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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Pulse typed in the password and held down the final button. Whirring to life, the camera shivered into focus. Taking one final deep breath, she says in the most stable voice she can. “To all members in Platinum Order, I bring to you all sad news. Some new allies and I have discovered where Owl has been for the past year, and it turns out she’s....dead. While I know we aren’t on the best terms with one another at the moment, I at least want to ask that whoever can mourn with us on the future date of her funeral, should. I hope you all have a chance to properly grieve over our fellow fallen hero. This has been Pulse, with a mass message.” She held the button again, and the equipment shriveled back to death.

Sacred and John could hear what she was clearly saying, Link could hear bits and pieces.

Yahhah Yahhah The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth @Spider-Venom213
Link sat down looking around the street. Everything was so strange and unfamiliar to him.
Pulse typed in the password and held down the final button. Whirring to life, the camera shivered into focus. Taking one final deep breath, she says in the most stable voice she can. “To all members in Platinum Order, I bring to you all sad news. Some new allies and I have discovered where Owl has been for the past year, and it turns out she’s....dead. While I know we aren’t on the best terms with one another at the moment, I at least want to ask that whoever can mourn with us on the future date of her funeral, should. I hope you all have a chance to properly grieve over our fellow fallen hero. This has been Pulse, with a mass message.” She held the button again, and the equipment shriveled back to death.

Sacred and John could hear what she was clearly saying, Link could hear bits and pieces.

Yahhah Yahhah The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth @Spider-Venom213
John lifted his head and listened to her announcement. He sincerely hoped the call was answered, he straightened up and began to move back to the room.
"Yeah. Also not in this dimension." Peter said with a yawn as he got out. He went to his room and put his web shooter on the nightstand next to him. He pulled off the covers and crawled into his warm comfortable bed.
Eris walks in behind him. "Get some rest. You deserve it." She says before walking back out and sitting in the living room while playing with her gloves.
John lifted his head and listened to her announcement. He sincerely hoped the call was answered, he straightened up and began to move back to the room.

Pulse leaned back in the chair in front of the mass messaging system and sighed. Burying her face in her hands, she pondered who’d answer. Probably Penumbra and Mouse at least.
Link sat down looking around the street. Everything was so strange and unfamiliar to him.

As he was sitting there, he’d hear footsteps pounding against the sidewalk, and then a sharp rustle. Looking to his right, he’d see a panting brown-haired teenager in warlock garb, panting. He seems to have been chasing the pure white winged cat that had just hopped into the tree.
As he was sitting there, he’d hear footsteps pounding against the sidewalk, and then a sharp rustle. Looking to his right, he’d see a panting brown-haired teenager in warlock garb, panting. He seems to have been chasing the pure white winged cat that had just hopped into the tree.
He looked at the cat he walked up to them. He looked from her to the cat and back.
I wish things didn't have to be like this.

But we're at this split road, and the most I can hope for,

is that we can forgive and forget after it's all over.


It seems to be commentating some meta's opinion on whatever conflict tore the Order apart.

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