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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Oh no, imagine Ann vs Cia! Everyone is staring, and feeling like they shouldn't be watching that, but can't look away!

Lunaris and Joker finally come face to face, and Lunaris shows a sliver of real remorse for the fight about to come because he's never had so much fun in his life. But he cannot allow Joker, or the other Super Smash Brothers, to interfere with his plans.

Speaking of, my posting priority as of now is Lunaris to get Pauline into the game, and then the Swamp Group.
I'll add her to the list! As much as I would like more players at the Sorrowfen, it would be much easier for HW Zelda to slip into the Byleth/Layton group. I think she would be a very good fit for that group as well.
Thank you! ♥️
And I agree, I'll be sending Zel over to their group then. I'll have an intro post written for her soon!
Lol upon reading Cia's comment about Lunaris not biting off more than he can chew, I thought about that "I wonder what I taste like" meme XD But Lunaris didn't have much choice and used it as an opportunity to show off to the court why he is in charge. He can so easily make this new arrival weak at the knees with mere words! That's power!
Lol it's just that Cia isn't used to being the one who's getting flirted with. It pushed her out of her comfort zone and she's all frazzled bc she doesn't know what to do!! 😆
Oh no, imagine Ann vs Cia! Everyone is staring, and feeling like they shouldn't be watching that, but can't look away!

Lunaris and Joker finally come face to face, and Lunaris shows a sliver of real remorse for the fight about to come because he's never had so much fun in his life. But he cannot allow Joker, or the other Super Smash Brothers, to interfere with his plans.

Speaking of, my posting priority as of now is Lunaris to get Pauline into the game, and then the Swamp Group.
Oh boy. That puts the image of Joker and Lunaris stopping whatever they’re doing to stare even though they know they shouldn’t. How could they ignore it though? They’ve probably seen their respective companion fight plenty, but this fight just draws them in. Ann and Cia see them staring and decide to put aside their differences for one moment to snap the boys back into reality, aka they’re beating them up for staring too long

Ann and Cia just be like could be either order:
“Ugh, why do men always feel a need to stare?”
“I know right! Men these days…”
“Let’s take a moment to whip them into shape, shall we?”

Joker probably grasps the situation well enough that he wouldn’t go easy even though he clearly found some good in Lunaris and sees he’s not a purely evil individual. As one final, “personal” exchange before the last fight Joker throws a calling card to Lunaris to make it clear he is going to fight and his own resolve wasn’t swayed
Cia beats on Lunaris and he’s still unashamed lol

Lunaris wouldn’t want it to be any other way. He considers himself past the point of no return, and if it is his fate to lose, then he’ll go down in a blaze of glory, not a whimper!
We talked of adult! Seph getting charmed by Pichu. Kid seph stares while sweating.

Kid Seph’s thoughts: K.. kawaii
Cia beats on Lunaris and he’s still unashamed lol

Lunaris wouldn’t want it to be any other way. He considers himself past the point of no return, and if it is his fate to lose, then he’ll go down in a blaze of glory, not a whimper!
Joker probably isn't getting beat on, but Ann has him tied up with her whip which only makes the situation worse. He's definitely unashamed too though his face is burning hot under his mask

The whole vibe of Lunaris and Joker reminds me a lot of Joker's own connection with Maruki. Obviously not entirely same but the whole idea of someone Joker can find not completely heinous, but refuses to bend to their will. Plus both would refuse to let Joker stop them from doing what they believe they must do
Also makes me want to associate this theme of Maruki's to Lunaris now
Wrote for Zel! I totally didn't geek out and go overboard on her intro post, trust
Eh if he becomes a thing if it’s planned he’s not corrupted. I can’t see professor Layton or Falcon being cool with the military chasing after a 14 year old or trying to neutralize him . Makes me think Layton would probs know his other half’s tendencies already.
Before I forget, and so it doesn't seem like I'm ignoring posting for Yoshi, I'm gonna wait till Grumpy is able to post before I do anything with him
Speaking of posts, who do i need to post for next?
spy defense GIF
I'm tempted to break my No Canon/OC rule and design a Cia/Lunaris child lol
I think a combination of Cia's dark skin and white hair, and Stefan's green eyes would be lovely! And the kid has a fascination with masks.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

After the events of my third story, in how much trouble do you think Stefan got with Agahnim? How grounded was he? XD
The room is dimly lit by the flickering flames of a fireplace and a few scattered candles. Books and scrolls are piled haphazardly on the desk and the floor, evidence of Agahnim’s distracted attempts to focus on his work. His brow is furrowed with worry, and he paces back and forth, casting occasional glances toward the window as the rain pours down outside.

