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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

Darren stood there for a minute in the silent hallway after watching her storm away before he made his way back to the training room. Spotting a punching bag in the corner of the room his steps quickened as he went over to it, a snarl erupting from his throat as he drove his fist right through it. He blinked as his rage cleared, and he pulled his fist out of the bag - which was smoking at the edges.

Great, he thought, inspecting his hand. I'll probably end up paying for that later too. He walked out in search of a sink to wash his bloody hand off in, as he had clenched his fist so tight that his claws had dug into his skin.
I walked to a secluded corner of the training center and put my face in my hands. I hadn't been myself last night…I wasn't this soft. This man, as attractive as he is, was triggering something in me that shouldn't be triggered. I clenched and unclenched my hands, not realizing they'd begun bleeding again. Pain was a rare feeling I felt due to the serum that flowed through my veins.

I thought back to earlier as I made my way back to the others. I had been sweating, numb, and I vomited…all signs of severe blood loss.
He returned to the training room, wiping his hands off in a paper towel. It seemed to be filled up now, and one of the senior officers was giving a speech at the front of the room. Darren slipped in the door unnoticed, and leaned against the wall. His eyes wandered, as he was not at all interested in what the Agent was saying, and he scanned the room for a certain redhead. He was surprised when he found her, slumped down against the wall with her head in her hands - which were bleeding. He nearly crossed the room to help her straight away, but decided it was better to stay put. Still worried, he willed for her to look up and see him.
I felt eyes on me and snapped my head up. My eyes locked with Darren's almost immediatly. I glared at him and pushed myself away from the wall, easily getting lost in the crowd. I was able to make it to the woman's restroom, hopefully unseen. I looked down at my hands before rinsing them off.
Darren winced from the glare that she had given him before turning to follow the rest of his unit out the back door. He noticed that several of the others were sneaking glances at him wearily, and he bared his fangs at them to warn them off. He was not in a good mood - which would give him the edge he needed to prove to Nat that he wasn't a 'nobody'.
Once my hands were temporarily clean from blood, I went out to monitor my assigned set of recruits. I opened my folder to see whom I'd be watching, and nearly ripped my folder in half at the sight of Darren's name. Fury's idea of a joke.

I went out the back door to the combat area and nodded to the other supervising agents. I scanned the room, spotting Darren quickly. I glared at the back of his head, but looked away before he noticed. I went over and discussed the procedures with the other agents.
After a half hour for the basic warm up, and another half hour spent on the gun range, Darren was thoroughly bored out of his mind. They gathered around the combat area once again, and he smirked when he saw weapons arranged for them to choose. Of course, most of the good guns were taken, and a few of the knives, but he wasn't interested. Instead, he headed to the part no one hat touched - the tactical swords. He grabbed a pair of perfectly balanced dual blades, and he twirled one in his hand. He hadn't been able to bring any of his own weapons with him, so he was beyond glad to be back in his element. He smiled quietly to himself, pitying the SOB he would be paired with, and waited for his name to be called by the Agent that would supervise the match.
I groaned as I realized that we had an odd number, which meant I would have to be paired with the odd recruit. Once all pairings were called out, the announcing agent gave me a sympathetic look.

