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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

I entered the training center a few minutes after Darren, now wearing my Black Widow uniform. I locked eyes with Darren for a moment, but then went over to Clint and hugged him. "Good morning," I said, smiling. He gave me a smile back and brushed a stray hair away from my face.

"Hey Tash. You feelin' better today?" Clint asked. I nodded before turning away.
Darren's eyes followed Natasha to her place, and he stiffened when Clint greeted her a bit too fondly. A low growl formed in his throat, before he was distracted by the sudden change of mood in the room. He turned his head to look at the spot where everyone seemed to be staring, and there stood the one and only Nick Fury.
I watched Nick enter the room, all eyes on him. He approached us and nodded curtly in a greeting. Me and Clint nodded back.
Darren watched as the Director conversed quietly with a few of the agents, before turning and crossing his burly arms over his chest, his black coat resembling a dark cape. "All right," He eyed the initiates judiciously before signaling the agents. "Let's put it to a vote."

Darren, along with the others, eyed the young woman as she stepped out of the line. He watched as a couple of the agents raised their hands, others stayed motionless. Fury shook his head after counting the hands and pointed toward the double doors. "Out you go," He said curtly, before calling the next person in line.

After about thirty minutes of this, Darren realized at least ten of the agents had to vote for you to move on - which would be over half of the ones that were voting. So far, 7 out of the 21 that were called had made it into S.H.I.E.L.D., hence the pale faces of the remaining rookies. As the person to the right of him was sent dejectedly out the doors, Darren took a deep breath as his name was called, and stepped forward.
I looked at Darren for a moment, stepping forward for the first time. One by one, the other agents stepped forward…all except Clint. I gave him a confused look and he just glared at Darren. I then looked at Director Fury. He nodded at Darren. "Good job," he said. "You even got the Black Widow's approval."
Darren nodded respectfully to Fury before moving to join their ranks, winking at Natasha before leaning against the opposite wall. Shove that up bird boy's ass, he thought wryly to himself, hooking his thumbs in his belt loops.
I gave him a seductive smile before stepping back and clearing my face of all emotion. Clint went rigid beside me, his jaw clenched.
Three or so hours later, Darren stood back in his room. His hair was still damp from the shower he had taken, and he pulled a clean shirt on over his head. Fury had given them the day off, a break before the "real work" started. They were now above S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ in the capital, and Darren figured he might as well stop by his flat while they were there. He stuffed some things into a backpack before exiting his room, swinging the door shut behind him. He made his way unnoticed through the corridors, and slipped through the door to the hangar. Look's like he would be trying out the Quinjet after all.
I watched Darren exit his room and decided to trail behind him, rolling my eyes as he entered the hangar.

Clint had been furious that Darren made the cut, but it wasn't surprising.
Darren stripped away the firewall again with ease, opening the door and climbing into the cockpit, grinning slightly as he caught a familiar scent. "So you really want that joyride after all, huh?" He asked, peering over his shoulder coyly.
I smiled and walked up to him, kissing him. I got into the other pilot seat. "Someone has to show you how to properly drive this. Might as well be me."
He smiled at her, licking his lips unconsciously as he stared at the intimidating arrangement of buttons. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna need a bit of help..." He grinned sheepishly.
I subconsciously flipped switches, igniting the engine and opening the flight door. "You get used to it after three or four years," I mutter, strapping myself in and putting in a headset. "This is Agent Romanoff requesting clearance for departure," I said.

"Agent Romanoff, you are clear for take off," came the response.

"10-4," I said and flipped a few more switches before flashing a smile at Darren.
Darren looked at her quizzically. "Is there anything you can't do?" he teased her, returning her smile.

He strapped himself in as the Jet rolled smoothly along the runway, picking up speed quickly until it reached the end and lifted into the air.
"Touche," He smiled at her. As the jet gained more speed and shot across the sky, Darren put up his hands as if they were in a roller coaster before letting out a crazy yell.
I rolled my eyes and descended slightly. I put it onto auto-pilot and unbuckled myself. I leaned over and kissed him slowly. "I'm so proud of you…"
Darren blushed before kissing her back softly.

"And why is that, exactly?" He undid his own buckles before pulling her out of her seat and into his lap, lacing his fingers together behind her back.
"That was inevitable," Darren snickered cockily, but it did little to cover the pang of guilt he felt in his chest. He tensed under her, and his eyes slid elsewhere.
He shook his head quickly and ran a hand through his messy hair. "No, no, I'm just tired." He peered over her shoulder and gestured to something down below. "Hey, isn't that HQ?"
I turned around and nodded before getting back into my own seat. I strapped myself in a replaced my headset before taking over the controls and requesting to land.
Darren sighed softly, he was beginning to wish he had never took this damn job - finding out you actually had a conscience sucked royally.

When they landed, he grabbed his bag and climbed out of the jet, resting his hands on top of his head and breathing in the air. Home sweet home...

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