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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Off topic but Persona 3 Reload just got its DLC and Joker was added as an optional boss fight. It has reminded me why he can’t just be running around with Satanael here LOL

Apparently he can't have Arsene and a gun either cuz he be doing this shit too LOL

In conclusion, Joker is a lil shithead and now I'll stop bringing this up cuz I've said enough
Let me know if I cooked or not, boss 😤 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
The room is filled with the soft glow of enchanted candles, casting flickering shadows on the walls covered with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts. Agahnim sits behind a large desk, a faint smile playing on his lips as he looks at Stefan, who stands in front of him with his arms crossed defensively. Agahnim has just heard about the "Masked Magician" and is eager to confront his apprentice.

Agahnim: (with an amused but knowing tone) So, Stefan... word around Castle Town is that a certain masked magician has been making quite the impression at the Harvest Festival—and beyond. Apparently, he’s also been dealing with some of Hyrule’s more... unsavory elements. I wonder, do you know anything about this character?

Stefan: (immediately defensive, avoiding eye contact) Me? A masked magician? Agahnim, please. If I were going to perform, I’d at least have the decency to, I don’t know, not get accused of petty theft afterward. That guy sounds like a real amateur.

Agahnim: (nodding slowly, trying to hide his smirk) Hmm, yes, yes, of course. It’s just that the descriptions I’ve heard—young, magically inclined, perhaps a bit theatrical—they sound strangely familiar.

Stefan: (shrugging) Could be anyone. There’s a lot of theatrical people in Hyrule, you know. Maybe it’s one of those traveling performers. You’re always saying how I should “expand my horizons” and “learn from others,” right? Maybe this magician’s doing exactly that.

Agahnim: (leaning back, resting his hands on his stomach) True, true. But this magician seems to show up every full moon. Quite the punctual fellow. And wouldn’t you know, you always seem particularly... energized around that time. Something about the moon affecting your magical strength, if I remember correctly?

Stefan: (a bit too quickly) Pure coincidence! I’m sure there’s a hundred people out there who feel the same. Full moons are, you know, very... magical. Everyone knows that.

Agahnim: (grinning now) Everyone does know that, Stefan. But not everyone has a Goron friend who’s been spotted with this mysterious magician, acting a bit... different. Now, what do you suppose Mugorl has been up to lately?

Stefan: (narrowing his eyes) Mugorl? Probably doing what all Gorons do—crushing rocks, rolling around, minding his own business. He’s definitely not getting involved in any moonlit performances or anything.

Agahnim: (playing along, stroking his chin) Of course. It just strikes me as odd that both you and Mugorl have been rather... busy on full moon nights. Busy, yet always returning with a bit more coin than when you left. I suppose that could just be lucky gambling at the tavern, yes?

Stefan: (sighing, his posture becoming more guarded) Look, Agahnim, we all have hobbies. Some people collect stamps, some people grow herbs. What I do with my spare time is my business. You’re not going to find me in the alleyways tossing rupees at merchants if that’s what you’re implying.

Agahnim: (leaning forward now, eyes twinkling) Oh, I’m not implying anything. Just... curious. But I suppose if you’re not involved, there’s nothing more to discuss. Perhaps I should ask Princess Zelda what she thinks of this masked magician. After all, she’s been seen at the festivals lately, and who better to ask about magical performances than the princess herself?

Stefan’s eyes widen for a split second, but he quickly narrows them again, glaring at Agahnim.

Stefan: (through gritted teeth) You wouldn’t.

Agahnim: (standing up with a grin) Oh, but I would. And you know, Zelda’s always been a terrible liar. Just one little question and she’ll spill everything.

Stefan: (panicking, trying to stay calm) She’s six! She doesn’t know anything about... moonlit magicians or, or... spontaneous pie theft! Besides, what would she even say?

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow, his tone playful) Oh, I’m sure she’d say plenty once I ask her about the pies, the butterflies, and the peculiar fire tricks. I can already picture her trying to hide that cheeky little grin of hers.

Stefan grits his teeth, visibly conflicted. He knows Zelda wouldn’t be able to keep the secret if Agahnim questions her. A bead of sweat forms on his brow, his mind racing.

