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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"No just cool it and while your at it, leave Izzy alone" she said

Eric nods. "What do you want me to do?"
Dak chugs his energy drink. "Oh come on. Don't tell me you're a kill joy too? I thought you were cool. Oh well. We're waiting!"

"Chill here and enjoy the fireworks because there will be plenty really soon." Tyson said.
She nods. "Yeah you're right."
The police.arrived. "alright civilians mve this is a crime scene." He said. "Wait I think this might have been-" "Sir are you the detective, or crime scene crew, or the consulting detective?" He asked. "Well no but-" "then get out of our way." The cop said pushing Scout out of the way. "But don't go anywhere we want to question you."
"You got it." Eris says as she creates an illusion dome around the camp. She creates clones of herself wearing different disguises and they scatter around the camp giggling loudly.
Eclipse and Cerberus were looking through tents while the poachers were distracted
Link looked at him. He took out a chain and attatched it to his arm turning into a wolf.
Makoto looked at Peter and nodded his head before giving a thumbs up and running into the tent. The poachers were out firint upon Eris's illusions "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" one shouted as the animals started panicking in their cages.
The police.arrived. "alright civilians mve this is a crime scene." He said. "Wait I think this might have been-" "Sir are you the detective, or crime scene crew, or the consulting detective?" He asked. "Well no but-" "then get out of our way." The cop said pushing Scout out of the way. "But don't go anywhere we want to question you."
"You might want to listen to him." Maddy took out her wallet and showed a membership card to the hero league.
Makoto looked at Peter and nodded his head before giving a thumbs up and running into the tent. The poachers were out firint upon Eris's illusions "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" one shouted as the animals started panicking in their cages.

Eclipse found sets of keys and began unlocking cages
Makoto looked at Peter and nodded his head before giving a thumbs up and running into the tent. The poachers were out firint upon Eris's illusions "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" one shouted as the animals started panicking in their cages.
The illusions that get shot start rolling on the ground hysterically while complaining about being shot and threatening to press charges.
Makoto looked at Peter and nodded his head before giving a thumbs up and running into the tent. The poachers were out firint upon Eris's illusions "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" one shouted as the animals started panicking in their cages.
Peter worked with Makato to knock out poachers. Wolf link began opening cages
"You might want to listen to him." Maddy took out her wallet and showed a membership card to the hero league.
He sighed. "Fine. We have a consultant on the case I guess one more can't hurt. David stepped forward. She had met David only a few times but knew him well enough to know his power set. He had incredible strength and the uncanny ability to know when someone was lying
"ANIMALS ARE FREE! USE WHATEVER YOU HAVE AT YOUR DISPOSAL!" Makoto shouted as he summoned multiple clones of him. "Get the guns web head"
Peter went to get the poacher's guns. He broke them. Unsure weather that was what Makato wanted but he did it anyway.
Most of Eris's clones spread out again to protect the animals.
Peter went to get the poacher's guns. He broke them. Unsure weather that was what Makato wanted but he did it anyway.
Makoto gave Peter a smile before he and his clones entered hand to hand combat. A poacher looked at Peter "Sp... SPIDER MAN? THIS WASN'T PART OF THE JOB!" he immediately ran to the jeeps as others ran away "Cowards..." Makoto said.
Makoto gave Peter a smile before he and his clones entered hand to hand combat. A poacher looked at Peter "Sp... SPIDER MAN? THIS WASN'T PART OF THE JOB!" he immediately ran to the jeeps as others ran away "Cowards..." Makoto said.
They found that their Jeep's wouldn't start. "I covered your wheels and engines with web!" Spidey called out out. Link came back turning back to himan form. "The animals are free."
Makoto gave Peter a smile before he and his clones entered hand to hand combat. A poacher looked at Peter "Sp... SPIDER MAN? THIS WASN'T PART OF THE JOB!" he immediately ran to the jeeps as others ran away "Cowards..." Makoto said.
They found that their Jeep's wouldn't start. "I covered your wheels and engines with web!" Spidey called out out. Link came back turning back to himan form. "The animals are free."
A ghostly version of Eris comes out of the ground standing on Lazarus in spirit form. She laughs. "There's nowhere to run now."

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