and convince more of the extinct species from the Purge of 852 to act as a wall until we find a replacement for Dreema... which may potentially be me."
She smiled and got up as well
"Ready to head back? or you wanna say some goodbyes?" He asked
The file contained many documents detailing the potential of those cursed with the Devil Cell escaping the Abyss "She acted as a guardian to prevent those seeking eternal life from returning to the world of the living. After Darksied killed her, the path to ressurection is open for anyone. We must act quickly to ensure these cursed ones... Damned Children... remain in the Abyss. The Devil Cell will cause them to hunger for human flesh and engage in acts of cannibalism and any other earthly pleasures would require inflicting pain upon others. They are a threat and must be eliminated. I must return to the Abyss and convince more of the extinct species from the Purge of 852 to act as a wall until we find a replacement for Dreema... which may potentially be me."

"Ready to head back? or you wanna say some goodbyes?" He asked
"Devil Cell. Abyss. That's probably where that guy came from, and his earthly pleasure is murder and world domination. I wonder what this Purge of 852 is. I totally hit the jackpot swiping this info. That's for sure." She says as she looks for information on the Purge of 852.
The file contained many documents detailing the potential of those cursed with the Devil Cell escaping the Abyss "She acted as a guardian to prevent those seeking eternal life from returning to the world of the living. After Darksied killed her, the path to ressurection is open for anyone. We must act quickly to ensure these cursed ones... Damned Children... remain in the Abyss. The Devil Cell will cause them to hunger for human flesh and engage in acts of cannibalism and any other earthly pleasures would require inflicting pain upon others. They are a threat and must be eliminated. I must return to the Abyss and convince more of the extinct species from the Purge of 852 to act as a wall until we find a replacement for Dreema... which may potentially be me."

"Ready to head back? or you wanna say some goodbyes?" He asked

"I am not leaving without saying good bye, that's extremely rude" she replied
"Devil Cell. Abyss. That's probably where that guy came from, and his earthly pleasure is murder and world domination. I wonder what this Purge of 852 is. I totally hit the jackpot swiping this info. That's for sure." She says as she looks for information on the Purge of 852.
Upon opening it, she discovered that many centuries ago, the gods removed the world of various creatures of different kinds. Dragons included. Many other species used to live alongside humans and magic was widespread including research on Spirit Energy. The purge caused many of these researchers to die, their work destroyed and multiple different species of creatures to be wiped off the face of the Earth save for human beings, the weakest in terms of sorcerey and spirit energy. Their souls were then sent to the Abyss to live a false existence in a place known as the Second Continent. There they live in their own world, unknowing of the fact that they are already dead and in the afterlife. Magic is practiced regularly with these various creatures. It seems as though they have no humans in the second continent, proving that the first continent of the Abyss served as a world where the Damned Children reside. More information likely lied within the Geography file.
"I am not leaving without saying good bye, that's extremely rude" she replied
"That is a fair point. Shall we go say goodbye together?" He asked.
Upon opening it, she discovered that many centuries ago, the gods removed the world of various creatures of different kinds. Dragons included. Many other species used to live alongside humans and magic was widespread including research on Spirit Energy. The purge caused many of these researchers to die, their work destroyed and multiple different species of creatures to be wiped off the face of the Earth save for human beings, the weakest in terms of sorcerey and spirit energy. Their souls were then sent to the Abyss to live a false existence in a place known as the Second Continent. There they live in their own world, unknowing of the fact that they are already dead and in the afterlife. Magic is practiced regularly with these various creatures. It seems as though they have no humans in the second continent, proving that the first continent of the Abyss served as a world where the Damned Children reside. More information likely lied within the Geography file.

"That is a fair point. Shall we go say goodbye together?" He asked.

"If you want, I don't expect you to say good bye to Lady Nagato" she replied
Upon opening it, she discovered that many centuries ago, the gods removed the world of various creatures of different kinds. Dragons included. Many other species used to live alongside humans and magic was widespread including research on Spirit Energy. The purge caused many of these researchers to die, their work destroyed and multiple different species of creatures to be wiped off the face of the Earth save for human beings, the weakest in terms of sorcerey and spirit energy. Their souls were then sent to the Abyss to live a false existence in a place known as the Second Continent. There they live in their own world, unknowing of the fact that they are already dead and in the afterlife. Magic is practiced regularly with these various creatures. It seems as though they have no humans in the second continent, proving that the first continent of the Abyss served as a world where the Damned Children reside. More information likely lied within the Geography file.

"That is a fair point. Shall we go say goodbye together?" He asked.
"Mhmmm...Second Continent. Damned Children...and one of them managed to get here...I think." Eris says as she is now fully invested and moves on to the Geography file.
"If you want, I don't expect you to say good bye to Lady Nagato" she replied
"I can try if you use that flame again" He said
"Mhmmm...Second Continent. Damned Children...and one of them managed to get here...I think." Eris says as she is now fully invested and moves on to the Geography file.
There was a large map that listed the two continents of the Abyss. One was know as the First Continent or the Devil Cell Continent. The Second Continent lacked a name and was heavily lacking in information aside from the knowledge of the existence of dragons. The amount of information in regards to the First Continent was extensive. There was the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom with the middle lands being known only as "The land of Harsh Beginnings". To the east was the Dreadlands which contained the mountain of resurrection, the Graveyard of the Gods, and was home to demons and dragons. There was one place in the Dreadlands known as The Amazonian Kingdom. There was a great barrier surrounding the First continent known as the Great Illusion. The Second continent in comparison to the first, was downright huge. The Abyss was clearly larger than Earth.
"I can try if you use that flame again" He said

There was a large map that listed the two continents of the Abyss. One was know as the First Continent or the Devil Cell Continent. The Second Continent lacked a name and was heavily lacking in information aside from the knowledge of the existence of dragons. The amount of information in regards to the First Continent was extensive. There was the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom with the middle lands being known only as "The land of Harsh Beginnings". To the east was the Dreadlands which contained the mountain of resurrection, the Graveyard of the Gods, and was home to demons and dragons. There was one place in the Dreadlands known as The Amazonian Kingdom. There was a great barrier surrounding the First continent known as the Great Illusion. The Second continent in comparison to the first, was downright huge. The Abyss was clearly larger than Earth.

"Alright" she replied and took his hand before heading back to the village
"I can try if you use that flame again" He said

There was a large map that listed the two continents of the Abyss. One was know as the First Continent or the Devil Cell Continent. The Second Continent lacked a name and was heavily lacking in information aside from the knowledge of the existence of dragons. The amount of information in regards to the First Continent was extensive. There was the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom with the middle lands being known only as "The land of Harsh Beginnings". To the east was the Dreadlands which contained the mountain of resurrection, the Graveyard of the Gods, and was home to demons and dragons. There was one place in the Dreadlands known as The Amazonian Kingdom. There was a great barrier surrounding the First continent known as the Great Illusion. The Second continent in comparison to the first, was downright huge. The Abyss was clearly larger than Earth.
"Wow....the Abyss is massive!" She said as she continues walking while reading, not really keeping up with where she's going. "I'm almost tempted to go, but it's kinda scary. Plus, I have no way of getting there anyway."
A Four armed demi-human sitting on a bench in the middle of the park watching people passed by her as If the people don't notice her presence with her having a emotionless look.

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