Stefan: (muttering) You’re playing dirty, Agahnim.

Agahnim: (innocently) Who, me? I’m simply looking out for the wellbeing of Hyrule and its citizens. Someone has to ensure this masked menace doesn’t get out of hand.

Agahnim moves toward the door with purpose, clearly intending to go find Zelda. Stefan finally breaks, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Stefan: (exasperated) Fine! It’s me! I’m the magician! Happy now?

Agahnim: (turning slowly with a grin of triumph) Oh, very.

Stefan: (glaring) You’re insufferable, you know that? It’s harmless! I’m just putting on a show, maybe scaring a few bandits, and making some extra rupees on the side. What’s the big deal?

Agahnim: (seriously now) The big deal is that you’re running around Hyrule causing mischief with powerful magic, Stefan. You’re still learning, and while I trust your intentions, things can go wrong. And let’s not forget the part where you stole a pie.

Stefan: (rolling his eyes) It was one pie!

Agahnim: (mocking his tone) One pie today, a royal banquet tomorrow. These things escalate, Stefan.

Stefan: (grumbling) I’m not some common thief. Everything I’ve done has been for good reasons. The monsters I’ve taken care of? I’ve done more than half the guards around here!

Agahnim: (calmly) I’m not saying you haven’t done good, Stefan. I’m saying you need to be smarter about it. There’s a reason I’ve trained you carefully, and running off on full moon nights in disguise isn’t exactly the safest or wisest choice.

Stefan: (sighing) Alright, alright. I’ll ease up on the theatrics. But you have to admit, the people love it. It’s not all bad.

Agahnim: (softening) No, it’s not all bad. But you’re still grounded. I won’t have you running around unguarded, performing dangerous magic, and tempting fate.

Stefan: (groaning) Of course I’m grounded. Fine. But you know you loved the butterfly trick.

Agahnim: (smiling) I did. And Zelda? She’s completely enamored with Lunaris. You’ve made quite the impression.

Stefan: (smirking) Well, I guess if the princess is a fan...

Agahnim: (crossing his arms) Yes, well, she won’t be pleased when she hears you’re grounded.

Stefan: (shrugging) Eh, she’ll get over it. We can always plan our next escapade once I’m free again.

Agahnim: (sighing with a laugh) Why do I get the feeling you’ll never stop getting into trouble?

Stefan grins cheekily as Agahnim shakes his head, exasperated but fond. The two walk out of the study, their banter still echoing as they head into the halls of the castle, both aware that mischief is never far off when they’re involved.
Another great story! I was grinning throughout the entire thing! It'd be funny if there is a theme of Stefan getting grounded at the end of each story lol But oh, no! Agahnim knows about Mugorl! Hopefully he doesn't know that Mugorl is really a Moblin! Stefan can get into huge trouble if it's made public that he's friends with an enemy of Hyrule and has even allowed said enemy behind Hyrule walls!

Despite everything, Stefan still went out on full moon nights under the guise of Lunaris. It's the one thing that makes him really happy and feel worthwhile. As full moons typically happen once a month, he'd likely consider it a situation where it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. This can be the point where Stefan begins to really resent authority and openly rebel against it. Being constantly told that he can't do something, or that he's not ready yet, or that what he's doing isn't wise must grate on the nerves after some time, especially as a teenager.

Lol now I'm thinking of a scene of Sheba arriving at the apothecary to assist and learn from her grandmother, and Stefan and Agahnim seeing her for the first time. Agahnim notices Stefan's reaction and proceeds to troll him by going into Goofy Dad Mode.
View attachment 1184473
(Traced from that one Deltarune meme)
View attachment 1184474
Doobie aside, that Lunaris is adorable!

In all seriousness, I was imagining Stefan with a small pipe, or a hookah in his little hideaway.