Agahnim: (muttering to himself) Where could he be? It’s not like Stefan to be this late without word.

The door bursts open, and Stefan limps in, looking disheveled and in pain but alive. His clothes are torn and there’s a makeshift bandage around his shoulder. Shiri, the fairy, flutters anxiously around him.

Shiri: (exclaiming) Stefan! Oh, I was so worried about— STEFAN!!

Agahnim: (rushing over, anger mixed with relief) Stefan! By the goddesses, what happened to you? You’re hurt!

Stefan: (grimacing as he sits down) It’s a long story, Agahnim. I got a bit... sidetracked.

Agahnim: (examining Stefan’s wounds) Sidetracked? You look like you’ve been mauled by a Lynel! I’ve been worried sick! Do you have any idea how irresponsible this is?

Stefan: (trying to lighten the mood) Well, I didn’t exactly plan to get into a tussle with Wolfos. But don’t worry, I managed to turn things around.

Agahnim: (voice rising) This is beyond mere mischief, Stefan! You could have been killed! What were you thinking?

Stefan: I was... I was trying to help someone. And maybe get us some rupees in the process. It got out of hand, I admit.

Shiri: (interrupting) But he had good intentions, Agahnim! Maybe we can just—

Agahnim: (sharply) Good intentions? Stefan, your heart is in the right place, but your judgment was not. You are prohibited. No leaving the castle without supervision, and that includes no magic outside these walls unless it's for your studies.

Stefan: (angrily) That’s not fair! You don’t understand, I had to do something—

Agahnim: (interrupting) I understand more than you think! Your reckless behavior puts not only you at risk but all of Hyrule if you lose control of your powers!

Stefan’s face grows pale, and his breath becomes labored. His earlier injuries and the stress of the argument exacerbate his chronic condition, causing him to clutch at his chest, pain etching his features.

Shiri: (alarmed) Stefan! Your breathing!

Agahnim: (immediately softening, rushing to Stefan’s side) Stefan, I’m here. Just breathe, slowly.

Agahnim helps Stefan into a more comfortable position, his anger replaced by concern. He gently supports Stefan’s back, helping him to regulate his breathing.

Agahnim: (gently) I’m sorry, Stefan. I let my fear for your safety come out as anger. I’m worried about you, truly. You must understand the gravity of what your powers entail.

Stefan: (breathing slowly, calming down) I know... I just felt like I could handle it. I’m tired of feeling... held back...I'm strong...Yet I am still so weak...I'm tired of being weak....

Shiri: (softly) Maybe there’s a middle ground, Stefan. Agahnim cares a lot about you, and so do I. We just want to keep you safe! That isn't so wrong, is it?

Stefan nods, his anger dissipating as the pain subsides.

Stefan: (quietly) I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to scare anyone...

Agahnim: (nodding) I apologize aswell, Stefan. You're the strongest person I know, Stefan. It takes a different kind of strength to bear such pain and still show great kindness to others. I'm not cross with you for that, I just wish you you'd be more considerate of the feelings of those who care about you. You're stron, there's no denying that. But you're not invincible. What would I do if you were gone?

Stefan: (chuckles) Find a new apprentice for one...

Agahnim: After all the work I put into you? I'd rather avoid that at all costs. But for now, you need to rest and heal. You are still prohibited, but know it’s because I care. I've always cared.

Stefan: (smiling weakly) I know, Professor. Thank you for being here... For... Caring.

Agahnim smiles back, relieved to see Stefan recovering.

Agahnim: Let’s get you properly patched up now. And maybe Shiri can help keep an eye on you, make sure you stay out of trouble.

Shiri: (determined) You can count on me, Agahnim! I’ll be his shadow!

As they settle down, the mood in the room softens. The earlier tension has cleared, leaving behind a strengthened bond, their mutual concern and care for each other reaffirmed.
Sorry for the late reply btw 😅
I imagined a scene taking place after Kameron's story: Stefan is tutoring young Zelda, and the elders are displeased with the lessons he has been teaching her, and insist that he teaches her something small, easy, and safe. He is given books such as The ABCs of Magic, Safe and Sound Spellcasting, and The Beginner's Guide to Card Tricks. Zelda and Stefan are both conked out in his wheelchair because it is SO BORING!