"Foscato, Romanoff," he shouted.
Darren raised an eyebrow, but sauntered forward. Part of him thought of it as just an exercise, a preparation for the real thing. Besides, it was a chance to get to know her fighting style - you couldn't give a mercenary a better gift. He gripped his swords tightly in both hands, ready to fight.
I took out two daggers and got into position. I looked at him with something relative to hatred. The agent gave the signal for us to begin, but I remained in my place. I had memorized his weakest points and I knew exactly how to win this match.
Darren let his energy flow into my hands, and the metal blades crackled with the electricity. He smirked widely, and cocked his head. "Whasamatter Tasha? Too scared to move?" he laughed, sizing her up. She was fast, obviously, but so was he, and he figured his size would be the advantage in this fight. If that didn't work, there was always the expert swordsmanship to fall back on. He tested her, lunging forward suddenly and slashing his blade diagonally in the air. The blade itself wasn't close enough to cut her, but the blueish energy came off it like a whip toward her chest.
I flicked my wrists, activating my Widow's Bites. I remained silent, knowing I wouldn't be able to stop myself from saying what was really on my mind. I got into a fighting stance, determination in my eyes. /Two more steps,/ I thought to myself.
He sniffed, annoyed with the bland effect of his taunting, and he decided to go on the offensive. He attacked quickly, moving lightly on the balls of his feet as he feinted to the left before delivering a swift cut of his sword to her rib cage while keeping his own from being exposed with his other blade.
I bent over backwards, watching the blade go past my face. In one smooth movement, I brought my fist up, gripping my blade, and slashed a clean line along his jaw. I then spun and came up in a crouch behind him, where I went to plunge my other blade into the back of his knee.
Darren hissed as he felt the dagger in his leg, and he staggered for a moment, feeling the muscles and skin knit themselves back together in his face and knee. He had underestimated her - it wouldn't happen again. He growled and wiped the blood from his face before pivoting and knocking her legs out from under her, using his sword to knock one of the daggers from her grasp and on to the floor.
I stared up at him emotionlessly. I threw my other dagger away from me, my eyes never leaving Darren's. "Do it," I hissed. The other recruits and agents had stopped and were now watching our duel. I knew he hadn't noticed my guns or other blades that were concealed in various parts of my suit. My Widow's Bites were glowing blue, ready to deliver hundreds of volts of energy.
Darren smiled, his fangs sliding fro his gums, as he held out a hand to her, seemingly a gesture of mercy. Little did she know that his clawed appendage was ready to fry her brain with electricity he projected onto his skin the moment she touched him. "I'm not going to kill you in training," he drawled, holding her gaze mockingly with his ice blue eyes. "No matter how tempting it may be."
I glanced down at his hand then back up at his face. Smirking evilly, I spat in his face before bringing my leg straight up, kicking him in the crotch. Then I sprung up, kneeing him in the face, knocking him back, and pulling out a gun and pointing it right at his forehead. "Shame," I said coldly. "Because I would in a heartbeat."

Just as I was about to pull the trigger and end Darren's life, I heard a door bang open and a familiar voice shout.

"Natasha!!! STOP!" My head snapped up and I looked as if I'd just woken up. I stumbled back, looking down at Darren with horror. I looked down at my hands before mouthing "I'm so sorry," and pushing my way through the crowd and out the doors.

[Clint's POV]

An agent had come running into the shooting range shouting my name. Once they told me that Natasha was about to kill some recruit, I bolted for the combat area, knowing that, whoever the recruit was, they were in serious danger.

I burst through the doors and immediatly located Natasha, a gun pointed at the blonde-haired guy who's name if figured out was Darren. I saw the look of hatred in her eyes, which were glazed over.

"Natasha!!! STOP!" I shouted. Her head snapped up to meet my gaze and her eyes cleared. She stumbled back slightly and looked down at the gun in her hand before saying something to the recruit and disappearing into the throng of recruits and agents.
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Darren sat there, the tips of his ears getting more red every moment, and he got to his feet slowly, eyes narrowed and blazing with anger. "Show's over assholes," he snapped loudly before pushed past the crowd roughly, resetting his nose with a crack so it would heal correctly.He picked up into a jog as he followed after Natasha. At this point, he didn't care what kind of trouble he got into, he just ran after her with the determination to make things right - or as right as they could be.
I ran until I found myself in the detention level, surrounded by pipes and wires. I slumped to the floor, held myself, tearlessly sobbing. I had gone way to far, and I didn't even realize it. That wasn't who I was anymore…or at least that's what I'd thought.

I heard approaching footsteps and rolled under a large pipe, concealing myself.
Darren groaned as he ran into an overhead pipe - for the second time. He probably would have been lost by know, if not for his nose. Natasha had run out of sight long before he had gone after her, so he had tracked her down by scent, which had led down here. The sound of sniffling confirmed it, and he wandered toward the sound slowly. "Tasha," He whispered tentatively, looking around in the dim lighting.
I flinched at the sound of Darren's voice, another sob escaping my mouth. I curled my body up into a ball and closed my eyes, hoping he wouldn't see me.
Darren sighed and walked over to where she was hiding. He crouched down and peered under the pipe. "Come on Nat, don't do this," he murmured, and reached out to lay a hand softly on her shaking shoulder.
"No!" I said, pushing myself away from his hand, only to find myself pressed against a wall, my long hair covering my face. "Please…I don't want to hurt you…" I choked out with another sob.
"Nah, you wouldn't have hurt me," He mused, sliding under and sitting next to her under the pipe. "You could have shot me right through the head and I'd still be here, trying to figure out what made the most badass chick I've seen, cry."

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