Of course a dragon would enjoy smoking!
Apparently he can't have Arsene and a gun either cuz he be doing this shit too LOL

In conclusion, Joker is a lil shithead and now I'll stop bringing this up cuz I've said enough

The Simpsons GIF
Despite everything, Stefan still went out on full moon nights under the guise of Lunaris. It's the one thing that makes him really happy and feel worthwhile. As full moons typically happen once a month, he'd likely consider it a situation where it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. This can be the point where Stefan begins to really resent authority and openly rebel against it. Being constantly told that he can't do something, or that he's not ready yet, or that what he's doing isn't wise must grate on the nerves after some time, especially as a teenager.
Rebelling against authorities??? Being told what he is doing isn’t wise/okay??? Truly Stefan would have been a kindred spirit to Joker. I know we’ve said it before to me but sheesh the similarities stack up
Rebelling against authorities??? Being told what he is doing isn’t wise/okay??? Truly Stefan would have been a kindred spirit to Joker. I know we’ve said it before to me but sheesh the similarities stack up
Also having masked alter egos and connections to the supernatural! It's possible the two may even acknowledge this in the RP. Goes to show that anyone can become the hero or the villain.
Also having masked alter egos and connections to the supernatural! It's possible the two may even acknowledge this in the RP. Goes to show that anyone can become the hero or the villain.
This is a bit of a stretch but both of them were "chosen" in a way too. Stefan with his curse and Joker with becoming the wildcard. Obviously they're very different things but still chosen in some sense
Clearly this is why Joker is the main protag of the rp lol /j

Also random thought that I've had that is off topic, but I wanna throw out cuz it's been on my mind recently. I thought of there being a few times when Byleth is forced to use his ability to reverse time to gain favorable outcomes (maybe one of his allies was about to be kill/fatally wounded) and while nobody but him is aware of the rewind, Layton starts to notice some trend that Byleth ALWAYS has the solution and perfectly executes it every time. I couldn't help imagining Layton figuring it out and taking Byleth by surprise with it. Byleth ain't slick with it
This is a bit of a stretch but both of them were "chosen" in a way too. Stefan with his curse and Joker with becoming the wildcard. Obviously they're very different things but still chosen in some sense
Clearly this is why Joker is the main protag of the rp lol /j

Also random thought that I've had that is off topic, but I wanna throw out cuz it's been on my mind recently. I thought of there being a few times when Byleth is forced to use his ability to reverse time to gain favorable outcomes (maybe one of his allies was about to be kill/fatally wounded) and while nobody but him is aware of the rewind, Layton starts to notice some trend that Byleth ALWAYS has the solution and perfectly executes it every time. I couldn't help imagining Layton figuring it out and taking Byleth by surprise with it. Byleth ain't slick with it
Now I'm trying to imagine Stefan/Lunaris as a Persona character! I don't know how much going into the Metaverse can change a person so this may not even be possible, but imagine a sickly, wheelchair-bound teen taking the alter ego of a masked magician after entering it.

That would be interesting! I've little doubt that if Byleth were to regularly use his rewind ability that Layton would eventually catch on. Time manipulation is something he actually has had a little bit of experience with, as we'll see when I stream Unwound Future.
Now I'm trying to imagine Stefan/Lunaris as a Persona character! I don't know how much going into the Metaverse can change a person so this may not even be possible, but imagine a sickly, wheelchair-bound teen taking the alter ego of a masked magician after entering it.

That would be interesting! I've little doubt that if Byleth were to regularly use his rewind ability that Layton would eventually catch on. Time manipulation is something he actually has had a little bit of experience with, as we'll see when I stream Unwound Future.
Honestly something like that isn't even explored in P5 itself though no harm in having fun thoughts. It'd be a fun concept! I could even see him having a persona based on the Night Dragon (or even Blight Dragon) as a nod to his character. There's also the existing persona Kohryu which is a dragon too though would be less meaningful

After seeing how Layton solved stuff in the second game I already had no doubt he could figure out Byleth's powers but now knowing he has experience with time manipulation to some extent only makes it an absolute LOL
Lol now I'm thinking of a scene of Sheba arriving at the apothecary to assist and learn from her grandmother, and Stefan and Agahnim seeing her for the first time. Agahnim notices Stefan's reaction and proceeds to troll him by going into Goofy Dad Mode.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lol now I'm imagining something like this between the three:

Honestly something like that isn't even explored in P5 itself though no harm in having fun thoughts. It'd be a fun concept! I could even see him having a persona based on the Night Dragon (or even Blight Dragon) as a nod to his character. There's also the existing persona Kohryu which is a dragon too though would be less meaningful

After seeing how Layton solved stuff in the second game I already had no doubt he could figure out Byleth's powers but now knowing he has experience with time manipulation to some extent only makes it an absolute LOL
Personas are based off beings in religion and mythology, right? Some time I'll have to see if there's one that would fit Stefan/Lunaris.