Stefan: (*reading*) "Two dulcimas raised to the degree of forty halfdulcimas, divided into equal parts by the third of a cackle of grouse geese, put over the result of ten finemackels (albeit small finemackels), stretched over the total of 53 and an eighth bottles of wildebeast lard... yields a gilded minnow of precise measurements; 269 centidrils by three million twenty-three punds (NOT punts, as might be expected). This is not to say, however any sense, whatsoever, that deviations in mean temperature of five or six dregs or so...indicate a fabrication or derivation sufficiently broad enough to exacerbate the conclusions uncovered, in due course, with regards to dimensions, consistency, mass or thickness inherent in the menial suckling grouse..." Zzz...
Hey all! I think I'm up for Lucas and Daisy again so I'll write for them soon!
Hm would be fun to see Daisy meeting Sephiroth 👀
Lol it would be! Daisy either tries to woo him or roasts him depending on the situation XD
Don't worry, it's not a problem at all! We all got lives outside of this RP after all
Girl really fears no man! Poor Ike is cursed with being an attention magnet
We must have Ike showcase that unspoken rizz!!
chdkfjfcj speaking of beach outfits, the moment NimbusWing NimbusWing expressed interest in adding peach back, I did what I do best and immediately started doodling the smash sisters trio again lmao. I was going to wait until she was officially in the rp to post it but since it’s pretty on topic…

NimbusWing NimbusWing Forevermore Forevermore
View attachment 1166259
Samus is wearing one of those gag bikini t-shirts since I’ve already drawn her wearing a zero suit as her swimsuit so I wanted to do something new/sillier lol
Aww, that's so cute!! Lmao I really like how Samus' cannon turned into a water gun! And I really like Zelda and Peach's design, super cute ^^
Wrote for Zel! I totally didn't geek out and go overboard on her intro post, trust
You DID NOT have to go that hard on that post fam!!!
LIKE THE HW REFERENCES ARE :bishiesparklesr:EXQUISITE:bishiesparklesr:
I love how you're bringing Cia's lackeys back! Are you bringing Volga back?? PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE BRINGING DRAGON KNIGHT COMMANDER BACK
Fhdjfug this was made in like legit 5 minutes but I saw the image and couldn’t get the thought of kiddie zel in an oversized wizard costume out of my mind so I offer this doodle:


Aww, that's so cute!! Lmao I really like how Samus' cannon turned into a water gun! And I really like Zelda and Peach's design, super cute ^^
I’m glad you liked it! Dhdjfhfj I was trying to think of a way to beachify Samus more and figured a water gun would fit the bill 🔫
Fhdjfug this was made in like legit 5 minutes but I saw the image and couldn’t get the thought of kiddie zel in an oversized wizard costume out of my mind so I offer this doodle:

View attachment 1167570

I’m glad you liked it! Dhdjfhfj I was trying to think of a way to beachify Samus more and figured a water gun would fit the bill 🔫
That is so cute! It’s the perfect disguise!🧙‍♂️
We must have Ike showcase that unspoken rizz!!
I hope Ike's response was to your liking 😆
You DID NOT have to go that hard on that post fam!!!
LIKE THE HW REFERENCES ARE :bishiesparklesr:EXQUISITE:bishiesparklesr:
I love how you're bringing Cia's lackeys back! Are you bringing Volga back?? PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE BRINGING DRAGON KNIGHT COMMANDER BACK
bfherbgfehfgb thank you so much! 😊
Lol you can tell that I didn't want to waste an opportunity to cram as much HW lore into the post as I could. I wanted to have an actually good reason as to why Zel would be in the Smash Realm, and so I spun that little tale of Wizzro tricking Zelda into leaving Hyrule and the majority of her army behind so he could whisk her away.

The plot I'm currently cooking up is Wizzro originally planning to secure the Triforce for Cia by procuring Zelda by bringing her into the Smash Realm so Cia could take it from her nice and easy, then with the Triforce of Wisdom, she would be able to trap Lana into having her hand over the Triforce of Power (which she currently keeps hidden away). Then with the two pieces, it would be easy for Cia to extract the Triforce of Courage. Wizzro would probably plan to kidnap Link in a similar fashion he did with Zelda, but then he notices there are other Links in the Smash Realm and tries to capture them for Cia. It's still a WIP though.

