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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

I laughed. "Bourne doesn't have anything on me!" I smiled at him and gestured to his chair. I sat in mine cross-legged and grabbed a box of fried rice and another of Sesame Chicken and alternated between the two.
" Oh really," Darren grabbed a box of lo mein before sitting in his seat. "Got some amazing super powers that I don't know about? Or are you just badass," He grinned at her before picking up his chopsticks and making a fool of himself.
"Um…I'd rather not talk about it…" I murmur, staring down at the rice. I poked at it slightly with my chopsticks before sighing and setting it down.
He furrowed his eyebrows, but let it pass. "So," he said to break the silence. "How long have you been a SHIELD agent?"
"A few years…" I slowly looked up at him. Guilt and sorrow was in my eyes. But it quickly disappeared as a smile came across my face…a fake one of course.
Darren stopped eating, sensing a change in her mood. "Natasha, I can go if...if i'm making you uncomfortable..." He looked at her with a worried expression, not falling for the false smile that she had exhibited.
"No!" I say. "I mean…no…please, don't go. It's just…I'm sorry. I just…my past, it's…it not good. I'm not proud of it." I rub my arms and look away, then back at Darren.
"Heh, well there's one thing we have in common," Darren said. "Here's one great thing that came of the human mind..." He sighed, then reached across the table and tilted Nat's chin up with a claw, staring into her green eyes. "...we can forget."
My breath hitched slightly from the touch of his claw. I found myself getting lost in his blue(?) eyes. I leaned forward a little bit.

"Then help me forget," I whispered.
"My pleasure..." He smiled, the tips of his canines poking out from underneath. Darren's finger ghosted over her bottom lip before he leaned in and kissed her softly, his hand now cupping her chin in his palm.
I was shocked at first, but my eyes fluttered shut and I slowly kissed back. My breathing was rough, but my body relaxed as the kiss deepened.
This was all wrong. Darren's eyes snapped open as he realized what was happening, and he broke the kiss suddenly. Breathing heavily, he ran a hand through his hair before standing up quickly and nearly knocking the chair over.

"I just remembered - I - I have to go do something. Sorry,"

He exited the room and went down the hallway, not even knowing where he was going, as his thoughts spun around in his mind. He had nearly lost himself in that kiss, which wasn't even supposed to be real. His skin actually sparked with electricity as he tried and failed to regain his composure. Darren wasn't at all used to loosing control of a situation, and weather it was because of his training or his personality, he was always able to exhibit what others expected to see. That kiss was like - it was like bearing his soul to an unknown variable.

He pushed the door open to a room on his left and slammed it shut behind him, locking the door, glad it seemed to be deserted. He slid against the door until he sat with his back to it ans his head in his hands, utterly confused.
I sat there, looking as if I'd been slapped speechless. My lips tingled like I'd been shocked and I gently touched them with the tips of my fingers. He had just…left. Was I that bad?

I stared at the table, still full of food. I shakily stood and went to my bathroom. I turned on the sink and splashed water in my face. Once I'd wiped away the water with a towel, I stared at my reflection. I smashed my fist into the glass, shattering the mirror and cutting up my entire hand. Ignoring the bleeding, I went out of my bathroom. I threw away all of the food. I stared at the chopsticks before breaking them and throwing them away. I sat on my bed, not realizing half of my room and bed was covered in blood.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling, paying no attention to the throbbing sensation coming from my hand. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.
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Darren woke to the world's worst headache. He sat up and rubbed his temples, blinking as he surveyed the room, noticing his roommate was still fast asleep. Getting out of bed quietly, he made his way to the bathroom to shower, then change into fresh clothes before sneaking out the door.

The time on his watch read five'o'clock, so he decided to head to the flight deck to get some air. He passed a couple of groggy agents on his way, but no one seemed awake enough to care what he was doing, though Fury had instructed the initiates to stay put until the order came.

Pushing open the heavy door, he sighed as the wind blew on his face and he put his hands in his jacket pockets before walking aimlessly across the deck.
I awoke with a start and shot up in bed, sweating and breathing heavily. My head felt heavy and my right arm felt numb. I look at it and saw blood, covering most of my arm, body, clothes, and bed. I glanced at my clock and saw it was 4:57. I stood up, but quickly regretted it. I felt like I was going to vomit, and I stumbled to the bathroom, ignoring the glass everywhere. I slumped down in front of the toilet and retched.

After what seemed like hours but was only ten minutes, I stopped. Shakily standing, I went to my dresser and got changed into my uniform, equipped with all of my weapons, even my Widow's Bites. I knew most of the new recruits didn't know who I was, but now they would.
Darren stood close to the edge of the landing strip, looking over the ocean below it as the reflection of the rising sun emerged. He breathed out slowly, resting his hands on the top of his head. His phone beeped, and he took it our of his pocket to read the message across the screen. As he did so, he paled, clenching his jaw before he returned it to his pocket. He had thirty-eight days to recover the information...and eliminate his target.
{Clint's POV}

I stared at the back of the recruit whom had captured Tasha's attention. It was obvious he was interested in her, and it pissed me off. I don't get jealous about stuff, except food and Natasha.

"Hey," I shouted. "Recruits aren't supposed to be out here." I couldn't remember his name, but I knew it began with a D.
Darren turned, and recognized him as the blond he had called Nat's 'boyfriend'. He shrugged, smiling wryly at the other man. "What, you got an arrow for that too?"
{Clint's POV}

Part of me wanted to shoot him then and there, but I knew Fury would be mad because I shot "such a promising" recruit.

"Damn right I do. It's called the "I'm gonna kick your a** if you don't get inside" arrow." I glared at him.
Darren gave him a slow once over, before chuckling deviously and giving the blonde a mock bow. "As you wish, your highness," He added before striding back across the deck and to the door.
{Clint's POV}

I watched him leave, in disgust. How the hell could Natasha like that?

{Natasha's POV}

I entered the training room, noting that no recruits had arrived yet, but other agents were mingling. I acknowledged a few and picked my folder to see what I was assigned to do today.
Still on edge from his encounter with Nat's annoying companion, Darren headed to the training room, simultaneously snacking on a toaster strudel. He was surprised to see the object of his thoughts already there, looking through a folder. He debated as to weather or not let let his presence be known before walking up behind her.

"Top o' the morning to ya lass," He said in a feigned Irish accent, praying she wouldn't bite his head off.
My muscles tensed, already knowing it was Darren who had come up behind me. I clenched my jaw and slowly turned around to look at him. "If you cannot take this seriously, I will have you cut from the program. You are a nobody as of right now, and I will see to it that you remain as such. Dismissed." I turned back around.
Darren sighed and ran a hand though his hair before running after her and grabbing her arm. " Nat, I just freaked, I ran -" He looked at her, pleadingly. "I'm sorry, OK?" He couldn't believe he was apologizing, but something in him wouldn't let her go.
Wrenching my arm from his grasp, I poked his chest with my finger. "Don't /ever/ call me Nat. It's Agent Romanoff to you." I glared up at him before turning and walking away again.

My mind and stomach were doing cartwheels from confusion. He had freaked out? Over what?! Unless he was an absolute virgin—which was highly unlikely considering his looks.

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