I had to nerf Layton by not letting him have his trunk. Clearly, he'd be too OP for the RP if he had his smarts AND his trunk! Pillars would all be found and Lunaris defeated within 5 minutes! 8P I can see Layton having a sense of deja-vu every time Byleth uses his Rewind ability. Couple that with Byleth always anticipating what will happen and knowing what to do and I think Layton would connect the dots easily.
Personas are based off beings in religion and mythology, right? Some time I'll have to see if there's one that would fit Stefan/Lunaris.

I had to nerf Layton by not letting him have his trunk. Clearly, he'd be too OP for the RP if he had his smarts AND his trunk! Pillars would all be found and Lunaris defeated within 5 minutes! 8P I can see Layton having a sense of deja-vu every time Byleth uses his Rewind ability. Couple that with Byleth always anticipating what will happen and knowing what to do and I think Layton would connect the dots easily.
Not necessarily. There are lots of things they base them off of though a big majority does come from religion/mythology but it’s definitely not limited to such. Some are based off prominent figures in history, folklore/fairytales, or in the case of most the base personas for each P5 character, rebels/trickers/phantom thieves. There really aren’t a lot of limitations on it. I mean one of the P5 cast has what is essentially Cinderella as her persona and Joker himself has Arsene who’s based off a fictional character. So if you ever do feel inspired to think on it don’t feel like you gotta stick to just mythology or religion

The trunk would make things too easy. None of the Smash Bros would even matter if it was present! But also the thought of Byleth being the puzzle all along is funny to me. He gets used to Layton talking about puzzles only to be blindsided that those puzzles were all leading up yo figuring him out
I love the thought of Byleth being the puzzle. The fellow is unaware that Layton has been carefully observing him the entire time, taking note of every little detail.

It doesn’t take Byleth long to figure out why the stranger who brought Layton to the Smash Realm sought his help.
oooooo, I like this! How would you describe Sheba?
A sweet girl around Stefan’s age. So gentle that she can even patch up a butterfly’s wing. She probably had a lot of practice mixing medicine and tending to aches and injuries through Stefan. He was the perfect training dummy and guinea pig, which he didn’t mind at all.

Guys pretended to be ill or hurt just so they can be close to her. Sheba’s sharp as a tack, though, and had little patience for such foolishness. There are people out there who genuinely need her help, and these fellows are wasting valuable time and medicine.

Obviously through the RP we know Sheba and Stefan didn’t work out. I haven’t yet worked out all the details, whether they dated at all, or Stefan’s love was unrequited, or that Stefan never made an attempt to pursue her. Maybe I’ll leave it open-ended.

I do love the thought of Agahnim making sure either he, Shiri, or Zelda is with Stefan when he’s around Sheba because he knows what kind of boy he is and wants to avoid any issues in the future lol
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I love the thought of Byleth being the puzzle. The fellow is unaware that Layton has been carefully observing him the entire time, taking note of every little detail.

It doesn’t take Byleth long to figure out why the stranger who brought Layton to the Smash Realm sought his help.
Byleth doesn't know whether to be concerned or impressed by Layton figuring him out like that. He's not used to people knowing he has such powers especially since he knows it's a danger if they did cuz they seek to manipulate him for themselves. Obviously he's not worried Layton would do that too him at all, but he definitely doesn't want it getting out there.

He understands the power which Layton brings. It may not be combat heavy like others but being able to solve and work through various clues definitely is way more handy than Byleth thought
Now I’ve the idea of Byleth poking random places and objects in hopes of finding Hint Coins. The other Smash Bros. watch this, not understanding.