As for HW Zelda's portrayal, I wanted to make it clear that she is more than just your classic princess. She's the mf-ing GENERAL of her army. And because she's more cunning and less delicate than your average Zelda, I wanted to show it in her disposition as well as her way of speaking. She's got a kingdom to protect, she ain't got no time for any BS! 😤

OMG I forgot about Volga but now that you brought him up I gotta bring him back!!! I mean Wizzro resurrected Cia, Lord Voldemort-style, thanks to the ring that Cia gave him, so hypothetically Wizzro would be more than capable of bringing back Volga too!
Though Cia would probably be the one who would have to force Wizzro to bring him back. Wizzro is sorta infatuated with his 'Mistress' and so he wants all the honor and praise of being her favorite subordinate to himself. If Volga comes back, THAT little fantasy is out of the picture!
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The plot I'm currently cooking up is Wizzro originally planning to secure the Triforce for Cia by procuring Zelda by bringing her into the Smash Realm so Cia could take it from her nice and easy, then with the Triforce of Wisdom, she would be able to trap Lana into having her hand over the Triforce of Power (which she currently keeps hidden away). Then with the two pieces, it would be easy for Cia to extract the Triforce of Courage. Wizzro would probably plan to kidnap Link in a similar fashion he did with Zelda, but then he notices there are other Links in the Smash Realm and tries to capture them for Cia. It's still a WIP though.
You must be a 5 star chef because I love what you’re cooking up! Ehskcjfjd and omg I didn’t even realize that with Lana we officially have all three triforce pieces in the smash realm now! Who knows what trouble someone (probably Cia) might cause if they were to all get collected 😈 Lmao, or imagine the absolute monstrosity of a triforce it’d be if someone managed to collect every version of it from all the Zelda’s and Link’s triforces of courage/wisdom on top of it/hj


(Okay okay, this’ll be my last dumb doodle for the night/morning)
You must be a 5 star chef because I love what you’re cooking up! Ehskcjfjd and omg I didn’t even realize that with Lana we officially have all three triforce pieces in the smash realm now! Who knows what trouble someone (probably Cia) might cause if they were to all get collected 😈 Lmao, or imagine the absolute monstrosity of a triforce it’d be if someone managed to collect every version of it from all the Zelda’s and Link’s triforces of courage/wisdom on top of it/hj

View attachment 1167574

(Okay okay, this’ll be my last dumb doodle for the night/morning)
Awwww thank you!! 🥰 Lol I haven't had to write out detailed schemes like this in a while so I'm glad it tickles your fancy! And yeah when Cia "died" she left behind the Triforce of Power so Lana just yoinked it and kept it in a bubble for safe keeping. Lana's the only one who could break the barrier her bubble creates so they would have to force her to hand it over.

Pandemonium starts once Cia gets hold of the Triforce! And she finally gets her revenge on those who wronged her that is, until she inevitably gets beaten up by other Smashers bc they're the protagonists

Chat the first ever double-sided Triforce is born! (She gave the leftover Triforce piece to Wizzro and Volga bc it wouldn't fit)
Screenshot 2024-06-13 8.46.54 AM.png
This cooking indirectly reminded me of thoughts I had awhile back for a non Smash character I never added and now I’m being inspired again… curse you for this Shroomie! /j

Jokes aside, I love the thought put into things. It is very inspiring!
Cia has Wizzro and Volga, and now Lunaris, who is both a wizard and a dragon! A wizard lizard! 🧙‍♂️ 🦎

Lunaris: Dragon! Not lizard! I don’t do that tongue thing! (*does the tongue thing*)
This cooking indirectly reminded me of thoughts I had awhile back for a non Smash character I never added and now I’m being inspired again… curse you for this Shroomie! /j

Jokes aside, I love the thought put into things. It is very inspiring!
AH NOES I'VE BEEN CURSED, my cooking has been uncooked!! 😭😩

But fr, thank you! I'm glad my devious planning is inspiring others! If I may, who was this non-Smash character?
Cia has Wizzro and Volga, and now Lunaris, who is both a wizard and a dragon! A wizard lizard! 🧙‍♂️ 🦎

Lunaris: Dragon! Not lizard! I don’t do that tongue thing! (*does the tongue thing*)
ehejfhbehfg is it bad that my mind immediately thought of Pen Pineapple Apple Pen??? 🤠

Volga and Lunaris would probably get along very well! Lol they're both dragons and they both have those goat beards jbefgfhg

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