Too bad Bowser and Ridley’s players left. Layton confronting such villains and having to use his smarts to get the advantage would have been neat to see in the RP.
Too bad Bowser and Ridley’s players left. Layton confronting such villains and having to use his smarts to get the advantage would have been neat to see in the RP.
I miss, ma boi, Dev 😔 But hey, we aren't completely without villains at the very least. You still got Lunaris' Posse. I got baddies galore in my back pockets and Sephiroth is roaming around the place ready to f*ck shit up for his moma's approval lmao. Enough chances for Layton to sleuth about
I miss, ma boi, Dev 😔 But hey, we aren't completely without villains at the very least. You still got Lunaris' Posse. I got baddies galore in my back pockets and Sephiroth is roaming around the place ready to f*ck shit up for his moma's approval lmao. Enough chances for Layton to sleuth about
Hide yo blondes hide yo flower girls hide yo magicians :3
Now I’ve the idea of Byleth poking random places and objects in hopes of finding Hint Coins. The other Smash Bros. watch this, not understanding.

Too bad Bowser and Ridley’s players left. Layton confronting such villains and having to use his smarts to get the advantage would have been neat to see in the RP.
Would be funny if Layton got distracted by puzzles all the time but Byleth got distracted by Hint Coins because he sees how useful they can be!

Also off topic, but I got in a mood last night and sketched this because it had been awhile since I had drawn them
Lol Joker meets Layton for the first time and is like, “Where were you when we were solving the riddle?!?!”
Lol Joker meets Layton for the first time and is like, “Where were you when we were solving the riddle?!?!”
Maybe, but he also would take into consideration Layton does not know the Smash Bros so even though he's good at puzzles it wouldn't help pick people out necessarily
Maybe, but he also would take into consideration Layton does not know the Smash Bros so even though he's good at puzzles it wouldn't help pick people out necessarily
Team Woomy is gathered around Layton, watching with anticipation as he reads the riddle, a hand on his chin and expression focused. After a moment, he looks to the group and says, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I cannot solve this puzzle."

Everyone flips out and demands to know why. Layton smiles and replies in his typical placid tone, "Unfortunately, I've not yet had the pleasure of making your friends' acquaintance."

Team Woomy does a funny anime faint!

Despite everything, Stefan still went out on full moon nights under the guise of Lunaris. It's the one thing that makes him really happy and feel worthwhile. As full moons typically happen once a month, he'd likely consider it a situation where it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. This can be the point where Stefan begins to really resent authority and openly rebel against it. Being constantly told that he can't do something, or that he's not ready yet, or that what he's doing isn't wise must grate on the nerves after some time, especially as a teenager.

A thought I had today was a what-if that Stefan's performance at the Harvest Festival was the start of things going downhill. Despite Agahnim's objections, Stefan continues going out on full moon nights under the alias Lunaris. He is so fed up with constantly being shot down and restrained that he has begun openly rebelling against his elders, and this leads to a schism between him and Agahnim. On top of that, the folks in charge at Hyrule Castle expressed disapproval of Stefan's methods for teaching Zelda magic, as well as believing him a poor role model, and made the decision that he be removed as her tutor. He and Sheba didn't work out either for one reason or another. Stefan eventually comes to the conclusion that there is nothing left for him in Hyrule, and decides one night to take his chances and run away. He and Mugorl will travel, become stronger, and shape their own future!

Poor Agahnim is angry, worried sick, and maybe heartbroken. Despite everything, that's his boy! This may leave him vulnerable to Ganon's influence.

A few years later, Lunaris and Mugorl, now adults and seasoned adventurers, return to Hyrule to find things changed for the worse. Lunaris notices his acquaintances among the Hyrulean Military are under some kind of powerful mind control magic. Ganon, through Agahnim, sees Lunaris and knows exactly what he is, and does not let him slip through his clutches. Mugorl, being a Moblin, is compelled to serve Ganon. The both of them returned home only to become prisoners.

This isn't part of Lunaris's backstory for reasons, but it's an alternate scenario that came to mind.
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